function rp = ringpara(THERING,varargin) %rp = ringpara, use global THERING %rp = ringpara(THERING) %rp = ringpara(THERING,U0), supply total radiation loss in MeV %calculate various ring parameters %(1) The calculation of emittance, mcf, momentum spread, bunch length, damping time, etc %is more accurate than atsummary.m because detailed %calculation of dispersion function and curly H function inside dipoles is performed. %(2) calculate contribution of dispersion to vertical emittance. % %Author: Xiaobiao Huang %created on 12/17/2007 %Part of this code was modified from atsummary.m % if nargin==0 global THERING; end Cq = 3.83E-13; a = findcells(THERING,'Energy'); if isempty(a); gamma = 3000/.511; else gamma = THERING{a(1)}.Energy/.511E6; end % EntranceAngle instead of BendingAngle otherwise a multipole is taken as a % dipole %dpindex = findcells(THERING,'BendingAngle'); dpindex = findcells(THERING,'EntranceAngle'); [tw,tune,chrom] = twissring(THERING,0,dpindex,'chrom',0.00001); beta = cat(1, tw.beta); alpha = cat(1, tw.alpha); mu = cat(1,; disper = cat(1, tw.Dispersion); Dx = disper(1:4:end); Dxp = disper(2:4:end); Dy = disper(3:4:end); Dyp = disper(4:4:end); [tmptw,tune,chrom] = twissring(THERING,0,1:length(THERING),'chrom',0.00001); lendp = getcellstruct(THERING,'Length',dpindex); %bending magnet length theta = getcellstruct(THERING,'BendingAngle',dpindex); %bending angle rho = lendp./theta; %THERING{dpindex(1)}.Length/THERING{dpindex(1)}.BendingAngle; I1 = 0; I2 = 0; I3 = 0; I4 = 0; I5 = 0; for ii=1:length(dpindex) if isfield(THERING{dpindex(ii)},'K') K = THERING{dpindex(ii)}.K; else K = 0; end th1 = THERING{dpindex(ii)}.EntranceAngle; th2 = THERING{dpindex(ii)}.ExitAngle; [dI1,dI2,dI3,dI4,dI5,curHavg1(ii)] = calcRadInt(rho(ii),theta(ii), alpha(ii,1),beta(ii,1),Dx(ii),Dxp(ii),K,th1,th2); I1 = I1 + dI1; I2 = I2 + dI2; I3 = I3 + dI3; I4 = I4 + dI4; I5 = I5 + dI5; end % curHavg = sum(curHavg1.*lendp./abs(rho))/sum(lendp); % %emittx = Cq*gamma^2*curHavg/Jx/rho*1e9; %nm-rad % emittx = Cq*gamma^2*curHavg/Jx*1e9; %nm-rad R = findspos(THERING, length(THERING)+1)/2/pi; alphac = I1/2/pi/R; U0 = 14.085*(gamma*.511/1000)^4*I2*1000.; %eV if nargin>=2 fprintf('dipole radiation loss: %4.5f keV\n', U0/1000.); U0 = varargin{1}*1e6; %convert MeV to eV end sigma_E = gamma*sqrt(Cq*I3/(2*I2+I4)); Jx = 1-I4/I2; Jy = 1.00; Je = 2+I4/I2; emittx = Cq*gamma^2*I5/(I2-I4); cspeed = 2.99792458e8; %m/s T0 = 2*pi*R/cspeed; alpha0 = U0/1.0e6/2/T0/(gamma*.511); alphax = Jx*alpha0; %horizontal damping rate, 1/s alphay = Jy*alpha0; alphaE = Je*alpha0; rp.E0 = gamma*0.511E6; rp.R = R; rp.alphac = alphac; rp.U0 = U0; %eV rp.sigma_E = sigma_E; rp.emittx = emittx; rp.T0 = T0; rp.integrals = [I1,I2,I3,I4,I5]; rp.dampingalpha = [alphax, alphay, alphaE]; rp.dampingtime = 1./[alphax, alphay, alphaE]; rp.dampingJ = [Jx,Jy,Je]; = tune; rp.chroms = chrom; rp.etac = 1/gamma^2-alphac; cavind = findcells(THERING,'HarmNumber'); if ~isempty(cavind) freq_rf = THERING{cavind(1)}.Frequency; harm = THERING{cavind(1)}.HarmNumber; Vrf = 0; for ii=1:length(cavind) Vrf = Vrf+THERING{cavind(ii)}.Voltage; end else % Default fprintf('warning: SPEAR3 rf parameters are assume\n'); freq_rf = 476.314e6; harm = 372; Vrf = 3.2e6; end phi_s = pi-asin(rp.U0/Vrf); nus = sqrt(harm*Vrf*abs(rp.etac*cos(phi_s))/2/pi/rp.E0); rp.nus = nus; rp.phi_s = phi_s; rp.harm = harm; rp.bunchlength = rp.sigma_E*rp.harm*abs(rp.etac)/rp.nus/2/pi/freq_rf*cspeed; % rms bunchlength in meter delta_max = sqrt(2*U0/pi/alphac/harm/rp.E0)*sqrt( sqrt((Vrf/U0).^2-1) - acos(U0./Vrf)); rp.delta_max = delta_max; %calculate vertical emittance %1. contribution of vertical dispersion curVavg1 = 1./beta(:,2).*(Dy.^2 + (beta(:,2).*Dyp + alpha(:,2).*Dy).^2); curVavg = sum(curVavg1.*lendp./abs(rho))/sum(lendp); emitty_d = Cq*gamma^2*curVavg/Jy; %m-rad % %2. contribution of linear coupling resonance % [G,Delta] = calc_lcG(THERING); % %emitty_c = emittx*abs(G)^2/(Delta^2+abs(G)^2); % emitty_c = emittx*abs(G)^2/Delta^2/2.0; % rp.emitty_c = emitty_c; rp.emitty_d = emitty_d; % rp.emitty = emitty_d + emitty_c; if nargout == 0 fprintf('\n'); fprintf(' ******** AT Ring Parmater Summary ********\n'); fprintf(' Energy: \t\t\t%4.5f [GeV]\n', rp.E0/1E9); fprintf(' Circumference: \t\t%4.5f [m]\n', rp.R*2*pi); fprintf(' Revolution time: \t\t%4.5f [ns] (%4.5f [MHz]) \n', rp.T0*1e9,1./rp.T0*1e-6); fprintf(' Betatron tune H: \t\t%4.5f (%4.5f [kHz])\n',,(*1e-3); fprintf(' V: \t\t%4.5f (%4.5f [kHz])\n',,(*1e-3); fprintf(' Momentum Compaction Factor: \t%4.5f\n', rp.alphac); fprintf(' Chromaticity H: \t\t%+4.5f\n', rp.chroms(1)); fprintf(' V: \t\t%+4.5f\n', rp.chroms(2)); fprintf(' Synchrotron Integral 1: \t%4.5f [m]\n', rp.integrals(1)); fprintf(' 2: \t%4.5f [m^-1]\n', rp.integrals(2)); fprintf(' 3: \t%4.5f [m^-2]\n', rp.integrals(3)); fprintf(' 4: \t%4.5f [m^-1]\n', rp.integrals(4)); fprintf(' 5: \t%4.5f [m^-1]\n', rp.integrals(5)); fprintf(' Damping Partition H: \t%4.5f\n', rp.dampingJ(1)); fprintf(' V: \t%4.5f\n', rp.dampingJ(2)); fprintf(' E: \t%4.5f\n', rp.dampingJ(3)); fprintf(' Radiation Loss: \t\t%4.5f [keV]\n', rp.U0/1000.); fprintf(' Natural Energy Spread: \t%4.5e\n', rp.sigma_E); fprintf(' Natural Emittance: \t\t%4.5e [nm]\n', rp.emittx*1e9); fprintf(' Radiation Damping H: \t%4.5f [ms]\n', rp.dampingtime(1)*1e3); fprintf(' V: \t%4.5f [ms]\n', rp.dampingtime(2)*1e3); fprintf(' E: \t%4.5f [ms]\n', rp.dampingtime(3)*1e3); fprintf(' Slip factor : \t%4.5f\n', rp.etac); fprintf('\n'); fprintf(' Assuming cavities Voltage: %4.5f [kV]\n', Vrf/1e3); fprintf(' Frequency: %4.5f [MHz]\n', freq_rf/1e6); fprintf(' Harmonic Number: %5d\n', rp.harm); fprintf(' Synchronous Phase: %4.5f [rad] (%4.5f [deg])\n', rp.phi_s, rp.phi_s*180/pi); fprintf(' Linear