function [sol, fval, exitflag, output] = ... optimize(funfcn, x0, lb, ub, A, b, Aeq, beq, nonlcon, strictness, options, varargin) %OPTIMIZE Optimize general constrained problems using FMINSEARCH % % Usage: % sol = OPTIMIZE(func, x0) % sol = OPTIMIZE(func, x0, lb, ub) % sol = OPTIMIZE(func, x0, lb, ub, A, b) % sol = OPTIMIZE(func, x0, lb, ub, A, b, Aeq, beq) % sol = OPTIMIZE(func, x0, lb, ub, A, b, Aeq, beq, nonlcon) % sol = OPTIMIZE(func, x0, lb, ub, A, b, Aeq, beq, nonlcon, strictness) % sol = OPTIMIZE(func, x0, lb, ub, A, b, Aeq, beq, nonlcon, strictness, options) % % [sol, fval] = OPTIMIZE(func, ...) % [sol, fval, exitflag] = OPTIMIZE(func, ...) % [sol, fval, exitflag, output] = OPTIMIZE(func, ...) % % INPUT ARGUMENTS: % % fun, x0, or options - see the help for FMINSEARCH % % lb - (OPTIONAL) lower bound vector or array, must have the same % size as x0. % % If no lower bounds exist for one of the variables, then % supply -inf for that variable. % % If no lower bounds exist at all, then [lb] may be left empty. % % Variables may be fixed in value by setting the corresponding % lower and upper bounds to exactly the same value. % % ub - (OPTIONAL) upper bound vector or array, must have the same % size as x0. % % If no upper bounds exist for one of the variables, then % supply +inf for that variable. % % If no upper bounds at all, then [ub] may be left empty. % % Variables may be fixed in value by setting the corresponding % lower and upper bounds to exactly the same value. % % A, b - (OPTIONAL) Linear inequality constraint array and right % hand side vector. (Note: these constraints were chosen to % be consistent with those of fmincon.) % % This linear constraint forces the solution vector [x] to % satisfy % A*x <= b % % Note that in case [x] is a matrix (this is true when [x0] is % a matrix), the argument [b] must have corresponding size % [size(A,1) x size(x0,2)], since the same equation is used to % evaluate this constraint. % % Aeq, beq - (OPTIONAL) Linear equality constraint array and right % hand side vector. (Note: these constraints were chosen to % be consistent with those of fmincon.) % % This linear constraint forces the solution vector [x] to % satisfy % % Aeq*x == beq % % Note that in case [x] is a matrix (this is true when [x0] is % a matrix), the argument [beq] must have corresponding size % [size(Aeq,1) x size(x0,2)], since the same equation is used to % evaluate this constraint. % % nonlcon - (OPTIONAL) function handle to general nonlinear constraints, % inequality and/or equality constraints. % % [nonlcon] must return two vectors, [c] and [ceq], containing the % values for the nonlinear inequality constraints [c] and % those for the nonlinear equality constraints [ceq] at [x]. (Note: % these constraints were chosen to be consistent with those of % fmincon.) % % These constraints force the solution to satisfy % % ceq(x) = 0 % c(x) <= 0, % % where [c(x)] and [ceq(x)] are general non-linear functions of [x]. % % strictness - (OPTIONAL) By default, OPTIMIZE will assume the objective % (and constraint) function(s) can be evaluated at ANY point in % RN-space; the initial estimate does not have to lie in the % feasible region, and intermediate solutions are also allowed to step % outside this area. If your function does not permit such behavior, % set this argument to 'strict'. With 'strict' enabled, the linear % constraints will be satisfied strictly, while the nonlinear % constraints will be satisfied within options.TolCon. % % If this is also not permissible, use 'superstrict' - then all % nonlinear constraints are also satisfied AT ALL TIMES, and the % objective function is NEVER evaluated outside the feasible area. % % When using 'strict' or 'superstrict', the initial estimate [x0] % MUST be feasible. If