source: PSPA/madxPSPA/src/trrun_bb.f90 @ 455

Last change on this file since 455 was 430, checked in by touze, 11 years ago

import madx-5.01.00

File size: 16.7 KB
1subroutine ttbb(track,ktrack,parvec)
3  implicit none
5  !----------------------------------------------------------------------*
6  ! purpose:                                                             *
7  !   track a set of particle through a beam-beam interaction region.    *
8  !   see mad physicist's manual for the formulas used.                  *
9  !input:                                                                *
10  ! input/output:                                                        *
11  !   track(6,*)(double)  track coordinates: (x, px, y, py, t, pt).      *
12  !   ktrack    (integer) number of tracks.                              *
13  !----------------------------------------------------------------------*
14  integer ktrack,beamshape,b_dir_int
15  double precision track(6,*),parvec(*),fk,dp
16  double precision gamma0,beta0,beta_dp,ptot,b_dir
17  double precision q,q_prime,get_value,node_value,get_variable
18  double precision zero,one,two
19  logical first
20  save first
21  data first / .true. /
22  parameter(zero=0.0d0,one=1.0d0,two=2.0d0)
23  !     if x > explim, exp(-x) is outside machine limits.
25  !---- Calculate momentum deviation and according changes
26  !     of the relativistic factor beta0
27  dp  = get_variable('track_deltap ')
28  q = get_value('probe ','charge ')
29  q_prime = node_value('charge ')
30  gamma0 = parvec(7)
31  beta0 = sqrt(one-one/gamma0**2)
32  ptot = beta0*gamma0*(one+dp)
33  beta_dp = ptot / sqrt(one + ptot**2)
34  b_dir_int = node_value('bbdir ')
35  b_dir=dble(b_dir_int)
36  b_dir = b_dir/sqrt(b_dir*b_dir + 1.0d-32)
37  !---- pre-factor, if zero, anything else does not need to be calculated
38  fk = two*parvec(5)*parvec(6)/parvec(7)/beta0/(one+dp)/q*          &
39       (one-beta0*beta_dp*b_dir)/(beta_dp+0.5*(b_dir-one)*b_dir*beta0)
40  !
41  if (fk .eq. zero)  return
42  !---- choose beamshape: 1-Gaussian, 2-flattop=trapezoidal, 3-hollow-parabolic
43  beamshape = node_value('bbshape ')
44  if( then
45     beamshape=1
46     if(first) then
47        first = .false.
48        call aawarn('TTBB: ',                                         &
49             'beamshape out of range, set to default=1')
50     endif
51  endif
52  if(beamshape.eq.1) call ttbb_gauss(track,ktrack,fk)
53  if(beamshape.eq.2) call ttbb_flattop(track,ktrack,fk)
54  if(beamshape.eq.3) call ttbb_hollowparabolic(track,ktrack,fk)
56end subroutine ttbb
57subroutine ttbb_gauss(track,ktrack,fk)
59  use bbfi
60  implicit none
62  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------*
63  ! purpose: kicks the particles of the beam considered with a beam      *
64  !          having a Gaussian perpendicular shape                       *
65  ! input and output as those of subroutine ttbb                         *
66  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------*
67  logical bborbit
68  integer ktrack,itrack,ipos,get_option
69  double precision track(6,*),pi,sx,sy,xm,ym,sx2,sy2,xs,            &
70       ys,rho2,fk,tk,phix,phiy,rk,xb,yb,crx,cry,xr,yr,r,r2,cbx,cby,      &
71       get_variable,node_value,zero,one,two,three,ten3m,explim
72  parameter(zero=0d0,one=1d0,two=2d0,three=3d0,ten3m=1d-3,          &
73       explim=150d0)
74  !     if x > explim, exp(-x) is outside machine limits.
76  !---- initialize.
77  bborbit = get_option('bborbit ') .ne. 0
78  pi=get_variable('pi ')
79  sx = node_value('sigx ')
80  sy = node_value('sigy ')
81  xm = node_value('xma ')
82  ym = node_value('yma ')
83  ipos = 0
84  if (.not. bborbit)  then
85     !--- find position of closed orbit bb_kick
86     do ipos = 1, bbd_cnt
87        if (bbd_loc(ipos) .eq. bbd_pos)  goto 1
88     enddo
89     ipos = 0
901    continue
91  endif
92  sx2 = sx*sx
93  sy2 = sy*sy
94  !---- limit formulae for sigma(x) = sigma(y).
