Changeset 4031 in Sophya

Oct 27, 2011, 7:46:04 PM (13 years ago)

Modifs suite remarques referee (2), Reza 27/10/2011

1 edited


  • trunk/Cosmo/RadioBeam/sensfgnd21cm.tex

    r4030 r4031  
    274274is the source velocity dispersion. 
    275275{\changemark The 1 MHz bandwidth mentioned above is only used for computing the
    276 galaxy detection thresholds and does not determine the total survey bandwidth or frequency resolution
     276galaxy detection thresholds and does not determine the total bandwidth or frequency resolution
    277277of an intensity mapping survey.}
    278278% {\color{red} Faut-il developper le calcul en annexe ? }
    287287Intensity mapping has been suggested as an alternative and economic method to map the
    2882883D distribution of neutral hydrogen by \citep{chang.08} and further studied by \citep{ansari.08} \citep{seo.10}.
     289{\changemark There have even tentatives to detect the 21 cm LSS signal at GBT
     290\citep{chang.10} and at GMRT \citep{ghosh.11}}.
    289291In this approach, sky brightness map with angular resolution $\sim 10-30 \, \mathrm{arc.min}$ is made for a
    290292wide range of frequencies. Each 3D pixel  (2 angles $\vec{\Theta}$, frequency $\nu$ or wavelength $\lambda$) 
    409411galaxy surveys, for example by SDSS and 2dF at low redshift $z \lesssim 0.3$
    410412(\cite{cole.05}, \cite{tegmark.04}). The 21 cm brightness power spectra $P_{T_{21}}(k)$
    411 shown here are comparable to one from the galaxy surveys, once the mean 21 cm
    412 temperature conversion factor $\left( \bar{T}_{21}(z)  \right)^2$ and redshift evolution
    413 have been accounted for. }
     413shown here are comparable to the power spectrum measured from the galaxy surveys,
     414once the mean 21 cm temperature conversion factor $\left( \bar{T}_{21}(z)  \right)^2$,
     415redshift evolution and different bias factors have been accounted for. }
    414416% It should be noted that the maximum transverse $k^{comov} $ sensitivity range
    415417% for an instrument corresponds approximately to half of its angular resolution.
    556558{\changemark Detection of the reionisation at 21 cm band has been an active field
    557 in the last decade and several groups
    558 (\cite{rottgering.06}, \cite{bowman.07}, \cite{lonsdale.09}, \cite{parsons.09})  have built
    559 instruments to detect reionisation signal around 100 MHz.
     559in the last decade and different groups have built
     560instruments to detect reionisation signal around 100 MHz: LOFAR
     561\citep{rottgering.06}, MWA (\cite{bowman.07}, \cite{lonsdale.09}) and PAPER \citep{parsons.09} .
    560562Several authors have studied the instrumental noise
    561563and statistical uncertainties when measuring the reionisation signal power spectrum;
    735 \caption{Minimal noise level for a 100 beams instrument with \mbox{$\Tsys=50 \mathrm{K}$}
    736 as a function of redshift (top).  Maximum $k$ value for  a 100 meter diameter primary antenna (bottom) }
     737\caption{Top: minimal noise level for a 100 beams instrument with \mbox{$\Tsys=50 \mathrm{K}$}
     738as a function of redshift (top), for a one year survey of a quarter of the sky. Bottom:
     739maximum $k$ value for 21 cm LSS power spectrum measurement by  a 100 meter diameter
     740primary antenna (bottom) }
    755759the small angular extent, we have neglected the curvature of redshift shells.
    756760\item For each redshift shell $z(\nu)$, we compute a Gaussian noise realization. $(k_x,k_y)$ is
    757 converted to the $\uv$ coordinates using the equation \ref{eq:uvkxky}, and the
    758 angular diameter distance $\dang(z)$ for \LCDM model with WMAP parameters.
     761converted to the $(\uv)$ angular frequency coordinates using the equation \ref{eq:uvkxky}, and the
     762angular diameter distance $\dang(z)$ for \LCDM model with standard WMAP parameters \citep{komatsu.11}.