it is not feasible, an error is produced % before the objective function is ever evaluated. % % % OUTPUT ARGUMENTS: % % sol, fval - the solution vector and the corresponding function value, % respectively. % % exitflag - (See also the help on FMINSEARCH) A flag that specifies the % reason the algorithm terminated. FMINSEARCH uses only the values % % 1 fminsearch converged to a solution x % 0 Max. # of function evaluations or iterations exceeded % -1 Algorithm was terminated by the output function. % % Since OPTIMIZE handles constrained problems, the following two % values were added: % % 2 All elements in [lb] and [ub] were equal - nothing done % -2 Problem is infeasible after the optimization (Some or % any of the constraints are violated at the final % solution). % % output - (See also the help on FMINSEARCH) A structure that contains % additional details on the optimization. FMINSEARCH returns % % output.algorithm Algorithm used % output.funcCount Number of function evaluations % output.iterations Number of iterations % output.message Exit message % % Since OPTIMIZE handles constrained problems, the following % fields were added: % % output.constrviolation.lin_ineq % output.constrviolation.lin_eq % output.constrviolation.nonlin_ineq % output.constrviolation.nonlin_ineq % % All these fields contain a [M x 2]-cell array. The fist column % contains a logical index to the constraints, which is true if the % constraint was violated, false if it was satisfied. The second % column contains the amount of constraint violation. This amount is % equal to zero if the constraint was satisfied within % options.TolCon. % % % Notes: % % If options is supplied, then TolX will apply to the transformed % variables. All other FMINSEARCH parameters should be unaffected. % % Variables which are constrained by both a lower and an upper % bound will use a sin() transformation. Those constrained by % only a lower or an upper bound will use a quadratic % transformation, and unconstrained variables will be left alone. % % Variables may be fixed by setting their respective bounds equal. % In this case, the problem will be reduced in size for FMINSEARCH. % % If your problem has an EXCLUSIVE (strict) bound constraints which % will not permit evaluation at the bound itself, then you must % provide a slightly offset bound. An example of this is a function % which contains the log of one of its parameters. If you constrain % the variable to have a lower bound of zero, then OPTIMIZE may % try to evaluate the function exactly at zero. % % EXAMPLES: % % rosen = @(x) (1-x(1)).^2 + 105*(x(2)-x(1).^2).^2; % % <> % % optimize(rosen, [3 3]) % ans = % 1.0000 1.0000 % % % <> % % optimize(rosen,[3 3],[2 2],[]) % ans = % 2.0000 4.0000 % % % <> % % optimize(rosen,[3 3],[-inf 3],[inf,3]) % ans = % 1.7314 3.0000 % % % <> % % optimize(rosen,[0 0],[],[],[1 1], 1) % % ans = % 0.6187 0.3813 % % % <> % <> % % execute this m-file: % % function test_optimize % rosen = @(x) (1-x(1)).^2 + 105*(x(2)-x(1).^2).^2; % % options = optimset('TolFun', 1e-8, 'TolX', 1e-8); % % optimize(rosen, [3 3], [],[],[],[],[],[],... % @nonlcon, [], options) % % end % function [c, ceq] = nonlcon(x) % c = norm(x) - 1; % ceq = x(1)^2 + x(2)^3 - 0.5; % end % % ans = % 0.6513 0.4233 % % % % Of course, any combination of the above constraints is % also possible. % % % See also: fminsearch, fminsearchcon, fminsearchbnd, fmincon. % Author : Rody P.S. Oldenhuis % Delft University of Technology % E-mail : % % FMINSEARCHBND, FMINSEARCHCON and most of the % help for OPTIMIZE witten by % : John D'Errico % E-mail : % % Last edited: 29/May/2009 % Uploaded : 29/May/2009 % % [ Please report bugs to ] %% initialize % process input error(nargchk(2, inf, nargin)) % FUTURE WORK: no x0 given (nargin < 