\documentclass{JINST} \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} \graphicspath{{figures/}} \usepackage[figuresright]{rotating} %\usepackage{graphicx} %\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{eurosym} %\usepackage{rotating} %\usepackage[dvips]{color} %used explicitly in the text \newcommand{\refTab}[1]{Tab.~\ref{#1}} \newcommand{\refFig}[1]{Fig.~\ref{#1}} \newcommand{\refSec}[1]{Sec.~\ref{#1}} \title{PARISROC, a Photomultiplier Array Integrated Readout Chip.} % \author{S. Conforti$^a$, Second Author$^b$\thanks{Corresponding author.}~ and Third Author$^b$\\ \llap{$^a$}Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire, IN2P3-CNRS, Université Paris-Sud 11, Bât. 200, 91898 Orsay Cedex, France\\ \llap{$^b$}Name of Institute,\\ Address, Country\\ E-mail: \email{conforti@lal.in2p3.fr}} \abstract{ PARISROC is a complete read out chip, in AMS SiGe 0.35 \begin{math}\mu{}\end{math}m technology \cite{Genolini:2008uc} %[1] , for photomultipliers array. It allows triggerless acquisition for next generation neutrino experiments and it belongs to an R\&D program funded by French national agency for research (ANR) called PMm2: "`Innovative electronics for photodetectors array used in High Energy Physics and Astroparticles"' \cite{PMm2Site:2006} %[2] (ref.ANR-06-BLAN-0186). The ASIC integrates 16 independent and auto triggered channels with variable gain and provides charge and time measurement by a 12-bit ADC and a 24-bit Counter. The charge measurement should be performed from 1 up to 300 pe with a good linearity. The time measurement allowed to a coarse time with a 24-bit counter at 10 MHz and a fine time on a 100ns ramp to achieve a resolution of 1 ns. The ASIC sends out only the relevant data through network cables to the central data storage. }%end of abstract %\pacs{13.30.a,14.20.Dh,14.60.Pq,26.65.t+,29.40.Gx,29.40.Ka,29.40.Mc,95.55.Vj,95.85.Ry, %97.60.Bw} %\submitto{Journal of Instrumentation} \keywords{Keyword1; Keyword2; Keyword3} \begin{document} %use BST file provided by SPIRES for JHEP and modify it to forbid "to lower case" title \bibliographystyle{Campagne} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Introduction} \label{sec:Intro} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The PMm2 project: "`Innovative electronics for photodetectors array used in High Energy Physics and Astroparticles"' \cite{PMm2Site:2006} %[2] proposes to segment the large surface of photodetection in macro pixel consisting of an array of 16 photomultipliers connected to an autonomous front-end electronics () and powered by a common High Voltage. These large detectors are used in next generation proton decay and neutrino experiment (i.e. the post-SuperKamiokande detectors as those that will take place in megaton size water tanks) and will require very large surfaces of photo detection and a large volume of data. The micro-electronics group's (OMEGA from the LAL at Orsay) purpose is the front-end electronics conception and realization. This R\&D \cite{PMm2Site:2006} %[2] involves three French laboratories (LAL Orsay, LAPP Annecy, IPN Orsay) and ULB Bruxells for the DAQ. It is funded for three years by the French National Agency for Research (ANR) under the reference ANR-06-BLAN-0186. LAL Orsay is in charge of the design and tests of the readout chip named PARISROC which stands for Photomultiplier ARrray Integrated in Si-Ge Read Out Chip. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img1.jpg} \caption{Principal of PMm2 proposal for megaton scale Cerenkov water tank.} \label{fig:1} \end{center} \end{figure} The detectors such as SuperKamiokande, are large tanks covered by a significant number of large photomultipliers (20"), the next generation neutrino experiments will require a bigger surface of photo detection and thus more photomultipliers. As a consequence the total cost has an important relief \cite{Genolini:2008uc}. \begin{itemize} \item A smaller number of electronics, thanks to the 16 PMTs macropixel with a common electronics, even if it induces more electronic channels; \item A common High Voltage for the 16 PMTs so a reduced number of underwater cables, cables that are also used to brought the DATA to the surface; \item The front-end closed to the PMTs that allow a suppression of underwater connector. \end{itemize} The general principle of PMm2 project is that the ASIC and a FPGA manage the dialog between the PMTs and the surface controller (\refFig{fig:2}). \begin{figure}[!!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img2.jpg} \caption{Principle of the PMm2 project.} \label{fig:2} \end{figure} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{PARISROC architecture} \label{sec:PARISROCArchi} The ASIC Parisroc is composed of 16 analogue channels managed by a common digital part (\refFig{fig:3}). \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img3.jpg} \caption{PARISROC global schematic.