Authors: J.E.Campagne,M.Maltoni,M.Mezzetto,T.Schwetz Title: Physics potential of the CERN-MEMPHYS neutrino oscillation project We thank the referee for his/her positive evaluation or our work, the detailed reading of the manuscript, and the critical comments. Below we answer to the criticisms, and list the corresponding changes in the text. We hope that with these changes our work is suitable for publication. REFEREE: (1) One of the most surprising feature of the results obtained in this paper is that the mass hierarchy can be resolved up to sin22theta13 =0.03 just by combining SPL and betabeam(Fig.16). However, the authors seem to fail to place enough emphasis on this unexpected result. I understood that some explanation is already offered by the authors in page 25. What are the key experimental features which enable the resolution? ANSWER: As we explain on p. 26 (previously p. 25), this interesting effect appears because of a delicate interplay of the (tiny) matter effect in all four CP and T conjugate channels. This can also be seen from Fig. 5, where the solutions with the wrong hierarchy appear at slightly different locations for BB and SPL. We belief that the explanation given on p. 26 is clear enough. A more detailed investigation of this effect goes beyond the scope of the paper. REFEREE: (2)The authors view of the current status of the ideas for future projects seems to be a bit outdated. Now another option of T2K upgrade, which is called as T2KK, is available. In this option people claimed that all the eight-fold parameter degeneracy can be lifted in situ without relying on combination with atmospheric neutrinos, thereby reserving the latter as a redundant cross check. Also they use superbeam only, avoiding a costly beta beam construction. From outsiders view it looks like the better option within the scope of megaton class water Cherenkov than CERN-MEMPHYS. Even though the authors do not fully treat the T2KK setting in their analysis, it would be nice if the authors comments on comparison between these two strategies. ANSWER: In our work we have confined ourselves to the standard T2HK setup, since the porpose of our work is not a T2K optimization study investigating various configurations for that experiment. In contrast, here T2HK mainly serves as a point of reference to which we compare the CERN--MEMPHYS experiments. For this aim we prefer to stick to the ``minimal'' one-detector configuration at a relatively short baseline, since two-detector setups with very long baselines clearly represent a different class of experiments whose consideration goes beyond the scope of the present work. We have added a paragraph to say this explicitly on p. 4. Moreover, we have added at several places in the text comments on the sensitivities of T2KK obtained in Refs. [34,35], which are the previous Ref. [60] and the more recent T2KK publication which we have added to the references. Specifically, we comment on T2KK on p. 22 (CPV), on p. 26 (mass hierarchy) and on p. 27 (octant degeneracy). In addition we mention also the the wide band beam idea in relation to the mass hierarchy deterimation, referring to the analysis [74]. REFEREE: (3)The most serious problem in appearance neutrino experiment with water Cherenkov detector is the background issue, in particular pi0 rejection. While the authors refer Ref. [51] for 'tighter cut' the reference is not informative at all. Also, one of the advantage of the present analysis, as compared to theprevious SPL studies, is that the authors take into account the spectrum informations. But, at such low energies it is highly nontrivial to reconstruct neutrino energy because of Fermi motion. The authors description of the procedure is too brief to allow understanding such high performance of the method. The reasonably informative description should be provided for both aspects. ANSWER: We quoted reference [53] (previous [51]) because it's the only paper where the SPL analysis has been described. It had been performed by D. Casper from the SuperKamiokande collaboration. We don't have today all the details of this analysis, but the pi0 background can be understood from general principles. We have added the following text in sec. 3.3: "Following Ref. [53], the $\pi^o$ background is reduced using a tighter PID cut compared to the standard Super-Kamiokande analysis used in K2K, but the cuts are looser than for T2K. Indeed, at SPL energies the $\pi^o$ background is less severe than for T2HK. This is because the resonant cross section is suppressed, and the produced pions have an energy where the angle between the two gammas is very wide, leading to a small probability that the two gamma rings overlap. This results in a higher signal efficiency of SPL compared to T2HK (60\% against 40\%) and a smaller rate of $\pi^o$ background." Regarding the energy reconstruction, we think to have fully illustrated the problem with Figure 2 and the related discussion in sec. 3.2. We are using the same lepton momentum smearing function as SK and we are using the most updated version of the Nuance neutrino generator, that is worldwide considered the reference for neutrino generators, and Fermi motion is taken into account. In ref. [34] (previous [60]) the authors quote an energy resolution of 80 MeV for QE events. By applying our methods we have 77 MeV resolution in their energy range. REFEREE: (4)The Dm2 sensitivity of T2HK as presented in Table 4 appears too good to be true. It is strongly believed that it cannot be less than 2 ANSWER: We have added the following text to the discussion of Tab. 4: "In the interpretation of the numbers given in Tab. 4 one should consider that at accuracies below 1\% systematics might become important, which are not accounted for here. We do include the most relevant systematics (see Secs. 2 and 3), however, at that level additional uncertainties related to, for example, the spectral shapes of signal and/or background, or the energy calibration might eventually limit the accuracy." REFEREE: (5) CP sensitivity of T2HK obtained by the authors is significantly different from that estimated by T2KK people. With the same 5% error the former is up to sin22theta13 =2x10-3,but the latter extends to much smaller theta13 region, as shown in one of T2KK paper, Fig.7 in Ref.[60]. The authors of the paper include SK experimentalists and hence their treatment of the errors might be more appropriate than the present analysis. Therefore, at least some comments must be made on this discrepancy. ANSWER: In Ref. [34] (previously Ref. [60]) the systematical errors are taken to be correlated between neutrino and antineutrino data (see eqs. 3 and 4 of [34]), whereas in our calculation they are assumed to be uncorrelated. We have verified that this has a notable impact on the CPV sensitivity and can explain the different results. We added a corresponding remark in the text on p. 22. Note that also for the CERN-MEMPHYS experiment we assume the errors to be uncorrelated, so we compare all experiments on equal footing. REFEREE: (6)It is not obvious which figure is nu only and which combines nu and anti-nu. A comment in each caption might be helpful to the readers. ANSWER: We added nu and anti-nu running times in all figure captions. REFEREE: (7)The fact that the spectral information solves the intrinsic degeneracy is noticed for T2K I about 2 years ago in Ref. [60]. ANSWER: We do not claim to have discovered this here for the first time. We add references to [30,32,34] in the discussion of Fig. 6. REFEREE: (8) The authors do not explain the reason why theta13 sensitivity has a sharp minimum at delta = pi, as seen in Fig.9; It is unusually abrupt drop of more than an order of magnitude. ANSWER: We add the following paragraph to the discussion of Fig. 9: "The peak of the sensitivity curves around $\delCP \approx \pi$ appears due to the interplay of neutrino and antineutrino data. For the Super Beams neutrino (antineutrino) data are most sensitive in the region $\pi \lesssim \delCP \lesssim 2\pi$ ($0 \lesssim \delCP \lesssim \pi$), and opposite for the \BB, compare also Fig. 14 in Sec. 6.1. The particular shape of the sensitivity curves emerges from the relative location of the corresponding curves for neutrino and antineutrino data, which is controlled by the $L/E_\nu$ value where the experiment is operated and the value of $|\Delta m^2_{31}|$. The fact that the peak is most pronounced for the \BB\ follows from the somewhat smaler $L/E_\nu$ of the \BB\ compared to the Super Beams, whereas the shapes for SPL and T2HK are similar because of the similar $L/E_\nu$ values.