function z = crabcavity(fname,phi0,V,F,method) % CRABCAVITY('FAMILYNAME',phase [m],Voltage[V], Frequency[Hz], 'METHOD') % creates a new family (vertical crab cavity) in the FAMLIST - a structure with fields % FamName family name % Phase phase[m] % Voltage peak voltage (V) % Frequency RF frequency [Hz] % HarmNumber Harmonic Number % PassMethod name of the function on disk to use for tracking % returns assigned address in the FAMLIST that uniquely identifies % the family global GLOBVAL ElemData.FamName = fname; % add check for identical family names ElemData.TimeLag = phi0; ElemData.Length = 0; ElemData.Voltage = V; ElemData.Frequency = F; ElemData.Energy = GLOBVAL.E0; ElemData.PassMethod=method; global FAMLIST z = length(FAMLIST)+1; % number of declare families including this one FAMLIST{z}.FamName = fname; FAMLIST{z}.NumKids = 0; FAMLIST{z}.KidsList= []; FAMLIST{z}.ElemData= ElemData;