} \label{fig:3} \end{figure} Each analogue channel is made of a low noise preamplifier with variable and adjustable gain. The variable gain is common for all channels and it can change from 8 to 1 on 4 bits. The gain is also tuneable channel by channel to adjust the input detector's gain, up to a factor 4 to an accuracy of 7\% with 8 bits. The preamplifier is followed by a slow channel for the charge measurement in parallel with a fast channel for the trigger output. The slow channel is made by a slow shaper followed by an analogue memory with a depth of 2 to provide a linear charge measurement up to 50~pC; this charge is converted by a 12-bits Wilkinson ADC. One follower OTA is added to deliver an analogue multiplexed charge measurement. The fast channel consists in a fast shaper (15~ns) followed by 2 low offset discriminators to auto-trig down to 50~fC. The thresholds are loaded by 2 internal 10-bit DACs common for the 16 channels and an individual 4bit DAC for one discriminator. The 2 discriminator outputs are multiplexed to provide only 16 trigger outputs. Each output trigger is latched to hold the state of the response until the end of the clock cycle. It is also delayed to open the hold switch at the maximum of the slow shaper. An "`OR"' of the 16 trigger gives a 17th output. For each channel, a fine time measurement is made by an analogue memory with depth of 2 which samples a 12-bit ramp, common for all channels, at the same time of the charge. This time is then converted by a 12 bit Wilkinson ADC. The two ADC discriminators have a common ramp, of 8/10/12 bits, as threshold to convert the charge and the fine time. In addition a bandgap bloc provides all voltage references. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img4.jpg} \caption{PARISROC Layout.} \label{fig:4} \end{figure} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Analogue Channel description and simulations} \label{ssec:AnalogChannel} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \refFig{fig:5} represents, in a schematic way, the detail of one channel analogue part. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img5.jpg} \caption{PARISROC one channel analogue part schematic.} \label{fig:5} \end{figure} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Preamplifier} \label{ssec:Preamplifier} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The input preamplifier is a low noise preamplifier with variable gain thanks to the switched input ($C_{in}$) and feedback ($C_f$) capacitors that can be adjusted (\refFig{fig:6}). This gain can vary changing $C_{in}$, which is common to the 16 channels, over 4 bits and $C_{f}$, to adjust preamplifier gain channel by channel. This adjustment allows correction of the PMT gain dispersion due to a use of a common HV. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img6.jpg} \caption{PARISROC preamplifier schematic.} \label{fig:6} \end{figure} The preamplifier is designed as a voltage preamplifier in p-type Cascode structure to allow the acquisition of a fast input signal with a large dynamic range. The input transistor is a PMOS in common source configuration: $W = 800~\mu$m; $L = 0.35~\mu$m; the big input transistor is chosen to keep the preamplifier noise contribution low and to achieve a high gm. It supplies the output (the drain terminal) to the input terminal (source terminal) of the second stage transistor: $W = 100~\mu$m; $L = 0.35~\mu$m; the output transistor must be small to reach preamplifier high speed performances. The utility of the cascode preamplifier is in the large input impedance of the common source (with also the characteristic of Current Buffer) and better frequency response of a common Gate. An output buffer stage is designed in order to adapt the output impedance to the loaded impedance. The input dc level is high (about 2.6~V) while the output dc level is low (about 1~V). Because of the single side structure of preamplifier, it is hard to use the external reference voltage to set the dc operating point; the idea is to use an OTA as the dc feedback amplifier. In \refFig{fig:7} are shown preamplifier's output waveforms for fixed gain and different input signal (left panel) and for fixed input signal and different preamplifier gain (right panel). \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{rl} \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img7a.jpg} & \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img7b.jpg} \end{tabular} \caption{Simulated preamplifier output waveforms for different input signals with fixed gain (left panel) and for fixed input signal at different gain (different input capacitor values (right panel).} \label{fig:7} \end{figure} The input signal, used in simulation, is a triangle signal with 4.5~ns rise and fall time and 5~ns of duration as shown in \refFig{fig:8}. This current signal is sent to an external resistor (50~Ohms) and varies from 0 to 5~mA in order to simulate a PMT charge from 0 to 50~pC which represents 0 to 300 photo-electrons when the PM gain is $10^{6}$. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img8.jpg} \caption{Simulation input signal.} \label{fig:8} \end{figure} The \refFig{fig:9} displays the input dynamic range allowed to the preamplifier linearity performance. \refTab{tab:1} lists the residuals obtained for different gains and shows a good linearity (better than $\pm 1\%$). \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img9.jpg} \caption{Preamplifier linearity.} \label{fig:9} \end{figure} \begin{table} \centering \caption{TO BE COMPLETED} \label{tab:1} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline $G_{pa}$ & $V_{out-max}$ & $Qi_{max}/n_{pe}$ & Residuals (\%) \\ \hline 8 & 1.394~V & 40~pC/250~pe & -0.6 to 0.2 \\ 4 & 0.841~V & 48~pC/300~pe & -0.1 to 0.3 \\ 2 & 0.417~V & 48~pC/300~pe & -0.2 to 0.3 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} The \refFig{fig:10} displays the preamplifier noise with an rms value of 13~fC and a Signal to Noise ratio of $\approx 12$. \refTab{tab:2} summarizes the results obtained. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img10.jpg} \caption{Preamplifier noise simulation; $G_{pa}=8$; $C_{in}=4$~pF and $C_{f}=0.5$~pF.} \label{fig:10} \end{figure} \begin{table} \centering \caption{TO BE COMPLETED} \label{tab:2} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline RMS & SNR & $V_{out}(1 p.e)$ \\ \hline $468~\mu$V ($\approx 1/12$~p.e, $\approx 13$~fC ) & 11.6 & 5.43~mV\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Trigger output} \label{ssec:Trigger} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The PARISROC is a self-triggered device. The fast channel has been conceived for this purpose.The amplified signal flows in a fast shaper that is a CRRC filter with a time constant of 15~ns. Its high gain allows to send high signal to the discriminator and thus to trigger easily on 1/3 of photo-electron. It has a classical design: differential pair is followed by a buffer. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img11.jpg} \caption{Fast shaper schematics.} \label{fig:11} \end{figure} The \refFig{fig:12} represents the fast shaper output waveforms for a variable input signal. The \refTab{tab:3} lists the fast shaper principal characteristics obtained in simulation. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{rl} \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img12a.jpg} & \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img12b.jpg} \end{tabular} \caption{Simulated fast shaper outputs ($G_{pa} = 8$ with input from 1-10~pe (left panel) and from 1/3~pe to 2~pe (right panel).} \label{fig:12} \end{figure} \begin{table} \centering \caption{To be completed} \label{tab:3} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline RMS & SNR & $V_{out}(1 p.e)$ & $T_p$ \\ \hline $2.36~\mu$V ($\approx 1/16$~p.e, $\approx 10$~fC ) & 16 & 37.85~mV & 8~ns\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} The fast shaper (15~ns) is followed by a low offset discriminator to auto-trig down to 50~fC (1/3~pe at $10^6$ gain). The two discriminators can be used alone or simultaneously. Their outputs are multiplexed to ease the choice. Both are simple low offset comparators with the same schematic. The difference comes from the way to set the threshold. The first discriminator has the threshold sets by one 10-bit DAC, common to all 16 channels, and one 4-bit DAC for each channel. The second discriminator has the threshold sets by only the 10 bit common DAC. Each output trigger is latched to hold the state of the response in SCA channel. In \refFig{fig:13} are shown the triggers and the zoom of the triggers rise time in order to see the time walk of around 4~ns. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{rl} \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img13a.jpg}& \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img13b.jpg} \end{tabular} \caption{Simulated trigger output (input charge from 0 to 10~p.e; threshold at 1/3~p.e). Zoom of trigger rise time on right pannel.} \label{fig:13} \end{figure} Each output trigger is latched to hold the state of the response in SCA channel. SCA channel is the also called "`Analogue memory"'. The SCA has a depth equal to two; this means that there are two T\&H for time measurement as well as for charge measurement. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img14.jpg} \caption{SCA (switched capacitor array) scheme.} \label{fig:14} \end{figure} The voltage level of the signal coming from slow shaper or ramp TDC cell is memorised in the T\&H capacitor (500~fF) so "`Track \& Hold Cell"' allows to lock the capacitor value only when a calibrated trigger (from fast channel) occurs within the selected column. The SCA column is selected, read and erased by the digital part. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img15.jpg} \caption{Operation of T\&H cell.} \label{fig:15} \end{figure} On \refFig{fig:15} is illustrated the T\&H cell mode of operation: when a signal arrives in the discriminator cell is detected and the output trigger signal is sent to the T\&H cell. The output trigger is delayed and calibrated before being sent. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Charge channel} \label{ssec:Charge} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The charge channel is the slow channel: the signal amplified by the variable gain preamplifier is sent to the slow shaper, a typical $\mathrm{CRRC}^2$ filter with variable peaking time. The peaking time can be set from 50~ns (default value) to 200~ns thanks to the switched feedback capacitors. On left part of \refFig{fig:16} are represented the slow shaper waveforms for different shaping times and the same input signal. The noise value (\refTab{tab:4} and right part of \refFig{fig:16}), from $980~\mu$V to $1.6$~mV (simulation results), foresee good noise performance. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{rl} \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img16a.jpg}& \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img16b.jpg} \end{tabular} \caption{Slow shaper output waveforms simulation (left panel). Slow shaper output noise simulation (right panel).