defscript evolAtCalibFreq #Follow up of the intensity arround the Calib frequency in different calibration conditions # NO calibration # Calibration coeff. mean per Run # Calibration coeff. per cycles set fcalib $1 newwin 1 2 n/pl onoffevol.onoffRaw0%cycle ! ! "blue cpts notit nsta" settitle "Raw ON-OFF ${source} Ch 0 (blue) Ch 1 (red) ${ncycles}cycles " ' ' $defatt n/pl onoffevol.onoffRaw1%cycle ! ! "red cpts notit nsta" setaxelabels "cycle" "I[${fcalib}MHz/6.25MHz] Raw (a.u)" $axedefatt newwin 1 2 n/proj hRaw0 onoffevol.onoffRaw0 ! ! ! "blue cpts notit" settitle "Raw ON-OFF ${source} Ch 0 (blue) Ch 1 (red) ${ncycles}cycles " ' ' $defatt n/proj hRaw1 onoffevol.onoffRaw1 ! ! ! "red cpts notit" settitle "I[${fcalib}MHz/6.25MHz] Raw (a.u)" newwin 1 2 n/pl onoffevol.onoffRun0%cycle ! ! "blue cpts notit nsta" settitle "ON-OFF Calib Run ${source} Ch 0 (blue) Ch 1 (red) ${ncycles}cycles" ' ' $defatt n/pl onoffevol.onoffRun1%cycle ! ! "red cpts notit nsta" setaxelabels "cycle" "I[${fcalib}MHz/6.25MHz] Run (a.u)" $axedefatt newwin 1 2 n/proj hRun0 onoffevol.onoffRun0 ! ! ! "blue cpts notit" settitle "ON-OFF Calib Run ${source} Ch 0 (blue) Ch 1 (red) ${ncycles}cycles" ' ' $defatt n/proj hRun1 onoffevol.onoffRun1 ! ! ! "red cpts notit" settitle "I[${fcalib}MHz/6.25MHz] Run (a.u)" newwin 1 2 n/pl onoffevol.onoffCycle0%cycle ! ! "blue cpts notit nsta" settitle "ON-OFF Calib Cycle ${source} Ch 0 (blue) Ch 1 (red) ${ncycles}cycles" ' ' $defatt n/pl onoffevol.onoffCycle1%cycle ! ! "red cpts notit nsta" setaxelabels "cycle" "I[${fcalib}MHz/6.25MHz] Cycle (a.u)" $axedefatt newwin 1 2 n/proj hCycle0 onoffevol.onoffCycle0 ! ! ! "blue cpts notit" settitle "ON-OFF Calib Cycle ${source} Ch 0 (blue) Ch 1 (red) ${ncycles}cycles" ' ' $defatt n/proj hCycle1 onoffevol.onoffCycle1 ! ! ! "red cpts notit" settitle "I[${fcalib}MHz/6.25MHz] Cycle (a.u)" endscript ########################################### defscript evolAt1420Freq #Follow up of the intensity arround the (1420.4 +/- 2) MHz frequency in different calibration conditions # NO calibration # Calibration coeff. mean per Run # Calibration coeff. per cycles graphicatt "xylimits=0,500,-0.01,0.01" newwin 1 2 n/pl onoffevol.onoffRaw01420%cycle ! ! "blue cpts notit nsta" settitle "Raw ON-OFF ${source} Ch 0 (blue) Ch 1 (red) ${ncycles}cycles " ' ' $defatt n/pl onoffevol.onoffRaw11420%cycle ! ! "red cpts notit nsta" setaxelabels "cycle" "I[1420.4MHz +/- 2MHz] Raw (a.u)" $axedefatt newwin 1 2 n/pl onoffevol.onoffRun01420%cycle ! ! "blue cpts notit nsta" settitle "ON-OFF Calib Run ${source} Ch 0 (blue) Ch 1 (red) ${ncycles}cycles" ' ' $defatt n/pl onoffevol.onoffRun11420%cycle ! ! "red cpts notit nsta" setaxelabels "cycle" "I[1420.4MHz +/- 2MHz] Run (a.u)" $axedefatt newwin 1 2 n/pl onoffevol.onoffCycle01420%cycle ! ! "blue cpts notit nsta" settitle "ON-OFF Calib Cycle ${source} Ch 0 (blue) Ch 1 (red) ${ncycles}cycles" ' ' $defatt n/pl onoffevol.onoffCycle11420%cycle ! ! "red cpts notit nsta" setaxelabels "cycle" "I[1420.4MHz +/- 2MHz] Cycle (a.u)" $axedefatt newh1d hSigmaRaw0 -0.02 0.02 50 newh1d hSigmaRaw1 -0.02 0.02 50 newh1d hSigmaRun0 -0.02 0.02 50 newh1d hSigmaRun1 -0.02 0.02 50 newh1d hSigmaCycl0 -0.02 0.02 50 newh1d hSigmaCycl1 -0.02 0.02 50 graphicatt "" newwin 1 1 n/proj hSigmaRaw0 onoffevol.onoffRaw01420 ! ! ! "blue cpts notit" n/proj hSigmaRaw1 onoffevol.onoffRaw11420 ! ! ! "same red cpts notit" settitle "Raw ON-OFF ${source} Ch 0 (blue) Ch 1 (red) ${ncycles}cycles " ' ' $defatt setaxelabels "(a.u)" "I[1420.4MHz +/- 2MHz] Raw" $axedefatt newwin 1 1 n/proj hSigmaRun0 onoffevol.onoffRun01420 ! ! ! "blue cpts notit" n/proj hSigmaRun1 onoffevol.onoffRun11420 ! ! ! "same red cpts notit" settitle "ON-OFF Calib Run ${source} Ch 0 (blue) Ch 1 (red) ${ncycles}cycles" ' ' $defatt setaxelabels "(a.u)" "I[1420.4MHz +/- 2MHz] Run" $axedefatt newwin 1 1 n/proj hSigmaCycl0 onoffevol.onoffCycle01420 ! ! ! "blue cpts notit" n/proj hSigmaCycl1 onoffevol.onoffCycle11420 ! ! ! "same red cpts notit" settitle "ON-OFF Calib Cycle ${source} Ch 0 (blue) Ch 1 (red) ${ncycles}cycles" ' ' $defatt setaxelabels "(a.u)" "I[1420.4MHz +/- 2MHz] Cycle" $axedefatt endscript ################################################## defscript diffOnOff # #Display the ON-OFF over the whole freq. range in diffrent Calib. conditions # NO calibration # Calibration coeff. mean per Run # Calibration coeff. per cycles # graphicatt "xylimits=1250,1500,-0.01,0.01" del snocal0 snocal1 objaoper meanNoCalib row 0 snocal0 objaoper meanNoCalib row 1 snocal1 newwin 1 1 plot2d snocal0 (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "blue cpts notit nsta" plot2d snocal1 (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "red same cpts notit nsta" settitle "Raw ON-OFF ${source} Ch 0 (blue) Ch 1 (red) ${ncycles}cycles" ' ' $defatt setaxelabels "Freq. (MHz)" "I (a.u)" $axedefatt del sruncal0 sruncal1 objaoper meanPerRunCalib row 0 sruncal0 objaoper meanPerRunCalib row 1 sruncal1 newwin 1 1 plot2d sruncal0 (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "blue cpts notit nsta" plot2d sruncal1 (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "red same cpts notit nsta" settitle "ON-OFF Calib Run ${source} Ch 0 (blue) Ch 1 (red) ${ncycles}cycles" ' ' $defatt setaxelabels "Freq. (MHz)" "I (a.u)" $axedefatt newwin 1 1 del scyclecal0 scyclecal1 objaoper meanPerCycleCalib row 0 scyclecal0 objaoper meanPerCycleCalib row 1 scyclecal1 plot2d scyclecal0 (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "blue cpts notit nsta" plot2d scyclecal1 (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "red same cpts notit nsta" settitle "ON-OFF Calib Cycle ${source} Ch 0 (blue) Ch 1 (red) ${ncycles}cycles" ' ' $defatt setaxelabels "Freq. (MHz)" "I (a.u)" $axedefatt endscript #Main #use minuscule for source label set source $1 set ncycles $2 set fcalib $3 openppf onoffsurvey_${source}-${ncycles}Cycles.ppf print onoffevol set defatt "font=helvetica,bold,20 fixedfonsize" set axedefatt "font=helvetica,bold,30 fixedfonsize grid" set defatt "" set axedefatt "grid" graphicatt "" setaxesatt "" #diffOnOff evolAt1420Freq