95  if (abs(sx2 - sy2) .le. ten3m * (sx2 + sy2)) then
96     do itrack = 1, ktrack
97        xs = track(1,itrack) - xm
98        ys = track(3,itrack) - ym
99        rho2 = xs * xs + ys * ys
100        tk = rho2 / (two * sx2)
101        if (tk .gt. explim) then
102           phix = xs * fk / rho2
103           phiy = ys * fk / rho2
104        else if (rho2 .ne. zero) then
105           phix = xs * fk / rho2 * (one - exp(-tk) )
106           phiy = ys * fk / rho2 * (one - exp(-tk) )
107        else
108           phix = zero
109           phiy = zero
110        endif
111        if (ipos .ne. 0)  then
112           !--- subtract closed orbit kick
113           phix = phix - bb_kick(1,ipos)
114           phiy = phiy - bb_kick(2,ipos)
115        endif
116        track(2,itrack) = track(2,itrack) + phix
117        track(4,itrack) = track(4,itrack) + phiy
118     enddo
120     !---- case sigma(x) > sigma(y).
121  else if (sx2 .gt. sy2) then
122     r2 = two * (sx2 - sy2)
123     r  = sqrt(r2)
124     rk = fk * sqrt(pi) / r
125     do itrack = 1, ktrack
126        xs = track(1,itrack) - xm
127        ys = track(3,itrack) - ym
128        xr = abs(xs) / r
129        yr = abs(ys) / r
130        call ccperrf(xr, yr, crx, cry)
131        tk = (xs * xs / sx2 + ys * ys / sy2) / two
132        if (tk .gt. explim) then
133           phix = rk * cry
134           phiy = rk * crx
135        else
136           xb = (sy / sx) * xr
137           yb = (sx / sy) * yr
138           call ccperrf(xb, yb, cbx, cby)
139           phix = rk * (cry - exp(-tk) * cby)
140           phiy = rk * (crx - exp(-tk) * cbx)
141        endif
142        track(2,itrack) = track(2,itrack) + phix * sign(one,xs)
143        track(4,itrack) = track(4,itrack) + phiy * sign(one,ys)
144        if (ipos .ne. 0)  then
145           !--- subtract closed orbit kick
146           track(2,itrack) = track(2,itrack) - bb_kick(1,ipos)
147           track(4,itrack) = track(4,itrack) - bb_kick(2,ipos)
148        endif
149     enddo
151     !---- case sigma(x) < sigma(y).
152  else
153     r2 = two * (sy2 - sx2)
154     r  = sqrt(r2)
155     rk = fk * sqrt(pi) / r
156     do itrack = 1, ktrack
157        xs = track(1,itrack) - xm
158        ys = track(3,itrack) - ym
159        xr = abs(xs) / r
160        yr = abs(ys) / r
161        call ccperrf(yr, xr, cry, crx)
162        tk = (xs * xs / sx2 + ys * ys / sy2) / two
163        if (tk .gt. explim) then
164           phix = rk * cry
165           phiy = rk * crx
166        else
167           xb  = (sy / sx) * xr
168           yb  = (sx / sy) * yr
169           call ccperrf(yb, xb, cby, cbx)
170           phix = rk * (cry - exp(-tk) * cby)
171           phiy = rk * (crx - exp(-tk) * cbx)
172        endif
173        track(2,itrack) = track(2,itrack) + phix * sign(one,xs)
174        track(4,itrack) = track(4,itrack) + phiy * sign(one,ys)
175        if (ipos .ne. 0)  then
176           !--- subtract closed orbit kick
177           track(2,itrack) = track(2,itrack) - bb_kick(1,ipos)
178           track(4,itrack) = track(4,itrack) - bb_kick(2,ipos)
179        endif
180     enddo
181  endif
182end subroutine ttbb_gauss
183subroutine ttbb_flattop(track,ktrack,fk)
185  use bbfi
186  implicit none
188  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------*
189  ! purpose: kicks the particles of the beam considered with a beam      *
190  !          having an trapezoidal and, so flat top radial profile       *
191  ! input and output as those of subroutine ttbb                         *
192  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------*
193  logical bborbit,first
194  integer ktrack,itrack,ipos,get_option
195  double precision track(6,*),pi,r0x,r0y,wi,wx,wy,xm,ym,            &
196       r0x2,r0y2,xs,ys,rho,rho2,fk,phir,phix,phiy,get_variable,          &
197       node_value,zero,one,two,three,ten3m,explim,norm,r1,zz
198  parameter(zero=0d0,one=1d0,two=2d0,three=3d0,ten3m=1d-3,          &
199       explim=150d0)
200  save first
201  data first / .true. /
202  !     if x > explim, exp(-x) is outside machine limits.
