%function [sys,bpmx,bpmy,bpm,corx,cory,cor,rsp,bly]=restore %system parameter save file %timestamp: 18-Jan-2002 08:08:08 %comment: Save System ad=getad; filetype = 'RESTORE'; %check to see if correct file type sys.machine = 'CAMD'; %machine for control sys.mode = 'simulator'; %online or simulator sys.datamode = 'REAL'; %raw or real (for real: (1)response matrix multiplied by bpm gains, (2) BPM reads have gain, offset sys.bpmslp = 3.0; %BPM sleep time in sec sys.globalperiod = 2.0; %BPM sleep time in sec sys.silverperiod = 2.0; %BPM sleep time in sec sys.plane = 1; %plane (1=horizontal 2=vertical) sys.algo = 'SVD'; %fitting algorithm sys.pbpm = 1; %use of photon BPMs sys.filpath = ad.Directory.Orbit; %file path in MATLAB sys.respfiledir = ad.Directory.OpsData; %response matrix directory sys.respfilename = ad.OpsData.BPMRespFile; %response matrix file %sys.relative = 2; %set in initialization relative or absolute BPM plot 1=absolute, 2=relative sys.fdbk = 0; %no feedback sys.abort = 0; %reset abort flag sys.mxs = 60; %maximum ring circumference sys.xlimax = 60; %abcissa plot limit sys.mxphi(1) = 5; %maximum horizontal phase advance sys.mxphi(2) = 2; %maximum vertical phase advance sys.xscale = 'meter'; %abcissa plotting mode (meter or phase) %*=== HORIZONTAL DATA ===* bpm(1).dev = 10; %maximum orbit deviation bpm(1).drf = 0; %dispersion component zero bpm(1).id = 5; %BPM selection bpm(1).scalemode= 0; %BPM scale mode 0=manual mode, 1=autoscale bpm(1).ylim = 0.5; %BPM vertical axis scale cor(1).fract = 1.0; %fraction of correctors cor(1).id=1; %COR selection cor(1).scalemode=0; %COR scale mode 0=manual mode, 1=autoscale cor(1).ylim = 30; %COR horizontal axis scale (amp) rsp(1).disp = 'off'; %mode for matrix column display rsp(1).eig = 'off'; %mode for eigenvector display rsp(1).fit = 0; %valid fit flag rsp(1).rfflag = 0; %rf fitting flag rsp(1).etaflag = 0; %dispersion fitting flag rsp(1).savflag = 0; %save solution flag rsp(1).nsvd = 54; %number of singular values rsp(1).svdtol = 0; %svd tolerance (0 uses number of singular values) rsp(1).nsvdmx = 1; %default maximum number of singular values %Note: only fit and weight for fitting will be used in orbit program from this array % Name and index are loaded from middleware etaxwt=0.0; % name index fit (0/1) weight etaweight bpmx={ { '1BPM1 ' 1 0 1.000 etaxwt } { '1BPM2 ' 2 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '1BPM3 ' 3 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '1BPM4 ' 4 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '1BPM5 ' 5 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '2BPM1 ' 6 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '2BPM2 ' 7 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '2BPM3 ' 8 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '2BPM4 ' 9 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '2BPM5 ' 10 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '3BPM1 ' 11 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '3BPM2 ' 12 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '3BPM3 ' 13 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '3BPM4 ' 14 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '3BPM5 ' 15 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '4BPM1 ' 16 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '4BPM2 ' 17 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '4BPM3 ' 18 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '4BPM4 ' 19 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '4BPM5 ' 20 1 1.000 etaxwt } }; %Note: only fit, weight for fitting will be used in orbit program from this array % Name and index are loaded from middleware % name index fit (0/1) weight corx={ {'1CX1 ' 1 1 1.0 } {'1CX2 ' 2 1 1.0 } {'1CX3 ' 3 1 1.0 } {'1CX4 ' 4 1 1.0 } {'2CX1 ' 5 1 1.0 } {'2CX2 ' 6 1 1.0 } {'2CX3 ' 7 1 1.0 } {'2CX4 ' 8 1 1.0 } {'3CX1 ' 9 1 1.0 } {'3CX2 ' 10 1 1.0 } {'3CX3 ' 11 1 1.0 } {'3CX4 ' 12 1 1.0 } {'4CX1 ' 13 1 1.0 } {'4CX2 ' 14 1 1.0 } {'4CX3 ' 15 1 1.0 } {'4CX4 ' 16 1 1.0 } }; %*=== VERTICAL DATA ===* bpm(2).dev=10; %maximum orbit deviation bpm(2).drf=0; %dispersion component zero bpm(2).id=1; %BPM selection bpm(2).scalemode=0; %BPM scale mode 0=manual mode, 1=autoscale bpm(2).ylim=0.25; %BPM vertical axis scale cor(2).fract=1.0; %fraction of correctors cor(2).id =1; %COR selection cor(2).scalemode=0; %COR scale mode 0=manual mode, 1=autoscale cor(2).ylim =30; %COR vertical axis scale (amp) rsp(2).disp ='off'; %mode for matrix column display rsp(2).eig ='off'; %mode for eigenvector display rsp(2).fit =0; %valid fit flag rsp(2).rfflag=0; %rf fitting flag rsp(2).etaflag=1; %dispersion fitting flag rsp(2).savflag=0; %save solution flag rsp(2).nsvd=54; %number of singular values rsp(2).svdtol=0; %svd tolerance (0 uses number of singular values) rsp(2).nsvdmx=1; %default maximum number of singular values etaywt=50; %nominal response ~0.25 peak, 5kHz difference ~0.0025 peak (factor 100) % name index fit (0/1) weight etaweight bpmy={ { '1BPM1 ' 1 0 1.000 etaxwt } { '1BPM2 ' 2 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '1BPM3 ' 3 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '1BPM4 ' 4 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '1BPM5 ' 5 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '2BPM1 ' 6 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '2BPM2 ' 7 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '2BPM3 ' 8 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '2BPM4 ' 9 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '2BPM5 ' 10 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '3BPM1 ' 11 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '3BPM2 ' 12 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '3BPM3 ' 13 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '3BPM4 ' 14 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '3BPM5 ' 15 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '4BPM1 ' 16 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '4BPM2 ' 17 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '4BPM3 ' 18 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '4BPM4 ' 19 1 1.000 etaxwt } { '4BPM5 ' 20 1 1.000 etaxwt } }; % name index fit (0/1) weight cory={ {'1CY1 ' 1 1 1.0 } {'1CY2 ' 2 1 1.0 } {'1CY3 ' 3 1 1.0 } {'2CY1 ' 4 1 1.0 } {'2CY2 ' 5 1 1.0 } {'2CY3 ' 6 1 1.0 } {'3CY1 ' 7 1 1.0 } {'3CY2 ' 8 1 1.0 } {'3CY3 ' 9 1 1.0 } {'4CY1 ' 10 1 1.0 } {'4CY2 ' 11 1 1.0 } {'4CY3 ' 12 1 1.0 } }; %Note: only fit and weight for fitting will be used in orbit program from this array % Name and index are loaded from middleware % name index fit (0/1) weight bly={ { 'BL1 ' 1 0 100.000 } { 'BL2 ' 2 0 100.000 } { 'BL3 ' 3 0 100.000 } { 'BL4 ' 4 0 100.000 } { 'BL5 ' 5 0 100.000 } { 'BL6 ' 6 0 100.000 } { 'BL7 ' 7 0 100.000 } { 'BL8 ' 8 0 100.000 } { 'BL9 ' 9 0 100.000 } { 'BL10' 10 0 100.000 } { 'BL11' 11 0 100.000 } };