Beam Line Sequences

MAD-X accepts two forms of an accelerator definition: sequences and lines. However, the sequence definition is the only one used internally; lines are converted into sequences when they are USEd. Consequently, only sequences can be saved (written onto a file) by MAD-X.

The corresponding sequence of statements defining a sequence is

name: SEQUENCE,REFER=keyword,REFPOS=name,LENGTH=real,ADD_PASS=integer,NEXT_SEQU='seq_name'
label: class,AT=real{,attributes} | class,AT=real | sequ_name, AT=real
where "real" means a real number, variable, or expression.

The first line gives the sequence name, a REFER flag (entry, centre, or exit) which specifies at which part of the element its position along the beam line will be given (default: centre), a REFPOS argument used for sequence insertion, and the total length. The ADD_PASS=integer option specifies a number of additionnal passes (max. 5) through the structure; in case of an RBEND the angle will be overwritten in survey using the i-th component (1 <= i <= add_pass <= 5) of its array_of_angles (see RBEND). The NEXT_SEQU='seq_name' concatenates the sequence with name 'seq_name' to the end of the specified sequence.

Inside the sequence ... endsequence bracket three types of commands may be placed:

When the sequence is expanded in a USE command, MAD generates the missing drift spaces. At this moment, overlapping elements will cause "negative drift length" errors.

For efficiency reasons MAD-X imposes an important restriction on element lengths and positions: once a sequence is expanded, the element positions and lengths are considered as fixed; in order to vary a position or element length, a re-expansion of the sequence becomes necessary. The MATCH command contains a special flag "vlength" to match element lengths.


! define a default beam (otherwise fatal error)
! Define element classes for a simple cell:
b:     sbend,l=35.09, angle = 0.011306116;
qf:    quadrupole,l=1.6,k1=-0.02268553;
qd:    quadrupole,l=1.6,k1=0.022683642;
sf:    sextupole,l=0.4,k2=-0.13129;
sd:    sextupole,l=0.76,k2=0.26328;
! define the cell as a sequence:
sequ:  sequence,l=79;
   b1:    b,      at=19.115;
   sf1:   sf,     at=37.42;
   qf1:   qf,     at=38.70;
   b2:    b,      at=58.255,angle=b1->angle;
   sd1:   sd,     at=76.74;
   qd1:   qd,     at=78.20;
   endm:  marker, at=79.0;
hansg, June 17, 2002