function outStruct = idMeasElecBeamUnd(idName, inclPerturbMeas, fileNameCore, AddTime, dispData) %idMeasElecBeamUnd % % INPUTS % 1. idName - Insertion device name % 2. inclPertubMeas - if 1 includes measurement of chromaticities and dispersion functions % if 0 nothing % 3. fileNameCore - filename core for saving data % 4. dispData - Flag. 1 for displaying data, 0 otherwise % % OUPUTS % 1. outStruct % % EXAMPLE % For measuring the corrector efficiency versus orbit % first set the current to CVE to 6 A % then compute the efficiency of CVE as follows: % idMeasElecBeamUnd('U20_PROXIMA1test', 0, 'U20_PROXIMA1_CVE_6', 1) % outStruct.X = 0; outStruct=struct; % measrures data (orbit, etc.) outStruct = idMeasElecBeam(outStruct, inclPerturbMeas, dispData); % Reads tango state, encoders, correctors of undulator if strcmp(idName, '') == 0 outStruct = idReadUndState(outStruct, idName, dispData); end % Saves the data to a file if strcmp(fileNameCore, '') == 0 outStruct.file = idSaveStruct(outStruct, fileNameCore, idName, AddTime, dispData); end