\relax \citation{solar} \citation{Fukuda:1998mi} \citation{Ashie:2005ik} \citation{Araki:2004mb} \citation{Aliu:2004sq} \citation{Aliu:2004sq} \citation{MINOS} \citation{OPERA} \citation{CNGS} \citation{LSND} \citation{MINIBOONE} \citation{FOGLILISI05} \citation{Maltoni:2004ei} \citation{PMNS} \citation{CHOOZ} \citation{Maltoni:2004ei} \citation{Wpaper} \citation{T2K} \citation{Ayres:2004js} \citation{Huber:2003pm} \citation{T2K} \citation{Albrow:2005kw} \citation{SPL} \citation{BNLHS} \citation{zucchelli} \citation{Albright:2004iw} \citation{Albright:2004iw} \citation{Blondel:2004ae} \citation{Campagne:2004wt} \citation{Mezzetto:2003ub} \citation{memphys} \citation{UNO} \citation{T2K} \citation{Nakamura:2003hk} \citation{Huber:2005ep} \citation{T2K} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}Introduction}{2}} \citation{Globes} \citation{Huber:2002mx} \citation{T2K} \citation{Huber:2002mx} \citation{Nuance} \citation{T2K} \citation{Huber:2002mx} \@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Summary of default parameters used for the simulation of the $\beta $B, SPL, and T2HK experiments.}}{3}} \newlabel{tab:setups}{{1}{3}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}Experiments overview and analysis methods}{3}} \newlabel{sec:analysis}{{2}{3}} \citation{Globes} \citation{ISSpage} \@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces Number of events for appearance and disappearance signals and backgrounds for the $\beta $B, SPL, and T2HK experiments as defined in Tab.\nobreakspace {}\G@refundefinedtrue \text {\normalfont \bfseries ??}\GenericWarning { }{LaTeX Warning: Reference `tab:setups' on page 4 undefined}. For the appearance signals the event numbers are given for several values of $\ensuremath {\qopname \relax o{sin}^22\theta _{13}}$ and $\ensuremath {\delta _{\rm CP}}= 0$ and $\pi /2$. The background as well as the disappearance event numbers correspond to $\theta _{13}=0$. For the other oscillation parameters the values of Eq.\nobreakspace {}(\G@refundefinedtrue \text {\normalfont \bfseries ??}\GenericWarning { }{LaTeX Warning: Reference `eq:default-params' on page 4 undefined}) are used.}}{4}} \newlabel{tab:events}{{2}{4}} \citation{FOGLILISI05} \citation{Maltoni:2004ei} \citation{memphys} \citation{UNO} \citation{Nakamura:2003hk} \citation{zucchelli} \citation{Mezzetto:2003ub} \citation{MyNufact04} \citation{Donini:2004hu} \citation{JJHigh2} \citation{JJHigh2} \citation{LindnerBB} \citation{JJHigh2} \citation{JJHigh1} \citation{LindnerBB} \citation{LindnerBB} \citation{JJHigh1} \citation{Terranova} \citation{BB-Reviews} \citation{Volpe} \citation{Lindroos} \citation{Eurisol} \citation{Lindroos} \citation{Lindroos-Optimization} \newlabel{eq:default-params}{{1}{5}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3}The CERN--MEMPHYS experiments}{5}} \newlabel{sec:experiments}{{3}{5}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.1}The MEMPHYS detector}{5}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.2}The $\gamma = 100\times 100$ baseline Beta Beam}{5}} \citation{LindnerBB} \citation{JJHigh2} \citation{Nuance} \citation{JJHigh2} \citation{MyNufact04} \citation{MezzettoNuFact05} \citation{Neugen} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Sketch of the MEMPHYS detector under the Fr\'ejus mountain.