#Physics after Init #dump the Physics Processes at each step /ELYSE/phys/verbose 2 #number of optical photon produced by Cerenkov per step /ELYSE/phys/cerenkovMaxPhotons 100 #The Geometrie #-------------- /ELYSE/Geometry/Water 5.0 5.0 5.0 cm /ELYSE/Geometry/TyvekThickness 0.5 mm #The event generator #------------------ #/ELYSE/gun/partName opticalphoton # 100nm = 12.3984241 eV, 200nm = 6.199212 eV, and so on # 1eV = 1239.8424121 nm, 3eV = 413.280804, 5eV = 247.9684824 and so on #/ELYSE/gun/energy 3 eV #/ELYSE/gun/BeamDir 0 0 1 #/ELYSE/gun/vertex 0 0 0 cm #/ELYSE/gun/OpPhotonPolarisation 1 0 0 /ELYSE/gun/partName e- /ELYSE/gun/energy 3 MeV /ELYSE/gun/BeamDir 0 0 1 /ELYSE/gun/vertex 0 0 0 cm #Optical drawing option (true/false) /ELYSE/tracking/drawing/optical true #Dump hit /hits/verbose 1