#!/usr/bin/python import datetime import optparse import os import stat import re import shutil from Notify import notify class Logger: # in more recent versions, Python features a logger def __init__(self,name): self.name = name if os.path.exists(self.name): os.remove(self.name) def log(self,msg): f = open(self.name,"a") # append f.write(msg+'\n') f.close() # close after each log message website = "/afs/cern.ch/user/n/nougaret/www/mad" reportDir = "/afs/cern.ch/user/n/nougaret/scratch1/mad-automation" # 12 april 2009 fix the directory in which to extract MAD-X #currentDir = os.getcwd() currentDir = reportDir extractDir = currentDir+'/MadSvnExtract' notify('jean-luc','MadSvnExtract','MadSvnExtract will be created as ' + extractDir) class Repository: def __init__(self): pass def checkout(self,releaseTag): # command = "cvs -d " + Repository.repoDir + " checkout -r" + releaseTag + " madX" command = "svn co svn+ssh://svn.cern.ch/reps/madx/tags/" + releaseTag + " " + extractDir os.system(command) class Build: builds = [] def __init__(self,name,command,outcome): self.name = name # 'Makefile', 'Makefile_dev' or 'Makefile_nag' self.command = command # the build command self.outcome = outcome Build.builds.append(self) # first set environment variables for lf95 and NAG compilers # this is necessary for the acron job which does not perform a login # that would set the variables transparently. # 27 september: this script is no longer called from an acron job, therefore # no longer need to reset the environment variables within the scripts. # instead we inherit everything from ~/.cshrc on pcslux99 def main(): # temporary: for the Intel compiler, lines split after the 80th character # unless we set up a specific environment variable to set the line length # note that this variable will be transmitted to the child processes # launched through os.sytem() calls. # all 'madx < input > output' calls where madx is compiled with the ifort # Intel compiler will take FORT_FMT_RECL into account. # os.environ['FORT_FMT_RECL']='256' # lines split after 256 chars instead of # THIS DOES NOT SEEM TO WORK 13 april 2010 - force the variable when invoking the makefile instead # the default 80 LOG_FILENAME = reportDir + "/MadBuild_Report.txt" logger = Logger(LOG_FILENAME) logger.log('first logging message') logger.log('start logging at '+(datetime.datetime.now()).ctime()) compilationOK = True # default (assumes all the compilations proceed till completion) globalStartTime = (datetime.datetime.now()).ctime() usage = "%prog [options]" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option('--release','-r',help="release tag",dest="releaseTag") parser.add_option('--dev','-d',help="construct executable with Makefile_develop",action="store_true") parser.add_option('--nag','-n',help="construct executable with Makefile_nag",action="store_true") (options,args) = parser.parse_args() if options.dev and not options.nag: logger.log("option --dev selected") elif options.nag and not options.dev: logger.log("option --nag selected") elif options.dev and options.nag: logger.log("options --dev and --nag selected") else: logger.log("only compile madx_Makefile") if not options.releaseTag: raise("except a release tag to be specified") else: # is the release tag well formed? releasePattern = re.compile(r'^madX\-\d+_\d{2}_\d{2}(\_dev)?$') if not releasePattern.match(options.releaseTag): raise("release tag is ill-formed: it should be like 'madX-4_01_01' instead of '"+options.releaseTag+"'") # 23 juin 2010 #os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] +\ # ":/afs/cern.ch/sw/fortran/nag/f95.5.361/bin:/afs/cern.ch/sw/fortran/lahey/lf9562/bin" # #if os.getenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH')==None: # would cause a key error at runtime # os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ":/afs/cern.ch/sw/fortran/lahey/lf9562/lib" #else: # os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] + ":/afs/cern.ch/sw/fortran/lahey/lf9562/lib" makefiles = ['Makefile'] if options.nag: # 23 juin 2010 # os.environ['NAG95_ROOT'] = "/afs/cern.ch/sw/fortran/nag/f95.5.361" # flexlm license manager for NAG compiler #os.environ['LM_LICENSE_FILE'] = "/afs/cern.ch/sw/fortran/nag/f95.5.361/license.dat" # 27 september 2010: rely on the path and env set in ~/.cshrc instead of setting environment variables #os.environ['NAG95_ROOT'] = "/usr/local/lib/NAG_Fortran" #os.environ['NAG_KUSARI_FILE'] = os.environ['NAG95_ROOT']+"/license.dat" makefiles.append('Makefile_nag') #os.environ['PATH'] = ".:/usr/local/lib/NAG_FORTRAN:"+os.environ['PATH'] if options.dev: makefiles.append('Makefile_develop') # if the directory in which to extract the CVS already exists, then delete it if os.path.exists(extractDir): shutil.rmtree(extractDir) # now create the directory in which to extract the CVS #os.mkdir(extractDir) #os.chdir(extractDir) repo = Repository() repo.checkout(options.releaseTag) # creates or overwrites extractDir os.chdir(extractDir) os.chdir('./madX') for m in makefiles: # do a make clean and remove any preexisting target if os.path.exists('./madx'): os.remove('./madx') logger.log('remove preexisting ./madx executable') else: