function [handle] = quad_table(title, name, value, position) % [handle, b] = quad_table(title, name, value) title is a string name is a % column of strings with the names of the quads value is a column of % strings with the values of the quads handle is handle to the mathworks % MWFrame b is a handle to mathworks MWListbox b.getSelectedRows => gets % you the index of the row currently selected by mouse, beginning with % zero!!! -- example: [handle, b] = gui_sheet('nice table', qualist, % vallist) % % % requires Java runtime environment installed and mathworks components ver. % 0.5 % GPL License (, feel free to modify it, if you have any % questions or interesting modifications, please send an email. there is a % problem with some screen resolutions, you can modify it according to your % needs, or add another input parameters you can access: cursor position, % data in the table, visibility of the listbox or frame data. this file is % far from complete, it is just an example on how to put a table into % matlab gui (in this case only external window) if you have any idea on % how to put a table into an existing gui window, i`ll be very thankful for % hints and tips. ncol=2; nrows=size(name,2); data = cell(nrows,2); for i=1:nrows, data(i,:)=[name(i) value(i)] ; end t = uitable(data,[{'Name'} {'k'}]); set(t,'Editable',false); set(t,'Units','normalized') set(t,'Position',position); handle=t;