function m2html(varargin) %M2HTML - Documentation Generator for Matlab M-files and Toolboxes in HTML % M2HTML by itself generates an HTML documentation of the Matlab M-files found % in the direct subdirectories of the current directory. HTML files are % written in a 'doc' directory (created if necessary). All the others options % are set to default (in brackets in the following). % M2HTML('PropertyName1',PropertyValue1,'PropertyName2',PropertyValue2,...) % sets multiple option values. The list of option names and default values is: % o mFiles - Cell array of strings or character array containing the % list of M-files and/or directories of M-files for which an HTML % documentation will be built (use relative paths without backtracking). % Launch M2HTML one directory above the directory your wanting to % generate documentation for [ ] % o htmlDir - Top level directory for generated HTML files [ 'doc' ] % o recursive - Process subdirectories recursively [ on | {off} ] % o source - Include Matlab source code in the generated documentation % [ {on} | off ] % o download - Add a link to download each M-file separately [ on | {off} ] % o syntaxHighlighting - Source Code Syntax Highlighting [ {on} | off ] % o tabs - Replace '\t' (horizontal tab) in source code by n white space % characters [ 0 ... {4} ... n ] % o globalHypertextLinks - Hypertext links among separate Matlab % directories [ on | {off} ] % o todo - Create a TODO list in each directory summarizing all the % '% TODO %' lines found in Matlab code [ on | {off}] % o graph - Compute a dependency graph using GraphViz [ on | {off}] % 'dot' required, see % o indexFile - Basename of the HTML index file [ 'index' ] % o extension - Extension of generated HTML files [ '.html' ] % o template - HTML template name to use [ {'blue'} | 'frame' | ... ] % o search - Add a PHP search engine [ on | {off}] - beta version! % o ignoredDir - List of directories to be ignored [ {'.svn' 'cvs'} ] % o save - Save current state after M-files parsing in 'm2html.mat' % in directory htmlDir [ on | {off}] % o load - Load a previously saved '.mat' M2HTML state to generate HTML % files once again with possibly other options [ ] % o verbose - Verbose mode [ {on} | off ] % % For more information, please read the M2HTML tutorial and FAQ at: % % % Examples: % >> m2html('mfiles','matlab', 'htmldir','doc'); % >> m2html('mfiles',{'matlab/signal' 'matlab/image'}, 'htmldir','doc'); % >> m2html('mfiles','matlab', 'htmldir','doc', 'recursive','on'); % >> m2html('mfiles','mytoolbox', 'htmldir','doc', 'source','off'); % >> m2html('mfiles','matlab', 'htmldir','doc', 'global','on'); % >> m2html( ... , 'template','frame', 'index','menu'); % % See also MWIZARD, MDOT, TEMPLATE. % Copyright (C) 2005 Guillaume Flandin % $Revision: 1.5 $Date: 2005/05/01 16:15:30 $ % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation Inc, 59 Temple Pl. - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. % Suggestions for improvement and fixes are always welcome, although no % guarantee is made whether and when they will be implemented. % Send requests to % For tips on how to write Matlab code, see: % * MATLAB Programming Style Guidelines, by R. Johnson: % % * For tips on creating help for your m-files 'type help.m'. % * Matlab documentation on M-file Programming: % % This function uses the Template class so that you can fully customize % the output. You can modify .tpl files in templates/blue/ or create new % templates in a new directory. % See the template class documentation for more details. % % Latest information on M2HTML is available on the web through: % % Other Matlab to HTML converters available on the web: % 1/, J.C. Kantor, in Perl, 1995: % % 2/ htmltools, B. Alsberg, in Matlab, 1997: % % 3/ mtree2html2001, H. Pohlheim, in Perl, 1996, 2001: % % 4/ MatlabCodeColorizer, S. Faridani, in C#, 2005: % % 5/ Highlight, G. Flandin, in Matlab, 2003: % % 6/ mdoc, P. Brinkmann, in Matlab, 2003: % % 7/ Ocamaweb, Miriad Technologies, in Ocaml, 2002: % % 8/ Matdoc, M. Kaminsky, in Perl, 2003: % % 9/ Matlab itself, The Mathworks Inc, with HELPWIN, DOC and PUBLISH (R14) %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Set up options and default parameters %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t0 = clock; % for statistics msgInvalidPair = 'Bad value for argument: ''%s'''; options = struct('verbose', 1,... 'mFiles', {{'.'}},... 'htmlDir', 'doc',... 'recursive', 0,... 'source', 1,... 'download',0,... 'syntaxHighlighting', 1,... 'tabs', 4,... 'globalHypertextLinks', 0,... 'graph', 0,... 'todo', 0,... 'load', 0,... 'save', 0,... 'search', 0,... 'helptocxml', 0,... 'indexFile', 'index',... 'extension', '.html',... 'template', 'blue',... 'rootdir', pwd,... 'ignoredDir', {{'.svn' 'cvs'}}, ... 