function hh = uitabdemo(option) % UITABDEMO This script demostrates the use of UITABPANEL. % Author: Shiying Zhao ( % Version: 1.0 % First created: May 02, 2006 % Last modified: May 20, 2006 if nargin<1, option = 1; end switch option case 1 style1 = 'popup'; style2 = 'lefttop'; style3 = 'rightbottom'; case 2 style1 = 'popup'; style2 = 'righttop'; style3 = 'leftbottom'; otherwise style1 = 'popup'; style2 = 'centertop'; style3 = 'centerbottom'; end width = 0; hfig = figure(... 'Name','uitabpanel demo',... 'NumberTitle','off', ... 'Menubar','none',... 'Toolbar','none'); %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Creating the tabs %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- htab(1) = uitabpanel(... 'Parent',hfig,... 'Style',style1,... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[0,0,0.3,1],... 'FrameBackgroundColor',[0.4314,0.5882,0.8431],... 'FrameBorderType','etchedin',... 'Title',{'This is popup tab','Click me!','See also','About'},... 'PanelHeights',[8,30,10,10],... 'HorizontalAlignment','left',... 'FontWeight','bold',... 'TitleBackgroundColor',[0.9255 0.9490 0.9765],... 'TitleForegroundColor',[0.1294,0.3647,0.8510],... 'PanelBackgroundColor',[0.7725,0.8431,0.9608],... 'PanelBorderType','line',... 'CreateFcn',@CreateTab1); htab(2) = uitabpanel(... 'Parent',hfig,... 'TabPosition',style2,... 'Position',[0.3,0.5,0.7,0.5],... 'Margins',{[0,-1,1,0],'pixels'},... 'PanelBorderType','line',... 'Title',{'Introduction','Syntax','Features','Todo'},... 'CreateFcn',@CreateTab2); htab(3) = uitabpanel(... 'Parent',hfig,... 'TitlePosition',style3,... 'Position',[0.3,0,0.7,0.5],... 'Margins',{[0,1,1,0],'pixels'},... 'Title',{'The Earth','The Globe','More Styles'},... 'CreateFcn',@CreateTab3,... 'SelectedItem',3); if nargout, hh = htab; end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function CreateTab1(htab,evdt,hpanel,hstatus) uicontrol(... 'Parent',hpanel(1),... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[.1,.1,.9,.8],... 'BackgroundColor',get(hpanel(3),'BackgroundColor'),... 'HorizontalAlignment','left',... 'Style','text',... 'String',[... 'Popup panel is another ' 'type of UITABPANEL ' 'with the ''Style'' ' 'property set to ''Popup''. ' 'Click on its title bar ' 'toggle open/close of the ' 'popup panel. ']); uicontrol(... 'Parent',hpanel(2),... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[.1,.02,.8,.95],... 'BackgroundColor',get(hpanel(3),'BackgroundColor'),... 'HorizontalAlignment','left',... 'Style','text',... 'String',[... 'Here is a long panel. ' 'Using the vertical ' 'slider to scroll up ' 'and down for the rest ' 'of content in this ' 'popup panel. ' ' ' 'All popup panels have ' 'the same vertical ' 'layout. ' ' ' 'The length of each ' 'panel in the group can' 'be specified using the' 'the property ' '''PanelHeights'' at ' 'creation time, which ' 'should be a numeric ' 'array with the same ' 'length of ''Title'' in ' 'the unit of ' '''Characters''. ' ' ' 'Interactive change of ' 'the length of a panel ' 'in the group can only ' 'be done when it is ' 'deactivated. ']); uicontrol(... 'Parent',hpanel(3),... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[.1,.1,.8,.82],... 'BackgroundColor',get(hpanel(3),'BackgroundColor'),... 'HorizontalAlignment','left',... 'Style','text',... 'String',[... 'tabpanel, by Dirk Tenne ' 'Tab panel example, by ' ' Bill York ' 'TabPanel Constructor ' ' v1.3, by Elmar Tarajan' 'Tab Panel (Yet another ' ' one), by Laine Berhane' ' Kahsay ' 'in File Exchange Site. ']); uicontrol(... 'Parent',hpanel(4),... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[.1,.1,.8,.76],... 'BackgroundColor',get(hpanel(3),'BackgroundColor'),... 'Style','text',... 'String',[... ' UITABPANEL ' ' version 1.0 ' ' ' ' Created by ' ' Shiying Zhao ' '(' ' ' ' May 20, 2006 ']); uicontrol(... 'Parent',hstatus,... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[0,0,1,.3],... 'BackgroundColor',get(hstatus,'BackgroundColor'),... 'ForegroundColor',[0.6,1,1],... 'HitTest','off',... 'Style','text',... 'String',[... ' Copyright(c) 2006 ' ' Shiying Zhao ' 'All rights reserved.']); set(htab,'ResizeFcn',@TabResize1); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function CreateTab2(htab,evdt,hpanel,hstatus) uicontrol(... 'Parent',hpanel(1),... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[.1,.1,.8,.8],... 'BackgroundColor',get(hpanel(1),'BackgroundColor'),... 'ForegroundColor','w',... 'HorizontalAlignment','left',... 'FontSize',12,... 'Style','text',... 'String',[ ... 'UITABPANEL creates a group of tabbed ' 'panels with a consistent look and feel to' 'the builtin MATLAB UI objects. ' ' ' 'A special type of UITABPANEL is the ' 'popup tabpanel as shown on the left-hand ' 'side of this figure. ']); uicontrol(... 'Parent',hpanel(2),... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[.1,.1,.8,.8],... 'BackgroundColor','w',... 'HorizontalAlignment','left',... 'Style','text',... 