204  !---- initialize.
205  bborbit = get_option('bborbit ') .ne. 0
206  pi=get_variable('pi ')
207  ! mean radii of the is given via variables sigx and sigy
208  r0x = node_value('sigx ')
209  r0y = node_value('sigy ')
210  wi = node_value('width ')
211  xm = node_value('xma ')
212  ym = node_value('yma ')
213  ipos = 0
214  if (.not. bborbit)  then
215     !--- find position of closed orbit bb_kick
216     do ipos = 1, bbd_cnt
217        if (bbd_loc(ipos) .eq. bbd_pos)  goto 1
218     enddo
219     ipos = 0
2201    continue
221  endif
222  r0x2 = r0x*r0x
223  r0y2 = r0y*r0y
224  wx = r0x*wi
225  wy = r0y*wi
226  !---- limit formulae for mean radius(x) = mean radius(y),
227  !-----      preliminary the only case considered.
228  !
229  if (abs(r0x2 - r0y2) .gt. ten3m * (r0x2 + r0y2)) then
230     zz = 0.5*(r0x + r0y)
231     r0x=zz
232     r0y=zz
233     r0x2=r0x*r0x
234     r0y2=r0y*r0y
235     if(first) then
236        first=.false.
237        call aawarn('TTBB_FLATTOP: ','beam is assumed to be circular')
238     endif
239  endif
240  norm = (12.0*r0x**2 + wx**2)/24.0
241  r1=r0x-wx/2.0
242  do itrack = 1, ktrack
243     xs = track(1,itrack) - xm
244     ys = track(3,itrack) - ym
245     rho2 = xs * xs + ys * ys
246     rho  = sqrt(rho2)
247     if(rho.le.r1) then
248        phir = 0.5/norm
249        phix = phir*xs
250        phiy = phir*ys
251     else if( then
252        phir = ((r0x**2/4.0 - r0x**3/6.0/wx - r0x*wx/8.0 +            &
253             wx**2/48.0)/rho2 + 0.25 + 0.5*r0x/wx -                            &
254             rho/3.0/wx)/norm
255        phix = phir*xs
256        phiy = phir*ys
257     else if( then
258        phir = 1.0/rho2
259        phix = xs*phir
260        phiy = ys*phir
261     endif
262     track(2,itrack) = track(2,itrack)+phix*fk
263     track(4,itrack) = track(4,itrack)+phiy*fk
264  end do
266end subroutine ttbb_flattop
267subroutine ttbb_hollowparabolic(track,ktrack,fk)
269  use bbfi
270  implicit none
272  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------*
273  ! purpose: kicks the particles of the beam considered with a beam      *
274  !          having a hollow-parabolic perpendicular shape               *
275  ! input and output as those of subroutine ttbb                         *
276  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------*
277  logical bborbit,first
278  integer ktrack,itrack,ipos,get_option
279  double precision track(6,*),pi,r0x,r0y,wi,wx,wy,xm,ym,            &
280       r0x2,r0y2,xs,ys,rho,rho2,fk,phir,phix,phiy,get_variable,          &
281       node_value,zero,one,two,three,ten3m,explim,zz
282  parameter(zero=0d0,one=1d0,two=2d0,three=3d0,ten3m=1d-3,          &
283       explim=150d0)
284  save first
285  data first / .true. /
286  !     if x > explim, exp(-x) is outside machine limits.
288  !---- initialize.
289  bborbit = get_option('bborbit ') .ne. 0
290  pi=get_variable('pi ')
291  ! mean radii of the is given via variables sigx and sigy
292  r0x = node_value('sigx ')
293  r0y = node_value('sigy ')
294  wi = node_value('width ')
295  ! width is given as FWHM of parabolic density profile, but formulas were
296  ! derived with half width at the bottom of the parabolic density profile
297  wi = wi/sqrt(2.0)
298  xm = node_value('xma ')
299  ym = node_value('yma ')
300  ipos = 0
301  if (.not. bborbit)  then
302     !--- find position of closed orbit bb_kick
303     do ipos = 1, bbd_cnt
304        if (bbd_loc(ipos) .eq. bbd_pos)  goto 1
305     enddo
306     ipos = 0
3071    continue
308  endif
309  r0x2 = r0x*r0x
310  r0y2 = r0y*r0y
311  wx  = wi*r0x
312  wy  = wi*r0y
313  !---- limit formulae for mean radius(x) = mean radius(y),
314  !-----      preliminary the only case considered.