}}{6}} \newlabel{fig:MEMPHYS}{{1}{6}} \citation{zucchelli} \citation{JJHigh2} \citation{JJHigh1} \citation{MezzettoNuFact05} \citation{MezzettoNuFact05} \citation{MezzettoNuFact05} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces Energy resolution for \ensuremath {\nu _{e}}\ interactions in the 200--300\nobreakspace {}MeV energy range. The quantity displayed is the difference between the reconstructed and the true neutrino energy.}}{7}} \newlabel{fig:QE-Energy}{{2}{7}} \@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces Events for the $\beta $B\ in a 4400\nobreakspace {}kt\nobreakspace {}yr exposure. \ensuremath {\nu _{\mu }\ }(\ensuremath {\overline {\nu }_{\mu }}) CC events are computed assuming full oscillations ($P_{\nu _e\to \nu _\mu } = 1$), and pion backgrounds are computed from \ensuremath {\nu _{e}}(\ensuremath {\overline {\nu }_{e}}) CC+NC events. In the rows we give the number events generated within the fiducial volume (``Generated ev.''), after muon particle identification (``Particle ID''), and after applying a further identification requiring the detection of the Michel electron (``Decay''). }}{7}} \newlabel{tab:sigbck}{{3}{7}} \citation{SPL} \citation{Campagne:2004wt} \citation{FLUKA} \citation{GEANT} \citation{HARP-MINERVA} \citation{Campagne:2004wt} \citation{Mezzetto:2003mm} \citation{Mezzetto:2003mm} \citation{Donini:2004hu} \citation{T2K} \citation{Nuance} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.3}The $3.5$-GeV SPL Super Beam}{8}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces Neutrino fluxes, at $130$\nobreakspace {}km from the target with the horns focusing the positive particles (top panel) or the negative particles (bottom panel). The fluxes are computed for a SPL proton beam of $3.5$\nobreakspace {}GeV (4\nobreakspace {}MW), a decay tunnel with a length of $40$\nobreakspace {}m and a radius of $2$\nobreakspace {}m.}}{9}} \newlabel{fig:fluxSPLContrib}{{3}{9}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {4}{\ignorespaces Comparison of the fluxes from SPL and $\beta $B.}}{9}} \newlabel{fig:fluxComparison}{{4}{9}} \citation{Huber:2005ep} \citation{Honda:2004yz} \citation{Ashie:2005ik} \citation{Ashie:2005ik} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.4}The atmospheric neutrino analysis}{10}} \newlabel{sec:atm-details}{{3.4}{10}} \newlabel{eq:contained}{{2}{10}} \citation{Lipari:1991ut} \citation{Gonzalez-Garcia:2004wg} \citation{Gonzalez-Garcia:2004wg} \newlabel{eq:upgoing}{{3}{11}} \newlabel{eq:poisson}{{4}{11}} \newlabel{eq:theopulls}{{5}{11}} \citation{Burguet-Castell:2001ez} \citation{Minakata:2001qm} \citation{Fogli:1996pv} \citation{Barger:2001yr} \citation{Huber:2002mx} \citation{Huber:2005ep} \citation{Yasuda:2004gu} \citation{Ishitsuka:2005qi} \citation{Donini:2004hu} \citation{Donini:2004hu} \citation{Huber:2005ep} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4}Degeneracies}{12}} \newlabel{sec:degeneracies}{{4}{12}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {5}{\ignorespaces Allowed regions in $\qopname \relax o{sin}^22\theta _{13}$ and $\delta _\mathrm {CP}$ for LBL data alone (contour lines) and LBL+ATM data combined (colored regions). $\mathrm {H^{tr/wr} (O^{tr/wr})}$ refers to solutions with the true/wrong mass hierarchy (octant of $\theta _{23}$). The true parameter values are $\delta _\mathrm {CP} = -0.85 \pi $, $\qopname \relax o{sin}^22\theta _{13} = 0.03$, $\qopname \relax o{sin}^2\theta _{23} = 0.6$, and the values from Eq.\nobreakspace {}(\G@refundefinedtrue \text {\normalfont \bfseries ??}\GenericWarning { }{LaTeX Warning: Reference `eq:default-params' on page 13 undefined}) for the other parameters.