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SETAM - Sets analog monitor value


function ErrorFlag = setam(Family, varargin)


SETAM - Sets analog monitor value
 If using family name, device list method,
 ErrorFlag = setam(Family, newAM, DeviceList)

 If using common name method,
 ErrorFlag = setam(Family, newAM, CommonNames, WaitFlag)

 If using channel name method,
 ErrorFlag = setam('ChannelName', newAM)

 Inputs:  Family = Family Name 
                   Accelerator Object
                   Cell Array of Accelerator Objects or Family Names
                   For CommonNames Family=[], searches all families
          ChannelName = Channel access channnel name (scalar or vector inputs)
                        Matrix of channel names (scalar inputs only)
                        Cell array of channel names
          CommonName = Common name (scalar or vector inputs), 
                       Matrix of common names (scalar inputs only)
                       Cell array of common names
          newAM  = new "monitor" or cell array of new "monitors"
          DeviceList ([Sector Device #] or [element #]) {default or empty list: whole family}
          WaitFlag = 0    -> return immediately
                     1    -> wait until ramping is done + BPM delay {default}
                     else -> wait until ramping is done
 Note #1: The number of colomns of newSP and DeviceList must be equal,
          or newSP must be a scalar.  If newSP is a scalar, then all
          devices in DeviceList will be set to the same value. 
 Note #2: When using cell array all inputs must be the same size cell array
          and the output will also be a cell array. 
 Note #3: For families and accelerator data structures unknown devices or elements are ignored.
          A warning message will be printed to the screen. 
 Note #4: Channel name method is always Online!
 Note #5: setam is an odd thing to do but it's here incase you want it.

 Ex., setam(HCM',1.23)  sets the entire HCM family to 1.23
      setam({'HCM','VCM'},{10.4,5.3})  sets the entire HCM family to 10.4 and VCM family to 5.3
      setam(AccData, 1.5, [1 2])  if AccData is a properly formated Accelerator Data Structure
                                  then the 1st sector, 2nd element is set to 1.5

 See also getam, getsp, setsp, getpv, setpv


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function ErrorFlag = setam(Family, varargin)
0002 %SETAM - Sets analog monitor value
0003 % If using family name, device list method,
0004 % ErrorFlag = setam(Family, newAM, DeviceList)
0005 %
0006 % If using common name method,
0007 % ErrorFlag = setam(Family, newAM, CommonNames, WaitFlag)
0008 %
0009 % If using channel name method,
0010 % ErrorFlag = setam('ChannelName', newAM)
0011 %
0012 % Inputs:  Family = Family Name
0013 %                   Accelerator Object
0014 %                   Cell Array of Accelerator Objects or Family Names
0015 %                   For CommonNames Family=[], searches all families
0016 %          ChannelName = Channel access channnel name (scalar or vector inputs)
0017 %                        Matrix of channel names (scalar inputs only)
0018 %                        Cell array of channel names
0019 %          CommonName = Common name (scalar or vector inputs),
0020 %                       Matrix of common names (scalar inputs only)
0021 %                       Cell array of common names
0022 %          newAM  = new "monitor" or cell array of new "monitors"
0023 %          DeviceList ([Sector Device #] or [element #]) {default or empty list: whole family}
0024 %          WaitFlag = 0    -> return immediately
0025 %                     1    -> wait until ramping is done + BPM delay {default}
0026 %                     else -> wait until ramping is done
0027 %
0028 % Note #1: The number of colomns of newSP and DeviceList must be equal,
0029 %          or newSP must be a scalar.  If newSP is a scalar, then all
0030 %          devices in DeviceList will be set to the same value.
0031 % Note #2: When using cell array all inputs must be the same size cell array
0032 %          and the output will also be a cell array.
0033 % Note #3: For families and accelerator data structures unknown devices or elements are ignored.
0034 %          A warning message will be printed to the screen.
0035 % Note #4: Channel name method is always Online!
0036 % Note #5: setam is an odd thing to do but it's here incase you want it.
0037 %
0038 % Ex., setam(HCM',1.23)  sets the entire HCM family to 1.23
0039 %      setam({'HCM','VCM'},{10.4,5.3})  sets the entire HCM family to 10.4 and VCM family to 5.3
0040 %      setam(AccData, 1.5, [1 2])  if AccData is a properly formated Accelerator Data Structure
0041 %                                  then the 1st sector, 2nd element is set to 1.5
0042 %
0043 % See also getam, getsp, setsp, getpv, setpv
0045 %
0046 % Written by Gregory J. Portmann
0049 %          ErrorFlag = 0 -> OK
0050 %                     -1 -> SCA error
0051 %                     -2 -> SP-AM warning (only if WaitFlag=1)
0053 if nargin < 2
0054     error('Must have at least 2 inputs (Family or Channel Name and newSP).');
0055 end
0057 [ErrorFlag] = setpv(Family, 'Monitor', varargin{:});

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