315  !
316  if (abs(r0x2 - r0y2) .gt. ten3m * (r0x2 + r0y2)) then
317     zz = 0.5*(r0x + r0y)
318     r0x=zz
319     r0y=zz
320     r0x2=r0x*r0x
321     r0y2=r0y*r0y
322     if(first) then
323        first=.false.
324        call aawarn('TTBB_HOLLOWPARABOLIC: ',                         &
325             'beam is assumed to be circular')
326     endif
327  endif
328  do itrack = 1, ktrack
329     xs = track(1,itrack) - xm
330     ys = track(3,itrack) - ym
331     rho2 = xs * xs + ys * ys
332     rho  = sqrt(rho2)
333     if(rho.le.r0x-wx) then
334        phix = zero
335        phiy = zero
336     else if( then
337        phir=0.75/wx/r0x/rho2*(r0x**4/12.0/wx**2 - r0x**2/2.0 +       &
338             2.0*r0x*wx/3.0 - wx**2/4.0 + rho2/2.0*(1.0 -                      &
339             r0x**2/wx**2) + rho**3/3.0*2.0*r0x/wx**2 -                        &
340             rho**4/4.0/wx**2)
341        phix = phir*xs
342        phiy = phir*ys
343     else
344        phir = 1.0/rho2
345        phix = xs*phir
346        phiy = ys*phir
347     endif
348     track(2,itrack) = track(2,itrack)+phix*fk
349     track(4,itrack) = track(4,itrack)+phiy*fk
350  end do
352end subroutine ttbb_hollowparabolic
353!!$subroutine ttbb_old(track,ktrack,parvec)
355!!$  use bbfi
356!!$  implicit none
358!!$  !----------------------------------------------------------------------*
359!!$  ! purpose:                                                             *
360!!$  !   track a set of particle through a beam-beam interaction region.    *
361!!$  !   see mad physicist's manual for the formulas used.                  *
362!!$  !input:                                                                *
363!!$  ! input/output:                                                        *
364!!$  !   track(6,*)(double)  track coordinates: (x, px, y, py, t, pt).      *
365!!$  !   ktrack    (integer) number of tracks.                              *
366!!$  !----------------------------------------------------------------------*
367!!$  logical bborbit
368!!$  integer ktrack,itrack,ipos,get_option
369!!$  double precision track(6,*),parvec(*),pi,sx,sy,xm,ym,sx2,sy2,xs,  &
370!!$       ys,rho2,fk,tk,phix,phiy,rk,xb,yb,crx,cry,xr,yr,r,r2,cbx,cby,      &
371!!$       get_variable,node_value,zero,one,two,three,ten3m,explim
372!!$  parameter(zero=0d0,one=1d0,two=2d0,three=3d0,ten3m=1d-3,          &
373!!$       explim=150d0)
374!!$  !     if x > explim, exp(-x) is outside machine limits.
376!!$  !---- initialize.
377!!$  bborbit = get_option('bborbit ') .ne. 0
378!!$  pi=get_variable('pi ')
379!!$  sx = node_value('sigx ')
380!!$  sy = node_value('sigy ')
381!!$  xm = node_value('xma ')
382!!$  ym = node_value('yma ')
383!!$  fk = two * parvec(5) * parvec(6) / parvec(7)
384!!$  if (fk .eq. zero)  return
385!!$  ipos = 0
386!!$  if (.not. bborbit)  then
387!!$     !--- find position of closed orbit bb_kick
388!!$     do ipos = 1, bbd_cnt
389!!$        if (bbd_loc(ipos) .eq. bbd_pos)  goto 1
390!!$     enddo
391!!$     ipos = 0
392!!$1    continue
393!!$  endif
394!!$  sx2 = sx*sx
395!!$  sy2 = sy*sy
396!!$  !---- limit formulae for sigma(x) = sigma(y).