}}{13}} \newlabel{fig:degeneracies}{{5}{13}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6}{\ignorespaces Resolving degeneracies in SPL by successively using the appearance rate measurement, disappearance channel rate and spectrum, spectral information in the appearance channel, and atmospheric neutrinos. Allowed regions in $\qopname \relax o{sin}^22\theta _{13}$ and $\delta _\mathrm {CP}$ are shown at 95\%\nobreakspace {}CL, and $\mathrm {H^{tr/wr} (O^{tr/wr})}$ refers to solutions with the true/wrong mass hierarchy (octant of $\theta _{23}$). The true parameter values are $\delta _\mathrm {CP} = -0.85 \pi $, $\qopname \relax o{sin}^22\theta _{13} = 0.03$, $\qopname \relax o{sin}^2\theta _{23} = 0.6$, and the values from Eq.\nobreakspace {}(\G@refundefinedtrue \text {\normalfont \bfseries ??}\GenericWarning { }{LaTeX Warning: Reference `eq:default-params' on page 13 undefined}) for the other parameters.}}{13}} \newlabel{fig:degeneracies_SPL}{{6}{13}} \citation{Minakata:2001qm} \citation{Donini:2004hu} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {7}{\ignorespaces Allowed regions in $\qopname \relax o{sin}^22\theta _{13}$ and $\delta _\mathrm {CP}$ for 5\nobreakspace {}years data (neutrinos only) from $\beta $B, SPL, and the combination. $\mathrm {H^{tr/wr} (O^{tr/wr})}$ refers to solutions with the true/wrong mass hierarchy (octant of $\theta _{23}$). For the colored regions in the left panel also 5\nobreakspace {}years of atmospheric data are included; the solution with the wrong hierarchy has $\Delta \chi ^2 = 4$. The true parameter values are $\delta _\mathrm {CP} = -0.85 \pi $, $\qopname \relax o{sin}^22\theta _{13} = 0.03$, $\qopname \relax o{sin}^2\theta _{23} = 0.6$, and the values from Eq.\nobreakspace {}(\G@refundefinedtrue \text {\normalfont \bfseries ??}\GenericWarning { }{LaTeX Warning: Reference `eq:default-params' on page 14 undefined}) for the other parameters. For the $\beta $B\ only analysis (middle panel) an external accuracy of 2\% (3\%) for $|\Delta m^2_{31}|$ ($\theta _{23}$) has been assumed, whereas for the left and right panel the default value of 10\% has been used.}}{14}} \newlabel{fig:degeneracies_5yrs}{{7}{14}} \citation{Antusch:2004yx} \citation{Minakata:2004pg} \citation{Donini:2005db} \citation{T2K} \citation{Maltoni:2004ei} \citation{Maltoni:2004ei} \citation{Donini:2005db} \@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {4}{\ignorespaces Accuracies at $3\sigma $ on the atmospheric parameters $|\Delta m^2_{31}|$ and $\qopname \relax o{sin}^2\theta _{23}$ for 5 years of neutrino data from T2K-I, SPL, and T2HK for the two test points shown in Fig.\nobreakspace {}\G@refundefinedtrue \text {\normalfont \bfseries ??}\GenericWarning { }{LaTeX Warning: Reference `fig:atm-params' on page 15 undefined} ($\theta ^\mathrm {true}_{13} = 0$). The accuracy for a parameter $x$ is defined as $(x^\mathrm {upper} - x^\mathrm {lower})/(2 x^\mathrm {true})$, where $x^\mathrm {upper}$ ($x^\mathrm {lower}$) is the upper (lower) bound at 3$\sigma $ for 1\nobreakspace {}d.o.f.\ obtained by projecting the contour $\Delta \chi ^2 = 9$ onto the $x$-axis. For the accuracies for test point\nobreakspace {}2 the octant degenerate solution is neglected.