'language', 'english'); if nargin == 1 & isstruct(varargin{1}) paramlist = [ fieldnames(varargin{1}) ... struct2cell(varargin{1}) ]'; paramlist = { paramlist{:} }; else if mod(nargin,2) error('Invalid parameter/value pair arguments.'); end paramlist = varargin; end optionsnames = lower(fieldnames(options)); for i=1:2:length(paramlist) pname = paramlist{i}; pvalue = paramlist{i+1}; ind = strmatch(lower(pname),optionsnames); if isempty(ind) error(['Invalid parameter: ''' pname '''.']); elseif length(ind) > 1 error(['Ambiguous parameter: ''' pname '''.']); end switch(optionsnames{ind}) case 'verbose' if strcmpi(pvalue,'on') options.verbose = 1; elseif strcmpi(pvalue,'off') options.verbose = 0; else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end case 'mfiles' if iscellstr(pvalue) options.mFiles = pvalue; elseif ischar(pvalue) options.mFiles = cellstr(pvalue); else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end options.load = 0; case 'htmldir' if ischar(pvalue) if isempty(pvalue), options.htmlDir = '.'; else options.htmlDir = pvalue; end else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end case 'recursive' if strcmpi(pvalue,'on') options.recursive = 1; elseif strcmpi(pvalue,'off') options.recursive = 0; else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end options.load = 0; case 'source' if strcmpi(pvalue,'on') options.source = 1; elseif strcmpi(pvalue,'off') options.source = 0; else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end case 'download' if strcmpi(pvalue,'on') = 1; elseif strcmpi(pvalue,'off') = 0; else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end case 'syntaxhighlighting' if strcmpi(pvalue,'on') options.syntaxHighlighting = 1; elseif strcmpi(pvalue,'off') options.syntaxHighlighting = 0; else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end case 'tabs' if pvalue >= 0 options.tabs = pvalue; else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end case 'globalhypertextlinks' if strcmpi(pvalue,'on') options.globalHypertextLinks = 1; elseif strcmpi(pvalue,'off') options.globalHypertextLinks = 0; else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end options.load = 0; case 'graph' if strcmpi(pvalue,'on') options.graph = 1; elseif strcmpi(pvalue,'off') options.graph = 0; else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end case 'todo' if strcmpi(pvalue,'on') options.todo = 1; elseif strcmpi(pvalue,'off') options.todo = 0; else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end case 'load' if ischar(pvalue) if exist(pvalue) == 7 % directory provided pvalue = fullfile(pvalue,'m2html.mat'); end try load(pvalue); catch error(sprintf('Unable to load %s.', pvalue)); end options.load = 1; [dummy options.template] = fileparts(options.template); else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end case 'save' if strcmpi(pvalue,'on') = 1; elseif strcmpi(pvalue,'off') = 0; else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end case 'search' if strcmpi(pvalue,'on') = 1; elseif strcmpi(pvalue,'off') = 0; else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end case 'helptocxml' if strcmpi(pvalue,'on') options.helptocxml = 1; elseif strcmpi(pvalue,'off') options.helptocxml = 0; else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end case 'indexfile' if ischar(pvalue) options.indexFile = pvalue; else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end case 'extension' if ischar(pvalue) & pvalue(1) == '.' options.extension = pvalue; else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end case 'template' if ischar(pvalue) options.template = pvalue; else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end case 'ignoreddir' if iscellstr(pvalue) options.language = pvalue; elseif ischar(pvalue) options.language = cellstr(pvalue); else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end case 'language' if ischar(pvalue) options.language = pvalue; else error(sprintf(msgInvalidPair,pname)); end otherwise error(['Invalid parameter: ''' pname '''.']); end end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Get template files location %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s = fileparts(which(mfilename)); options.template = fullfile(s,'templates',options.template); if exist(options.template) ~= 7 error('[Template] Unknown template.'); end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Get list of M-files %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ~options.load if strcmp(options.mFiles,'.') d = dir(pwd); d = {d([d.isdir]).name}; options.mFiles = {d{~ismember(d,{'.' '..' options.ignoredDir{:}})}}; end mfiles = getmfiles(options.mFiles,{},options.recursive,options.ignoredDir); if ~length(mfiles), fprintf('Nothing to be done.\n'); return; end if options.verbose, fprintf('Found %d M-files.\n',length(mfiles)); end mfiles = sort(mfiles); % sort list of M-files in dictionary order end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Get list of (unique) directories and (unique) names %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ~options.load mdirs = {}; names = {}; for i=1:length(mfiles) [mdirs{i}, names{i}] = fileparts(mfiles{i}); if isempty(mdirs{i}), mdirs{i} = '.'; end end mdir = unique(mdirs); if options.verbose, fprintf('Found %d unique Matlab directories.\n',length(mdir)); end name = names; %name = unique(names); % output is sorted %if options.verbose, % fprintf('Found %d unique Matlab files.\n',length(name)); %end end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Create output directory, if necessary %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if isempty(dir(options.htmlDir)) %- Create the top level output directory if options.verbose fprintf('Creating directory %s...