#!/usr/bin/perl # now supports a specific $debugMode to carry-out tests of a single target. # sample invocation: MadTest.pl ./MadCvsExtract/madX debug=match # In this case, HTML file becomes test_debug.html instead of test.htm. # input: directory name in which madx and madxp are present # output: a hierachy of directories to hold the tests' inputs and outputs # at the same time an HTML document is created and moved to the web folder # Still to do : # (1) expand call-tree till the leafs # (2) accomodate for different directory structures # (3) allow for files loading from different directories in the call-tree # (4) check potential troubles with namespace restricted to target name # (5) ideally HTML formatting should be moved out of the code, relying on XML, XSLT and CSS instead use MIME::Lite; # to send e-mail open REPORT_FILE, ">MadTest_Report.txt"; $startTime = localtime; my $path = $ENV{'PATH'}; my $newPath = $path . ":."; # can invoke local commands from MAD-X script $ENV{'PATH'}=$newPath; print REPORT_FILE "MadTest.pl report from $startTime\n"; $testReport = ""; # will be stored into an HTML document $pwd = `pwd`; chop $pwd; $localRootDir = $pwd; # for Makefile_develop and Makefile_nag, stderr is redirected my $stderrFile = "stderr_redirected"; my $debugMode; # select a specific target and writes summary HTML file # to test_debug.htm instead of test.htm my $debugTarget; # meaningful iff $debugMode is set to 1 my $silentMode = 0; # if set, no message will be sent. 0 by default if ( $#ARGV < 0 ) { print "expect at least 1 argument: (1) MAD executable directory [(2) debug:] EXIT!\n" ; exit ; } else { if (($#ARGV == 1) || ($#ARGV == 2)) { # second parameter for debug-mode my $option = @ARGV[1]; if ($option =~ /^debug=(\w+)/){ $debugMode = 1; $debugTarget = $1; print "debug mode set for target '$debugTarget'\n"; } elsif ($option =~ /^silent$/){ $silentMode = 1; } else { print "the second optional argument '$option' should be of the form:"; print "debug=\n"; print "EXIT!\n"; exit; } } $madDir = @ARGV[0]; # check specified directory indeed contains executable $existsMadx = `ls $madDir/madx | wc -l`; if ($existsMadx == 0) { print REPORT_FILE "Madx missing in specified directory => exit!\n"; exit; } # $existsMadxp = `ls $madDir/madxp | wc -l`; # if ($existsMadxp == 0){ # print REPORT_FILE "Madxp missing in specified directory => exit!\n"; # exit; # } # expand the full path $_ = $madDir; if (/^.\/([\w\d_\-\/.]+)/) { # local path specified $madDir = $localRootDir . "/" . $1; } else { # full path already given } # remove last "/" if any $_ = $madDir; if (/\/$/) { chop $madDir; } # $ for end anchoring of the string } # checkout reference examples from the CVS my $rmRes = `rm -rf ./madX-examples`; if ($debugMode ==0){ # default: we retrieve all the CVS print REPORT_FILE "extract the complete CVS repository containing examples\n"; my $checkoutRes = `cvs -d :gserver:isscvs.cern.ch:/local/reps/madx-examples checkout madX-examples`; print REPORT_FILE $checkoutRes; } else { print REPORT_FILE "extract only the CVS repository containing specific example"; print REPORT_FILE " $debugTarget\n"; # extract only the $debugTarget from the CVS my $checkoutRes = `cvs -d :gserver:isscvs.cern.ch:/local/reps/madx-examples checkout madX-examples/REF/$debugTarget`; print REPORT_FILE $checkoutRes; } # $samplesRootDir = '/afs/cern.ch/user/f/frs/public_html/mad-X_examples'; $samplesRootDir = "$localRootDir/madX-examples/REF"; $htmlRootDir = '/afs/cern.ch/user/n/nougaret/www/mad'; if ($debugMode == 0) { $htmlFile = "$htmlRootDir/test.htm"; # for the time being } else { $htmlFile = "$htmlRootDir/test_debug.htm"; # for the time being } @targetDirs = `ls $samplesRootDir`; # search all test examples' directories # (only a subset of them will be processed by the automated test, as specified in a separate XML document) # in future version, should grow the call-graph from the list of source mad files provided in the XML file # not instead of being performed beforehand on all possible files, this dependency analysis should only be # carried-out on the actual target directories... # build the call-graph TARGET_DIR: foreach $targetDir (@targetDirs) { chop $targetDir; if ($debugMode ==1) { if ($targetDir ne $debugTarget){ next TARGET_DIR; } } print REPORT_FILE "target = '$targetDir'\n"; chdir("$samplesRootDir/$targetDir"); @subdirectories =`ls -d */`; # returns directories only (with '/' suffix) @alldirectories = ('./',@subdirectories); foreach $dir (@alldirectories) { chop $dir; # end-of-line chop $dir; # / $pwd = `pwd`; # for print below print REPORT_FILE "process directory $dir in $pwd\n"; if ($dir eq "test") { next; } # Very specific case: twiss/test directory causes multiple key error in call-graph chdir("$samplesRootDir/$targetDir/$dir"); # go to subdir to open files with getListOfDependantFiles() @files = `ls`; foreach $file(@files) { chop $file; print REPORT_FILE "process $file"; $dependentFileList = getListOfDependantFiles($file); # avoid name clash by prefixing $fileKey = $targetDir . "/" . $file; if ($dependencyList{$fileKey} ne "") { # actually no trouble if the entry is the same if ($dependencyList{$fileKey} eq $dependentFileList) { print REPORT_FILE "WARNING: multiple entry $fileKey in call-graph\n"; $testReport .= "