    759763The noise variance is taken proportional to $P_{noise}$ :
    771775However, we require to have a significant fraction, typically 20\% to 50\% of the possible modes
    772776$(k_x,k_y,k_z)$ measured for a given $k$ value.
    773 \item the above steps are repeated a number of time to decrease the statistical fluctuations
    774 due to the random generations. The averaged computed noise power spectrum is normalized using
     777\item the above steps are repeated $\sim$ 50 times to decrease the statistical fluctuations
     778from random generations. The averaged computed noise power spectrum is normalized using
    775779equation \ref{eq:pnoisekxkz}  and the instrument and survey parameters ($\Tsys \ldots$).
    778 It should be noted that it is possible to obtain a  good approximation of noise
     782It should be noted that it is possible to obtain a  good approximation of the noise
    779783power spectrum shape, neglecting the redshift or frequency dependence of the
    780784instrument response function and $\dang(z)$ for a small redshift interval around $z_0$,
    782786a constant the radial distance $\dang(z_0)*(1+z_0)$.
    784 \tilde{P}_{noise}(k) = < | n(k_x,k_y,k_z) |^2 > \simeq < P_{noise}(u,v) , k_z >
     788\tilde{P}_{noise}(k) = < | n(k_x,k_y,k_z) |^2 > \simeq < P_{noise}(u,v, k_z) >
    786790The approximate power spectrum obtain through this simplified and much faster
    861865equal to $\eta_x = 0.9$ in the direction of the cylinder width, and $\eta_y = 0.8$
    862866along the cylinder length. {\changemark  We have used double triangular shaped
    863 response function in the $(\uv)$ for each of the receiver elements along the cylinder:
     867response function in the $(\uv)$ plane for each of the receiver elements along the cylinder:
    865869 {\cal L}_\Box(\uv,\lambda)  =
    881885{\changemark Using the numerical method sketched in section \ref{pnoisemeth}, we have
    882 computed the 3D noise power spectrum for each of the eight instrument configurations discussed
     886computed the 3D noise power spectrum for each of the eight instrument configurations presented
    883887here, with a system noise temperature $\Tsys = 50 \mathrm{K}$, for a one year survey
    884888of a quarter of sky $\Omega_{tot} = \pi \, \mathrm{srad}$ at a mean redshift $z_0=1, \nu_0=710 \mathrm{MHz}$.}
    914 \caption{P(k) LSS power  and noise power spectrum for several interferometer
    915 configurations ((a),(b),(c),(d),(e),(f),(g)) with 121, 128, 129, 400 and 960 receivers.}
     918\caption{P(k) 21 cm LSS power spectrum at redshift $z=1$ and noise power spectrum for several interferometer
     919configurations ((a),(b),(c),(d),(e),(f),(g)) with 121, 128, 129, 400 and 960 receivers. The noise power spectrum has been
     920computed for all configurations assuming a survey of a quarter of the sky over one year,
     921with a system temperature $\Tsys = 50 \mathrm{K}$. }
    929935emissions can be used to separate the faint LSS signal from the Galactic and radio source
    930936emissions. {\changemark Discussion of contribution of different sources
    931 to foregrounds for measurement of reionization through redshifted 21 cm,
     937of radio foregrounds for measurement of reionization through redshifted 21 cm,
    932938as well foreground subtraction using their smooth frequency dependence can
    933 be found in (\cite{shaver.99}, \cite{matteo.02},\cite{oh.03}) }
     939be found in (\cite{shaver.99}, \cite{matteo.02},\cite{oh.03}).}
    934940However, any real radio instrument has a beam shape which changes with
    935941frequency: this instrumental effect significantly increases the difficulty and complexity of this component separation
    936942technique. The effect of frequency dependent beam shape is some time referred to as {\em
    937 mode mixing}.  {\changemark Effect of frequency dependent beam shape for foreground subtraction and