Energy Acceptance: %4.5f %%\n', rp.delta_max*100); fprintf(' Synchrotron Tune: %4.5f (%4.5f kHz or %4.2f turns) \n', rp.nus, rp.nus/rp.T0*1e-3, 1/rp.nus); fprintf(' Bunch Length: %4.5f [mm], %4.5f [ps]\n', rp.bunchlength*1e3, rp.bunchlength/cspeed*1e12); fprintf('\n'); % fprintf(' Vertical Emittance: %4.5f [nm]\n', rp.emitty*1e9); % fprintf(' Emitty from Dy: %4.5f [nm], from linear coupling: %4.5f\n', rp.emitty_d*1e9,rp.emitty_c*1e9); fprintf(' Emitty from Dy: %4.5f [nm]\n', rp.emitty_d*1e9); end function [dI1,dI2,dI3,dI4,dI5,curHavg] = calcRadInt(rho,theta, a0,b0,D0,D0p,K1,th1,th2) %[dI1,dI2,dI3,dI4,dI5,curHavg] = calcRadInt(rho,theta, a0,b0,D0,D0p,K1) %calcuate the contribution to the radiation integrals of a dipole. %rho, theta, radius and angle of the dipole %a0, b0, are horizontal alpha and beta at the entrance of the dipole, %D0, D0p are dispersion at the entrace of the dipole %K1, the gradient parameter in AT's convention, i.e., positive for %horizontal focusing, K1=0 by default %th1, th2, the entrance and exit angle, respectively, th1=th2=theta/2 by %default. % if nargin==6 K1=0; end if nargin<9 th1 = theta/2.0; th2 = theta/2.0; end N = 100; th = (0:N)/N*theta; for ii=1:length(th) [Dx(ii), Dxp(ii)] = calcdisp(rho, th(ii), D0, D0p, K1); [ax, bx] = calctwiss(rho, th(ii), a0, b0, K1); curHavg1(ii) = (Dx(ii)^2+(ax*Dx(ii)+bx*Dxp(ii))^2)/bx; end curHavg = ((curHavg1(1)+curHavg1(end))/2.0 + sum(curHavg1(2:end-1)))/(length(th)-1); dI1 = ((Dx(1) + Dx(end))/2.0 + sum(Dx(2:end-1)))*theta/N; dI2 = abs(theta/rho); dI3 = abs(theta/rho^2); dI4 = (1/rho^2 + 2*K1)*dI1 + Dx(1)/rho^2*tan(th1) + Dx(end)/rho^2*tan(th2); dI5 = curHavg*abs(theta/rho^2); function [Dx, Dxp] = calcdisp(rho, theta, D0, D0p, K1) %calcualte dispersion function inside a combined-function dipole s = rho*theta; if K1>-1/rho^2; %horizontal focusing sqK = sqrt(1/rho^2+K1); Dx = D0*cos(sqK*s) + D0p/sqK*sin(sqK*s)+(1-cos(sqK*s))/rho/sqK^2; Dxp = -D0*sqK*sin(sqK*s)+D0p*cos(sqK*s)+sin(sqK*s)/rho/sqK; else %horizontal defocusing sqK = sqrt(-(1/rho^2+K1)); Dx = D0*cosh(sqK*s) + D0p/sqK*sinh(sqK*s)+(-1+cosh(sqK*s))/rho/sqK^2; Dxp = D0*sqK*sinh(sqK*s)+D0p*cosh(sqK*s)+sinh(sqK*s)/rho/sqK; end function [ax, bx] = calctwiss(rho, theta, a0, b0, K1) %calculate twiss function inside a combined-function dipole manget Mx = calcMx(rho, K1,theta); g0 = (1+a0^2)/b0; twx2 = [Mx(1,1)^2, -2*Mx(1,1)*Mx(1,2), Mx(1,2)^2; -Mx(1,1)*Mx(2,1), Mx(1,1)*Mx(2,2)+Mx(1,2)*Mx(2,1),-Mx(1,2)*Mx(2,2); Mx(2,1)^2, -2*Mx(2,1)*Mx(2,2),Mx(2,2)^2] * [b0, a0, g0]'; ax = twx2(2); bx = twx2(1); function Mx = calcMx(rho,K1,theta) s = rho*theta; if K1>-1/rho^2; %horizontal focusing sqK = sqrt(1/rho^2+K1); Mx = [cos(sqK*s), sin(sqK*s)/sqK; -sqK*sin(sqK*s), cos(sqK*s)]; else %horizontal defocusing sqK = sqrt(-(1/rho^2+K1)); Mx = [cosh(sqK*s), sinh(sqK*s)/sqK; sqK*sinh(sqK*s), cosh(sqK*s)]; end