1 | package OpenScientist |
2 | version v1r16r0 |
3 | |
4 | #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
5 | #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
6 | #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
7 | |
8 | macro OSC_home "/usr/local/osc_vis/v16r0" |
9 | #macro OSC_home "/lal/osc_vis/v16r0/$(CMTCONFIG)" |
10 | |
11 | #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
12 | #/// To work with OpenScientist as an AIDA implementation /// |
13 | #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
14 | |
15 | macro OSC_AIDA_home "$(OSC_home)/Resources/AIDA" WIN32 "$(OSC_home)\Resources\AIDA" |
16 | |
17 | #FIXME : use the OnXLab_aida_config program. |
18 | |
19 | macro OSC_AIDA_incs "-I$(OSC_AIDA_home)/src/cpp" WIN32 "/I$(OSC_AIDA_home)\src\cpp" |
20 | |
21 | macro OSC_AIDA_linkopts "-L$(OSC_home)/lib -lOnXLabAIDA -lOnXLabCore -lBatchLabCore -losc_Minuit -lMidnight -lHCL -lOnXCore -lLibXML -losc_expat -lLibZip -lz -lLibUtils -ldl" WIN32 '/libpath:"$(OSC_home)\lib" OnXLabAIDA.lib OnXLabCore.lib BatchLabCore.lib osc_Minuit.lib Midnight.lib HCL.lib OnXCore.lib LibXML.lib osc_expat.lib LibZip.lib osc_z.lib LibUtils.lib' |
22 | |
23 | #////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
24 | #/// For callbacks //////////////////////////////// |
25 | #////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
26 | |
27 | macro OSC_OnX_incs "-I$(OSC_home)/Resources/Slash -I$(OSC_home)/Resources/expat/include -I$(OSC_home)/Resources/Lib/include -I$(OSC_home)/Resources/OnX/include" WIN32 "/I$(OSC_home)\Resources\Slash /I$(OSC_home)\Resources\expat\include /I$(OSC_home)\Resources\Lib\include /I$(OSC_home)\Resources\OnX\include" |
28 | |
29 | macro_append OSC_OnX_incs " -I$(OSC_home)/Resources/BatchLab -I$(OSC_home)/Resources/OnXLab" WIN32 "/I$(OSC_home)\Resources\BatchLab /I$(OSC_home)\Resources\OnXLab" |
30 | |
31 | macro OSC_OnX_linkopts "-L$(OSC_home)/lib -lOnXCore -lLibXML -losc_expat -lLibZip -lz -lLibUtils -ldl" WIN32 '/libpath:"$(OSC_home)\lib" OnXCore.lib LibXML.lib osc_expat.lib LibZip.lib osc_z.lib LibUtils.lib' |
32 | |
33 | macro OSC_Inventor_incs "-I$(OSC_home)/Resources/CoinGL/include -I$(OSC_home)/Resources/HEPVis/include" WIN32 "/I$(OSC_home)\Resources\CoinGL\include /I$(OSC_home\/Resources\HEPVis\include" |
34 | |
35 | macro OSC_Inventor_linkopts "-L$(OSC_home)/lib -lHEPVisPlotter -lHEPVisDetector -lHEPVisGeometry -lHEPVisUtils -losc_dvi2bitmap -losc_jpeg -losc_freetype2 -losc_Coin -lLibUtils" WIN32 '/libpath:"$(OSC_home)\lib" HEPVisPlotter.lib HEPVisDetector.lib HEPVisGeometry.lib HEPVisUtils.lib osc_dvi2bitmap.lib osc_jpeg.lib osc_freetype2.lib osc_Coin.lib LibUtils.lib glu32.lib gdi32.lib user32.lib' |
36 | |
37 | # OpenGL : |
38 | macro_append OSC_Inventor_incs "" Darwin " -I/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Headers -I$(OPENGLROOT)/include -DAPPLE_GL" |
39 | |
40 | macro_append OSC_Inventor_linkopts " -lGLU -lGL -ldl -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11" Darwin " -framework ApplicationServices -framework OpenGL -framework AGL" WIN32 " opengl32.lib" |
41 | |
42 | # For osc_Coin : |
43 | macro_append OSC_Inventor_linkopts "" Linux " -lpthread" |
44 | |
45 | #////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
46 | #/// Geant4 related material ////////////////////// |