397!!$  if (abs(sx2 - sy2) .le. ten3m * (sx2 + sy2)) then
398!!$     do itrack = 1, ktrack
399!!$        xs = track(1,itrack) - xm
400!!$        ys = track(3,itrack) - ym
401!!$        rho2 = xs * xs + ys * ys
402!!$        tk = rho2 / (two * sx2)
403!!$        if (tk .gt. explim) then
404!!$           phix = xs * fk / rho2
405!!$           phiy = ys * fk / rho2
406!!$        else if (rho2 .ne. zero) then
407!!$           phix = xs * fk / rho2 * (one - exp(-tk) )
408!!$           phiy = ys * fk / rho2 * (one - exp(-tk) )
409!!$        else
410!!$           phix = zero
411!!$           phiy = zero
412!!$        endif
413!!$        if (ipos .ne. 0)  then
414!!$           !--- subtract closed orbit kick
415!!$           phix = phix - bb_kick(1,ipos)
416!!$           phiy = phiy - bb_kick(2,ipos)
417!!$        endif
418!!$        track(2,itrack) = track(2,itrack) + phix
419!!$        track(4,itrack) = track(4,itrack) + phiy
420!!$     enddo
422!!$     !---- case sigma(x) > sigma(y).
423!!$  else if (sx2 .gt. sy2) then
424!!$     r2 = two * (sx2 - sy2)
425!!$     r  = sqrt(r2)
426!!$     rk = fk * sqrt(pi) / r
427!!$     do itrack = 1, ktrack
428!!$        xs = track(1,itrack) - xm
429!!$        ys = track(3,itrack) - ym
430!!$        xr = abs(xs) / r
431!!$        yr = abs(ys) / r
432!!$        call ccperrf(xr, yr, crx, cry)
433!!$        tk = (xs * xs / sx2 + ys * ys / sy2) / two
434!!$        if (tk .gt. explim) then
435!!$           phix = rk * cry
436!!$           phiy = rk * crx
437!!$        else
438!!$           xb = (sy / sx) * xr
439!!$           yb = (sx / sy) * yr
440!!$           call ccperrf(xb, yb, cbx, cby)
441!!$           phix = rk * (cry - exp(-tk) * cby)
442!!$           phiy = rk * (crx - exp(-tk) * cbx)
443!!$        endif
444!!$        track(2,itrack) = track(2,itrack) + phix * sign(one,xs)
445!!$        track(4,itrack) = track(4,itrack) + phiy * sign(one,ys)
446!!$        if (ipos .ne. 0)  then
447!!$           !--- subtract closed orbit kick
448!!$           track(2,itrack) = track(2,itrack) - bb_kick(1,ipos)
449!!$           track(4,itrack) = track(4,itrack) - bb_kick(2,ipos)
450!!$        endif
451!!$     enddo
453!!$     !---- case sigma(x) < sigma(y).
454!!$  else
455!!$     r2 = two * (sy2 - sx2)
456!!$     r  = sqrt(r2)
457!!$     rk = fk * sqrt(pi) / r
458!!$     do itrack = 1, ktrack
459!!$        xs = track(1,itrack) - xm
460!!$        ys = track(3,itrack) - ym
461!!$        xr = abs(xs) / r
462!!$        yr = abs(ys) / r
463!!$        call ccperrf(yr, xr, cry, crx)
464!!$        tk = (xs * xs / sx2 + ys * ys / sy2) / two
465!!$        if (tk .gt. explim) then
466!!$           phix = rk * cry
467!!$           phiy = rk * crx
468!!$        else
469!!$           xb  = (sy / sx) * xr
470!!$           yb  = (sx / sy) * yr
471!!$           call ccperrf(yb, xb, cby, cbx)
472!!$           phix = rk * (cry - exp(-tk) * cby)
473!!$           phiy = rk * (crx - exp(-tk) * cbx)
474!!$        endif
475!!$        track(2,itrack) = track(2,itrack) + phix * sign(one,xs)
476!!$        track(4,itrack) = track(4,itrack) + phiy * sign(one,ys)
477!!$        if (ipos .ne. 0)  then
478!!$           !--- subtract closed orbit kick
479!!$           track(2,itrack) = track(2,itrack) - bb_kick(1,ipos)
480!!$           track(4,itrack) = track(4,itrack) - bb_kick(2,ipos)
481!!$        endif
482!!$     enddo
483!!$  endif
484!!$end subroutine ttbb_old
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