function f = ezfit(varargin) %EZFIT Fit data with arbitrary fitting function % EZFIT(FUN) fits the active curve with the function FUN. See below for % the syntax of FUN. If FUN is not specified, 'linear' is used. % % By default, the first curve in the active figure is fitted - see % FITPARAM to change this default behavior. To fit another curve, select % it before calling EZFIT. If some data are selected by the "Data % Brushing" tool (only for Matlab >= 7.6), only those data are fitted. % % EZFIT(X,Y,FUN) or EZFIT(Y,FUN) fits the data (X,Y) (or Y) using the % function FUN. X and Y must be vectors of equal length. If X is not % specified, X=[1, 2, 3...] is assumed. % % EZFIT(X,Y,FUN), where X is a 1-by-N vector and Y is a 2-by-N matrix, % also specifies the weights for Y(2,:) (error bars). By default, when % Y is a 1-by-N vector, all the weights are 1. % % Note that EZFIT only computes the coefficients, but does not display the % fit. Use SHOWFIT to display the fit. % % The function string FUN can be: % - the name of a predefined fitting function (see below). % - the name of a user-defined fitting function (see EDITFIT). % - an equation, in the form 'y(x)=...', where 'x' represents the % X-data, and all the other variables are parameters to be fitted % ('a', 'x_0', 'tau', ...). Example: 'y(x)=a*sin(b*x)'. If the % left-hand-side 'y(x)' is not specified, 'x' is taken for the % X-Data. All the parameter names are accepted, except Matlab % reserved strings ('sin', 'pi', ...) % % The predefined fitting functions are: % - linear y = m * x % - affine or poly1 y = a*x + b % - poly{n} y = a0 + a1 * x + ... + an * x^n % - power y = c*x^n % - sin y = a * sin (b * x) % - cos y = a * cos (b * x) % - exp y = a * exp (b * x) % - log y = a * log (b * x) % - cngauss y = exp(-x^2/(2*s^2))/(2*pi*s^2)^(1/2) % - cfgauss y = a*exp(-x^2/(2*s^2)) % - ngauss y = exp(-(x-x0)^2/(2*s^2))/(2*pi*s^2)^(1/2) % - gauss y = a*exp(-(x-x0)^2/(2*s^2)) % 'ngauss' is a 2-parameters normalized Gaussian, and 'gauss' is a % 3-parameters non-normalized (free) Gaussian. 'cngauss' and 'cfgauss' % are centered normalized and centered free Gaussian, respectively. % % EZFIT is based on Matlab's built-in FMINSEARCH function (Nelder-Mead % method), which performs an unconstrained nonlinear minimization of % the SSR (sum of squared residuals) with respect to the various % parameters. % % The correlation coefficient R is defined as (SSR/(SSE+SSR))^(1/2), where % SSR = sum ((y_fit - mean(y)).^2) % sum of squared residuals % SSE = sum ((y_fit - y).^2) % sum of squared errors % (see % % Nonlinear minimization requires starting guesses (or starting estimates) % for the fit parameters. By default, all the starting guesses are taken % as 1, or, when using predefined fits (e.g., exp, gauss, power...), the % starting guesses are determined depending on the range of the data to % be fitted. However, in most cases, values closer to the expected % result should be specified to "help" the convergence. It is sufficient % to choose values that have the correct sign and correct order of % magnitude, e.g. 0.01, 1, 100... % % The starting guesses for the parameters may be specified in two ways: % - directly in the string FUN, after the fit definition: % 'c0 + a*sin(pi*x/lambda); c0=1; a=0.1; lambda=100' % ('!' or '$' may also be used instead of ';'). % - by specifying them as an additional input argument for EZFIT: % EZFIT(x,y,'c0 + a*sin(pi*x/lambda)',[0.1 1 100]); % Note that in this case the parameters must be ordered alphabetically. % Note that if both methods are used, only the starting guesses given in % the string FUN are considered. % % By default, Y is fitted in linear mode. If you want to fit LOG(Y) % instead, you