}}{15}} \newlabel{tab:atm-params}{{4}{15}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5}Physics potential}{15}} \newlabel{sec:sensitivities}{{5}{15}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.1}Sensitivity to the atmospheric parameters}{15}} \newlabel{sec:atm}{{5.1}{15}} \citation{Minakata:2004pg} \citation{Peres:2003wd} \citation{Gonzalez-Garcia:2004cu} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {8}{\ignorespaces Allowed regions of $\Delta m^2_{31}$ and $\qopname \relax o{sin}^2\theta _{23}$ at 99\%\nobreakspace {}CL (2 d.o.f.) after 5\nobreakspace {}yrs of neutrino data taking for SPL, T2K phase\nobreakspace {}I, T2HK, and the combination of SPL with 5\nobreakspace {}yrs of atmospheric neutrino data in the MEMPHYS detector. For the true parameter values we use $\Delta m^2_{31} = 2.2\tmspace +\thinmuskip {.1667em} (2.6) \times 10^{-3}\nobreakspace {}\mathrm {eV}^2$ and $\qopname \relax o{sin}^2\theta _{23} = 0.5 \tmspace +\thinmuskip {.1667em} (0.37)$ for the test point 1 (2), and $\theta _{13} = 0$ and the solar parameters as given in Eq.\nobreakspace {}(\G@refundefinedtrue \text {\normalfont \bfseries ??}\GenericWarning { }{LaTeX Warning: Reference `eq:default-params' on page 16 undefined}). The shaded region corresponds to the 99\%\nobreakspace {}CL region from present SK and K2K data\nobreakspace {}\cite {Maltoni:2004ei}.}}{16}} \newlabel{fig:atm-params}{{8}{16}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.2}The $\theta _{13}$ discovery potential}{16}} \newlabel{sec:th13}{{5.2}{16}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {9}{\ignorespaces $3\sigma $ discovery sensitivity to $\ensuremath {\qopname \relax o{sin}^22\theta _{13}}$ for $\beta $B, SPL, and T2HK as a function of the true value of \ensuremath {\delta _{\rm CP}}\ (left panel) and as a function of the fraction of all possible values of \ensuremath {\delta _{\rm CP}}\ (right panel). The width of the bands corresponds to values for the systematical errors between 2\% and 5\%. The black curves correspond to the combination of $\beta $B\ and SPL with 10\nobreakspace {}yrs of total data taking each for a systematical error of 2\%, and the dashed curves show the sensitivity of the $\beta $B\ when the number of ion decays/yr are reduced by a factor of two with respect to the values given in Tab.\nobreakspace {}\G@refundefinedtrue \text {\normalfont \bfseries ??}\GenericWarning { }{LaTeX Warning: Reference `tab:setups' on page 17 undefined}.}}{17}} \newlabel{fig:th13}{{9}{17}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {10}{\ignorespaces $3\sigma $ discovery sensitivity to $\ensuremath {\qopname \relax o{sin}^22\theta _{13}}$ for the SPL as a function of the true value of \ensuremath {\delta _{\rm CP}}\ for $\qopname \relax o{sin}^2\theta _{23}^\mathrm {true} = 0.6$ and true values for the other parameters as given in Eq.\nobreakspace {}(\G@refundefinedtrue \text {\normalfont \bfseries ??}\GenericWarning { }{LaTeX Warning: Reference `eq:default-params' on page 18 undefined}).}}{18}} \newlabel{fig:SPLTheta13Disco}{{10}{18}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.3}Sensitivity to CP violation}{18}} \newlabel{sec:CPV}{{5.3}{18}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {11}{\ignorespaces CPV discovery potential for $\beta $B, SPL, and T2HK: For parameter values inside the ellipse-shaped curves CP conserving values of \ensuremath {\delta _{\rm CP}}\ can be excluded at $3\sigma $ $(\Delta \chi ^2>9)$. The width of the bands corresponds to values for the systematical errors from 2\% to 5\%. The dashed curves show the sensitivity of the $\beta $B\ when the number of ion decays/yr are reduced by a factor of two with respect to the values given in Tab.