2) means optimize globally. % for now, just produce an error in that case if (nargin < 11), options = optimset; end if (nargin < 10), strictness = 'loose'; end if (nargin < 9), nonlcon = []; end if (nargin < 8), beq = []; end if (nargin < 7), Aeq = []; end if (nargin < 6), b = []; end if (nargin < 5), A = []; end if (nargin < 4), lb = []; end if (nargin < 3), ub = []; end % get tolerance on constraints tolCon = optimget(options, 'TolCon', 1e-6); % check for an output function. If there is any, % use wrapper function to call it with untransformed variable if ~isempty(options.OutputFcn) OutputFcn = options.OutputFcn; options.OutputFcn = @OutputFcn_wrapper; end % define number of dimensions N = numel(x0); % adjust bounds when they are empty if isempty(lb), lb = -inf(size(x0)); end if isempty(ub), ub = +inf(size(x0)); end % check the user-provided input with nested function check_input check_input; % resize and reshape all input to be of completely predictable size new_x = x0; ub = ub(:); x0 = x0(:); lb = lb(:); % replicate lb or ub when they are scalars, and x0 is not if isscalar(lb) && (N ~= 1), lb = repmat(lb, size(x0)); end if isscalar(ub) && (N ~= 1), ub = repmat(ub, size(x0)); end % determine the type of bounds nf_lb = ~isfinite(lb); nf_ub = ~isfinite(ub); lb_only = ~nf_lb & nf_ub; ub_only = nf_lb & ~nf_ub; unconst = nf_lb & nf_ub; fix_var = lb == ub; lb_ub = ~nf_lb & ~nf_ub & ~fix_var; % if all variables are fixed, simply return if length(lb(fix_var)) == N sol = reshape(lb,size(newx)); output.iterations = 0; output.funcCount = 0; fval = funfcn(sol); output.message = 'Lower and upper bound were set equal - nothing to do. '; exitflag = 2; [output, exitflag] = finalize(lb, output, exitflag); if exitflag ~= -2 output.message = sprintf(... '%s\nFortunately, the solution is feasible using OPTIONS.TolCon of %1.6f.',... output.message, tolCon); end, return; end % force the initial estimate inside the given bounds x0(x0 < lb) = lb(x0 < lb); x0(x0 > ub) = ub(x0 > ub); % transform initial estimate to its unconstrained counterpart xin = x0; % fixed and unconstrained variables xin(lb_only) = sqrt(x0(lb_only) - lb(lb_only)); % lower bounds only xin(ub_only) = sqrt(ub(ub_only) - x0(ub_only)); % upper bounds only xin(lb_ub) = real(asin( 2*(x0(lb_ub) - lb(lb_ub))./ ... (ub(lb_ub) - lb(lb_ub)) - 1)); % both upper and lower bounds % remove fixed variables from the initial estimate xin(fix_var) = []; % some constant matrices to speed things up (slightly) Nzero = zeros(N, 1); Np1zero = zeros(N, N+1); exp200 = exp(200); % define the transformed & penalized function funfncT = @(x) funfncP(X(x), varargin{:}); % optimize the problem with FMINSEARCH [presol, fval, exitflag, output] = fminsearch(funfncT, xin, options, varargin{:}); % and transform everything back to original (bounded) variables sol = new_x; sol(:) = X(presol); % with the same size as the original x0 % append constraint violations to the output structure, and change the % exitflag accordingly [output, exitflag] = finalize(sol, output, exitflag); %% nested functions (the actual work) % check user provided input function check_input % dimensions & weird input if (numel(lb) ~= N && ~isscalar(lb)) || (numel(ub) ~= N && ~isscalar(ub)) error('optimize:lb_ub_incompatible_size',... 