} \label{fig:16} \end{figure} \begin{table} \centering \caption{TO BE COMPLETED. $G_{pa} = 8$} \label{tab:4} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline Time constant & RMS & SNR & $V_{out}(1 p.e)$ \\ \hline 50~ns & \parbox[t]{20mm}{$1.68$~mV \\ $\approx 1/17$~p.e \\ $ \approx 9$~fC} & 11 & \parbox[t]{20mm}{$29$~mV \\ $T_p = 48$~ns } \\ 100~ns & \parbox[t]{20mm}{$1.26$~mV\\$\approx 1/12$~p.e \\ $ \approx 20$~fC} & 8 & \parbox[t]{20mm}{$15$~mV \\ $T_p = 78$~ns }\\ 200~ns & \parbox[t]{20mm}{$0.98$~mV\\$\approx 1/5$~p.e \\ $ \approx 32$~fC} & 5 & \parbox[t]{23mm}{$8$~mV \\ $ T_p = 141.5$~ns } \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} The \refFig{fig:17} and \refTab{tab:5} illustrate the linearity performance for different time constants. Simulations show a good linearity with residuals from -0.5\% to 0.2\% at $T_p = 50$~ns, from -1\% to 0.3\% at $T_p =100$~ns and -0.7\% to 0.3\% at $T_p=200$~ns. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img17.jpg} \caption{Slow shaper linearity simulation.} \label{fig:17} \end{figure} \begin{table} \centering \caption{TO BE COMPLETED} \label{tab:5} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline Time constante & $V_{out-max}$ & $Qi_{max}/n_{pe}$ & Residuals (\%) \\ \hline 50~ns & 1.437~V & 13~pC/80~pe & -0.5 to 0.2 \\ 100~ns & 1.493~V & 24~pC/150~pe & -1.0 to 0.3 \\ 200~ns & 1.385~V & 48~pC/300~pe & -0.7 to 0.3 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} The Slow shaper maximum value, therefore the charge value, is then memorized in the analogue memory, with a depth of 2, thanks to the delayed trigger. \refFig{fig:18} gives the simulated slow shaper and SCA signals. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img18.jpg} \caption{Slow shaper \& SCA simulation.} \label{fig:18} \end{figure} This charge, stored as a voltage value, is then converted in digital value thanks to the 8/10/12 bit Wilkinson ADC. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Time measurement} \label{ssec:Timemeas} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% For each channel, a fine time measurement is performed by the analogue memory with a depth of 2 which samples a 12 bit ramp (100~ns), common for all channels, at the same time of the charge. In \refFig{fig:19} is represented the TDC Ramp general schematic. The current, which flows in feedback, charges the capacitance $C_f$ when the switch is off. When the switch is turned off, $C_f$ discharges. Signals \verb|start\_ramp| and \verb|start\_ramp\_b| manage the switches. The rising signal starts the ramp and the falling signal stop the ramp (\refFig{fig:19}). \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{rl} \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img19a.jpg}& \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img19b.jpg} \end{tabular} \caption{TDC Ramp general schematic.} \label{fig:19} \end{figure} In order to avoid the large falling time of the ramp due to the $C_f$ discharge time and the problem of non linearity at the start and the end of ramp signal (\refFig{fig:20}), the real ramp is created from two ramps. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img20.jpg} \caption{TDC Ramp.} \label{fig:20} \end{figure} The signal start ramp, coming from the digital part, enters in two delay cells. The two delayed signals create the first and second ramps. Commutating alternatively two switches the 100~ns ramp TDC is created (\refFig{fig:21} and \refFig{fig:22}). \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img21.jpg} \caption{TDC Ramp scheme.} \label{fig:21} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img22.jpg} \caption{TDC Ramp simulation.} \label{fig:22} \end{figure} This time value, stored as a voltage value, is then converted in digital value tanks to the 8/10/12 bit Wilkinson ADC. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{ADC ramp} \label{ssec:ADCramp} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% In \refFig{fig:23} is represented the Ramp ADC general scheme. It is the same as TDC ramp one, the difference is in a variable current source which allows obtaining 8bit/10bit/12bit ADC according to the injected current. \refTab{tab:6} gives, for each ramp, the time duration to reach 3.3~V. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img23.jpg} \caption{ADC ramp schematic.} \label{fig:23} \end{figure} \begin{table} \centering \caption{TO BE COMPLETED} \label{tab:6} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline Header 1 & Header 2 \\ 12 bit ADC & From 0.9~V to 3.3~V in $102.0~\mu{}$s \\ 10 bit ADC & From 0.9~V to 3.3~V in $25.6~\mu{}$s \\ \phantom{ }8 bit ADC & From 0.9~V to 3.3~V in $6.4~\mu{}$s \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} Then the ADC ramp is compared thanks to a Discriminator to the voltage values, which corresponds to charge and fine time values, stored in the SCA. The digital converted DATA are then treated by the digital part. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Digital part} \label{ssec:Digital} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The digital part of PARISROC is built around 4 modules which are "`acquisition"', "`conversion"', "`readout"' and "`top manager"'. Actually, PARISROC is based on 2 memories. During acquisition, discriminated analog signals are stored into an analog memory (the SCA: switched capacitor array). The analog to digital conversion module converts analog charges and times from SCA into 12 bits digital values. These digital values are saved into registers (RAM). At the end of the cycle, the RAM is readout by an external system. The block diagram is given on \refFig{fig:24}. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img24.jpg} \caption{Block diagram of the digital part.} \label{fig:24} \end{figure} This sequence is made thanks to the top manager module which controls the 3 other ones. When 1 or more channels are hit, it starts ADC conversion and then the readout of digitized data. The maximum cycle length is about $200~\mu$s. During conversion and readout, acquisition is never stopped. It means that discriminated analog signals can be stored in the SCA at any time of the sequence shown in on \refFig{fig:25}. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img25.jpg} \caption{Top manager sequence.} \label{fig:25} \end{figure} The first module in the sequence is the acquisition which is dedicated to charge and fine time measurements. It manages the SCA where charge and fine time are stored as a voltage like. It also integrates the coarse time measurement thanks to a 24-bit gray counter with a resolution of 100~ns. Each channel has a depth of 2 for the SCA and they are managed individually. Besides, SCA is treated like a FIFO memory: analog voltage can be written, read and erased from this memory. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img26.jpg} \caption{SCA analogue voltage} \label{fig:26} \end{figure} Then, the conversion module converts analog values stored in the SCA (charge and fine time: cf. \`refFig{fig:26}) in digital ones thanks to a 12-bit Wilkinson ADC. The counter clock frequency is 40~MHz, it implies a maximum ADC conversion time of $103~\mu$s when it overflows. This module makes 32 conversions in 1 run (16 charges and 16 fine times). Finally, the readout module permits to empty all the registers to an external system. As it will only transfer hit channels, this module will tag each frame with its channel number: it works as a selective readout. The pattern used is composed of 4 data: 4-bit channel number, 24-bit coarse time, 12-bit charge and 12-bit fine time. The total length of one frame is 52 bits. The maximum readout time appears when all channels are hit. About 832 bits of data are transferred to the concentrator with a 10~MHz clock: the readout takes about $100~\mu$s with $1~\mu$s between 2 frames. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{ASIC Laboratory tests} \label{sec:ASICLAbTest} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The PARISROC has been submitted in June 2008; a first batch of 6 ASICs has been produced and received in January 2009 (a second batch of 14 ASICs in May 2009. The ASIC test has been a critical step in the PARISROC planning due to the ASIC complexity.A dedicated test board has been designed and realized for this purpose (\refFig{fig:27}). Its role is to allow the characterization of the chip and the communication between photomultipliers and ASIC. This is possible thanks to a dedicated Labview program that allows sending the ASIC configuration (slow control parameters; ASIC parameters, etc) and receiving the output bits via a USB cable connected to the test board. The Labview is developed by LAL. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img27.jpg} \caption{Test Board.} \label{fig:27} \end{figure} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{General tests} \label{ssec:GeneralTest} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On \refFig{fig:28} is shown the Test Bench used in laboratory. It is composed by a test board, a signal generator, an oscilloscope, multimeters and PC to run labview program. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img28.jpg} \caption{Test Bench.} \label{fig:28} \end{figure} The signal generator is a TEKTRONIX single channel function generator. It is used to create the input charge injected in the ASIC. The signal injected has the shaping as similar as possible to the PMT signal. On \refFig{fig:28} is represented the generator input signal and its characteristics. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img29.jpg} %%%% NOT USED \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img34.jpg} \caption{Input signals} \label{fig:29} \end{figure} At the beginning all the standard electrical characteristics have been tested: DC levels, analogue output signals, the analogue part characteristics and then the pedestals, the DAC linearity, S\-curves (trigger efficiency as a function of the injected charge or the threshold), the ADC linearity. The first purpose is the comparison between simulation results and test measurements; most of them are in agreement with the ASIC characteristics, obtained in simulation. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Analogue tests} \label{ssec:AnalogueTest} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The DC level characterization is the first step in ASIC characterization; in particular the DC uniformity of the analogue part DC level for the different channels has to be measured. In \refFig{fig:30} are represented the preamplifier, slow shaper and fast shaper DC uniformity plots. The DC uniformity test has a small dispersion of 0.4\%, 0.1\% and 0.05\% respectively for the preamplifier, the slow shaper and the fast shaper (\refTab{tab:7}). \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{c} \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img30a.jpg}\\ \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img30b.jpg}\\ \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img30c.jpg} \end{tabular} \caption{DC uniformity.