\nobreakspace {}\G@refundefinedtrue \text {\normalfont \bfseries ??}\GenericWarning { }{LaTeX Warning: Reference `tab:setups' on page 19 undefined} for 2\% systematics.}}{19}} \newlabel{fig:CPV}{{11}{19}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {12}{\ignorespaces Impact of total exposure and systematical errors on the CPV discovery potential of $\beta $B, SPL, and T2HK. We show the smallest true value of $\ensuremath {\qopname \relax o{sin}^22\theta _{13}}$ for which $\ensuremath {\delta _{\rm CP}}= \pi /2$ can be distinguished from $\ensuremath {\delta _{\rm CP}}= 0$ or $\ensuremath {\delta _{\rm CP}}= \pi $ at $3\sigma $ $(\Delta \chi ^2>9)$ as a function of the exposure in kt\nobreakspace {}yrs (left) and as a function of the systematical error on the background $\sigma _\mathrm {bkgr}$ (right). The widths of the curves in the left panel corresponds to values of $\sigma _\mathrm {bkgr}$ from 2\% to 5\%. The thin solid curves in the left panel corresponds to no systematical errors. The right plot is calculated for the standard exposure of 4400\nobreakspace {}kt\nobreakspace {}yrs. No systematical error on the signal has been assumed. }}{20}} \newlabel{fig:systematics}{{12}{20}} \citation{Ishitsuka:2005qi} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {13}{\ignorespaces Impact of degeneracies on the CPV discovery potential for the $\beta $B. We show the sensitivity to CPV at $3\sigma $ $(\Delta \chi ^2>9)$ computed for 4 different combinations of the true values of the hierarchy (NH or IH) and $\theta _{23}$ ($\qopname \relax o{sin}^2\theta _{23} = 0.4$ or $0.6$). Dashed curves are computed neglecting degeneracies in the fit.}}{21}} \newlabel{fig:deltacp}{{13}{21}} \citation{Huber:2005ep} \citation{Huber:2005ep} \citation{Petcov:1998su} \citation{Akhmedov:1998ui} \citation{Bernabeu:2003yp} \citation{Kim:1998bv} \citation{Peres:2003wd} \citation{Gonzalez-Garcia:2004cu} \citation{Kajita} \citation{Huber:2005ep} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6}Synergies provided by the CERN--MEMPHYS facilities}{22}} \newlabel{sec:synergies}{{6}{22}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.1}Combining Beta Beam and Super Beam}{22}} \newlabel{sec:synergies-beams}{{6.1}{22}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2}Resolving degeneracies with atmospheric neutrinos}{22}} \newlabel{sec:atmospherics}{{6.2}{22}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {14}{\ignorespaces Discovery potential of a finite value of $\ensuremath {\qopname \relax o{sin}^22\theta _{13}}$ at $3\sigma $ $(\Delta \chi ^2>9)$ for 5\nobreakspace {}yrs neutrino data from $\beta $B, SPL, and the combination of $\beta $B\ + SPL compared to 10\nobreakspace {}yrs data from T2HK (2\nobreakspace {}yrs neutrinos + 8\nobreakspace {}yrs antineutrinos). }}{23}} \newlabel{fig:th13-5yrs}{{14}{23}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {15}{\ignorespaces Sensitivity to CPV at $3\sigma $ $(\Delta \chi ^2>9)$ for combining 5\nobreakspace {}yrs neutrino data from $\beta $B\ and SPL compared to 10\nobreakspace {}yrs data from T2HK (2\nobreakspace {}yrs neutrinos + 8\nobreakspace {}yrs antineutrinos). }}{23}} \newlabel{fig:CP-5yrs}{{15}{23}} \citation{Huber:2005ep} \citation{Ayres:2004js} \citation{Ayres:2004js} \citation{Ayres:2004js} \citation{Ayres:2004js} \citation{Huber:2005ep} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {16}{\ignorespaces Sensitivity to the mass hierarchy at $2\sigma $ $(\Delta \chi ^2 = 4)$ as a function of the true values of $\qopname \relax o{sin}^22\theta _{13}$ and $\delta _\mathrm {CP}$ (left), and the fraction of true values of $\ensuremath {\delta _{\rm CP}}$ (right). The solid curves are the sensitivities from the combination of long-baseline and atmospheric neutrino data, the dashed curves correspond to long-baseline data only. For comparison we show in the right panel also the sensitivities of NO$\nu $A and NO$\nu $A+T2K extracted from Fig.