must specify the option 'log' to the string FUN, separated % by the symbol ';' or '$' or '!' (eg, FUN='a*x^n;log'). This is % specially useful to fit power laws with equally weighted points in a % log scale. If nothing specified, the option 'lin' is used. % % Example: % plotsample('power') % and compare the results of: % ezfit('power;lin') % ezfit('power;log') % % F = EZFIT(...) also returns a structure F having the following fields: % - name name of the fit % - eq equation of the fit % - param cell array of strings: names of the parameters % - m values of the coefficients % - m0 initial guess for the coefficients % - r correlation coefficient R (Pearson's correlation) % - fitmode 'lin' (y is fitted) or 'log' (log(y) is fitted) mode % % This structure F can be further used with SHOWFIT, DISPEQFIT, % SHOWEQBOX, MAKEVARFIT and EDITCOEFF. % % From F, you can get the values of the fitted parameters. If you want to % create in the current Matlab workspace the variables associated to % these parameters, use MAKEVARFIT (or set the option 'automakevarfit' % to 'on' in FITPARAM). % % Examples: % plotsample damposc % f = ezfit('u(t) = c + u_a * sin(2*pi*t/T) * exp(-t/tau); T=5; tau=20'); % showfit(f); % % plotsample poly2 % [x,y] = pickdata; % f = ezfit(x, y, 'z(v) = poly3'); % editcoeff(f); % % plotsample poly2 % f = ezfit('beta(z) = poly2'); % showfit(f, 'fitcolor', 'red', 'fitlinewidth', 2); % % See also SHOWFIT, PLOTSAMPLE, DISPEQFIT, EDITCOEFF, % FMINSEARCH, MAKEVARFIT, FITPARAM. % F. Moisy, % Revision: 2.51, Date: 2011/10/04 % This function is part of the EzyFit Toolbox % History: % 2005/05/12: v1.00, first version. % 2005/05/20: v1.10, Use 'eval', with generic functions % 2005/05/21: v1.11, added the 'lin','log' options. % 2005/05/24: v1.12, option 'log' by default for 'power' and 'exp'. % 2005/07/27: v1.13, cosmetics. % 2005/09/03: v1.14, check arg. % 2005/10/07: v1.15, gaussian fits added (ngauss and fgauss, centered/not) % 2005/10/20: v1.16, help text changed. % 2005/10/31: v1.20, also returns R. cste and poly{n} fits added. Initial % guess defined within the fitting function string. The % order of the output parameters is changed. % 2005/11/05: v1.21, evaluate strings for initial guess in FUN % 2005/12/06: v1.22, opens a dialog box if the polynomial order is not % specified. % 2006/01/13: v1.24, check for negative data in log mode % 2006/01/19: v1.25, bug fixed from 1.24 % 2006/01/25: v1.26, check the matlab version % 2006/02/08: v2.00, new syntax. The output argument is now a fit % structure, and the fitting equation string accepts % arbitrary parameter names. % 2006/02/14: v2.10, lhs 'y(x)=...' now accepted. Now case sensitive % 2006/03/07: v2.11, bug fixed from v1.25 % 2006/03/09: v2.20, weighted chi-square criterion (ie: error bars accepted % for y) - undocumented % 2006/09/04: v2.21, '!' and '$' may be used instead of ';' in the FUN % string: this allows to pass the argument like: % fit power!log % 2006/09/28: v2.22, 'x^1' replaced by 'x' for 1st order polynomial % 2006/10/18: v2.30, input raw and column vectors accepted. accepts % additional input parameters to change the default settings. % 2007/04/17: v2.31, help text improved; standard error messages % 2007/05/16: v2.40, weigthed fits (v2.20) now documented, with bug fixed. % 2007/08/18: v2.41, help text improved. % 2007/09/17: v2.50, guess the initial guess m0 for predefined fits % 2011/11/04: v2.51, bug fixed for fits in log coordinates % 2012/06/28: v2.52, check version number removed (unstable) % new v1.26, changed v2.11, removed v2.52 % if str2double(version('-release'))<14 % error('Ezyfit:ezfit:compatibility','EzyFit requires Matlab 7 or higher.'); % end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % fit parameters: (new v2.30) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % loads the default fit parameters: try fp=fitparam; catch error('Ezyfit:ezfit:fitparamNotFound','''fitparam.m'' file not found.'); end % change the default values of the fit parameters according to the % additional input arguments: for nopt=1:(nargin-1) if any(strcmp(varargin{nopt},fieldnames(fp))) % if the option string is one of the fit parameter fp.