function aoinit(SubMachineName) %AOINIT - Initialization function for the Matlab Middle Layer (MML) % % % See Also soleilinit, setpathsoleil % Written by Laurent S. Nadolski if exist('SubMachineName', 'var') && ~strcmpi(SubMachineName, 'LT2') error('Wrong SubMachine %s', SubMachineName) end % The path should not be modified in standalone mode if ~isdeployed_local MMLROOT = getmmlroot; MMLDATAROOT = getmmldataroot; addpath(fullfile(MMLROOT, 'machine', 'SOLEIL', 'LT2OpsData')); addpath(fullfile(MMLROOT, 'machine', 'SOLEIL', 'LT2')); addpath(fullfile(MMLROOT, 'machine', 'SOLEIL', 'LT2', 'Lattices')); addpath(fullfile(MMLROOT, 'machine', 'SOLEIL', 'LT2', 'emittance')); % Make sure mml is high on the path addpath(fullfile(MMLROOT, 'mml'),'-begin'); %disp(['TANGO/MATLAB binding version: ' tango_version]) disp('Startup file for Matlab Middle Layer read with success'); end % Initialize the MML for machine LT2init; function RunTimeFlag = isdeployed_local % isdeployed is not in matlab 6.5 V = version; if str2double(V(1,1)) < 7 RunTimeFlag = 0; else RunTimeFlag = isdeployed; end