#include "ELYSE/TrackingAction.hh" //Geant4 #include "G4ParticleTable.hh" #include "G4ParticleTypes.hh" #include "G4TrackingManager.hh" #include "G4Track.hh" #include "G4ios.hh" #include "G4VProcess.hh" //ELYSE #include "ELYSE/Trajectory.hh" #include "ELYSE/TrackInformation.hh" #include "ELYSE/TrackingActionMessenger.hh" ELYSE::TrackingAction::TrackingAction() { ProcessList.insert("eIoni") ; G4ParticleTable* particleTable = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable(); ParticleList.insert(particleTable->FindParticle("e-")->GetPDGEncoding()); ParticleList.insert(particleTable->FindParticle("e+")->GetPDGEncoding()); // don't put gammas there or there'll be too many messenger = new TrackingActionMessenger(this); }//Ctor //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELYSE::TrackingAction::~TrackingAction(){ //JEC 24/1/06 delete messenger; messenger = 0; }//Dtor //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ELYSE::TrackingAction::PreUserTrackingAction(const G4Track* aTrack) { G4ParticleDefinition* particleType = aTrack->GetDefinition(); G4String particleName = particleType->GetParticleName(); fpTrackingManager->SetStoreTrajectory(false); //Track default: no custom or G4Trajectories //-----------optical photon: store trajectory objects G4cout << "(JEC) PreUserTrackingAction (" << particleName << ") and DrawOptical = " << drawOpticalPhoton << G4endl; if(!drawOpticalPhoton && (particleName == "opticalphoton") )return; if(drawOpticalPhoton && (particleName == "opticalphoton") ){ G4cout << "(JEC) PreUserTrackingAction: Optical--ParentID : " << aTrack->GetParentID() << G4endl; Trajectory* aTrajectory = new Trajectory(aTrack); fpTrackingManager->SetTrajectory(aTrajectory); fpTrackingManager->SetStoreTrajectory(true); //(JEC) 14/12/05 keep it and delete it a posteriori // only if it has not produced a hit TrackInformation* aInfo = new TrackInformation(aTrack); fpTrackingManager->SetUserTrackInformation(aInfo); return; }//eo optical photon //-----------other particle: store trajectory objects // A priori some tracks are worth to be saved // is it a primary ? // is the process in the set ? // is the particle in the set ? // is it a gamma with enough energy // due to lazy evaluation of the 'or' in C++ the order is important const G4VProcess* creatorProcess = aTrack->GetCreatorProcess(); G4double thresholdTobeSaved = 0.*keV; //JEC FIXME put in the messenger G4cout << "(JEC) PreUserTrackingAction (" << particleName << " ParentID " << aTrack->GetParentID(); if (creatorProcess!=0) G4cout << ") and Process Name " << creatorProcess->GetProcessName(); G4cout << G4endl; //JEC 20/2/06 debug: keep all particle for the moment // if( ( aTrack->GetParentID() == 0 ) || // ( (creatorProcess!=0) && ProcessList.count(creatorProcess->GetProcessName()) ) || // ( ParticleList.count(particleType->GetPDGEncoding()) ) || // ( (particleType->GetPDGEncoding() == 22) && (aTrack->GetTotalEnergy() > thresholdTobeSaved) ) ) { //G4cout <<"Pre Tracking::particle = " << particleName // << " " << aTrack << G4endl; Trajectory* aTrajectory = new Trajectory(aTrack); fpTrackingManager->SetTrajectory(aTrajectory); fpTrackingManager->SetStoreTrajectory(true); return; // }//eo particles }//PreUserTrackingAction //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ELYSE::TrackingAction::PostUserTrackingAction(const G4Track* aTrack) { //-----------Check StoreTrajectory for particle : true or false? G4bool storetrajectory = fpTrackingManager->GetStoreTrajectory(); if(!storetrajectory)return; G4ParticleDefinition* particleType = aTrack->GetDefinition(); G4String particleName = particleType->GetParticleName(); //-----------opticalphoton //---------------do not store it if it is not detected by the Tyvek if ( particleName == "opticalphoton" ) { TrackInformation* aInfo = (TrackInformation*)(aTrack->GetUserInformation()); //G4cout <<"PostTracking::opticalphoton = " // << particleName << " " << aTrack << " " << aInfo << G4endl; //------------- produced or not a hit: if not remove and return if ( !(aInfo->GetTrackStatus() & hitProduced) ) { //JEC temporary fpTrackingManager->SetStoreTrajectory(false); return; } }//eo optical photon //-----------Get the trajectory from TrackingManager //---------------and fill in //G4cout <<"PostTracking::particles = " // << particleName << " " << aTrack << G4endl; Trajectory *currentTrajectory = (Trajectory*)fpTrackingManager->GimmeTrajectory(); G4ThreeVector currentPosition = aTrack->GetPosition(); G4VPhysicalVolume* currentVolume = aTrack->GetVolume(); currentTrajectory->SetStoppingPoint(currentPosition); currentTrajectory->SetStoppingVolume(currentVolume); currentTrajectory->SetSaveFlag(true); //For saving into Tuple (see EventAction) //JEC to be fixed the above flag should not be needed now }//PostUserTrackingAction