(varargin{nopt}) = varargin{nopt+1}; end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % input arguments: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if nargin==0, % if no input argument: do a linear fit of the current curve [x,y,h] = pickdata(fp); inputstr='linear'; elseif nargin==1 if ischar(varargin{1}), % EZFIT('a*x+b') inputstr=varargin{1}; [x,y,h] = pickdata(fp); else % EZFIT(y) y=varargin{1}; x=1:length(y); inputstr='linear'; end else % 2 or more input arguments if ~isnumeric(varargin{1}) % EZFIT('fun',...) inputstr=varargin{1}; [x,y,h] = pickdata(fp); if isnumeric(varargin{2}) % EZFIT('fun',m0,...) m0=varargin{2}; end elseif (isnumeric(varargin{1}) && ~isnumeric(varargin{2})) % EZFIT(y,'a*x+b',...) [y,inputstr]=deal(varargin{1:2}); x=1:length(y); if nargin>2 if isnumeric(varargin{3}) % EZFIT(y,'a*x+b',m0,...) m0=varargin{3}; end end elseif (isnumeric(varargin{1}) && isnumeric(varargin{2})) % EZFIT(x,y,...) [x,y]=deal(varargin{1:2}); if nargin>2 if ischar(varargin{3}) inputstr=varargin{3}; % EZFIT(x,y,'fun',...) if nargin>3 if isnumeric(varargin{4}) % EZFIT(x,y,'fun',m0,...) m0=varargin{4}; end end else error('Ezyfit:ezfit:syntaxError','Syntax error. 3rd paramater of EZFIT should be a string.'); end end end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % some checks about x and y %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % turn all input vectors into row (1xN) vectors (new v2.30): if size(x,1)>size(x,2), x=x'; end if size(y,1)>size(y,2), y=y'; end % check for error bars for y (new v2.20, fixed 2.40) if size(y,1)>1 dy = y(2,:); % second line = error bars (1/weight) y = y(1,:); % first line = data else dy = ones(1,length(y)); % default error bars: 1 end if length(x)~=length(y), error('Ezyfit:ezfit:dimagree','X and Y dimensions must agree.'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % processing of the string FUN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % cleans the input string: inputstr = strrep(inputstr,' ',''); inputstr = strrep(inputstr,'!',';'); inputstr = strrep(inputstr,'$',';'); inputstr = strrep([inputstr ';'],';;',';'); % ensures that fun is terminated by a ';'. % the name of the fit is by default the first part of the input string p=findstr(inputstr,';'); p=p(1); = inputstr(1:(p-1)); % separates the first part (fitting function itself) and the remainder: p = strfind(inputstr,';'); p=p(1); fun = inputstr(1:(p-1)); remfun = inputstr((p+1):end); % search for predefined fit or user-defined fit usepredefinedfit = ''; [defaultfit, userfit] = loadfit; for i=1:length(defaultfit), if strcmp(fun, defaultfit(i).name); fun = defaultfit(i).eq; usepredefinedfit = defaultfit(i).name; % new v2.50 end end for i=1:length(userfit), if strcmp(fun, userfit(i).name), fun = userfit(i).eq; end end % separates again the first part (fitting function itself) and the remainder: % (because the predefined/user-defined part may itself contain ';') fun = [strrep(fun,' ','') ';' remfun]; p=strfind(fun,';'); p=p(1); remfun = fun((p+1):end); fun = fun(1:(p-1)); % recognize if a lhs is present peq = strfind(fun,'='); if ~isempty(peq), lhs = fun(1:(peq-1)); % left-hand side rhs = fun((peq+1):end); % right-hand side else lhs = ''; rhs = fun; end % process the lhs (if present) if ~isempty(lhs), pob = strfind(lhs,'('); % position of opening bracket pcb = strfind(lhs,')'); % position of closing bracket if ~isempty(pob) if pob==1, f.yvar = 'y'; else f.yvar = lhs(1:(pob-1)); end f.xvar = lhs((pob+1):(pcb-1)); else f.yvar = lhs; f.xvar = 'x'; end else % if no lhs present: f.xvar='x'; f.yvar='y'; end % process the 'poly' (polynomial fit) in the rhs if strfind(rhs,'poly'), % polynomial fit: order=str2double(rhs(5:end)); if isempty(order), % new v1.22 str_ord=inputdlg('Order of the polynomial fit','Polynomial order',1,{'2'}); if ~isempty(str_ord), order=str2double(str_ord{1});['poly' str_ord{1}]; else clear f; return; end end if order>20, error('Ezyfit:ezfit:invalidPolynomDegree','Invalid polynom degree.'); end rhs = [fp.polynom_coeffname '0']; for i=1:order, if i>1 rhs = [rhs '+' fp.polynom_coeffname num2str(i) '*' f.xvar '^' num2str(i)]; else rhs = [rhs '+' fp.polynom_coeffname num2str(i) '*' f.xvar]; % new v2.22 end end end % search for option 'lin' or 'log': % (if several are present, use the last one) % (if none is present, check the Y-scale of the current figure) % (if no figure present, take 'lin'). fun = strrep([rhs ';' remfun], ';;', ';'); f.fitmode=''; plin=strfind(fun,';lin'); if ~isempty(plin), plin=plin(end); else plin=1; end plog=strfind(fun,';log'); if ~isempty(plog), plog=plog(end); else plog=1; end plast=max(plin,plog); if plast==1, % if nothing specified f.fitmode='lin'; % use 'lin' else f.fitmode=fun((plast+1):(plast+3)); end fun=strrep(fun,';lin',''); fun=strrep(fun,';log',''); % check for negative data in log mode (new v1.23, fixed 1.24): if (strcmp(f.fitmode,'log') && sum(y<=0)>0) disp('Warning: Zero or negative data ignored'); nonzero=find(y>0); x=x(nonzero); y=y(nonzero); end % separates again the first part (fitting function itself) and the % remainder: p = strfind(fun,';'); p=p(1); f.eq = fun(1:(p-1)); remfun = fun((p+1):end); % convert the equation in the matlab syntax (parameters named m(1), % m(2)...) [eqml,param] = eq2ml(f.eq, f.xvar); maxm = length(param); % number of parameters if maxm==0 % new v2.20 error('Ezyfit:ezfit:noParameter','No parameter to be fitted.'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % processing the initial guess %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % initial guess for the m(i) by default (all m(i)=1): if ~exist('m0','var') m0=ones(1,maxm); switch usepredefinedfit % new v2.50 : "magic" initial guesses case 'linear' % m*x m0(1) = (y(end)-y(1))/(x(end)-x(1)); case 'affine' % a*x+b m0(1) = (y(end)-y(1))/(x(end)-x(1)); % a m0(2) = mean(y-m0(1)*x); % b case 'affineshift' % a*(x-b) m0(1) = (y(end)-y(1))/(x(end)-x(1)); % a m0(2) = mean(x-y/m0(1)); % b case 'power' % a*x^n; % if both x and y are of constant sign: if sum(diff(sign(x)))==0 || sum(diff(sign(y)))==0 m0(2) = log(y(end)/y(1)) / log(x(end)/x(1)); % n m0(1) = mean(y./(x.^m0(2))); % a end case 'powerc' % a*x^n+c; % if both x and y are of constant sign: if sum(diff(sign(x)))==0 || sum(diff(sign(y)))==0 m0(3) = log(y(end)/y(1)) / log(x(end)/x(1)); % n m0(1) = mean(y./(x.^m0(3))); % a end m0(2) = mean(y); % c case 'powershift' % a*(x+b)^n; % if both x and y are of constant sign: m0(2) = mean(x); % b m0(3) = log(y(end)/y(1)) / log((x(end)+m0(2))/(x(1)+m0(2))); % n m0(1) = mean(y./((x+m0(2)).