function switchHU640Cor(varargin) % SWITCHHU640COR - turn off/on the status of the H640 correctors % % INPUTS % 1. 'ON', {'OFF'} % % % Written by Laurent S. Nadolski if isempty(varargin) Flag = 'OFF'; else Flag = upper(deblank(varargin{1})); end if strcmp(Flag,'OFF') % Deactivation of the HU640 correctors setfamilydata(0,'HCOR', 'Status', [5 8]) setfamilydata(0,'HCOR', 'Status', [5 9]) setfamilydata(0,'VCOR', 'Status', [5 8]) setfamilydata(0,'VCOR', 'Status', [5 9]) elseif strcmp(Flag,'ON') % Activation of the HU640 correctors setfamilydata(1,'HCOR', 'Status', [5 8]) setfamilydata(1,'HCOR', 'Status', [5 9]) setfamilydata(1,'VCOR', 'Status', [5 8]) setfamilydata(1,'VCOR', 'Status', [5 9]) else error('Unknown Option. Action Aborted'); end