Name of the WG : COLLECTOR (FOCUS was Ok for me in fact but may have some clashes with other name ?) COLLECTOR: deliverables and relevant milestones ---------------------------------------------- results: * same as JD * this would include solution to the integration of the target in the horn solution to the horn material choice solution to the horn cooling system solution of the horn/target physical replacement after 200 M pulses milestones: Same as JD but in his meaning « cooling » I guess is « muon cooling »… I would add milestones : ? thermo-mecanical dynamic simulations ? Collection of informations upon modification of Aluminuim alloy mecanichal properties under high rate neutron irradiation IN2P3-nu -------- estimate of FTE per work package I had the same guesses of Stavros concerning the COLLECTOR (WP4) for the time beeing. But as Jacques already told you, in the presentation I would prefer a list « a la Jacques » with global numbers but without any names (except myself as coordinator of course) and with an asterix with the mention « to be confirmed by IN2P3 ». In private with Roy, you can certainly quote the names given by Stavros for the COLLECTOR WP (minus Jean-Paul Repellin who will retire in July) and JD for the others : WP4 : ~2FTE LAL : phys : myself 30% + Antoine Cazes (student 30%) + JBoucrot (10%) ing : Guy Mace (10%) + Sandry Wallon (50%) LPNHE : Phys : Jacques (25%) IPNLyon : Phys : D. Autiero (25%) IN2P3 : Phys : Stavros (10%) WP1 1.0 FTE [~10 people at 10%] WP3 0.2 FTE [gross guesses] WP6 0.4 FTE [gross guesses]