function [AM, tout, DataTime, ErrorFlag] = gety(varargin) %GETY - Returns the vertical orbit % [AM, tout, DataTime] = gety(DeviceList, t, FreshDataFlag, TimeOutPeriod) % or % [AM, tout, DataTime] = gety(DataStructure, t, FreshDataFlag, TimeOutPeriod) % % INPUTS % 1. DeviceList or DataStructure (see help getpv) % 2. t (see help getpv) % 3. FreshDataFlag (see help getpv) % 4. TimeOutPeriod (see help getpv) % 5. 'Struct' will return a data structure % 'Numeric' will return a vector output {default} % 6. 'Archive' will save a BPM data structure to \\BPM\ % with filename BPMy