\nobreakspace {}13.14 of Ref.\nobreakspace {}\cite {Ayres:2004js}. For the curve labeled ``NO$\nu $A (p.dr.)+T2K@4\nobreakspace {}MW'' a proton driver has been assumed for NO$\nu $A and the T2K beam has been up-graded to 4\nobreakspace {}MW, see Ref.\nobreakspace {}\cite {Ayres:2004js} for details.}}{24}} \newlabel{fig:hierarchy}{{16}{24}} \citation{Huber:2005ep} \citation{Petcov:2005rv} \citation{Ayres:2004js} \citation{Ayres:2004js} \citation{Ishitsuka:2005qi} \citation{MenaRequejo:2005hn} \citation{Hagiwara:2005pe} \citation{Kachelriess:2004vs} \citation{Huber:2005ep} \citation{Huber:2005ep} \citation{Gonzalez-Garcia:2004cu} \citation{Ishitsuka:2005qi} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {17}{\ignorespaces $\Delta \chi ^2$ of the solution with the wrong octant of $\theta _{23}$ as a function of the true value of $\qopname \relax o{sin}^2\theta _{23}$. We have assumed a true value of $\theta _{13} = 0$.}}{26}} \newlabel{fig:octant}{{17}{26}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7}Summary}{26}} \newlabel{sec:conclusions}{{7}{26}} \citation{ISSpage} \bibcite{solar}{1} \bibcite{Fukuda:1998mi}{2} \bibcite{Ashie:2005ik}{3} \bibcite{Araki:2004mb}{4} \bibcite{Aliu:2004sq}{5} \bibcite{MINOS}{6} \bibcite{OPERA}{7} \bibcite{CNGS}{8} \bibcite{LSND}{9} \bibcite{MINIBOONE}{10} \bibcite{FOGLILISI05}{11} \bibcite{Maltoni:2004ei}{12} \bibcite{PMNS}{13} \bibcite{CHOOZ}{14} \bibcite{Wpaper}{15} \bibcite{T2K}{16} \bibcite{Ayres:2004js}{17} \bibcite{Huber:2003pm}{18} \bibcite{Albrow:2005kw}{19} \bibcite{SPL}{20} \bibcite{BNLHS}{21} \bibcite{zucchelli}{22} \bibcite{Albright:2004iw}{23} \bibcite{Blondel:2004ae}{24} \bibcite{Campagne:2004wt}{25} \bibcite{Mezzetto:2003ub}{26} \bibcite{memphys}{27} \bibcite{UNO}{28} \bibcite{Nakamura:2003hk}{29} \bibcite{Huber:2005ep}{30} \bibcite{Globes}{31} \bibcite{Huber:2002mx}{32} \bibcite{Nuance}{33} \bibcite{ISSpage}{34} \bibcite{MyNufact04}{35} \bibcite{Donini:2004hu}{36} \bibcite{JJHigh2}{37} \bibcite{LindnerBB}{38} \bibcite{JJHigh1}{39} \bibcite{Terranova}{40} \bibcite{BB-Reviews}{41} \bibcite{Volpe}{42} \bibcite{Lindroos}{43} \bibcite{Eurisol}{44} \bibcite{Lindroos-Optimization}{45} \bibcite{MezzettoNuFact05}{46} \bibcite{Neugen}{47} \bibcite{FLUKA}{48} \bibcite{GEANT}{49} \bibcite{HARP-MINERVA}{50} \bibcite{Mezzetto:2003mm}{51} \bibcite{Honda:2004yz}{52} \bibcite{Lipari:1991ut}{53} \bibcite{Gonzalez-Garcia:2004wg}{54} \bibcite{Burguet-Castell:2001ez}{55} \bibcite{Minakata:2001qm}{56} \bibcite{Fogli:1996pv}{57} \bibcite{Barger:2001yr}{58} \bibcite{Yasuda:2004gu}{59} \bibcite{Ishitsuka:2005qi}{60} \bibcite{Antusch:2004yx}{61} \bibcite{Minakata:2004pg}{62} \bibcite{Donini:2005db}{63} \bibcite{Peres:2003wd}{64} \bibcite{Gonzalez-Garcia:2004cu}{65} \bibcite{Petcov:1998su}{66} \bibcite{Akhmedov:1998ui}{67} \bibcite{Bernabeu:2003yp}{68} \bibcite{Kim:1998bv}{69} \bibcite{Kajita}{70} \bibcite{Petcov:2005rv}{71} \bibcite{MenaRequejo:2005hn}{72} \bibcite{Hagiwara:2005pe}{73} \bibcite{Kachelriess:2004vs}{74}