\n',options.htmlDir); end if options.htmlDir(end) == filesep, options.htmlDir(end) = []; end [pathdir, namedir] = fileparts(options.htmlDir); if isempty(pathdir) [status, msg] = mkdir(escapeblank(namedir)); else [status, msg] = mkdir(escapeblank(pathdir), escapeblank(namedir)); end if ~status, error(msg); end end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Get synopsis, H1 line, script/function, subroutines, cross-references, todo %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ~options.load synopsis = cell(size(mfiles)); h1line = cell(size(mfiles)); subroutine = cell(size(mfiles)); hrefs = sparse(length(mfiles), length(mfiles)); todo = struct('mfile',[], 'line',[], 'comment',{{}}); ismex = zeros(length(mfiles), length(mexexts)); statlist = {}; statinfo = sparse(1,length(mfiles)); kw = cell(size(mfiles)); freq = cell(size(mfiles)); for i=1:length(mfiles) if options.verbose fprintf('Processing file %s...',mfiles{i}); end s = mfileparse(mfiles{i}, mdirs, names, options); synopsis{i} = s.synopsis; h1line{i} = s.h1line; subroutine{i} = s.subroutine; hrefs(i,:) = s.hrefs; todo.mfile = [todo.mfile repmat(i,1,length(s.todo.line))]; todo.line = [todo.line s.todo.line]; todo.comment = {todo.comment{:} s.todo.comment{:}}; ismex(i,:) = s.ismex; if if options.verbose, fprintf('search...'); end [kw{i}, freq{i}] = searchindex(mfiles{i}); statlist = union(statlist, kw{i}); end if options.verbose, fprintf('\n'); end end hrefs = hrefs > 0; if if options.verbose fprintf('Creating the search index...'); end statinfo = sparse(length(statlist),length(mfiles)); for i=1:length(mfiles) i1 = find(ismember(statlist, kw{i})); i2 = repmat(i,1,length(i1)); if ~isempty(i1) statinfo(sub2ind(size(statinfo),i1,i2)) = freq{i}; end if options.verbose, fprintf('.'); end end clear kw freq; if options.verbose, fprintf('\n'); end end end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Save M-filenames and cross-references for further analysis %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matfilesave = 'm2html.mat'; if if options.verbose fprintf('Saving MAT file %s...\n',matfilesave); end save(fullfile(options.htmlDir,matfilesave), ... 'mfiles', 'names', 'mdirs', 'name', 'mdir', 'options', ... 'hrefs', 'synopsis', 'h1line', 'subroutine', 'todo', 'ismex', ... 'statlist', 'statinfo'); end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Setup the output directories %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for i=1:length(mdir) if exist(fullfile(options.htmlDir,mdir{i})) ~= 7 ldir = splitpath(mdir{i}); for j=1:length(ldir) if exist(fullfile(options.htmlDir,ldir{1:j})) ~= 7 %- Create the output directory if options.verbose fprintf('Creating directory %s...\n',... fullfile(options.htmlDir,ldir{1:j})); end if j == 1 [status, msg] = mkdir(escapeblank(options.htmlDir), ... escapeblank(ldir{1})); else [status, msg] = mkdir(escapeblank(options.htmlDir), ... escapeblank(fullfile(ldir{1:j}))); end error(msg); end end end end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Write the master index file %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tpl_master = 'master.tpl'; tpl_master_identifier_nbyline = 4; php_search = 'search.php'; dotbase = 'graph'; %- Create the HTML template tpl = template(options.template,'remove'); tpl = set(tpl,'file','TPL_MASTER',tpl_master); tpl = set(tpl,'block','TPL_MASTER','rowdir','rowdirs'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','TPL_MASTER','idrow','idrows'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','idrow','idcolumn','idcolumns'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','TPL_MASTER','search','searchs'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','TPL_MASTER','graph','graphs'); %- Open for writing the HTML master index file curfile = fullfile(options.htmlDir,[options.indexFile options.extension]); if options.verbose fprintf('Creating HTML file %s...\n',curfile); end fid = openfile(curfile,'w'); %- Set some template variables tpl = set(tpl,'var','DATE',[datestr(now,8) ' ' datestr(now,1) ' ' ... datestr(now,13)]); tpl = set(tpl,'var','MASTERPATH', './'); tpl = set(tpl,'var','DIRS', sprintf('%s ',mdir{:})); %- Print list of unique directories for i=1:length(mdir) tpl = set(tpl,'var','L_DIR',... fullurl(mdir{i},[options.indexFile options.extension])); tpl = set(tpl,'var','DIR',mdir{i}); tpl = parse(tpl,'rowdirs','rowdir',1); end %- Print full list of M-files (sorted by column) [sortnames, ind] = sort(names); m_mod = mod(length(sortnames), tpl_master_identifier_nbyline); ind = [ind zeros(1,tpl_master_identifier_nbyline-m_mod)]; m_floor = floor(length(ind) / tpl_master_identifier_nbyline); ind = reshape(ind,m_floor,tpl_master_identifier_nbyline)'; for i=1:prod(size(ind)) if ind(i) tpl = set(tpl,'var','L_IDNAME',... fullurl(mdirs{ind(i)},[names{ind(i)} options.extension])); tpl = set(tpl,'var','T_IDNAME',mdirs{ind(i)}); tpl = set(tpl,'var','IDNAME',names{ind(i)}); tpl = parse(tpl,'idcolumns','idcolumn',1); else tpl = set(tpl,'var','L_IDNAME',''); tpl = set(tpl,'var','T_IDNAME',''); tpl = set(tpl,'var','IDNAME',''); tpl = parse(tpl,'idcolumns','idcolumn',1); end if mod(i,tpl_master_identifier_nbyline) == 0 tpl = parse(tpl,'idrows','idrow',1); tpl = set(tpl,'var','idcolumns',''); end