%% Enabling/disabling a panel % % This example opens a simple user-interface with a panel full of % buttons. We can then enable/disbale the entire panel in one go. Note % that the previous state of the buttons is preserved. %% Open a window and add a panel fig = figure( 'Name', 'Enable example', ... 'Position', [100 100 150 250], ... 'MenuBar', 'none', ... 'ToolBar', 'none', ... 'NumberTitle', 'off' ); panel = uiextras.BoxPanel( 'Parent', fig, 'Title', 'Panel' ); %% Put some buttons inside the panel box = uiextras.VButtonBox( 'Parent', panel ); uicontrol( 'Parent', box, 'String', 'Button 1' ); uicontrol( 'Parent', box, 'String', 'Button 2' ); uicontrol( 'Parent', box, 'String', 'Button 3', 'Enable', 'off' ); uicontrol( 'Parent', box, 'String', 'Button 4' ); uicontrol( 'Parent', box, 'String', 'Button 5', 'Enable', 'off' ); uicontrol( 'Parent', box, 'String', 'Button 6' ); %% Try disabling the panel set( panel, 'Enable', 'off' ); %% Try enabling the panel set( panel, 'Enable', 'on' );