// Usage : // OS> cd /ELYSE//cmt // OS> source setup.csh // OS> ..//ELYSE_batch.exe // OS> root ../scripts/ROOT/ELYSE.C // // Note : // The ELYSE_batch.exe program produces a ELYSE.root file. // This file sould have been produced with the "export=root" // option when creating the AIDA::ITree for this file // (see ELYSE::Analysis constructor). // By default the Lab package does not stream its histograms // as THs of ROOT (because the AIDA histos are more rich). // In ordet that ROOT plot the saved histos, the Lab::Histograms // can be saved as THs by using the "export=root" option. { TFile* file = new TFile("ELYSE.root"); file->ls(); //TH1F* histoDE = file->Get("histo_DE"); TH1F* histo = file->Get("histo_HitTotalE"); TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas("canvas","TH1D",10,10,800,600); histo->Draw(); canvas->Update(); file->Close(); }