    938 its application to MWA has been discussed in \citep{morales.06}  \citep{bowman.09}.}
     943mode mixing}.  {\changemark Effect of the frequency dependent beam shape on foreground subtraction
     944has been discussed for example in \cite{morales.06}.}
    940946In this section, we present a short description of the foreground emissions and
    941947the simple models we have used for computing the sky radio emissions in the GHz frequency
    942948range. We present also a simple component separation method to extract the LSS signal and
    943 its performance. We show in particular the effect of the instrument response on the recovered
     949its performance. {\changemark The analysis presented here follow a similar path to
     950a detailed foreground subtraction study carried for MWA at $\sim$ 150 MHz by \cite{bowman.09}. }
     951We compute in particular the effect of the instrument response on the recovered
    944952power spectrum. The results presented in this section concern the
    945953total sky emission and the LSS 21 cm signal extraction in the $z \sim 0.6$ redshift range,
    10031011deviation $\sigma_\beta = 0.15$. {\changemark The
    10041012diffuse radio background spectral index has been measured  for example by
    1005 \citep{platania.98} or \cite{rogers.08} }
     1013\citep{platania.98} or \cite{rogers.08}.}
    10061014The synchrotron contribution to the sky temperature for each cell is then
    10071015obtained  through the formula:
    11031111compared to Model-I/GSM, and the frequency variations as a simple power law
    11041112might not be realistic enough. The differences for the two sky models can be seen
    1105 in their power spectra shown in figure  \ref{pkgsmlss}. We hope that by using
     1113in their power spectra shown in figure \ref{pkgsmlss}. The smoothing or convolution with
     1114a 25' beam has negligible effect of the GSM power spectrum, as it originally lacks
     1115structures below 0.5 degree. We hope that by using
    11061116these two models, we have explored some of the systematic uncertainties
    11071117related to foreground subtraction.}
    11611171The {\it observed} data cube is obtained from the sky brightness temperature 3D map
    11621172$T_{sky}(\alpha, \delta, \nu)$ by applying the frequency or wavelength dependent instrument response
    1163 ${\cal R}(u,v,\lambda)$.
     1173${\cal R}(\uv,\lambda)$.
    11641174We have considered the simple case where  the instrument response is constant throughout the survey area, or independent
    11651175of the sky direction.
    11681178\item Apply a 2D Fourier transform to compute sky angular Fourier amplitudes
    1169 $$ T_{sky}(\alpha, \delta, \lambda_k) \rightarrow \mathrm{2D-FFT} \rightarrow {\cal T}_{sky}(u, v, \lambda_k)$$
     1179$$ T_{sky}(\alpha, \delta, \lambda_k) \rightarrow \mathrm{2D-FFT} \rightarrow {\cal T}_{sky}(\uv, \lambda_k)$$
    11701180\item Apply instrument response in the angular wave mode plane. We use here the normalized instrument response
    1171 $ {\cal R}(u,v,\lambda_k)  \lesssim 1$.
    1172 $$  {\cal T}_{sky}(u, v, \lambda_k)  \longrightarrow {\cal T}_{sky}(u, v, \lambda_k) \times {\cal R}(u,v,\lambda_k) $$
     1181$ {\cal R}(\uv,\lambda_k)  \lesssim 1$.
     1182$$  {\cal T}_{sky}(\uv, \lambda_k)  \longrightarrow {\cal T}_{sky}(u, v, \lambda_k) \times {\cal R}(u,v,\lambda_k) $$
    11731183\item Apply inverse 2D Fourier transform to compute the measured sky brightness temperature map,
    11741184without instrumental (electronic/$\Tsys$) white noise:
    1175 $$ {\cal T}_{sky}(u, v, \lambda_k) \times {\cal R}(u,v,\lambda)   
     1185$$ {\cal T}_{sky}(u, v, \lambda_k) \times {\cal R}(\uv,\lambda)   
    11761186\rightarrow \mathrm{Inv-2D-FFT} \rightarrow T_{mes1}(\alpha, \delta, \lambda_k) $$
    11771187\item Add white noise (gaussian fluctuations) to the pixel map temperatures to obtain
    11781188the measured sky brightness temperature $T_{mes}(\alpha, \delta, \nu_k)$.