end %- Add a search form if necessary tpl = set(tpl,'var','searchs',''); if tpl = set(tpl,'var','PHPFILE',php_search); tpl = parse(tpl,'searchs','search',1); end %- Link to a full dependency graph, if necessary tpl = set(tpl,'var','graphs',''); if options.graph & options.globalHypertextLinks & length(mdir) > 1 tpl = set(tpl,'var','LGRAPH',[dotbase options.extension]); tpl = parse(tpl,'graphs','graph',1); end %- Print the template in the HTML file tpl = parse(tpl,'OUT','TPL_MASTER'); fprintf(fid,'%s',get(tpl,'OUT')); fclose(fid); %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Copy template files (CSS, images, ...) %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Get list of files d = dir(options.template); d = {d(~[d.isdir]).name}; % Copy files for i=1:length(d) [p, n, ext] = fileparts(d{i}); if ~strcmp(ext,'.tpl') ... % do not copy .tpl files & ~strcmp([n ext],'Thumbs.db') % do not copy this Windows generated file if isempty(dir(fullfile(options.htmlDir,d{i}))) if options.verbose fprintf('Copying template file %s...\n',d{i}); end %- there is a bug with in Matlab 6.5 : % %- and does not overwrite files even if newer... [status, errmsg] = copyfile(fullfile(options.template,d{i}),... options.htmlDir); %- If you encounter this bug, please uncomment one of the following lines % eval(['!cp -rf ' fullfile(options.template,d{i}) ' ' options.htmlDir]); % eval(['!copy ' fullfile(options.template,d{i}) ' ' options.htmlDir]); % status = 1; if ~status if ~isempty(errmsg) error(errmsg) else warning(sprintf([' failed to do its job...\n' ... 'This is a known bug in Matlab 6.5 (R13).\n' ... 'See'])); end end end end end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Search engine (index file and PHP script) %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tpl_search = 'search.tpl'; idx_search = 'search.idx'; % TODO % improving the fill in of 'statlist' and 'statinfo' % TODO % improving the search template file and update the CSS file if %- Write the search index file in output directory if options.verbose fprintf('Creating Search Index file %s...\n', idx_search); end docinfo = cell(length(mfiles),2); for i=1:length(mfiles) docinfo{i,1} = h1line{i}; docinfo{i,2} = fullurl(mdirs{i}, [names{i} options.extension]); end doxywrite(fullfile(options.htmlDir,idx_search),statlist,statinfo,docinfo); %- Create the PHP template tpl = template(options.template,'remove'); tpl = set(tpl,'file','TPL_SEARCH',tpl_search); %- Open for writing the PHP search script curfile = fullfile(options.htmlDir, php_search); if options.verbose fprintf('Creating PHP script %s...\n',curfile); end fid = openfile(curfile,'w'); %- Set template fields tpl = set(tpl,'var','INDEX',[options.indexFile options.extension]); tpl = set(tpl,'var','MASTERPATH','./'); tpl = set(tpl,'var','DATE',[datestr(now,8) ' ' datestr(now,1) ' ' ... datestr(now,13)]); tpl = set(tpl,'var','IDXFILE',idx_search); tpl = set(tpl,'var','PHPFILE',php_search); %- Print the template in the HTML file tpl = parse(tpl,'OUT','TPL_SEARCH'); fprintf(fid,'%s',get(tpl,'OUT')); fclose(fid); end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Create needed to display hierarchical entries in Contents panel %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % See % and % TODO % display directories in TOC hierarchically instead of linearly if options.helptocxml curfile = fullfile(options.htmlDir, 'helptoc.xml'); if options.verbose fprintf('Creating XML Table-Of-Content %s...\n',curfile); end fid = openfile(curfile,'w'); fprintf(fid,'\n'); fprintf(fid,'\n\n', datestr(now,31)); fprintf(fid,'\n\n'); fprintf(fid,['%s\n'], ... [options.indexFile options.extension],'Toolbox'); for i=1:length(mdir) fprintf(fid,['%s\n'], ... fullfile(mdir{i}, ... [options.indexFile options.extension]),mdir{i}); if options.graph fprintf(fid,['\t%s\n'], ... fullfile(mdir{i},... [dotbase options.extension]),'Dependency Graph'); end if options.todo if ~isempty(intersect(find(strcmp(mdir{i},mdirs)),todo.mfile)) fprintf(fid,['\t%s\n'], ... fullfile(mdir{i},... ['todo' options.extension]),'Todo list'); end end for j=1:length(mdirs) if strcmp(mdirs{j},mdir{i}) curfile = fullfile(mdir{i},... [names{j} options.extension]); fprintf(fid,'\t%s\n', ... curfile,names{j}); end end fprintf(fid,'\n'); end fprintf(fid,'\n'); fprintf(fid,'\n\n'); fclose(fid); end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Write an index for each output directory %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tpl_mdir = 'mdir.tpl'; tpl_mdir_link = '%s'; %dotbase defined earlier %- Create the HTML template tpl = template(options.template,'remove'); tpl = set(tpl,'file','TPL_MDIR',tpl_mdir); tpl = set(tpl,'block','TPL_MDIR','row-m','rows-m'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','row-m','mexfile','mex'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','TPL_MDIR','othermatlab','other'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','othermatlab','row-other','rows-other'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','TPL_MDIR','subfolder','subfold'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','subfolder','subdir','subdirs'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','TPL_MDIR','todolist','todolists'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','TPL_MDIR','graph','graphs'); tpl = set(tpl,'var','DATE',[datestr(now,8) ' ' datestr(now,1) ' ' ... datestr(now,13)]); for i=1:length(mdir) %- Open for writing each output directory index file curfile = fullfile(options.htmlDir,mdir{i},... [options.indexFile options.extension]); if options.verbose fprintf('Creating HTML file %s...