^m0(3))); % a case 'exp' % a*exp(b*x) m0(2) = (log(y(end)/y(1))) / (x(end)-x(1)); % b m0(1) = mean(y./exp(m0(2)*x)); % a case 'expdiv' % a*exp(x/b) m0(2) = (x(end)-x(1)) / (log(y(end)/y(1))); % b m0(1) = mean(y./exp(x/m0(2))); % a case 'explim' % a*(1-exp(-x/b)) m0(1) = max(y); % a m0(2) = mean(-x./(log(1-y/m0(1)))); % b case 'expc' % a*exp(b*x)+c m0(3) = mean(y); % c m0(2) = (log((y(end)-m0(3))/(y(1)-m0(3)))) / (x(end)-x(1)); % b m0(1) = mean((y-m0(3))./exp(m0(2)*x)); % a case 'log' % a*log(b*x) m0(1) = (y(end)-y(1))/(log(x(end)/x(1))); % a m0(2) = mean(exp(y/m0(1))./x); % b case 'logc' % a*log(x)+b m0(1) = (y(end)-y(1))/(log(x(end)/x(1))); % a m0(2) = mean(y - m0(1)*log(x)); % b case {'sin','cos'} % a*sin(b*x), a*cos(b*x) m0(1) = std(y,1)*sqrt(2); % a m0(2) = 50/(x(end)-x(1)); % b case {'sinc','cosc'} % a*sin(b*x)+c, a*cos(b*x)+c m0(1) = std(y,1)*sqrt(2); % a m0(2) = 50/(x(end)-x(1)); % b m0(3) = mean(y); % c case 'sinphi' % a*sin(b*x+phi) m0(1) = std(y,1)*sqrt(2); % a m0(2) = 50/(x(end)-x(1)); % b m0(3) = 1; % phi case 'sinphic' % a*sin(b*x+phi)+c m0(1) = std(y,1)*sqrt(2); % a m0(2) = 50/(x(end)-x(1)); % b m0(3) = mean(y); % c m0(4) = 1; % phi case 'cngauss' m0(1) = (mean(x.^2.*y)/mean(y))^(1/2); % sigma case 'cfgauss' % a*exp(-(x^2)/(2*sigma^2)) m0(1) = max(y); % a m0(2) = (mean(x.^2.*y)/mean(y))^(1/2); % sigma case 'ngauss' % exp(-((x-x_0)^2)/(2*sigma^2))/(2*pi*sigma^2)^(1/2) m0(2) = mean(x.*y)/mean(y); % x_0 m0(1) = (mean((x-m0(2)).^2.*y)/mean(y))^(1/2); % sigma case {'fgauss','gauss'} % a*exp(-((x-x_0)^2)/(2*sigma^2)) m0(1) = max(y); % a m0(3) = mean(x.*y)/mean(y); % x_0 m0(2) = (mean((x-m0(3)).^2.*y)/mean(y))^(1/2); % sigma end % if an initial guess is 0 or infinity or has imaginary part, set it to 1 for np=1:length(m0) if m0(np)==0 || isinf(m0(np)) || imag(m0(np))~=0 m0(np) = 1; end end end % search for initial guess defined into remfun remfun = strrep([remfun ';'], ';;', ';'); % adds a final ';' while strfind(remfun,'='), peq=strfind(remfun,'='); peq=peq(1); pc=strfind(remfun,';'); pc=pc(1); if pc>peq, % if ';' after '=' par=remfun(1:(peq-1)); for i=1:maxm, if strcmp(param{i},par), m0(i)=eval(remfun((peq+1):(pc-1))); end end else error('Ezyfit:ezfit:syntaxError','Invalid syntax'); end remfun=remfun((pc+1):end); % removes the processed i.g. and loops back end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % fitting itself %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% switch f.fitmode, case 'lin', x__ref = x; try m=fminsearch(@fitlin, m0); catch error('Ezyfit:ezfit:fminsearchError','Fit: error during the fminsearch procedure'); end y_fit = eval(eqml); ssr = sum(abs(y_fit-mean(y)).^2); sse = sum(abs(y_fit-y).^2); f.r=sqrt(ssr/(sse+ssr)); case 'log', x__ref = x; try m=fminsearch(@fitlog, m0); % bug fixed here! (v2.51) catch error('Ezyfit:ezfit:fminsearchError','Fit: error during the fminsearch procedure'); end y_fit = eval(eqml); ssr = sum(abs(log(y_fit)-mean(log(y))).^2); sse = sum(abs(log(y_fit)-log(y)).^2); f.r=sqrt(ssr/(sse+ssr)); otherwise error('Ezyfit:ezfit:unknownMode''Unknown fit mode'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % outputs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % fills the output structure: f.param = param; f.m = m; f.m0 = m0; f.x = x; f.y = y; if sum(dy-1) % store the error bars only if defined f.dy = dy; end if exist('h','var'), f.hdata=h; end % handle to the data % stores the fit in the variable 'lastfit' in the 'base' workspace: assignin('base','lastfit',f); if strcmp(fp.automakevarfit,'on') makevarfit; end % ending displays (if no output argument): if ~nargout if strcmp(fp.dispeqmode,'on') % new v2.30 dispeqfit(f,fp); end clear f; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % End of the main function EZFIT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Nested functions that evaluate the fit for prescribed parameters m(i), % and return the chi2 (sum of the squared difference between the input % curve and the fit), in lin or log mode: function chi2 = fitlin(m) y_fit = eval(eqml); chi2 = sum(((y_fit - y).^2)./(dy.^2)); end function chi2 = fitlog(m) y_fit = eval(eqml); chi2 = sum((log(y_fit)-log(y)).^2); end end