47 | #////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
48 | |
49 | macro OSC_Geant4_incs "-I$(OSC_home)/Resources/CLHEP/include -I$(OSC_home)/Resources/Geant4/include" WIN32 "/I$(OSC_home)\Resources\CLHEP\include /I$(OSC_home)\Resources\Geant4\include" |
50 | |
51 | macro OSC_Geant4_lib "$(OSC_home)/lib" WIN32 "$(OSC_home)\lib" |
52 | |
53 | macro OSC_Geant4_install "$(OSC_home)/Resources/Geant4" WIN32 "$(OSC_home)\Resources\Geant4" |
54 | |
55 | macro OSC_G4RADIOACTIVEDATA "${OSC_Geant4_install}/data/RadioactiveDecay" WIN32 "${OSC_Geant4_install}\data\RadioaativeDecay" |
56 | macro OSC_G4LEVELGAMMADATA "${OSC_Geant4_install}/data/PhotonEvaporation" WIN32 "${OSC_Geant4_install}\data\PhotonEvaporation" |
57 | macro OSC_G4LEDATA "${OSC_Geant4_install}/data/G4EMLOW" WIN32 "${OSC_Geant4_install}\data\G4EMLOW" |
58 | macro OSC_NeutronHPCrossSections "${OSC_Geant4_install}/data/G4NDL" WIN32 "${OSC_Geant4_install}\data\G4NDL" |
59 | |
60 | macro OSC_G4Lab_incs "-I$(OSC_home)/Resources/G4Lab/include" WIN32 "/I$(OSC_home)\Resources\G4Lab\include" |
61 | |
62 | macro OSC_G4Lab_linkopts "-L$(OSC_home)/lib -lG4LabUIOnX -lG4LabCore -lG4LabHDUMMY" WIN32 '/libpath:"$(OSC_home)\lib" G4LabUIOnX.lib G4LabCore.lib G4LabHDUMMY.lib' |
63 | |
64 | #////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
65 | #/// Run time ///////////////////////////////////// |
66 | #////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
67 | |
68 | #path_remove DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH "" Darwin "/sw/lib" WIN32 "" |
69 | #path_append DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH "" Darwin "/sw/lib" WIN32 "" |
70 | |
71 | path_remove LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$(OSC_home)/lib" WIN32 "" Darwin "" |
72 | path_append LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$(OSC_home)/lib" WIN32 "" Darwin "" |
73 | |
74 | path_remove LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$(OSC_home)/bin" WIN32 "" Darwin "" |
75 | path_append LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$(OSC_home)/bin" WIN32 "" Darwin "" |
76 | |
77 | path_remove DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH "" Darwin "$(OSC_home)/bin" |
78 | path_append DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH "" Darwin "$(OSC_home)/bin" |
79 | |
80 | path_remove DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH "" Darwin "$(OSC_home)/lib" |
81 | path_append DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH "" Darwin "$(OSC_home)/lib" |
82 | |
83 | path_remove PATH "$(OSC_home)/bin" WIN32 "$(OSC_home)\bin" |
84 | path_append PATH "$(OSC_home)/bin" WIN32 "$(OSC_home)\bin" |
85 | |
86 | # Linux : add the current directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that |
87 | # the OpenPAW on-the-fly compilation and loading works : |
88 | #path_append LD_LIBRARY_PATH "" Linux "." |
89 | |
90 | set ONXSESSION "${OSC_home}/Resources/OnX/scripts/OnX/Session.onx" WIN32 "${OSC_home}\Resources\OnX\scripts\OnX\Session.onx" |
91 | set TTFPATH "$(OSC_home)/Resources/HEPVis/fonts" |
92 | set ONXROOT "$(OSC_home)/Resources/OnX" WIN32 "$(OSC_home)\Resources\OnX" |
93 | set ONXLABROOT "$(OSC_home)/Resources/OnXLab" WIN32 "$(OSC_home)\Resources\OnXLab" |
94 | |
95 | set G4LABROOT "$(OSC_home)/Resources/G4Lab" WIN32 "$(OSC_home)\Resources\G4Lab" |
96 | |
98 | |
99 | |