'String',[... ' ' ' The syntax of using UITABPANEL is the same as ' ' UIPANEL except a few property changes. For a complete ' ' description, see the online help of UITABPANEL and the ' ' MATLAB script of this demo. Examples: ' ' ' ' htab = uitabpanel( ''Title'',{''A'',''B'',''C'',''D''} ) ' ' htab = uitabpanel( ''Title'',{''A'',''B''},''Style'',''righttop'' ) ' ' htab = uitabpanel( ''Title'',{''A'',''B'',''C''},''Position'',my_pos,' ' ''CreateFcn'',@my_fun1,''ResizeFcn'',@my_fun2) ']); uicontrol(... 'Parent',hpanel(3),... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[.1,.1,.8,.8],... 'BackgroundColor','w',... 'HorizontalAlignment','left',... 'Style','text',... 'String',[... ' ' ' The following is a brief summary of some advanced features' ' of the current implementation of UITABPANEL: ' ' 1. UITABPANEL can be resizable if ''ResizeFcn'' is set. ' ' 2. A callback routine ''SelectionChangeFcn'' can be defined ' ' through ''set/getappdata'', which will be executed when ' ' the selected tab changes. ' ' 3. An empty UICONTAINER in each UITABPANEL is ' ' designed mainly for a functional purpose, but is can be' ' used by users for other purposes in a number of ways. ']); uicontrol(... 'Parent',hpanel(4),... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[.1,.1,.8,.8],... 'BackgroundColor','w',... 'HorizontalAlignment','left',... 'Style','text',... 'String',[... ' ' ' Although the current implementation of UITABPANEL works ' ' well for small number of tabs, many improvements and new ' ' features are still desirable. ' ' ' ' An immediate task is to add more styles, such as vertical' ' tabs and multi-row tabs. However, the most desirable ' ' improvement to me is to rewrite UITABPANEL as a ' ' MATLAB class, so that it will behave in the same way as ' ' the builtin MATLAB user interface (UI) objects. ']); uicontrol(... 'Parent',hstatus,... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[0,0.1,1,.68],... 'BackgroundColor',get(hstatus,'BackgroundColor'),... 'ForegroundColor','k',... 'HitTest','off',... 'Style','text',... 'String',['This is ',style2,' tab']); setappdata(htab,'SelectionChangeFcn',@TabStatus2); set(htab,'ResizeFcn',{@TabResize2,[0.5,0.5]}); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function CreateTab3(htab,evdt,hpanel,hstatus) uicontrol(... 'Parent',hpanel(3),... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[.3,.1,.6,.6],... 'BackgroundColor',get(hpanel(1),'BackgroundColor'),... 'ForegroundColor','w',... 'HorizontalAlignment','left',... 'FontSize',12,... 'Style','text',... 'String',[... 'Run this demo with the optional ' 'argument 1, 2, and 3 to view all' 'implemented styles. ']); load('topo.mat','topo','topomap1'); axes('Parent',hpanel(1)); PlotTheEarth(topo,topomap1); axes('Parent',hpanel(2),'Position',[0,.1,.8,.8]); axis square off uicontrol(... 'Parent',hpanel(2),... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[0.7,.4,.2,.1],... 'Style','pushbutton',... 'Callback',{@PlotTheGlobel,topo},... 'String','Create it!'); uicontrol(... 'Parent',hpanel(2),... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[0.7,.2,.2,.1],... 'Style','pushbutton',... 'Callback','cla',... 'String','Remove it!'); uicontrol(... 'Parent',hstatus,... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[0,0.1,1,.68],... 'BackgroundColor',get(hstatus,'BackgroundColor'),... 'ForegroundColor','k',... 'HitTest','off',... 'Style','text',... 'String',['This is ',style3,' tab']); set(htab,'ResizeFcn',{@TabResize2,[0,0.5]}); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TabResize1(hobj,evdt) figpos = get(hfig,'Position'); tabpos = get(hobj,'Position'); tabpos(4) = figpos(4); set(hobj,'Position',tabpos); width = tabpos(3)/figpos(3); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TabResize2(hobj,evdt,ysiz) figpos = get(hfig,'Position'); tabpos = get(hobj,'Position'); tabpos([1,3]) = [width,1-width]*figpos(3)+[1,0]; tabpos([2,4]) = ysiz*figpos(4)+[1,0]; set(hobj,'Position',tabpos); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TabStatus2(hobj,evdt) set(get(evdt.Status,'Children'),'String',['page ',num2str(evdt.NewValue)]); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function PlotTheEarth(topo,topomap1) contour(0:359,-89:90,topo,[0 0],'b') axis equal box on set(gca,'XLim',[0 360],'YLim',[-90 90], ... 'XTick',[0 60 120 180 240 300 360], ... 'YTick',[-90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90]); hold on image([0 360],[-90 90],topo,'CDataMapping', 'scaled'); colormap(topomap1); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function PlotTheGlobel(hobj,evdt,topo) [x,y,z] = sphere(50); props.AmbientStrength = 0.1; props.DiffuseStrength = 1; props.SpecularColorReflectance = .5; props.SpecularExponent = 20; props.SpecularStrength = 1; props.FaceColor= 'texture'; props.EdgeColor = 'none'; props.FaceLighting = 'phong'; props.Cdata = topo; surface(x,y,z,props); light('position',[-1 0 1]); light('position',[-1.5 0.5 -0.5], 'color', [.6 .2 .2]); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- end