} \label{fig:30} \end{figure} \begin{table} \centering \caption{TO BE COMPLETED} \label{tab:7} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|} \hline DC level & RMS \\ Preamplifier & 3.8~mV (0.40~\%) \\ Slow shaper & 1.3~mV (0.10~\%) \\ Fast shaper & 1.0~mV (0.05\%) \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} The second step is the analogue part output signals: Injecting a charge equivalent to 10~pe, and setting a preamplifier gain at 8, are observed and compared with simulation results all the output waveforms. There is a good agreement in preamplifier results ( \refFig{fig:31} and \refTab{tab:8}), the amplitude has the same value while time rise value has a difference of 3~ns. This difference is due to the output buffer placed in the test board. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{rl} \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img31a.jpg}& \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img31b.jpg} \end{tabular} \caption{Measurement and simulation of the preamplifier output for an input charge of 10~pe.} \label{fig:31} \end{figure} \begin{table} \centering \caption{TO BE COMPLETED. Preamplifier parameters.... $G_{pa} = 8$. WHY not same parameters 1~pe and 10~p.e} \label{tab:8} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|} \hline & Measurement & Simulation \\ \hline Maximum voltage (10~pe) & 50.00~mV & 50.83~mV \\ Rise time (10~pe) & 7.78~ns & 4.79~ns \\ RMS noise & 1~mV & 0.47~mV \\ without USB cable & 0.66~mV & \\ Noise in pe & 0.2 & 0.086 \\ without USB cable & 0.132 & \\ Maximum voltage (1~pe) & 5.00~mV & 5.43~mV \\ SNR (1~pe ????) & 5 & 11.6 \\ without USB cable & 7.5 & \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} The slow shaper waveforms are shown in \refFig{fig:32} while \refTab{tab:9} summarizes the results. The first differences appear: a different value in amplitude for slow shaper signal and fast shaper signal that is probably associate, also, to the Output Buffer. The second relevant difference is in noise value, in particular in slow shaper noise performance (\refTab{tab:9}). \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{rl} \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img32a.jpg}& \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img32b.jpg} \end{tabular} \caption{Measurement and simulation of the slow shaper output for an input charge of 10~pe.} \label{fig:32} \end{figure} \begin{table} \centering \caption{TO BE COMPLETED. $G_{pa} = 8$ and $RC = 50$~ns.} \label{tab:9} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|} \hline & Measurement & Simulation \\ \hline Maximum Voltage (10~pe) & 117~mV & 290~mV \\ Rise time (10~pe) & 18.0~ns & 19.1~ns \\ RMS noise & 4.0~mV & 1.7~mV \\ Noise in pe & 0.3 & 0.08 \\ Maximum Voltage (1~pe) & 12~mV & 19~mV \\ SNR & 3 & 11 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} The Fast shaper results are shown in \refFig{fig:33} and \refTab{tab:10}. \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \begin{tabular}{rl} \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img33a.jpg}& \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img33b.jpg} \end{tabular} \caption{Measurement and simulation of the fast shaper output for an input charge of 1 pe.} \label{fig:33} \end{figure} \begin{table} \centering \caption{TO BE COMPLETED. $G_{pa} = 8$.} \label{tab:10} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|} \hline & Measurement & Simulation \\ \hline RMS noise & 2.5~mV & 2.4~mV \\ Noise in pe & 0.08 & 0.05 \\ Maximum Voltage (1~pe) & 30~mV & 42~mV \\ SNR & 12 & 18 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} Another important characteristic is the linearity. The output voltage in function of the input injected charge is plotted for the different analogue signals. \refFig{fig:34} gives few examples for the preamplifier at different gains. \refTab{tab:11} summarizes the fit results of these linearities. Good linearity performances are shown by residuals (better than $\pm 2~\%$) value but for a smaller dynamic range than simulation. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{c} \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img34a.jpg}\\ \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img34b.jpg}\\ \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img34c.jpg}\\ \end{tabular} \caption{Preamplifier linearity for different gains.} \label{fig:34} \end{figure} \begin{table} \centering \caption{TO BE COMPLETED} \label{tab:11} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline Preamplifier Gains & Maximum voltage & Charge/Nb of pe & Residuals \\ \hline 8 & 0.52~V & 12~pC / 78~pe & -1.0~\% to 0.8~\% \\ 4 & 0.64~V & 32~pC / 198~pe & -1.0~\% to 1.0~\% \\ 2 & 0.51~V & 50~pC / 312~pe & -2.0~\% to 1.5~\% \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \refFig{fig:35} represents an example of slow shaper linearity for a time constant of 50~ns and a preamplifier gain of 8 with residuals better than $pm 1~\%$. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img35.jpg} \caption{Slow shaper linearity; $RC =50$~ns and $G_{pa}=8$.