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1\select@language {french}
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4\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2.1}{\ignorespaces Unit cell of silicon crystalline structure}}{22}{figure.2.1}
5\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2.2}{\ignorespaces Silicon band structure in the energy-impulsion domain}}{23}{figure.2.2}
6\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2.3}{\ignorespaces Fermi-Dirac Distribution, $\mu =0$, $g_{i}=1$}}{24}{figure.2.3}
7\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2.4}{\ignorespaces The three possible state of a pn junction : at rest (top), forward bias (middle), reverse bias (bottom). The depletion region relative size is shown on the figure with the space-charge sign of each zone of the diode. }}{27}{figure.2.4}
8\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2.5}{\ignorespaces !!! Mettre belle Mesure ICI !!!!! Typical pn junction current versus bias characteristics. }}{28}{figure.2.5}
9\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2.6}{\ignorespaces Schematics of ionizing particle detection in a reverse biased diode. The free electron hole pairs produced by the particle energy loss drift in the electric field and produce a current in the diode. Thermally generated (green boxes) are also generated in the depleted zone of the diode. }}{30}{figure.2.6}
10\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2.7}{\ignorespaces Schematics of the hybrid planar pixel sensor.}}{32}{figure.2.7}
11\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2.8}{\ignorespaces Schematics of the hybrid 3D pixel sensor.}}{33}{figure.2.8}
12\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2.9}{\ignorespaces Schematics of the High Resistivity Monolithic active pixel sensor (MAPS).}}{34}{figure.2.9}
13\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2.10}{\ignorespaces Schematics of radiation damage effect at the silicon-silicon dioxide interface in silicon sensors.}}{42}{figure.2.10}
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