{ int nSin2q23; double sin2Min; double sin2Max; int nDm31; double dm31Min; double dm31Max; std::ifstream fileDataCard; fileDataCard.open("./dm31th23.data"); std::string DUMMYSTR; //comment string of the variables std::string ROOTFILENAME; double DUMMYVAR; //not used variable fileDataCard >> DUMMYSTR >> DUMMYVAR; fileDataCard >> DUMMYSTR >> DUMMYVAR; fileDataCard >> DUMMYSTR >> DUMMYVAR; fileDataCard >> DUMMYSTR >> DUMMYVAR; fileDataCard >> DUMMYSTR >> DUMMYVAR; fileDataCard >> DUMMYSTR >> DUMMYVAR; fileDataCard >> DUMMYSTR >> ROOTFILENAME; ROOTFILENAME += ".root"; std::cout << DUMMYSTR <> DUMMYSTR >> nDm31; std::cout << DUMMYSTR << nDm31 << std::endl; fileDataCard >> DUMMYSTR >> nSin2q23; std::cout << DUMMYSTR << nSin2q23 << std::endl; fileDataCard >> DUMMYSTR >> dm31Min; std::cout << DUMMYSTR << dm31Min << std::endl; fileDataCard >> DUMMYSTR >> dm31Max; std::cout << DUMMYSTR << dm31Max << std::endl; fileDataCard >> DUMMYSTR >> sin2Min; std::cout << DUMMYSTR << sin2Min << std::endl; fileDataCard >> DUMMYSTR >> sin2Max; std::cout << DUMMYSTR << sin2Max << std::endl; Double_t sin2BinWidth = (sin2Max - sin2Min)/double(nSin2q23-1.); Double_t sin2EdgeMax = sin2Max + sin2BinWidth/2.; Double_t sin2EdgeMin = sin2Min - sin2BinWidth/2.; Double_t dm31BinWidth = (dm31Max - dm31Min)/double(nDm31-1.); Double_t dm31EdgeMax = dm31Max + dm31BinWidth/2.; Double_t dm31EdgeMin = dm31Min - dm31BinWidth/2.; TLegend* leg = new TLegend(0.4,0.7,0.9,0.9); leg->SetTextFont(gStyle->GetTextFont()); leg->SetTextSize(0.07); leg->SetFillColor(10); TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Contour",100,100,600,600); c1->SetGridx(); c1->SetGridy(); TH2D* hdum = new TH2D("hdum","", nSin2q23,sin2Min,sin2Max, nDm31,dm31Min,dm31Max ); hdum->SetYTitle("#Delta m^{2}_{31} (eV^{2})"); hdum->SetXTitle("sin^{2}(#theta_{23})"); TGaxis::SetMaxDigits(3); hdum->Draw(); TPad *overlay = new TPad("overlay","", gStyle->GetPadLeftMargin(), gStyle->GetPadBottomMargin(), 1-gStyle->GetPadRightMargin(), 1-gStyle->GetPadTopMargin()); overlay->SetFillStyle(4000); overlay->Draw(); overlay->Range(sin2Min,dm31Min,sin2Max,dm31Max); TFile f1(ROOTFILENAME.data()); TTree* tree1 = (TTree*)f1.Get("SplGlb"); TH2D* histo1 = new TH2D("histo1","Dm_{31} vs sin^{2} th23", nSin2q23,sin2EdgeMin,sin2EdgeMax, nDm31,dm31EdgeMin,dm31EdgeMax ); tree1->Project(histo1->GetName(),"dm31:pow(sin(theta23),2)","chi2"); histo1->SetContour(1); histo1->SetContourLevel(0,1.); //Chi2 for 1 dof and 1sigma //histo1->SetContourLevel(0,4); //Chi2 for 1 dof and 2sigma //histo1->SetContourLevel(0,9); //Chi2 for 1 dof and 3sigma histo1->SetLineColor(2); //red overlay->cd(); histo1->Draw("CONT3 SAME"); leg->AddEntry(histo1,"1#sigma 5yrs (+)","l"); // TH2D* h1bis = histo1->Clone("h1bis"); // h1bis->SetContour(1); // h1bis->SetContourLevel(0,9); //Chi2 for 1 dof and 3sigma // overlay->cd(); // h1bis->SetLineColor(4); //blue // h1bis->Draw("CONT3 SAME"); // leg->AddEntry(h1bis,"1#sigma 5yrs (+)","l"); int n0 = 1; //2sigma //sin^2(theta23) = 0.44 * (1+0.41-0.22) //dm^2_31 = 2.4 * (1 +0.21 -0.26) 10^-3 eV^2 //3sigma errors float sin2th0[n0] = {0.44}; float dm310[n0] = {2.4e-3}; float esin2th0_inf[n0] = {0.115}; float esin2th0_sup[n0] = {0.211}; float edm310_inf[n0] = {0.875e-3}; float edm310_sup[n0] = {0.792e-3}; // TGraphAsymmErrors* point = new TGraphAsymmErrors(n0,sin2th0,dm310, // esin2th0_inf,esin2th0_sup, // edm310_inf,edm310_sup); // point->SetMarkerColor(4); // point->SetMarkerStyle(21); // leg->AddEntry(point,"3#sigma Global Adjust.","p"); TMarker* point = new TMarker(sin2th0[0],dm310[0],21); point->Draw("SAME P"); // TPaveLabel* text = new TPaveLabel(-3.7,1.,-2.7,1.1,"true sin^{2}(#theta_{23})=0.4"); // text->SetBorderSize(0); // text->SetFillColor(10); // text->SetTextSize(1.0); // text->Draw("SAME"); // TLatex* txt1 = new TLatex(-3.7,0.2,"3#sigma"); // txt1->SetTextSize(0.1); // txt1->Draw(); leg->Draw("SAME"); overlay->Update(); TCanvas c2; histo1->Draw("SURF"); }