function [hp, hn] = semilogypn(x,y, specpos, specneg, varargin) %SEMILOGYPN Semilogarithmic plot for positive and negative data. % SEMILOGYPN(...) is the same as SEMILOGY(...), except that the Y data % may have positive and negative values. This is useful to detect % unexpected negative values in the Y data (causing repeated 'Negative % data ignored' warnings), or to visualize the magnitude of an % oscillating signal in log scale. % % SEMILOGYPN(X,Y) plots X versus Y as logarithmic scales, where Y may % have positive and negative values. By default, negative values are % ploted with dashed lines and positive values with full lines. If X is % not specified, Y is plotted versus its index. % % SEMILOGYPN(X,Y,LineSpecPos,LineSpecNeg) specifies LineSpecPos and % LineSpecNeg for the line types, marker symbols and colors for the % positive and negative values of Y. For instance, % SEMILOGYPN(X,Y,'ro-','b*') plots the positive Y with red line and 'o' % markers and the negative Y with blue stars '*'. % % SEMILOGYPN(X,Y,LineSpecPos,LineSpecNeg,'PropertyName',PropertyValue,...) % sets property values for all lineseries graphics objects created by % SEMILOGYPN. See the line reference page for more information. % % [HP, HN] = SEMILOGYPN(...) returns the handles to the two lineseries % graphics objects. % % Example: % x = linspace(1,10,200); % y = sin(x*2)./x; % semilogypn(x,y,'r.','bo'); % axis([1 10 1e-2 1]); % % semilogypn(x,y,'b-','r:','LineWidth',2); % % [hp, hn] = semilogypn(x,y,'k'); % set(hp, 'LineWidth', 1); % set(hn, 'LineWidth', 2); % % See also SEMILOGY, LOGLOG, LOGLOGPN. % F. Moisy, % Revision: 1.01, Date: 2007/04/12 % This function is part of the EzyFit Toolbox % History: % 2007/04/10: v1.00, first version. % 2007/04/12: v1.01, do not draw lines between ranges of Y % separated by ranges of opposite sign. error(nargchk(1,inf,nargin)); if nargin<2 y = x; x = 1:length(y); end if nargin<3 % default LineSpecs: specpos = 'b-'; specneg = 'b--'; elseif nargin<4 % LineSpec for Y<0 if the LineSpec for Y>0 is specified if findstr(specpos,'--') specneg=strrep(specpos,'--','-'); else specneg=specpos; specneg=strrep(specneg,'-.',''); specneg=strrep(specneg,':',''); specneg=strrep(specneg,'-',''); specneg=[specneg '--']; end end indpos = find(y>0); indneg = find(y<0); ypos = y; ypos(indneg) = 0; yneg = y; yneg(indpos) = 0; if isempty(indneg) && ~isempty(indpos) hp = semilogy(x, ypos, specpos, varargin{:}); hn = []; elseif ~isempty(indneg) && isempty(indpos) hp = []; hn = semilogy(x, -yneg, specneg, varargin{:}); else statehold = ishold; % figure was 'held on' before? hp = semilogy(x, ypos, specpos, varargin{:}); hold on hn = semilogy(x, -yneg, specneg, varargin{:}); if statehold==false hold off end end if ~nargout clear hp hn end