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GETDCCT - returns the beam current


function [DCCT, tout, DataTime, ErrorFlag] = getdcct(varargin)


GETDCCT - returns the beam current
  [DCCT, tout, DataTime, ErrorFlag] = getdcct(t, InputFlags)

  1. DCCT = storage ring electron beam current
  1. 'Struct' will return a data structure
     'Numeric' will return numeric outputs {Defaul}
  2. 'Physics'  - Use physics  units (optional override of units)
     'Hardware' - Use hardware units (optional override of units)
  3. 'Online' - Get data online (optional override of the mode)
     'Model'  - Get data from the model (optional override of the mode)
     'Manual' - Get data manually (optional override of the mode)

  1. Simulation mode: lifetime is 6 hour, refill at midnight to 1000 mamps
  2. This function is just an alias for getam('DCCT', ...)

  Written by Greg Portmann


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [DCCT, tout, DataTime, ErrorFlag] = getdcct(varargin)
0002 %GETDCCT - returns the beam current
0003 %  [DCCT, tout, DataTime, ErrorFlag] = getdcct(t, InputFlags)
0004 %
0005 %  OUTPUTS
0006 %  1. DCCT = storage ring electron beam current
0007 %
0008 %  INPUTS
0009 %  1. 'Struct' will return a data structure
0010 %     'Numeric' will return numeric outputs {Defaul}
0011 %  2. 'Physics'  - Use physics  units (optional override of units)
0012 %     'Hardware' - Use hardware units (optional override of units)
0013 %  3. 'Online' - Get data online (optional override of the mode)
0014 %     'Model'  - Get data from the model (optional override of the mode)
0015 %     'Manual' - Get data manually (optional override of the mode)
0016 %
0017 %  NOTE
0018 %  1. Simulation mode: lifetime is 6 hour, refill at midnight to 1000 mamps
0019 %  2. This function is just an alias for getam('DCCT', ...)
0020 %
0021 %  Written by Greg Portmann
0023 if isfamily('DCCT')
0024     if nargout > 2
0025         [DCCT, tout, DataTime, ErrorFlag] = getpv('DCCT', 'Monitor', [], varargin{:});
0026     else
0027         [DCCT, tout] = getpv('DCCT', 'Monitor', [], varargin{:});
0028     end
0029 else
0030     DCCT = NaN;
0031     tout = 0;
0033     t1 = clock;
0034     days = datenum(t1(1:3)) - 719529;  %datenum('1-Jan-1970');
0035     tt = 24*60*60*days + 60*60*t1(4) + 60*t1(5) + t1(6);
0036     DataTime = fix(tt) + rem(tt,1)*1e9*sqrt(-1);
0038     ErrorFlag = -1;
0039 end

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