     1189{\changemark The white noise hypothesis is reasonable at this level, as $(\uv)$
     1190dependent instrument response has already been applied.}
    11791191We have also considered that the system temperature and thus the
    11801192additive white noise level was independent of the frequency or wavelength.   
    11901202\item The measured sky brightness temperature is first {\em corrected} for the frequency dependent
    1191 beam effects through a convolution by a fiducial frequency independent beam. This {\em correction}
    1192 corresponds to a smearing or degradation of the angular resolution. We assume
    1193 that we have a perfect knowledge of the intrinsic instrument response, up to a threshold numerical level
    1194 of about $ \gtrsim 1 \%$ for  ${\cal R}(u,v,\lambda)$. We recall that this is the normalized instrument response,
    1195 ${\cal R}(u,v,\lambda) \lesssim 1$.
    1196 $$  T_{mes}(\alpha, \delta, \nu) \longrightarrow T_{mes}^{bcor}(\alpha,\delta,\nu) $$
    1197 The virtual target instrument has a beam width larger than the worst real instrument beam,
    1198 i.e at the lowest observed frequency. 
     1203beam effects through a convolution by a fiducial frequency independent beam ${\cal R}_f(\uv)$ This {\em correction}
     1204corresponds to a smearing or degradation of the angular resolution.
     1206 {\cal T}_{mes}(u, v, \lambda_k) & \rightarrow & {\cal T}_{mes}^{bcor}(u, v, \lambda_k) \\ 
     1207 {\cal T}_{mes}^{bcor}(u, v, \lambda_k)  & = &
     1208{\cal T}_{mes}(u, v, \lambda_k) \times \sqrt{ \frac{{\cal R}_f(\uv)}{{\cal R}(\uv,\lambda)} } \\
     1209{\cal T}_{mes}^{bcor}(u, v, \lambda_k)  & \rightarrow & \mathrm{2D-FFT} \rightarrow  T_{mes}^{bcor}(\alpha,\delta,\lambda)
     1212The virtual target beam ${\cal R}_f(\uv)$  has a lower resolution than the worst real instrument beam,
     1213i.e at the lowest observed frequency.  We assume that the intrinsic instrument response is known up to a threshold
     1214numerical level of about $ \gtrsim 1 \%$ for  ${\cal R}(u,v,\lambda)$. We recall that this is the normalized instrument response,
     1215${\cal R}(\uv\lambda) \lesssim 1$. The correction factor ${\cal R}_f(\uv) / {\cal R}(\uv,\lambda)$  has also a numerical upper
     1216bound around $\sim$100. }
    11991217\item For each sky direction $(\alpha, \delta)$, a power law $T = T_0 \left( \frac{\nu}{\nu_0} \right)^b$
    12001218 is fitted to the beam-corrected brightness temperature. The fit is done through a linear $\chi^2$ fit in
    12101228{\changemark Interferometers have poor response at small $(\uv)$ corresponding to baselines
    1211 smaller than interferometer element size. The $(0,0)$ mode, corresponding the mean temperature
    1212 can not be measured with an interferometer. We have used a simple trick to make the power law
    1213 fitting procedure to work: we have set the mean value of the temperature for
    1214 each frequency plane to a power law with an index close to the synchrotron index
    1215 and we have checked that results are not too sensitive to the arbitrarily fixed mean temperature
    1216 power law parameters. }
     1229smaller than interferometer element size. The zero spacing baseline, the $(\uv)=(0,0)$ mode,  represents
     1230the mean temperature for a given frequency plane and can not be measured with interferometers.