'Size of either [lb] or [ub] incompatible with size of [x0].') end if ~isempty(A) && isempty(b) warning('optimize:Aeq_but_not_beq', ... ['I received the matrix [A], but you omitted the corresponding vector [b].',... '\nI`ll assume a zero-vector for [b]...']) b = zeros(size(A,1), size(x0,2)); end if ~isempty(Aeq) && isempty(beq) warning('optimize:Aeq_but_not_beq', ... ['I received the matrix [Aeq], but you omitted the corresponding vector [beq].',... '\nI`ll assume a zero-vector for [beq]...']) beq = zeros(size(Aeq,1), size(x0,2)); end if isempty(Aeq) && ~isempty(beq) warning('optimize:beq_but_not_Aeq', ... ['I received the vector [beq], but you omitted the corresponding matrix [Aeq].',... '\nI`ll ignore the given [beq]...']) beq = []; end if isempty(A) && ~isempty(b) warning('optimize:b_but_not_A', ... ['I received the vector [b], but you omitted the corresponding matrix [A].',... '\nI`ll ignore the given [b]...']) b = []; end if ~isempty(A) && ~isempty(b) && size(b,1)~=size(A,1) error('optimize:b_incompatible_with_A',... 'The size of [b] is incompatible with that of [A].') end if ~isempty(Aeq) && ~isempty(beq) && size(beq,1)~=size(Aeq,1) error('optimize:b_incompatible_with_A',... 'The size of [beq] is incompatible with that of [Aeq].') end if ~isvector(x0) && ~isempty(A) && (size(A,2) ~= size(x0,1)) error('optimize:A_incompatible_size',... 'Linear constraint matrix [A] has incompatible size for given [x0].') end if ~isvector(x0) && ~isempty(Aeq) && (size(Aeq,2) ~= size(x0,1)) error('optimize:Aeq_incompatible_size',... 'Linear constraint matrix [Aeq] has incompatible size for given [x0].') end if ~isempty(b) && size(b,2)~=size(x0,2) error('optimize:x0_vector_but_not_b',... 'Given linear constraint vector [b] has incompatible size with given [x0].') end if ~isempty(beq) && size(beq,2)~=size(x0,2) error('optimize:x0_vector_but_not_beq',... 'Given linear constraint vector [beq] has incompatible size with given [x0].') end % functions are not function handles if ~isa(funfcn, 'function_handle') error('optimize:func_not_a_function',... 'Objective function must be given as a function handle.') end if ~isempty(nonlcon) && ~isa(nonlcon, 'function_handle') error('optimize:nonlcon_not_a_function', ... 'non-linear constraint function must be a function handle.') end % test the feasibility of the initial solution (when strict or % superstrict behavior has been enabled) if strcmpi(strictness, 'strict') || strcmpi(strictness, 'superstrict') superstrict = strcmpi(strictness, 'superstrict'); if ~isempty(A) && any(any(A*x0 > b)) error('optimize:x0_doesnt_satisfy_linear_ineq', ... ['Initial estimate does not satisfy linear inequality.', ... '\nPlease provide an initial estimate inside the feasible region.']); end if ~isempty(Aeq) && any(any(Aeq*x0 ~= beq)) error('optimize:x0_doesnt_satisfy_linear_eq', ... ['Initial estimate does not satisfy linear equality.', ... '\nPlease provide an initial estimate inside the feasible region.']); end if ~isempty(nonlcon) [c, ceq] = nonlcon(x0); %#ok if ~isempty(c) && any(c(:) > ~superstrict*tolCon) error('optimize:x0_doesnt_satisfy_nonlinear_ineq', ... ['Initial estimate does not satisfy nonlinear inequality.', ... '\nPlease provide an initial estimate inside the feasible region.']); end if ~isempty(ceq) && any(abs(ceq(:)) >= ~superstrict*tolCon) error('optimize:x0_doesnt_satisfy_nonlinear_eq', ... ['Initial estimate does not satisfy nonlinear equality.', ... '\nPlease provide an initial estimate inside the feasible region.']); end end end end % check_input % create transformed variable to conform to upper and lower bounds function xx = X(x) if (size(x, 2) == 1), xx = Nzero; else xx = Np1zero; end for i = 1:size(x, 2) xx(lb_only, i) = lb(lb_only) + x(lb_only(~fix_var), i).^2; xx(ub_only, i) = ub(ub_only) - x(ub_only(~fix_var), i).^2; xx(fix_var, i) = lb(fix_var); xx(unconst, i) = x(unconst(~fix_var), i); xx(lb_ub, i) = lb(lb_ub) + ... (ub(lb_ub) - lb(lb_ub)) .