set user "AST" set source "Abell1205" set srclower "abell1205" set date "20110415" set cycle "8" set mode "Off" set toppath "/sps/baoradio/AmasNancay/${user}" set path "${toppath}/${source}/dab" set ppf "0" # Read DAB calibration in Jansky (Voie E / PKS1127-14) #----------------------------------------------------- n/read nt_dabjy ${toppath}/DAB_Jy.dat " " dabfreq,0 dabjy,1 newwin 1 1 n/pl nt_dabjy.dabjy%dabfreq 1 ! "marker=star,4 magenta notit" settitle "DAB Voie E / PKS1127-14. Juin 2011" # Read DAB calibration in A.U. (from BAORadio data) #-------------------------------------------------- openppf ${path}/dabchrom_${date}_${srclower}_${mode}.ppf ls ## Baseline del b0 b1 b0f b1f objaoper /home/base row 0 b0 objaoper /home/base row 1 b1 objaoper /home/basefilt row 0 b0f objaoper /home/basefilt row 1 b1f ## First DAB del dab01 dab11 dab01f dab11f dab01n dab11n objaoper /home/firstdab row 0 dab01 objaoper /home/firstdab row 1 dab11 objaoper /home/firstdabfilt row 0 dab01f objaoper /home/firstdabfilt row 1 dab11f objaoper /home/firstdelta row 0 dab01d objaoper /home/firstdelta row 1 dab11d ## Second DAB del dab02 dab12 dab02f dab12f dab02n dab12n objaoper /home/seconddab row 0 dab02 objaoper /home/seconddab row 1 dab12 objaoper /home/seconddabfilt row 0 dab02f objaoper /home/seconddabfilt row 1 dab12f objaoper /home/seconddelta row 0 dab02d objaoper /home/seconddelta row 1 dab12d ## Mean(delta(first,second DAB)) per channel c++exec TVector meandab0d(dab01d,false); KeepObj(meandab0d); \ TVector meandab1d(dab11d,false); KeepObj(meandab1d); \ meandab0d+=dab02d; meandab0d/=2.; \ meandab1d+=dab12d; meandab1d/=2.; ## Rebin BAO and calibrated data in 0.5Hz/bin to perform division exptovec vf nt_dabjy dabfreq exptovec vjy nt_dabjy dabjy c++exec TVector dumm0(vf), dumm1(vjy);\ TVector vcalfreq=dumm0.SubVector(Range(320,854)).TransposeSelf();\ KeepObj(vcalfreq);\ TVector vcaljy=dumm1.SubVector(Range(320,854)).TransposeSelf();\ KeepObj(vcaljy); del invec0 invec1 invec2 invec3 val0 val1 cp meandab0d invec0 cp meandab1d invec1 cp vcaljy invec2 cp vcalfreq invec3 ls c++compile interpol c++link dointerpol call dointerpol c++exec TVector calcoeff0f1400a1420=calcoeff0.SubVector(Range(300,340)); \ KeepObj(calcoeff0f1400a1420);\ TVector calcoeff1f1400a1420=calcoeff1.SubVector(Range(300,340)); \ KeepObj(calcoeff1f1400a1420); projh1d h0 calcoeff0f1400a1420 val projh1d h1 calcoeff1f1400a1420 val ## Save Mean(delta(first,second DAB)) per channel into a ppf file #if ( ppf == "1" ) then # del daboff # c++exec TMatrix daboff(2,dab01.NElts()); KeepObj(daboff); \ # daboff.Row(0)=meandab0d; daboff.Row(1)=meandab1d; # saveppf daboff "${toppath}/${source}/daboff_${date}_${srclower}_calibcycle8.fits" #endif # Plot results #-------------- graphicatt "xylimits=1250,1500,0,3" ## Baseline newwin 1 1 plot2d b0 (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "blue cpts nstat notit" plot2d b1 (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "same red cpts nstat notit" settitle "Baseline raw $source $date $mode Ch0 blue Ch1 red" newwin 1 1 plot2d b0f (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "blue cpts nstat notit" plot2d b1f (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "same red cpts nstat notit" settitle "Baseline filt $source $date $mode Ch0 blue Ch1 red" ## First DAB #newwin 1 1 #plot2d dab01 (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "blue cpts nstat notit" #plot2d dab11 (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "same red cpts nstat notit" #settitle "First DAB raw $source $date $mode Ch0 blue Ch1 red" newwin 1 1 plot2d dab01f (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "blue cpts nstat notit" plot2d dab11f (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "same red cpts nstat notit" settitle "First DAB filt $source $date $mode Ch0 blue Ch1 red" ## Second DAB #newwin 1 1 #plot2d dab02 (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "blue cpts nstat notit" #plot2d dab12 (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "same red cpts nstat notit" #settitle "Second DAB raw $source $date $mode Ch0 blue Ch1 red" newwin 1 1 plot2d dab02f (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "blue cpts nstat notit" plot2d dab12f (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "same red cpts nstat notit" settitle "Second DAB filt $source $date $mode Ch0 blue Ch1 red" ## Delta=DAB-baseline + Calibrated DAB in Jansky graphicatt "xylimits=1100,1600,0,30" newwin 1 1 n/pl nt_dabjy.dabjy%dabfreq 1 ! "marker=star,4 turquoise notit nstat" plot2d dab01d (n/8192)*250+1250 val*18 n>0 "same blue cpts nstat notit" plot2d dab11d (n/8192)*250+1250 val*22 n>0 "same red cpts nstat notit" settitle "First DAB delta $source $date $mode" setaxelabels "Freq (MHz)" "Intensity" "bigboldfont" addline 1420 4 1430 4 "turquoise line=solid,3" addline 1420 3 1430 3 "blue line=solid,3" addline 1420 2 1430 2 "red line=solid,3" addtext 1440 4 "DAB Voie E (Jy)" "bigfont" addtext 1440 3 "Ch0*18 (A.U.)" "bigfont" addtext 1440 2 "Ch1*22 (A.U.)" "bigfont" newwin 1 1 n/pl nt_dabjy.dabjy%dabfreq 1 ! "marker=star,4 turquoise notit nstat" plot2d dab02d (n/8192)*250+1250 val*18 n>0 "same blue cpts nstat notit" plot2d dab12d (n/8192)*250+1250 val*22 n>0 "same red cpts nstat notit" settitle "Second DAB delta $source $date $mode" setaxelabels "Freq (MHz)" "Intensity" "bigboldfont" addline 1420 4 1430 4 "turquoise line=solid,3" addline 1420 3 1430 3 "blue line=solid,3" addline 1420 2 1430 2 "red line=solid,3" addtext 1440 4 "DAB Voie E (Jy)" "bigfont" addtext 1440 3 "Ch0*18 (A.U.)" "bigfont" addtext 1440 2 "Ch1*22 (A.U.)" "bigfont" ## Delta=Mean(DAB-baseline) + Calibrated DAB in Jansky graphicatt "xylimits=1100,1600,0,30" newwin 1 1 n/pl nt_dabjy.dabjy%dabfreq 1 ! "marker=star,4 turquoise notit nstat" plot2d meandab0d (n/8192)*250+1250 val*18 n>0 "same blue cpts nstat notit" plot2d meandab1d (n/8192)*250+1250 val*23 n>0 "same red cpts nstat notit" settitle "Mean DAB delta $source $date $mode" setaxelabels "Freq (MHz)" "Intensity" "bigboldfont" addline 1420 4 1430 4 "turquoise line=solid,3" addline 1420 3 1430 3 "blue line=solid,3" addline 1420 2 1430 2 "red line=solid,3" addtext 1440 4 "DAB Voie E (Jy)" "bigfont" addtext 1440 3 "Ch0*18 (A.U.)" "bigfont" addtext 1440 2 "Ch1*23 (A.U.)" "bigfont" graphicatt "" newwin 1 1 plot2d meandab0d (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "blue cpts nstat notit" plot2d meandab1d (n/8192)*250+1250 val n>0 "same red cpts nstat notit" settitle "Raw MeanDAB Ch0(blue) Ch1(red)" ## Rebinned DAB spectra graphicatt "" newwin 1 1 plot2d val0 (n/500)*250+1250 val 1 "cpts blue notit nstat" plot2d val1 (n/500)*250+1250 val 1 "cpts same red notit nstat" settitle "BAO DAB spectra Ch0 (blue) Ch1(red)" setaxelabels "Freq. (MHz)" "I (a.u.)" "bigboldfont" newwin 1 1 plot2d val2 (n/500)*250+1250 val 1 "cpts blue notit nstat" settitle "Calibrated DAB spectra" setaxelabels "Freq. (MHz)" "I (Jy)" "bigboldfont" ## Calibration coefficients Jy/a.u. in the whole bandwidth newwin 1 1 plot2d calcoeff1 (n/500)*250+1250 val 1 "cpts red notit nstat" plot2d calcoeff0 (n/500)*250+1250 val 1 "cpts same blue notit nstat" settitle "Calibration coefficients spectrum Ch0(blue) Ch1(red)" setaxelabels "Freq. (MHz)" "Coeff Jy/a.u." "bigboldfont" ## Calibration coefficients Jy/a.u. in [1400,1420]MHz newwin 1 1 disp h0 "notit" settitle "CalCoeff (Jy/a.u.) Ch0" newwin 1 1 disp h1 "notit" settitle "CalCoeff (Jy/a.u.) Ch1"