logger.log('no preexisting ./madx executable') os.system('make clean') logger.log("invoked 'make clean' at time "+(datetime.datetime.now()).ctime()) #print("now to compile "+m+" in " + os.getcwd()) if m == 'Makefile': #invocation = "make f95=/opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/081/bin/ia32/ifort DEBUG=NO FORT_FMT_RECL=256 madx" invocation = "make f95=ifort DEBUG=NO FORT_FMT_RECL=256 madx" elif m == 'Makefile_develop': invocation = "make f95=lf95 DEBUG=YES madx" # the Lahey Fortran compiler elif m == 'Makefile_nag': invocation = "make f95=f95 DEBUG=YES madx" # the NAG compiler else: raise("should never reach this point") print "make invocation=",invocation #notify('jean-luc','Point 3.2', 'makefile='+m) output = "./makeResult" #os.system(invocation) startTime = (datetime.datetime.now()).ctime() #notify('jean-luc','now in directory', 'os.getcwd()='+os.getcwd()+" at time"+(datetime.datetime.now()).ctime()) #notify('jean-luc','Point 3.3', 'now to issue command='+invocation+">& "+output+" at time"+(datetime.datetime.now()).ctime()) logger.log('now located in '+os.getcwd()) logger.log('now to invoke command='+invocation+">& "+output+" at time "+(datetime.datetime.now()).ctime()) os.system(invocation+">& "+output) endTime = (datetime.datetime.now()).ctime() logger.log("compilation command completed at time : " + endTime) f = open(output,'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() #notify('jean-luc','Point 4', '') # if the target madx is absent, compilation failed if os.path.exists('./madx'): # success or warning outcome = 'success' # for the time-being outcome = lookForWarnings(lines) executable = './madx_'+m # new name of the executable shutil.copyfile('./madx',executable) if os.path.exists(executable): logger.log('.madx has been copied into '+executable+" under "+os.getcwd()) else: logger.log("can't find executable "+executable+" which must have just been created") os.chmod(executable,stat.S_IRWXU) # read, write, and execute permission by owner logger.log("a ./madx executable was succesfully created at "+(datetime.datetime.now()).ctime()) # very important: grant execution rights to the script #print("succesfully compiled for "+m) else: # failure outcome = 'failure' compilationOK = False # overwrite logger.log("missing ./madx executable") #print("failed to compile for "+m) b = Build(m,invocation,outcome) #notify('jean-luc','Point 5', 'makefile='+m) page = BuildWebPage(website+'/build_'+m+'_madx.htm',m,lines,outcome,startTime,endTime) page.output() #notify('jean-luc','Point 6', '') globalEndTime = (datetime.datetime.now()).ctime() # create the main HTML page from which the three above HTML pages can be reached page = MainWebPage(website+'/build.htm',globalStartTime,globalEndTime,Build.builds) page.output() # Finally output the return status on stdout to be processed by the calling MadBuildAndTest.py if not compilationOK: notify('jean-luc','compilation failed','failed to compile release = '+options.releaseTag) else: notify('jean-luc','compilation succeeded','managed to compile last release = '+options.releaseTag) print compilationOK notify('jean-luc','reached the end of MadBuild.py','compilationOK=' + str(compilationOK)) def lookForWarnings(lines): warningPattern = re.compile(r'[\s\t]*[\w\d_\-:]+[\s\t]+[Ww]arning(s?)') for line in lines: m = warningPattern.search(line) if m: if m.lastindex == 1: return('warning') return('success') class MainWebPage: # the main web page that lists all the outcomes for the successive builds def __init__(self,name,startTime,endTime,builds): self.name = name self.startTime = startTime self.endTime = endTime self.builds = builds # a list of Build objects def header(self): self.contents += '\n' self.contents += '\n' self.contents += '\n' self.contents += 'MAD build result page\n' self.contents += '\n' self.contents += '\n' def body(self): self.contents += '\n' self.contents += 'Build started '+ self.startTime + ', ended ' + self.endTime self.contents += '\n' for b in self.builds: weblink = "build_"+b.name+"_madx.htm" self.contents += '\n' self.contents += '
\n' self.contents += '\n' def footer(self): self.contents += '\n' def output(self): self.contents = "" self.header() self.body() self.footer() f = open(self.name,'w') for c in self.contents: f.write(c) f.close() def display(self): os.system('firefox ' + self.name+ '&') class BuildWebPage(MainWebPage): def __init__(self,name,makefile,lines,returnStatus,startTime,endTime): self.name = name self.returnStatus = returnStatus self.buildResult = lines self.startTime = startTime self.endTime = endTime self.makefile = makefile def header(self): self.contents += '\n' self.contents += '\n' self.contents += '\n' self.contents += 'MAD build main page\n' self.contents += '\n' self.contents += '\n' def body(self): self.contents += '\n' self.contents += '

Build started '+self.startTime+', ended '+self.endTime+'

\n' self.contents += '
\n' # top coloured banner self.contents += '\n" for l in self.buildResult: self.contents += '\n' self.contents += "
Outcome of build process for \''+self.makefile+'\''+\ self.returnStatus+"
\n" self.contents += '\n' if __name__ == "__main__": main()