Home > applications > common > zoomfixticks.m



ZOOMFIXTICKS - Allows zoom to work on a figure whose AXES tick labels are manually set


function zoomfixticks(fig,method,varargin)


ZOOMFIXTICKS - Allows zoom to work on a figure whose AXES tick labels are manually set
   ZOOMFIXTICKS(FIG) operates on the figure with handle FIG.
   ZOOMFIXTICKS(AX) operates on the figure with child AXES handle AX.
   ZOOMFIXTICKS with no arguments operates on the current figure.

   Note that when using this function, you will need to modify the FIXTICKS
   subfunction to meet your application needs.  Alternatively, you can comment
   out the function and supply it as an M-file function on the MATLAB path.  
   If you supply your own, make sure that the M-file is named "fixticks.m", and
   it takes a single input argument, the handle to an AXES object.

       hf = figure;
       xdata = [0:.01:1];
       ydata = 100000*sin(2*pi*5*xdata);

   Greg Aloe (8-8-2002)


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function zoomfixticks(fig,method,varargin)
0002 %ZOOMFIXTICKS - Allows zoom to work on a figure whose AXES tick labels are manually set
0003 %   ZOOMFIXTICKS(FIG) operates on the figure with handle FIG.
0004 %   ZOOMFIXTICKS(AX) operates on the figure with child AXES handle AX.
0005 %   ZOOMFIXTICKS with no arguments operates on the current figure.
0006 %
0007 %   Note that when using this function, you will need to modify the FIXTICKS
0008 %   subfunction to meet your application needs.  Alternatively, you can comment
0009 %   out the function and supply it as an M-file function on the MATLAB path.
0010 %   If you supply your own, make sure that the M-file is named "fixticks.m", and
0011 %   it takes a single input argument, the handle to an AXES object.
0012 %
0013 %   Example:
0014 %       hf = figure;
0015 %       xdata = [0:.01:1];
0016 %       ydata = 100000*sin(2*pi*5*xdata);
0017 %       plot(xdata,ydata);
0018 %       zoomfixticks(hf)
0019 %
0020 %   Greg Aloe (8-8-2002)
0023 % Set up the figure if there are less than 2 arguments
0024 if nargin < 2
0025     % Make sure the input is a handle to an AXES or FIGURE
0026     if nargin==0
0027         % If no arguments, assume the current figure
0028         fig = gcf;
0029     elseif ishandle(fig) & ~strcmp(lower(get(fig,'type')),'figure')
0030         % If FIG is a handle, but not to a figure, assume it's an axes and get its parent
0031         fig = get(fig,'parent');
0032     end
0034     % Error out if the input is not a handle, or not a handle to a figure or axes
0035     if ~ishandle(fig) | (ishandle(fig) & ~strcmp(lower(get(fig,'type')),'figure'))
0036         error('Input argument must be a handle to an AXES or FIGURE object.')
0037     end
0039     % Initialize the setup of the figure
0040     init(fig)
0041 else
0042     % if 2 or more arguments, perform the desired operation
0043     feval(method,varargin{:})
0044 end
0047 %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0048 function init(fig)
0049 % This function sets up the figure so that zooms will work even when the AXES
0050 % ticklabels are set manually
0052 % Change the callback for the "Zoom In" toolbar button
0053 hin = findall(fig,'tag','figToolZoomIn');
0054 set(hin,'ClickedCallback','zoomfixticks(gcbf,''zoomInCallback'',gcbo,gcbf)')
0056 % Change the callback for the "Zoom Out" toolbar button
0057 hout = findall(fig,'tag','figToolZoomOut');
0058 set(hout,'ClickedCallback','zoomfixticks(gcbf,''zoomOutCallback'',gcbo,gcbf)')
0060 % Fix the ticks on initialization
0061 fixticks(gca(fig))
0063 %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0064 function zoomInCallback(hcbo,fig)
0065 % Callback for the "Zoom In" button
0067 % First call what is normally called during a zoom in
0068 putdowntext('zoomin',hcbo)
0070 % If the button is depressed, force WindowButtonDownFcn to call the DOWNFCN subfunction
0071 if strcmp(get(hcbo,'state'),'on')
0072     set(fig,'WindowButtonDownFcn','zoomfixticks(gcbf,''downFcn'',gcbf)')
0073 end
0076 %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0077 function zoomOutCallback(hcbo,fig)
0078 % Callback for the "Zoom Out" button
0080 % First call what is normally called during a zoom out
0081 putdowntext('zoomout',hcbo)
0083 % If the button is depressed, force WindowButtonDownFcn to call the DOWNFCN subfunction
0084 if strcmp(get(hcbo,'state'),'on')
0085     set(fig,'WindowButtonDownFcn','zoomfixticks(gcbf,''downFcn'',gcbf)')
0086 end
0089 %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0090 function downFcn(fig)
0091 % Since the button was pressed, tell the figure that we are starting a zoom
0092 zoom(fig,'down');
0094 % After the zoom, fix the ticks
0095 fixticks(gca(fig))
0098 %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0099 function fixticks(ax)
0100 % This function will perform the desired ticklabel fixing
0101 % This is the function you will want to modify to meet your application needs
0102 % Alternatively, you can comment out this function to call an M-file function
0103 % in its place.
0105 % EXAMPLE:
0106 % First update the axes so the ticks are as expected
0107 drawnow
0108 % Get the ticks
0109 tick=get(ax,'ytick');
0110 % Convert ticks to a string of the desired format
0111 tickstr=num2str(tick',7);
0112 % Reset the labels to the new format
0113 set(ax,'yticklabel',tickstr);

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