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COLORDG - Provides a choice of 15 colors for a line plot


function linecolor = colordg(n);


COLORDG - Provides a choice of 15 colors for a line plot
The first seven colors are the same as Matlab's predefined
values for the PLOT command, i.e.


Syntax:  linecolor = colordg(n);

Input: N , integer between 1 and 15, giving the following colors

 2 GREEN (pale)
 3 RED
 5 MAGENTA (pale)
 6 YELLOW (pale)
 9 GREEN (dark)
 10 YELLOW (dark)  
 12 MAGENTA (dark)
 13 GREY
 14 BROWN (pale)
 15 BROWN (dark)

Output: LINECOLOR  (1 x 3 RGB vector)

  1)   h = line(x,y,'Color',colordg(11)); %Picks the orange color
  2)   colordg demo  %Creates a figure displaying the 15 colors
  3)   axes;  set(gca,'ColorOrder',(colordg(1:15)));
       Overrides the default ColorOrder for the current axes only
  4)   figure; set(gcf,'DefaultAxesColorOrder',(colordg(1:15)));
       Overrides the default ColorOrder for all axes of the current
  5)   set(0,'DefaultAxesColorOrder',(colordg(1:15)));
       Sets the default ColorOrder for all axes to be created during
       the current matlab session. You may wish to insert this
       command into your startup.m file.

See also: PLOT, LINE, AXES


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function linecolor = colordg(n);
0002 %COLORDG - Provides a choice of 15 colors for a line plot
0003 %The first seven colors are the same as Matlab's predefined
0004 %values for the PLOT command, i.e.
0005 %
0006 %  'b','g','r','c','m','y','k'
0007 %
0008 %Syntax:  linecolor = colordg(n);
0009 %
0010 %Input: N , integer between 1 and 15, giving the following colors
0011 %
0012 % 1 BLUE
0013 % 2 GREEN (pale)
0014 % 3 RED
0015 % 4 CYAN
0016 % 5 MAGENTA (pale)
0017 % 6 YELLOW (pale)
0018 % 7 BLACK
0019 % 8 TURQUOISE
0020 % 9 GREEN (dark)
0021 % 10 YELLOW (dark)
0022 % 11 ORANGE
0023 % 12 MAGENTA (dark)
0024 % 13 GREY
0025 % 14 BROWN (pale)
0026 % 15 BROWN (dark)
0027 %
0028 %Output: LINECOLOR  (1 x 3 RGB vector)
0029 %
0030 %Examples:
0031 %  1)   h = line(x,y,'Color',colordg(11)); %Picks the orange color
0032 %  2)   colordg demo  %Creates a figure displaying the 15 colors
0033 %  3)   axes;  set(gca,'ColorOrder',(colordg(1:15)));
0034 %       Overrides the default ColorOrder for the current axes only
0035 %  4)   figure; set(gcf,'DefaultAxesColorOrder',(colordg(1:15)));
0036 %       Overrides the default ColorOrder for all axes of the current
0037 %      figure
0038 %  5)   set(0,'DefaultAxesColorOrder',(colordg(1:15)));
0039 %       Sets the default ColorOrder for all axes to be created during
0040 %       the current matlab session. You may wish to insert this
0041 %       command into your startup.m file.
0042 %
0043 %See also: PLOT, LINE, AXES
0045 %Author: Denis Gilbert, Ph.D., physical oceanography
0046 %Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
0047 %Web: http://www.qc.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/iml/
0048 %August 2000; Last revision: 26-Sep-2003
0050 if nargin == 0
0051    error('Must provide an input argument to COLORDG')
0052 end
0054 colorOrder = ...
0055 [  0            0            1       % 1 BLUE
0056    0            1            0       % 2 GREEN (pale)
0057    1            0            0       % 3 RED
0058    0            1            1       % 4 CYAN
0059    1            0            1       % 5 MAGENTA (pale)
0060    1            1            0       % 6 YELLOW (pale)
0061    0            0            0       % 7 BLACK
0062    0            0.75         0.75    % 8 TURQUOISE
0063    0            0.5          0       % 9 GREEN (dark)
0064    0.75         0.75         0       % 10 YELLOW (dark)
0065    1            0.50         0.25    % 11 ORANGE
0066    0.75         0            0.75    % 12 MAGENTA (dark)
0067    0.7          0.7          0.7     % 13 GREY
0068    0.8          0.7          0.6     % 14 BROWN (pale)
0069    0.6          0.5          0.4 ];  % 15 BROWN (dark)
0071 if isnumeric(n) & n >= 1 & n <= 15
0072     linecolor = colorOrder(n,:);
0073 elseif strcmp(n,'demo')
0074     %GENERATE PLOT to display a sample of the line colors
0075     figure, axes;
0076     %PLOT N horizontal lines
0077     for n=1:length(colorOrder)
0078         h(n) = line([0 1],[n n],'Color',colorOrder(n,:));
0079     end
0080     set(h,'LineWidth',5)
0081     set(gca,'YLim',[0 n+1],'YTick',[1:n],'XTick',[])
0082     ylabel('Color Number');
0083 else
0084     error('Invalid input to colordg');
0085 end

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