%!GLoBES /* * If you modify this file you have to rename it. * * %This file has been used in the following references @Article{Campagne:2005nm, author = "Campagne, J. -E.", title = "The SPL-Fr\'{e}jus physics potential", journal = "Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplement)", volume = "", year = "2005", eprint = "hep-ex/0510029", SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = HEP-EX 0510029;%%" } @Article{Mezzetto:2005, author = "Mezzetto, Mauro", title = "Beta beams", journal = "Journal of Physics: Conference Series", volume = "", year = "2005", pages = "", eprint = "", SLACcitation = "" } @Article{Schwetz:2005, author = "Schwetz, Thomas", title = "Resolving parameter degeneracies with atmospheric neutrinos", journal = "Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplement)", volume = "", year = "2005", pages = "", eprint = "", SLACcitation = "" } /* Version of the File: 1.0 */ /* Original author: M. Mezzetto */ /* History: 03/06/05 first version M.M*/ /* 11/10/05 Tagging for ISS comparison J.E.C*/ $version="1.8.1" /* Beam data */ /* @time has units `years' */ /* Norm must contain Len**2 times 6E32 time 1E-38 divided flux bin width (GeV) divided 5.2 */ flux(#SPLplus)< @flux_file = "../data/SPLGLoBESPiPlus.dat" @time = 2 @norm = 0.975E-6 > flux(#SPLminus)< @flux_file = "../data/SPLGLoBESPiMinus.dat" @time = 8 @norm = 0.975E-6 > $target_mass = 440 $sampling_points = 30 $sampling_min = 0. $sampling_max = 1.2 $bins = 5 $emin = 0.08 $emax = 1.08 /* Baseline */ $profiletype = 3 $densitytab = {2.7} $lengthtab = {130.0} /* Technical information */ $filter_state = 0 $filter_value = 1000000 /* Energy Resolution */ /* The same as SK: a constant term corresponding to Fermi motion */ energy(#ERES)< @type = 1 @sigma_e = {0.0,0.0,0.085} > /* Cross sections */ cross(#CC)< @cross_file = "../data/LipariXCCGLoBES.dat" > cross(#NC)< @cross_file = "../data/XNC.dat" > /* Channels */ channel(#numu_non_osci)< @channel = #SPLplus: +: NOSC_m: muon: #CC: #ERES > channel(#nue_app)< @channel = #SPLplus: +: m: e: #CC: #ERES > channel(#nue_bar_app)< @channel = #SPLminus: -: m: e: #CC: #ERES > channel(#numu_disa)< @channel = #SPLplus: +: m: m: #CC: #ERES > channel(#numu_bar_disa)< @channel = #SPLminus: -: m: m: #CC: #ERES > channel(#NC_bckg_plus)< @channel = #SPLplus: +: NOSC_m: NOSC_m: #NC: #ERES > channel(#NC_bckg_minus)< @channel = #SPLminus: -: NOSC_m: NOSC_m: #NC: #ERES > channel(#nue_Beam)< @channel = #SPLplus: +: e: e: #CC: #ERES > channel(#nue_bar_Beam)< @channel = #SPLminus: -: e: e: #CC: #ERES > channel(#nue_in_nubare)< @channel = #SPLminus: +: e: e: #CC: #ERES > channel(#nubare_in_nue)< @channel = #SPLplus: -: e: e: #CC: #ERES > channel(#numu_disa_signal)< @channel = #SPLplus: +: m: m: #CC: #ERES @pre_smearing_efficiencies={0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.16986, 0.5624, 0.715028, 0.77302, 0.86964, 0.92296, 0.95628, 0.9996, 0.98294, 0.96628, 0.94296, 0.9263, 0.89964, 0.88298, 0.85966, 0.843, 0.82634, 0.80968, 0.78302, 0.76636, 0.76636, 0.76636, 0.76636, 0.76636, 0.76636} > channel(#numu_bar_disa_signal)< @channel = #SPLminus: -: m: m: #CC: #ERES @pre_smearing_efficiencies={0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.16986, 0.5624, 0.715028, 0.77302, 0.86964, 0.92296, 0.95628, 0.9996, 0.98294, 0.96628, 0.94296, 0.9263, 0.89964, 0.88298, 0.85966, 0.843, 0.82634, 0.80968, 0.78302, 0.76636, 0.76636, 0.76636, 0.76636, 0.76636, 0.76636} > /* Rules */ rule(#NU_E_app)< @signal = 0.707@#nue_app @signalerror = 0.02 : 0.0001 @background = 0.00054@#numu_disa : 0.707@#nue_Beam : 0.677@#nubare_in_nue : 0.00065@#NC_bckg_plus @backgrounderror = 0.02 : 0.0001 @backgroundcenter = 1.0 : 0.0 @errordim_sys_on = 0 @errordim_sys_off = 2 @energy_window = 0.1 : 1. > rule(#NU_E_BAR_app)< @signal = 0.677@#nue_bar_app @signalerror = 0.02 : 0.0001 @background = 0.00054@#numu_bar_disa : 0.707@#nue_in_nubare : 0.677@#nue_bar_Beam : 0.0025@#NC_bckg_minus @backgrounderror = 0.02 : 0.0001 @backgroundcenter = 1.0 : 0.0 @errordim_sys_on = 0 @errordim_sys_off = 2 @energy_window = 0.1 : 1. > rule(#NUMU_DISA)< @signal = 1@#numu_disa_signal @signalerror = 0.02 : 0.0001 @background = 0.000043@#numu_disa @backgrounderror = 0.02 : 0.0001 @backgroundcenter = 1.0 : 0.0 @errordim_sys_on = 0 @errordim_sys_off = 2 @energy_window = 0.1 : 1. > rule(#NUMUBAR_DISA)< @signal = 1@#numu_bar_disa_signal @signalerror = 0.02 : 0.0001 @background = 0.000043@#numu_bar_disa @backgrounderror = 0.02 : 0.0001 @backgroundcenter = 1.0 : 0.0 @errordim_sys_on = 0 @errordim_sys_off = 2 @energy_window = 0.1 : 1. > /**********************END********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************/