\n',curfile); end fid = openfile(curfile,'w'); %- Set template fields tpl = set(tpl,'var','INDEX', [options.indexFile options.extension]); tpl = set(tpl,'var','MASTERPATH',backtomaster(mdir{i})); tpl = set(tpl,'var','MDIR', mdir{i}); %- Display Matlab m-files, their H1 line and their Mex status tpl = set(tpl,'var','rows-m',''); for j=1:length(mdirs) if strcmp(mdirs{j},mdir{i}) tpl = set(tpl,'var','L_NAME', [names{j} options.extension]); tpl = set(tpl,'var','NAME', names{j}); tpl = set(tpl,'var','H1LINE', h1line{j}); if any(ismex(j,:)) tpl = parse(tpl,'mex','mexfile'); else tpl = set(tpl,'var','mex',''); end tpl = parse(tpl,'rows-m','row-m',1); end end %- Display other Matlab-specific files (.mat,.mdl,.p) tpl = set(tpl,'var','other',''); tpl = set(tpl,'var','rows-other',''); w = what(mdir{i}); w = w(1); w = {w.mat{:} w.mdl{:} w.p{:}}; for j=1:length(w) tpl = set(tpl,'var','OTHERFILE',w{j}); tpl = parse(tpl,'rows-other','row-other',1); end if ~isempty(w) tpl = parse(tpl,'other','othermatlab'); end %- Display subsequent directories and classes tpl = set(tpl,'var','subdirs',''); tpl = set(tpl,'var','subfold',''); d = dir(mdir{i}); d = {d([d.isdir]).name}; d = {d{~ismember(d,{'.' '..' options.ignoredDir{:}})}}; for j=1:length(d) if ismember(fullfile(mdir{i},d{j}),mdir) tpl = set(tpl,'var','SUBDIRECTORY',... sprintf(tpl_mdir_link,... fullurl(d{j},[options.indexFile options.extension]),d{j})); else tpl = set(tpl,'var','SUBDIRECTORY',d{j}); end tpl = parse(tpl,'subdirs','subdir',1); end if ~isempty(d) tpl = parse(tpl,'subfold','subfolder'); end %- Link to the TODO list if necessary tpl = set(tpl,'var','todolists',''); if options.todo if ~isempty(intersect(find(strcmp(mdir{i},mdirs)),todo.mfile)) tpl = set(tpl,'var','LTODOLIST',['todo' options.extension]); tpl = parse(tpl,'todolists','todolist',1); end end %- Link to the dependency graph if necessary tpl = set(tpl,'var','graphs',''); if options.graph tpl = set(tpl,'var','LGRAPH',[dotbase options.extension]); tpl = parse(tpl,'graphs','graph',1); end %- Print the template in the HTML file tpl = parse(tpl,'OUT','TPL_MDIR'); fprintf(fid,'%s',get(tpl,'OUT')); fclose(fid); end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Write a TODO list file for each output directory, if necessary %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tpl_todo = 'todo.tpl'; if options.todo %- Create the HTML template tpl = template(options.template,'remove'); tpl = set(tpl,'file','TPL_TODO',tpl_todo); tpl = set(tpl,'block','TPL_TODO','filelist','filelists'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','filelist','row','rows'); tpl = set(tpl,'var','DATE',[datestr(now,8) ' ' datestr(now,1) ' ' ... datestr(now,13)]); for i=1:length(mdir) mfilestodo = intersect(find(strcmp(mdir{i},mdirs)),todo.mfile); if ~isempty(mfilestodo) %- Open for writing each TODO list file curfile = fullfile(options.htmlDir,mdir{i},... ['todo' options.extension]); if options.verbose fprintf('Creating HTML file %s...\n',curfile); end fid = openfile(curfile,'w'); %- Set template fields tpl = set(tpl,'var','INDEX',[options.indexFile options.extension]); tpl = set(tpl,'var','MASTERPATH', backtomaster(mdir{i})); tpl = set(tpl,'var','MDIR', mdir{i}); tpl = set(tpl,'var','filelists', ''); for k=1:length(mfilestodo) tpl = set(tpl,'var','MFILE',names{mfilestodo(k)}); tpl = set(tpl,'var','rows',''); nbtodo = find(todo.mfile == mfilestodo(k)); for l=1:length(nbtodo) tpl = set(tpl,'var','L_NBLINE',... [names{mfilestodo(k)} ... options.extension ... '#l' num2str(todo.line(nbtodo(l)))]); tpl = set(tpl,'var','NBLINE',num2str(todo.line(nbtodo(l)))); tpl = set(tpl,'var','COMMENT',todo.comment{nbtodo(l)}); tpl = parse(tpl,'rows','row',1); end tpl = parse(tpl,'filelists','filelist',1); end %- Print the template in the HTML file tpl = parse(tpl,'OUT','TPL_TODO'); fprintf(fid,'%s',get(tpl,'OUT')); fclose(fid); end end end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Create dependency graphs using GraphViz, if requested %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tpl_graph = 'graph.tpl'; % You may have to modify the following line with Matlab7 (R14) to specify % the full path to where GraphViz is installed dot_exec = 'dot'; %dotbase defined earlier if options.graph %- Create the HTML template tpl = template(options.template,'remove'); tpl = set(tpl,'file','TPL_GRAPH',tpl_graph); tpl = set(tpl,'var','DATE',[datestr(now,8) ' ' datestr(now,1) ' ' ... datestr(now,13)]); %- Create a full dependency graph for all directories if possible if options.globalHypertextLinks & length(mdir) > 1 mdotfile = fullfile(options.htmlDir,[dotbase '.dot']); if options.verbose fprintf('Creating full dependency graph %s...',mdotfile); end mdot({hrefs, names, options, mdirs}, mdotfile); %mfiles calldot(dot_exec, mdotfile, ... fullfile(options.htmlDir,[dotbase '.map']), ... fullfile(options.htmlDir,[dotbase '.png'])); if