     1231We have used a simple trick to make the power law fitting procedure applicable:
     1232we have set the mean value of the temperature for
     1233each frequency plane according to a power law with an index close to the synchrotron index
     1234($\beta\sim-2.8$) and we have checked that results are not too sensitive to the
     1235arbitrarily fixed mean temperature power law parameters. }
    12181237\item The difference between the beam-corrected sky temperature and the fitted power law
    12321251with the recovered 21 cm map, after subtraction of the radio continuum component. It can be seen that structures
    12331252present in the original map have been correctly recovered, although the amplitude of the temperature
    1234 fluctuations on the recovered map is significantly smaller (factor $\sim 5$) than in the original map. This is mostly
    1235 due to the damping of the large scale ($k \lesssim 0.04 h \mathrm{Mpc^{-1}} $) due the poor interferometer
    1236 response at large angle    ($\theta \gtrsim 4^\circ $).
     1253fluctuations on the recovered map is significantly smaller (factor $\sim 5$) than in the original map.
     1254{\changemark This is mostly due to the damping of the large scale ($k \lesssim 0.1 h \mathrm{Mpc^{-1}} $)
     1255due to the foreground subtraction procedure (see figure \ref{extlssratio}).}
    12381257We have shown that it should be possible to measure the red shifted 21 cm emission fluctuations in the
    13001319Figure \ref{extlssratio} shows this overall transfer function for the simulations and component
    1301 separation performed here, around $z \sim 0.6$, for the instrumental setup (a), a filled array of 121 $D_{dish}=5$ m dishes.
    1302 The orange/yellow curve shows the ratio $P_{21}^{smoothed}(k)/P_{21}(k)$ of the computed to the original
    1303 power spectrum, if the original LSS temperature cube is smoothed by the frequency independent target beam
    1304 FWHM=30' for the GSM simulations (left), 36' for Model-II (right). This orange/yellow
    1305 curve shows the damping effect due to the finite instrument size at small scales ($k \gtrsim 0.1 \, h \, \mathrm{Mpc^{-1}}, \theta \lesssim 1^\circ$). 
    1306 The recovered power spectrum suffers also significant damping at large scales $k \lesssim 0.05 \, h \, \mathrm{Mpc^{-1}}, $ due to poor interferometer
    1307 response at large angles ($ \theta \gtrsim 4^\circ-5^\circ$), as well as to the filtering of radial or longitudinal Fourier modes along
    1308 the frequency or redshift direction ($k_\parallel$) by the component separation algorithm.
    1309 The red curve shows the ratio of $P(k)$ computed on the recovered or extracted 21 cm LSS signal, to the original
    1310 LSS temperature cube $P_{21}^{rec}(k)/P_{21}(k)$ and corresponds to the transfer function $\TrF(k)$ defined above,
    1311 for $z=0.6$ and instrument setup (a).
    1312 The black (thin line) curve shows the ratio of recovered to the smoothed
    1313 power spectrum $P_{21}^{rec}(k)/P_{21}^{smoothed}(k)$. This latter ratio (black curve) exceeds one for $k \gtrsim 0.2$, which is
    1314 due to the noise or system temperature. It should be stressed that the simulations presented in this section were
     1320separation performed here, around $z \sim 0.6$, for the instrumental setup (a), a filled array of 121 $D_{dish}=5$ m dishes. {\changemark This transfer function has been obtained after averaging the reconstructed 
     1321$ P_{21}^{rec}(k)$ for several realizations (50) of the LSS temperature field.
     1322The black curve shows the ratio $\TrF(k)=P_{21}^{beam}(k)/P_{21}(k)$ of the computed to the original
     1323power spectrum, if the original LSS temperature cube is smoothed by the frequency independent
     1324target beam FWHM=30'. This black curve shows the damping effect due to the finite instrument size at
     1325small scales ($k \gtrsim 0.1 \, h \, \mathrm{Mpc^{-1}}, \theta \lesssim 1^\circ$). 