* (sin(x(lb_ub(~fix_var), i)) + 1)/2; end end % X % create penalized function. Penalize with linear penalty function if % violation is severe, otherwise, use exponential penalty. If the % 'strict' option has been set, check the constraints, and return INF % if any of them are violated. function P_fval = funfncP(x, varargin) % initialize function value if (size(x, 2) == 1), P_fval = 0; else P_fval = Nzero.'; end % initialize x_new array x_new = new_x; % evaluate every vector in x for i = 1:size(x, 2) % reshape x, so it has the same size as the given x0 x_new(:) = x(:, i); % initially, we are optimistic linear_eq_Penalty = 0; nonlin_eq_Penalty = 0; linear_ineq_Penalty = 0; nonlin_ineq_Penalty = 0; % Penalize the linear equality constraint violation % required: Aeq*x = beq if ~isempty(Aeq) && ~isempty(beq) lin_eq = abs(Aeq*x_new - beq); sumlin_eq = sum(abs(lin_eq(:))); if strcmpi(strictness, 'strict') && any(lin_eq > 0) P_fval = inf; return end if sumlin_eq > 200 linear_eq_Penalty = exp(200) - 1 + sumlin_eq; else linear_eq_Penalty = exp(sum(lin_eq)) - 1; end end % Penalize the linear inequality constraint violation % required: A*x <= b if ~isempty(A) && ~isempty(b) lin_ineq = A*x_new - b; lin_ineq(lin_ineq <= 0) = 0; sumlin_ineq = sum(lin_ineq(:)); if strcmpi(strictness, 'strict') && any(lin_ineq > 0) P_fval = inf; return end if sumlin_ineq > 200 linear_ineq_Penalty = exp(200) - 1 + sumlin_ineq; else linear_ineq_Penalty = exp(sumlin_ineq) - 1; end end % Penalize the non-linear constraint violations % required: ceq = 0 and c <= 0 if ~isempty(nonlcon) [c, ceq] = nonlcon(x_new); %#ok if ~isempty(c) c = c(:); sumc = sum(c(c > 0)); if (strcmpi(strictness, 'strict') || strcmpi(strictness, 'superstrict'))... && any(c > ~superstrict*tolCon) P_fval = inf; return end if sumc > 200 nonlin_ineq_Penalty = exp200 - 1 + sumc; else nonlin_ineq_Penalty = exp(sumc) - 1; end end if ~isempty(ceq) ceq = abs(ceq(:)); sumceq = sum(ceq(ceq > 0)); if (strcmpi(strictness, 'strict') || strcmpi(strictness, 'superstrict'))... && any(ceq >= ~superstrict*tolCon) P_fval = inf; return end if sumceq > 200 nonlin_eq_Penalty = exp200 - 1 + sumceq; else nonlin_eq_Penalty = exp(sumceq) - 1; end end end % evaluate the objective function obj_fval = funfcn(x_new, varargin{:}); % return penalized function value P_fval(i) = obj_fval + linear_eq_Penalty + linear_ineq_Penalty + ... nonlin_eq_Penalty + nonlin_ineq_Penalty; %#ok end end % funfncP % simple wrapper function for output functions; these need to be % evaluated with the untransformed variables function stop = OutputFcn_wrapper(x, varargin) stop = OutputFcn(X(x), varargin{:}); end % OutputFcn_wrapper function [output, exitflag] = finalize(x, output, exitflag) % reshape x so it has the same size as x0 x_new = new_x; x_new(:) = x; % finalize the output violated1 = false; violated2 = false; violated3 = false; violated4 = false; if ~isempty(A) Ax = A*x_new; violated1 = Ax >= b + tolCon; violation = Ax - b; violation(~violated1) = 0; output.constrviolation.lin_ineq{1} = violated1; output.constrviolation.lin_ineq{2} = violation; end if ~isempty(Aeq) Aeqx = Aeq*x_new; violated2 = abs(Aeqx - beq) > tolCon; violation = Aeqx - beq; violation(~violated2) = 0; output.constrviolation.lin_eq{1} = violated2; output.constrviolation.lin_eq{2} = violation; end if ~isempty(nonlcon) [c, ceq] = nonlcon(x_new); %#ok if ~isempty(ceq) violated3 = abs(ceq) > tolCon; ceq(~violated3) = 0; output.constrviolation.nonl_eq{1} = violated3; output.constrviolation.nonl_eq{2} = ceq; end if ~isempty(c) violated4 = c > tolCon; c(~violated4) = 0; output.constrviolation.nonl_ineq{1} = violated4; output.constrviolation.nonl_ineq{2} = c; end end if any([violated1(:); violated2(:); violated3(:); violated4(:)]) exitflag = -2; output.message = sprintf(... ['%s\n Unfortunately, the solution is infeasible for the given value ',... 'of OPTIONS.TolCon of %1.6e'], output.message, tolCon); else if exitflag == 1 output.message = sprintf(... ['%s\b\n and all constraints are satisfied using ',... 'OPTIONS.TolCon of %1.6e.'], output.message, tolCon); end end end % finalize end % function