function hfcm2zero(varargin) %HFCM2ZERO - Set horizontal corrector strengths to zero % % hfcm2zero(fraction, nstep) % % INPUTS % 1. fract - fraction of corrector strength to put to zero % {1} means correctors set to zero % 0.5 means half of the corrector strength set to zero % 2. nstep - number of step for zeroing correctors {Default: 5} % 3. Optional - 'Interactive' Wait for user for each step {Default} % 'NoInteractive' pause 10 s for each step % % See Also vfcm2zero % % Written by Gregory J. Portmann % Adapted by Laurent S. Nadolski InteractiveFlag = 1; DefaultNstep = 10; iPause = 1; % Input Parser for i = length(varargin):-1:1 if strcmpi(varargin{i},'Interactive') InteractiveFlag = 1; varargin(i) = []; elseif strcmpi(varargin{i},'NoInteractive') InteractiveFlag = 0; varargin(i) = []; end end HCORFamily = 'FHCOR'; if length(varargin) < 1 fract = 1; else fract = varargin{1}; end if length(varargin) < 2 nstep = DefaultNstep; else nstep = varargin{2}; end fprintf('1/ Verifier que le FOFB est arrété\n') fprintf('2/ Mettre les alimentations des steerers en controle local via LabVIEW\n') fprintf('3/ Verifier que le SOFB tourne\n') fprintf('Si OK presser la touche Entree\n') pause fprintf('Lecture des courant des steerers\n') setpt = fract * getam(HCORFamily); for k = 1:nstep, if InteractiveFlag %disp([' Step ' num2str(k) ' of ' num2str(nstep) ' Hit Return key to continue (Ctrl-C to stop)']); disp([' Etape ' num2str(k) ' sur ' num2str(nstep) ' Presser Enter pour continuer (Ctrl-C to stop)']); pause; fprintf('Attendre durant l''application des consignes et vérifier l''orbite ...\n') setsp(HCORFamily, (1-k/nstep)*setpt, [], -1); else fprintf('Pause for %d s\n', iPause) setsp(HCORFamily, (1-k/nstep)*setpt, [], -1); pause(iPause) end end