options.verbose, fprintf('\n'); end fid = openfile(fullfile(options.htmlDir, [dotbase options.extension]),'w'); tpl = set(tpl,'var','INDEX',[options.indexFile options.extension]); tpl = set(tpl,'var','MASTERPATH', './'); tpl = set(tpl,'var','MDIR', 'the whole toolbox'); tpl = set(tpl,'var','GRAPH_IMG', [dotbase '.png']); try % if failed... fmap = openfile(fullfile(options.htmlDir,[dotbase '.map']),'r'); tpl = set(tpl,'var','GRAPH_MAP', fscanf(fmap,'%c')); fclose(fmap); end tpl = parse(tpl,'OUT','TPL_GRAPH'); fprintf(fid,'%s', get(tpl,'OUT')); fclose(fid); end %- Create a dependency graph for each output directory for i=1:length(mdir) mdotfile = fullfile(options.htmlDir,mdir{i},[dotbase '.dot']); if options.verbose fprintf('Creating dependency graph %s...',mdotfile); end ind = find(strcmp(mdirs,mdir{i})); href1 = zeros(length(ind),length(hrefs)); for j=1:length(hrefs), href1(:,j) = hrefs(ind,j); end href2 = zeros(length(ind)); for j=1:length(ind), href2(j,:) = href1(j,ind); end mdot({href2, {names{ind}}, options}, mdotfile); %{mfiles{ind}} calldot(dot_exec, mdotfile, ... fullfile(options.htmlDir,mdir{i},[dotbase '.map']), ... fullfile(options.htmlDir,mdir{i},[dotbase '.png'])); if options.verbose, fprintf('\n'); end fid = openfile(fullfile(options.htmlDir,mdir{i},... [dotbase options.extension]),'w'); tpl = set(tpl,'var','INDEX',[options.indexFile options.extension]); tpl = set(tpl,'var','MASTERPATH', backtomaster(mdir{i})); tpl = set(tpl,'var','MDIR', mdir{i}); tpl = set(tpl,'var','GRAPH_IMG', [dotbase '.png']); try % if failed, no '.map' file has been created fmap = openfile(fullfile(options.htmlDir,mdir{i},[dotbase '.map']),'r'); tpl = set(tpl,'var','GRAPH_MAP', fscanf(fmap,'%c')); fclose(fmap); end tpl = parse(tpl,'OUT','TPL_GRAPH'); fprintf(fid,'%s', get(tpl,'OUT')); fclose(fid); end end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Write an HTML file for each M-file %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- List of Matlab keywords (output from iskeyword) matlabKeywords = {'break', 'case', 'catch', 'continue', 'elseif', 'else', ... 'end', 'for', 'function', 'global', 'if', 'otherwise', ... 'persistent', 'return', 'switch', 'try', 'while'}; %'keyboard', 'pause', 'eps', 'NaN', 'Inf' tpl_mfile = 'mfile.tpl'; tpl_mfile_code = '%s'; tpl_mfile_keyword = '%s'; tpl_mfile_comment = '%s'; tpl_mfile_string = '%s'; tpl_mfile_aname = '%s'; tpl_mfile_line = '%04d %s\n'; %- Delimiters used in strtok: some of them may be useless (% " .), removed '.' strtok_delim = sprintf(' \t\n\r(){}[]<>+-*~!|\\@&/,:;="''%%'); %- Create the HTML template tpl = template(options.template,'remove'); tpl = set(tpl,'file','TPL_MFILE',tpl_mfile); tpl = set(tpl,'block','TPL_MFILE','pathline','pl'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','TPL_MFILE','mexfile','mex'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','TPL_MFILE','script','scriptfile'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','TPL_MFILE','crossrefcall','crossrefcalls'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','TPL_MFILE','crossrefcalled','crossrefcalleds'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','TPL_MFILE','subfunction','subf'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','subfunction','onesubfunction','onesubf'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','TPL_MFILE','source','thesource'); tpl = set(tpl,'block','TPL_MFILE','download','downloads'); tpl = set(tpl,'var','DATE',[datestr(now,8) ' ' datestr(now,1) ' ' ... datestr(now,13)]); nblinetot = 0; for i=1:length(mdir) for j=1:length(mdirs) if strcmp(mdirs{j},mdir{i}) curfile = fullfile(options.htmlDir,mdir{i},... [names{j} options.extension]); %- Copy M-file for download, if necessary if if options.verbose fprintf('Copying M-file %s.m to %s...\n',names{j},... fullfile(options.htmlDir,mdir{i})); end [status, errmsg] = copyfile(mfiles{j},... fullfile(options.htmlDir,mdir{i})); error(errmsg); end %- Open for writing the HTML file if options.verbose fprintf('Creating HTML file %s...\n',curfile); end fid = openfile(curfile,'w'); if strcmp(names{j},options.indexFile) fprintf(['Warning: HTML index file %s will be ' ... 'overwritten by Matlab function %s.\n'], ... [options.indexFile options.extension], mfiles{j}); end %- Open for reading the M-file fid2 = openfile(mfiles{j},'r'); %- Set some template fields tpl = set(tpl,'var','INDEX', [options.indexFile options.extension]); tpl = set(tpl,'var','MASTERPATH', backtomaster(mdir{i})); tpl = set(tpl,'var','MDIR', mdirs{j}); tpl = set(tpl,'var','NAME', names{j}); tpl = set(tpl,'var','H1LINE', entity(h1line{j})); tpl = set(tpl,'var','scriptfile', ''); if isempty(synopsis{j}) tpl = set(tpl,'var','SYNOPSIS',get(tpl,'var','script')); else tpl = set(tpl,'var','SYNOPSIS', synopsis{j}); end s = splitpath(mdir{i}); tpl = set(tpl,'var','pl',''); for k=1:length(s) c = cell(1,k); for l=1:k, c{l} = filesep; end cpath = {s{1:k};c{:}}; cpath = [cpath{:}]; if ~isempty(cpath), cpath = cpath(1:end-1); end if ismember(cpath,mdir) tpl = set(tpl,'var','LPATHDIR',[repmat('../',... 1,length(s)-k) options.indexFile options.extension]); else tpl = set(tpl,'var','LPATHDIR','#'); end tpl = set(tpl,'var','PATHDIR',s{k}); tpl = parse(tpl,'pl','pathline',1); end %- Handle mex files tpl = set(tpl,'var','mex', ''); samename = dir(fullfile(mdir{i},[names{j} '.