function tango_starter(starter, command) % TANGO_STARTER - Interact with a tangostarter, Full interface implemented % % INPUTS % 1. command - command name among possibilities % % 'DevGetRunningServers' % 'DevGetStopServers' % 'DevReadLog' % 'DevStart' % 'DevStartAll' % 'DevStop' % 'DevStopAll' % 'Init' % 'NotifyDaemonState' % 'StartPollingThread' % 'State' % 'Status' % 'UpdateServersInfo' % % OUTPUTS % None % % EXAMPLES % 1. tango_starter('tango/admin/escaut','DevGetRunningServers') % % Written by Laurent S. Nadolski if nargin ~= 2 disp(['Wrong syntax! Try help on ' mfilename]) return, end %% Verify starter responds % list of command cmdDescList = tango_command_list_query(starter); if (tango_error == -1) %- handle error tango_print_error_stack; return; end cmdList = [{cmdDescList.cmd_name}]; % look whether the command exists or not if all(strcmp(command,cmdList) == 0) disp('Command unknown') disp(['try help ' mfilename]) return; else icmd = find(strcmp(command,cmdList) == 1); end %% cmdDescList(icmd).in_type switch cmdDescList(icmd).in_type case '-' % DEV_VOID % Init, State, Status,UpdateServersInfo,NotifyDaemonState tango_command_inout2(starter,command); case '1-by-1 int16' % DEV_SHORT % DevStartAll, DevStopAll answer = input('Which level? [1-n] \n'); tango_command_inout2(starter,command,int16(answer)); case '1-by-1 uint16' % DEV_BOOLEAN % DevGetRunnningServers, DevGetStopServers answer = input('All ? [1/0] \n'); rep = tango_command_inout2(starter,command,uint8(answer)); rep' case '1-by-n char' %DEV_STRING % DevStart, DevStop, DevReadLog disp('If you do not know, try: tango_starter(''DevGetRunningServers'')'); answer = input('Which dserver? [servername/instance] \n','s'); tango_command_inout2(starter,command,answer); otherwise disp('Do Nothing') end