SetScale("intlin"); $graph->SetShadow(); $graph->SetBox(); $graph->title->Set("Impuls Example 4"); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1,FS_BOLD); // Set some other color then the boring default $graph->SetColor("lightyellow"); $graph->SetMarginColor("khaki"); // Set legend box specification $graph->legend->SetFillColor("white"); $graph->legend->SetLineWeight(2); // Set X-axis at the minimum value of Y-axis (default will be at 0) $graph->xaxis->SetPos("min"); // "min" will position the x-axis at the minimum value of the Y-axis // Extend the margin for the labels on the Y-axis and reverse the direction // of the ticks on the Y-axis $graph->yaxis->SetLabelMargin(12); $graph->xaxis->SetLabelMargin(6); $graph->yaxis->SetTickSide(SIDE_LEFT); $graph->xaxis->SetTickSide(SIDE_DOWN); // Add mark graph with static lines $line = new PlotLine(HORIZONTAL,0,"black",2); $graph->AddLine($line); // Create a new impuls type scatter plot $sp1 = new ScatterPlot($datay,$datax); $sp1->mark->SetType(MARK_SQUARE); $sp1->mark->SetFillColor("red"); $sp1->mark->SetWidth(3); $sp1->SetImpuls(); $sp1->SetColor("blue"); $sp1->SetWeight(1); $sp1->SetLegend("Non-causal signal"); $graph->Add($sp1); // Create the envelope plot $ep1 = new LinePlot($datayenv,$datax); $ep1->SetStyle("dotted"); $ep1->SetLegend("Positive envelope"); $graph->Add($ep1); $graph->Stroke(); ?>