ESAVE: Save Machine Imperfections and read back from file

Writing errors to a file:
This command saves a table of errors assigned to elements on a file, using a format which can be read in again to obtain the same results. This allows dumping the errors and reloading them after a new USE command. The range for these elements has to be specified. An error save is requested by the statement

and elements selected by the SELECT command are saved to the file.

To save the errors of all elements to a file, one can use:

Please note: in case of field errors, the absolute errors are saved and not relative errors.

Setting errors from a table or file:
To assign errors from a file is not a priori straightforward. It may be required to re-assign existing errors after a USE command was executed (which deletes all errors attached to a sequence).
Errors stored in the form of an internal table (errtab) can be directly attached to the appropriate positions in the sequence with the command:
The table errtab can be generated internally or from an external file (errfile) with the generic command READMYTABLE.
The command sequence:
reads the file errfile into the table errtab and the command SETERR attaches the errors to the elements in the active sequence.
The file errfile can be produced by a preceding ESAVE command or any other utility. It should follow the format of a file generated with ESAVE (see example program).
Please note:
1. To assign correctly the errors from the file to the elements in the sequence, all elements must have individual names, otherwise an identification is not possible. Elements in the file not identified in the active sequence are ignored.
2. Errors are assigned to ALL elements found in the file and the FLAG=ERROR is set. Therefore the number of elements selected corresponding to a command like:
can be different after the execution of SETERR.

Werner Herr 18.6.2002