function varargout=SortBLs(varargin) % SortBLs compares vectors for: %(1) available electronically ( %(2) available in response matrix (RSP.ibl) %(3) check for user selection (RSP.ifit) BL=varargin(1); BL=BL{1}; RSP=varargin(2); RSP=RSP{1}; for ip=2:2 % compare response matrix with status [BL(ip).avail,IA,IB]=intersect(RSP(ip).ibl,BL(ip).open); %RSP.ibl and are compressed [C,IA]=setdiff(RSP(ip).ibl,RSP(ip).ibl(IA)); %check for rejected response matrix BLs if ~isempty(IA) disp('SortBLs Warning 1A: BLs in response matrix not open'); for ii=IA disp(BL(ip).name(ii,:)); end end % [C,IB]=setdiff(BL(ip).open,BL(ip).open(IB)); %check for rejected OPEN BLs % if ~isempty(IB) % disp('SortBLs Warning 1B: BLs with open beamline not in response matrix'); % for ii=IB % disp(BL(ip).name(ii,:)); % end % end % compare result with fit selection [BL(ip).ifit,IA,IB]=intersect(BL(ip).avail,BL(ip).ifit); %BL.avail and BL.ifit are compressed % [C,IA]=setdiff(BL(ip).avail,BL(ip).avail(IA)); %check for rejected available BLs % if ~isempty(IA) % disp('SortBLs Warning 2A: BLs with valid status and in response matrix not in fit'); % for ii=IA % disp(BL(ip).name(ii,:)); % end % end [C,IB]=setdiff(BL(ip).ifit,BL(ip).ifit(IB)); %check for rejected fit BLs if ~isempty(IB) disp('SortBLs Warning 2B: BLs in fit not do not have valid status or not in response matrix'); for ii=IB disp(BL(ip).name(ii,:)); end end end %end of plane loop % for ip=1:2 % [n,COR(ip).avail]=intland(COR(ip).status,RSP(ip).ic); % compare response matrix with status % % % check against fit vector % [n,COR(ip).ifit] =intland(COR(ip).avail,COR(ip).ifit); % end % % check response matrix against photon beam open % for ip=1:2 % [n,BL(ip).avail]=intland(BL(ip).open,RSP(ip).ibl); % % check against fit vector % [n,BL(ip).ifit] =intland(BL(ip).avail,BL(ip).ifit); % end varargout{1}=BL;