{ gROOT->LoadMacro("Compare.C++"); TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Contour",100,100,600,600); c1->SetGridx(); c1->SetGridy(); //Original TFile* file1 = new TFile("./Mauro/Original/SPLHierTOctTv2.root"); TTree* tree1 = (TTree*)file1->Get("SplGlb"); Compare* comp1 = new Compare(tree1,"h1"); comp1->Loop(); TH2D* h1 = comp1->GetHisto(); // h1->SetTitle("Hier^{tr} Oct^{tr}"); h1->SetXTitle("sin^{2}(2#theta_{13})"); h1->SetYTitle("#delta_{CP}/#pi"); h1->SetContour(1); h1->SetContourLevel(0,4.605); //Chi2 for 2 dof and 90% CL h1->SetLineColor(2); //red h1->Draw("CONT3"); // TH2D h1bis; // h1->Copy(h1bis); // h1bis.SetContour(1); // h1bis.SetContourLevel(0,6.0); //Chi2 for 2 dof and 95% CL // h1bis.SetLineColor(2); //red // h1bis.SetLineStyle(2); //dashed // h1bis.Draw("CONT3 SAME"); //Second to be compared TFile* file2 = new TFile("./SPLHierTOctFv2.root"); TTree* tree2 = (TTree*)file2->Get("SplGlb"); Compare* comp2 = new Compare(tree2,"h2"); comp2->Loop(); TH2D* h2 = comp2->GetHisto(); h2->SetContour(1); h2->SetContourLevel(0,4.605); h2->SetLineStyle(1); //full h2->SetLineColor(4); //blue h2->Draw("CONT3 SAME"); // TH2D h2bis; // h2->Copy(h2bis); // h2bis.SetContour(1); // h2bis.SetContourLevel(0,6.0); //Chi2 for 2 dof and 95% CL // h2bis.SetLineColor(4); //blue // h2bis.SetLineStyle(2); //dashed // h2bis.Draw("CONT3 SAME"); // //Third to be compared // TFile* file3 = new TFile("./Mauro/Original/SPLHierFOctT.root"); // TTree* tree3 = (TTree*)file3->Get("SplGlb"); // Compare* comp3 = new Compare(tree3,"h3"); // comp3->Loop(); // TH2D* h3 = comp3->GetHisto(); // h3->SetContour(1); // h3->SetContourLevel(0,4.605); // h3->SetLineColor(3); //green // h3->Draw("CONT3 SAME"); // //Fourth to be compared // TFile* file4 = new TFile("./Mauro/Original/SPLHierFOctF.root"); // TTree* tree4 = (TTree*)file4->Get("SplGlb"); // Compare* comp4 = new Compare(tree4,"h4"); // comp4->Loop(); // TH2D* h4 = comp4->GetHisto(); // h4->SetContour(1); // h4->SetContourLevel(0,4.605); // h4->SetLineColor(5); //yellow // h4->Draw("CONT3 SAME"); //Draw True sin2(2theta) delta/pi (Hierarchy = T && Octant = T) double x[1] = {0.03}; double y[1] = {-0.85}; TGraph* true_value = new TGraph(1,x,y); true_value->Draw("*"); c1->Update(); }