     1326The red curve shows the transfer function for the GSM foreground model (Model-I) and  the $11\times11$ filled array
     1327interferometer (setup (a)), while the dashed red curve represents the transfer function for a D=55 meter
     1328diameter dish. The transfer function for the Model-II/Haslam+NVSS and the setup (a) filled interferometer
     1329array is also shown (orange curve). The recovered power spectrum suffers also significant damping at large
     1330scales $k \lesssim 0.05 \, h \, \mathrm{Mpc^{-1}}, $, mostly due to the filtering of radial or
     1331longitudinal Fourier modes along the frequency or redshift direction ($k_\parallel$)
     1332by the component separation algorithm. We have been able to remove the ripples on the reconstructed
     1333power spectrum due to bright sources in the Model-II by applying a stronger beam correction, $\sim$37'
     1334target beam resolution, compared to $\sim$30' for the GSM model. This explains the lower transfer function
     1335obtained for Model-II at small scales ($k \gtrsim 0.1 \, h \, \mathrm{Mpc^{-1}}$). }
     1337 It should be stressed that the simulations presented in this section were
    13151338focused on the study of the radio foreground effects and have been carried intently with a very low instrumental noise level of
    13161339$0.25$ mK per pixel, corresponding to several years of continuous observations ($\sim 10$ hours per $3' \times 3'$ pixel).
    1353 \begin{figure*}
    1354 \centering
    1355 \vspace*{-30mm}
    1356 \mbox{
    1357 \hspace*{-20mm}
    1358 \includegraphics[width=1.15\textwidth]{Figs/extlssratio.pdf}
    1359 }
    1360 \vspace*{-35mm}
    1361 \caption{Ratio of the reconstructed or extracted 21cm power spectrum, after foreground removal, to the initial 21 cm power spectrum, $\TrF(k) = P_{21}^{rec}(k) / P_{21}(k) $, at $z \sim 0.6$,  for the instrument configuration (a), $11\times11$ packed array interferometer.
    1362 Left: GSM/Model-I , right: Haslam+NVSS/Model-II.  }
    1363 \label{extlssratio}
    1364 \end{figure*}
    1372 \includegraphics[width=0.55\textwidth]{Figs/tfpkz0525.pdf}
     1384\caption{Ratio of the reconstructed or extracted 21cm power spectrum, after foreground removal, to the initial 21 cm power spectrum, $\TrF(k) = P_{21}^{rec}(k) / P_{21}(k) $ (transfer function), at $z \sim 0.6$.  for the instrument configuration (a), $11\times11$ packed array interferometer. The effect of perfect gaussian beam of $\sim 30'$ is shown in black.
     1385The transfer function $\TrF(k)$  for the instrument configuration (a), $11\times11$ packed array interferometer,
     1386for the GSM/Model-I is shown in red, and in orange for Haslam+NVSS/Model-II. The transfer function
     1387for a D=55 meter diameter dish for the GSM model is also shown as the dashed red curve. }
    17861811%  Intensity mapping/HSHS
    1787 \bibitem[Chang et al. (2008)]{chang.08}  Chang, T.,  Pen, U.-L., Peterson, J.B. \&  McDonald, P. 2008, \prl, 100, 091303
     1812\bibitem[Chang et al. (2008)]{chang.08}  Chang, T.,  Pen, U.-L., Peterson, J.B. \&  McDonald, P., 2008, \prl, 100, 091303
     1814% Mesure 21 cm avec le GBT (papier Nature )
     1815\bibitem[Chang et al. (2010)]{chang.10}   Chang T-C, Pen U-L, Bandura K., Peterson  J.B., 2010, \nat, 466, 463-465
    17891817% 2dFRS BAO observation
    18081836%   21 cm emission for mapping matter distribution 
    18091837\bibitem[Furlanetto et al. (2006)]{furlanetto.06} Furlanetto, S., Peng Oh, S. \&  Briggs, F. 2006, \physrep, 433, 181-301
     1839% Mesure 21 cm a 610 MHz par GMRT
     1840\bibitem[Ghosh et al. (2011)]{ghosh.11}  Ghosh A., Bharadwaj S., Ali Sk. S., Chengalur  J. N., 2011, \mnras, 411, 2426-2438
    18111843% Haslam 400 MHz synchrotron map
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