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5.1: Context help Go back up one level

When a uiextras.BoxPanel has its "HelpFcn" filled in, a help button () is shown in the upper-right of the title-bar. When the user clicks this button the specified function is called.

For example:

Here we hookup the HelpFcn to simply bring up the MATLAB documentation for each command. Clicking any of the "?" buttons will cause the MATLAB help browser to open.
f = figure( 'Name', 'uiextras.BoxPanel Help Example' );
b = uiextras.HBox( 'Parent', f );
uiextras.BoxPanel( 'Parent', b, 'Title', 'sin', 'HelpFcn', @(a,b) doc('sin') );
uiextras.BoxPanel( 'Parent', b, 'Title', 'cos', 'HelpFcn', @(a,b) doc('cos') );
uiextras.BoxPanel( 'Parent', b, 'Title', 'tan', 'HelpFcn', @(a,b) doc('tan') );

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