*'])); samename = {}; tpl = set(tpl,'var','MEXTYPE', 'mex'); for k=1:length(samename) [dummy, dummy, ext] = fileparts(samename{k}); switch ext case '.c' tpl = set(tpl,'var','MEXTYPE', 'c'); case {'.cpp' '.c++' '.cxx' '.C'} tpl = set(tpl,'var','MEXTYPE', 'c++'); case {'.for' '.f' '.FOR' '.F'} tpl = set(tpl,'var','MEXTYPE', 'fortran'); otherwise %- Unknown mex file source end end [exts, platform] = mexexts; mexplatforms = sprintf('%s, ',platform{find(ismex(j,:))}); if ~isempty(mexplatforms) tpl = set(tpl,'var','PLATFORMS', mexplatforms(1:end-2)); tpl = parse(tpl,'mex','mexfile'); end %- Set description template field descr = ''; flagsynopcont = 0; flag_seealso = 0; while 1 tline = fgets(fid2); if ~ischar(tline), break, end tline = entity(fliplr(deblank(fliplr(tline)))); %- Synopsis line if ~isempty(strmatch('function',tline)) if ~isempty(strmatch('...',fliplr(deblank(tline)))) flagsynopcont = 1; end %- H1 line and description elseif ~isempty(strmatch('%',tline)) %- Hypertext links on the "See also" line ind = findstr(lower(tline),'see also'); if ~isempty(ind) | flag_seealso %- "See also" only in files in the same directory indsamedir = find(strcmp(mdirs{j},mdirs)); hrefnames = {names{indsamedir}}; r = deblank(tline); flag_seealso = 1; %(r(end) == ','); tline = ''; while 1 [t,r,q] = strtok(r,sprintf(' \t\n\r.,;%%')); tline = [tline q]; if isempty(t), break, end; ii = strcmpi(hrefnames,t); if any(ii) jj = find(ii); tline = [tline sprintf(tpl_mfile_code,... [hrefnames{jj(1)} options.extension],... synopsis{indsamedir(jj(1))},t)]; else tline = [tline t]; end end tline = sprintf('%s\n',tline); end descr = [descr tline(2:end)]; elseif isempty(tline) if ~isempty(descr), break, end; else if flagsynopcont if isempty(strmatch('...',fliplr(deblank(tline)))) flagsynopcont = 0; end else break; end end end tpl = set(tpl,'var','DESCRIPTION',... horztab(descr,options.tabs)); %- Set cross-references template fields: % Function called ind = find(hrefs(j,:) == 1); tpl = set(tpl,'var','crossrefcalls',''); for k=1:length(ind) if strcmp(mdirs{j},mdirs{ind(k)}) tpl = set(tpl,'var','L_NAME_CALL', ... [names{ind(k)} options.extension]); else tpl = set(tpl,'var','L_NAME_CALL', ... fullurl(backtomaster(mdirs{j}), ... mdirs{ind(k)}, ... [names{ind(k)} options.extension])); end tpl = set(tpl,'var','SYNOP_CALL', synopsis{ind(k)}); tpl = set(tpl,'var','NAME_CALL', names{ind(k)}); tpl = set(tpl,'var','H1LINE_CALL', h1line{ind(k)}); tpl = parse(tpl,'crossrefcalls','crossrefcall',1); end % Callers ind = find(hrefs(:,j) == 1); tpl = set(tpl,'var','crossrefcalleds',''); for k=1:length(ind) if strcmp(mdirs{j},mdirs{ind(k)}) tpl = set(tpl,'var','L_NAME_CALLED', ... [names{ind(k)} options.extension]); else tpl = set(tpl,'var','L_NAME_CALLED', ... fullurl(backtomaster(mdirs{j}),... mdirs{ind(k)}, ... [names{ind(k)} options.extension])); end tpl = set(tpl,'var','SYNOP_CALLED', synopsis{ind(k)}); tpl = set(tpl,'var','NAME_CALLED', names{ind(k)}); tpl = set(tpl,'var','H1LINE_CALLED', h1line{ind(k)}); tpl = parse(tpl,'crossrefcalleds','crossrefcalled',1); end %- Set subfunction template field tpl = set(tpl,'var',{'subf' 'onesubf'},{'' ''}); if ~isempty(subroutine{j}) & options.source for k=1:length(subroutine{j}) tpl = set(tpl, 'var', 'L_SUB', ['#_sub' num2str(k)]); tpl = set(tpl, 'var', 'SUB', subroutine{j}{k}); tpl = parse(tpl, 'onesubf', 'onesubfunction',1); end tpl = parse(tpl,'subf','subfunction'); end subname = extractname(subroutine{j}); %- Link to M-file (for download) tpl = set(tpl,'var','downloads',''); if tpl = parse(tpl,'downloads','download',1); end %- Display source code with cross-references if options.source & ~strcmpi(names{j},'contents') fseek(fid2,0,-1); it = 1; matlabsource = ''; nbsubroutine = 1; %- Get href function names of this file indhrefnames = find(hrefs(j,:) == 1); hrefnames = {names{indhrefnames}}; %- Loop over lines while 1 tline = fgetl(fid2); if ~ischar(tline), break, end myline = ''; splitc = splitcode(entity(tline)); for k=1:length(splitc) if isempty(splitc{k}) elseif ~isempty(strmatch('function', ... fliplr(deblank(fliplr(splitc{k}))))) if isspace(splitc{k}(1)) nbs = find(diff(isspace(splitc{k}))==-1); myline = [myline splitc{k}(1:nbs(1))]; splitc{k} = splitc{k}(nbs(1)+1:end); end %- Subfunctions definition myline = [myline ... sprintf(tpl_mfile_aname,... ['_sub' num2str(nbsubroutine-1)],splitc{k})]; nbsubroutine = nbsubroutine + 1; elseif splitc{k}(1) == '''' myline = [myline ... sprintf(tpl_mfile_string,splitc{k})]; elseif splitc{k}(1) == '%' myline = [myline ... sprintf(tpl_mfile_comment,deblank(splitc{k}))]; elseif ~isempty(strmatch('...',splitc{k})) myline = [myline sprintf(tpl_mfile_keyword,'...')]; if ~isempty(splitc{k}(4:end)) myline = [myline ... sprintf(tpl_mfile_comment,splitc{k}(4:end))]; end else %- Look for keywords r = splitc{k}; while 1 [t,r,q] = strtok(r,strtok_delim); myline = [myline q]; if isempty(t), break, end; %- Highlight Matlab keywords & % cross-references on known functions if options.syntaxHighlighting & ... any(strcmp(matlabKeywords,t)) if strcmp('end',t) rr = fliplr(deblank(fliplr(r))); icomma = strmatch(',',rr); isemicolon = strmatch(';',rr); if ~(isempty(rr) | ~isempty([icomma isemicolon])) myline = [myline t]; else myline = [myline sprintf(tpl_mfile_keyword,t)]; end else myline = [myline sprintf(tpl_mfile_keyword,t)]; end elseif any(strcmp(hrefnames,t)) indt = indhrefnames(logical(strcmp(hrefnames,t))); flink = [t options.extension]; ii = ismember({mdirs{indt}},mdirs{j}); if ~any(ii) % take the first one... flink = fullurl(backtomaster(mdirs{j}),... mdirs{indt(1)}, flink); else indt = indt(logical(ii)); end myline = [myline sprintf(tpl_mfile_code,... flink, synopsis{indt(1)}, t)]; elseif any(strcmp(subname,t)) ii = find(strcmp(subname,t)); myline = [myline sprintf(tpl_mfile_code,... ['#_sub' num2str(ii)],... ['sub' subroutine{j}{ii}],t)]; else myline = [myline t]; end end end end matlabsource = [matlabsource sprintf(tpl_mfile_line,it,myline)]; it = it + 1; end nblinetot = nblinetot + it - 1; tpl = set(tpl,'var','SOURCECODE',... horztab(matlabsource,options.tabs)); tpl = parse(tpl,'thesource','source'); else tpl = set(tpl,'var','thesource',''); end tpl = parse(tpl,'OUT','TPL_MFILE'); fprintf(fid,'%s',get(tpl,'OUT')); fclose(fid2); fclose(fid); end end end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Display Statistics %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if options.verbose prnbline = ''; if options.source prnbline = sprintf('(%d lines) ', nblinetot); end fprintf('Stats: %d M-files %sin %d directories documented in %d s.\n', ... length(mfiles), prnbline, length(mdir), round(etime(clock,t0))); end %=============================================================================== function mfiles = getmfiles(mdirs, mfiles, recursive,ignoredDir) %- Extract M-files from a list of directories and/or M-files if nargin < 4, ignoredDir = {}; end for i=1:length(mdirs) currentdir = fullfile(pwd, mdirs{i}); if exist(currentdir) == 2 % M-file mfiles{end+1} = mdirs{i}; elseif exist(currentdir) == 7 % Directory d = dir(fullfile(currentdir, '*.m')); d = {d(~[d.isdir]).name}; for j=1:length(d) %- don't take care of files containing ',' % probably a sccs file... if isempty(findstr(',',d{j})) mfiles{end+1} = fullfile(mdirs{i}, d{j}); end end if recursive d = dir(currentdir); d = {d([d.isdir]).name}; d = {d{~ismember(d,{'.' '..' ignoredDir{:}})}}; for j=1:length(d) mfiles = getmfiles(cellstr(fullfile(mdirs{i},d{j})), ... mfiles, recursive); end end else fprintf('Warning: Unprocessed file %s.\n',mdirs{i}); if ~isempty(strmatch('/',mdirs{i})) | findstr(':',mdirs{i}) fprintf(' Use relative paths in ''mfiles'' option\n'); end end end %=============================================================================== function calldot(dotexec, mdotfile, mapfile, pngfile, opt) %- Draw a dependency graph in a PNG image using from GraphViz if nargin == 4, opt = ''; end try %- See % must be in your system path, see M2HTML FAQ: % eval(['!"' dotexec '" ' opt ' -Tcmap -Tpng "' mdotfile ... '" -o "' mapfile ... '" -o "' pngfile '"']); % use '!' rather than 'system' for backward compability with Matlab 5.3 catch % use of '!' prevents errors to be catched... fprintf(' failed.'); end %=============================================================================== function s = backtomaster(mdir) %- Provide filesystem path to go back to the root folder ldir = splitpath(mdir); s = repmat('../',1,length(ldir)); %=============================================================================== function ldir = splitpath(p) %- Split a filesystem path into parts using filesep as separator ldir = {}; p = deblank(p); while 1 [t,p] = strtok(p,filesep); if isempty(t), break; end if ~strcmp(t,'.') ldir{end+1} = t; end end if isempty(ldir) ldir{1} = '.'; % should be removed end %=============================================================================== function name = extractname(synopsis) %- Extract function name in a synopsis if ischar(synopsis), synopsis = {synopsis}; end name = cell(size(synopsis)); for i=1:length(synopsis) ind = findstr(synopsis{i},'='); if isempty(ind) ind = findstr(synopsis{i},'function'); s = synopsis{i}(ind(1)+8:end); else s = synopsis{i}(ind(1)+1:end); end name{i} = strtok(s,[9:13 32 40]); % white space characters and '(' end if length(name) == 1, name = name{1}; end %=============================================================================== function f = fullurl(varargin) %- Build full url from parts (using '/' and not filesep) f = strrep(fullfile(varargin{:}),'\','/'); %=============================================================================== function str = escapeblank(str) %- Escape white spaces using '\' str = deblank(fliplr(deblank(fliplr(str)))); str = strrep(str,' ','\ '); %=============================================================================== function str = entity(str) %- Escape HTML special characters %- See str = strrep(str,'&','&'); str = strrep(str,'<','<'); str = strrep(str,'>','>'); str = strrep(str,'"','"'); %=============================================================================== function str = horztab(str,n) %- For browsers, the horizontal tab character is the smallest non-zero %- number of spaces necessary to line characters up along tab stops that are %- every 8 characters: behaviour obtained when n = 0. if n > 0 str = strrep(str,sprintf('\t'),blanks(n)); end