} \label{fig:35} \end{figure} \refFig{fig:36} gives an example of the fast shaper linearity until an injected charge of 10~pe. Residuals better than $ \pm 2~\%$ are obtained. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img36.jpg} \caption{Fast shaper linearity up to 10~pe.} \label{fig:36} \end{figure} The preamplifier linearity in function of variable feedback capacitor value with an input charge of 10~pe and with residuals from $-2.5~\%$ to $1.4~\%$ is represented on \refFig{fig:37} . The gain adjustment linearity is nice at 2~\% on 8 bits. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img37.jpg} \caption{Preamplifier linearity vs feedback capacitor value.} \label{fig:37} \end{figure} On \refFig{fig:38} is given the gain uniformity. For the different preamplifier gains is plotted the maximum voltage value for all channels in order to investigate the homogeneity among the whole chip, essential for a multichannels ASIC. Residual dispersion of 0.05~\%, 0.013~\% and 0.012~\% have respectively been obtained for gain 8, 4 and 2. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img38.jpg} \caption{Gain uniformity for $G_{pa}=8, 4, 2$.} \label{fig:38} \end{figure} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{DAC linearity} \label{ssec:DAClinearity} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The DAC linearity has been measured and it consists in measuring the voltage DAC ($V_{dac}$) amplitude obtained for different DAC register values. \refFig{fig:39} gives the evolution of $V_{dac}$ as a function of the register for the two DACs and residuals from $-0.1~\%$ to $0.1~\%$. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{rl} \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img39a.jpg}& \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img39b.jpg} \end{tabular} \caption{DAC linearity; DAC1 and DAC2 respectively.} \label{fig:39} \end{figure} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Trigger output} \label{ssec:TriggerMeas} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The trigger output behavior was studied scanning the threshold for different injected charges. At first no charge was injected which corresponds to measure the fast shaper pedestal. The result is represented on \refFig{fig:40} for each channel. The S-curves are superimposed meaning good homogeneity. The spread is of one DAC count ($LSB DAC = 1.78$~mV) or 0.06~pe. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img40.jpg} \caption{Pedestal S-curves for channel 1 to 16.} \label{fig:40} \end{figure} The trigger efficiency was then measured for a fixed injected charge of 10~pe. On \refFig{fig:41} are represented the S-curves obtained with 200 measurements of the trigger for all channels varying the threshold. The homogeneity is proved by a spread of 7 DAC unit (0.4~pe) and a noise of 0.07 pe ($RMS =2.19$). \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{rl} \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img41a.jpg}}\\ \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img41b.jpg}& \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img41c.jpg} \end{tabular} \caption{Fast shaper and trigger (top panel); S-curves for input of 10~pe (left panel); uniformity plot for channel 1 to 16 (right panel).} \label{fig:41} \end{figure} The trigger output is studied also by scanning the threshold for a fixed channel and changing the injected charge. On \refFig{fig:42} on the left panel is shown the trigger efficiency versus the DAC unit and on the right panel is plotted the threshold versus the injected charge but only until 0.5~pC. From these measurements a noise of 10~fC has been extrapolated. Therefore the threshold is only possible above $10~\sigma$ of the noise due to the discriminator coupling (\refFig{fig:43}). \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{rl} \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img42a.jpg}& \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img42b.jpg} \end{tabular} \caption{Trigger efficiency vs DAC count up to 300~pe (left panel) and until 3~pe (right panel).} \label{fig:42} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img43.jpg} \caption{Threshold vs injected charge up to 500~fC. It is shown the 1~p.e threshold for a PMT gain of $10^6$.} \label{fig:43} \end{figure} The trigger coupling illustrated in \refFig{fig:44} with the injected charge in channel 1 and output signal observed in channel 2, shows a coupling signal around 25~mV (10~fC). This coupling signal is due, probably, to the input power supply ($V_{dd-pa}$ and $V_{ss}$). \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img44.jpg} \caption{Trigger coupling signal.} \label{fig:44} \end{figure} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{ADC characterisation} \label{ssec:ADCMeas} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The ADC performance has been studied alone and with the whole chain. Injecting to the ADC input directly a DC voltage by the internal DAC, in order to have a voltage level as stable as possible, were measured the ADC values for all channels (\refFig{fig:45}). The measurement is repeated 10000 times for each channel and in the first plot of the LabView front panel window (\refFig{fig:45}). The minimal, maximal and mean values, over all acquisitions, for each channel are plotted. In the second plot there is the rms charge value versus channel number with a value in the range $[0.5, 1]$ ADC unit. Finally the third plot shows an example of charge amplitude distribution for a single channel: a spread of 5 ADC counts is obtained. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img45.jpg} \caption{ADC measurements with DC input 1.45~V (middle scale).} \label{fig:45} \end{figure} The ADC is suited to a multichannel conversion so the uniformity and linearity are studied in order to characterize the ADC behaviour. On \refFig{fig:46} is represented the ADC transfer function for the 10-bit ADC versus the input voltage level. All channels are represented and have plots superimposed. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img46.jpg} \caption{10 bits ADC transfer function vs input charge.} \label{fig:46} \end{figure} The good homogeneity observed is confirmed by the linear fit parameters comparison. In are plotted the slope and the intercept distributions for all channels. The RMS slope value of 0.143 and the RMS intercept value of 0.3 confirm the 10-bits ADC uniformity (\refTab{tab:12}). \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{rl} \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img47a.jpg}& \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img47b.jpg} \end{tabular} \caption{Evolution of the fit parameters (slope on the left panel and intercept on the right panel) as a function of the channel number.} \label{fig:47} \end{figure} \begin{table} \centering \caption{TO BE COMPLETED. 10 bits ADC parameter fits.... 25 acquisitions per channel, $LSB = 1.06$~mV...} \label{tab:12} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|} \hline & Slope & Intercept \\ Mean & 936.17 & 859.8 \\ RMS & 0.14 & 0.3 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} In \refFig{fig:48} are shown respectively the 12, 10 and 8 bits ADC linearity plots with the 25 measurements made for each input voltage level. The average ADC count value is plotted versus the input signal. The residuals from $-1.5$ to $0.9$ ADC units for the 12-bits ADC; from $-0.5$ to $0.4$ for the 10-bit ADC and from $-0.5$ to $0.5$ for the 8-bit ADC. This prove the good ADC behaviour in terms of Integral non linearity. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{c} \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img48a.jpg}\\ \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img48b.jpg}\\ \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img48c.jpg} \end{tabular} \caption{12, 10, 8 bit ADC linearity.} \label{fig:48} \end{figure} In terms of Differential non linearity, the value from $-1.0$ to $0.65$ for the 10 bit ADC and from $-0.3$ to $0.2$ for the 8 bit ADC, show us a good behaviour even if the plots are the results of preliminary measurements. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{rl} \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img49a.jpg}& \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth,height=6cm]{img49b.jpg} \end{tabular} \caption{Differential non linearity.} \label{fig:49} \end{figure} Once the ADC performances have been tested separately, the measurements are performed on the complete chain. The results of the input signal autotriggered, held in the T\&H and converted in the ADC are illustrated in where are plotted the 10-bit ADC counts in function of the variable input charge (up to 50~pe). A good linearity of $1.4~\%$ and a noise of 6 ADC units are obtained. In \refTab{tab:13} are listed the setting value for measurements. \begin{table} \centering \caption{TO BE COMPELTED. $G_{pa}=14$ ($C_{in}=7$~pF , $C_f=0.5$~pF), Slow shaper $RC=50$~ns, DAC delay: $bit<0> = 1$ \& $bit<2> = 1$. } \label{tab:13} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|} \hline Parameters & 12 bits ADC & 10 bits ADC & 8 bits ADC\\ \hline LSB & $0.27$ & $1.06$~mV & $4.26$~mV\\ Min ADC count at 3~pe& $509$ & $132$ & $33$ \\ Max ADC count at 50~pe & $3873$ & $989$ & $241$ \\ Residuals in ADC units &$[21,54]$ & $[6,14]$ & $[2,3]$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img50.jpg} \caption{10 bit ADC linearity.} \label{fig:50} \end{figure} On \refFig{fig:51} is plotted the 8-bit linearity at $1.4~\%$ and a noise of 1.53 ADC unit. In \refTab{tab:13} are listed the setting value for measurements. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img51.jpg} \caption{8 bit ADC linearity.} \label{fig:51} \end{figure} On \refFig{fig:53} is plotted the 12-bit linearity at $1.4~\%$ and a noise of 23.69 ADC unit. In \refTab{tab:13} are listed the setting value for measurements. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img52.jpg} \caption{12 bit ADC linearity.} \label{fig:52} \end{figure} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Measurements with PMTs} \label{sec:MeasWithPMT} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The first measurements with a photomultiplier at input are started in IPNO at Orsay. \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{img53.jpg} \caption{TO BE COMPLETED} \label{fig:53} \end{figure} \acknowledgments %\begin{acknowledgments} This work, especially one of the author, is supported by the National Reasaerch Agency under contract ANR-06-BLAN-0186. %\end{acknowledgments} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newpage %\section*{References} \bibliography{campagne} \end{document}