WARNING: multiple entry $fileKey in call-graph

\n"; } else { $testReport .= "

ERROR: multiple incompatible entry $fileKey in call-graph

\n"; print REPORT_FILE "ERROR: multiple incompatible entry $fileKey in call-graph\n"; print REPORT_FILE "previous entry = '$dependencyList{$fileKey}'\n"; print REPORT_FILE "new entry = $dependentFileList\n"; } } # let's make sure $dependencyList{$fileKey}=$dependentFileList; # comma-separated list of files that depend on key if ($dependencyList{$fileKey} ne "") { print REPORT_FILE " -> calls $dependencyList{$fileKey}\n"; } else { print REPORT_FILE " -> calls no other file\n"; } } chdir("$samplesRootDir/$targetDir/$dir"); } chdir($localRootDir); # back to local root dir } @makefiles = ('Makefile_develop','Makefile_nag','Makefile'); # Makefile must be last # because we need to have collected the results of the two previous makefiles in order # to prepare the final web-page, which is only created for Makefile ... # hierarchy to accomodate the local copy of the tests `rm -rf $localRootDir/TESTING`; # cleanup mkdir("$localRootDir/TESTING", 0777); foreach $makefile (@makefiles) { # repeat for Makefile_develop, Makefile_nag, Makefile # back to the initial directory chdir $localRootDir; my $regressionTest; if ($makefile eq "Makefile") { $regressionTest = 1; } else { $regressionTest = 0; } $localTestDir = "$localRootDir/TESTING/$makefile"; # separate work dirs for the 3 makefiles... mkdir($localTestDir, 0777); # following executables have been prepared by MadBuid.pl $madxLink = $madDir . "/madx_$makefile"; $madxpLink = $madDir . "/madxp_$makefile"; print REPORT_FILE "madxLink is $madxLink\n"; print REPORT_FILE "madxpLink is $madxpLink\n"; @targets = `xsltproc --stringparam what list_targets ProcessScenario.xsl TestScenario.xml`; # all target functionalities TARGET: foreach $target (@targets) { chop $target; $outcome{$target} = "success"; # by default, nobody will receive an e-mail about this target if ($debugMode ==1){ if ($target ne $debugTarget) { next TARGET; } } print REPORT_FILE "--- testing $target\n"; if ($regressionTest) { $testReport .= "\n"; $testReport .= "\n"; } chdir($localRootDir); # top of the hierarchy $targetDir = "$localTestDir/$target"; mkdir($targetDir, 0777) or die "fail to create directory $targetDir\n"; @tests = `xsltproc --stringparam what list_tests --stringparam target $target ProcessScenario.xsl TestScenario.xml`; chdir("$localTestDir/$target") or die "fail to chdir to $localTestDir/$target\n"; # after processing stylessheets # populate the local test directory with the input file as well as with all the files it depends from $autonumber = 0; foreach $test (@tests) { $autonumber++; chop $test; $command = $test; print REPORT_FILE "command='$command'\n"; # retreive the subdirectory relocation if any (specific subdirs are specified in the XML) $sourceSubDir = ""; # by default $_ = $command; if(/subdirectory=([\w_\-\.\d]+)/){ $sourceSubDir = $1; } # retrieve the 'input file' name with a regular expression $_ = $command; /<[\s\t]+([\w\.\-_\d]+)[\s\t]+>/; $infilename = $1; print REPORT_FILE "the input file name is: $infilename\n"; if ($sourceSubDir eq "" ) { $testCaseDir = "test_" . $autonumber; } else { $testCaseDir = "test_" . $autonumber . "_" . $sourceSubDir; # keep the same name for the local test dir under 'target' as in the reference # and the files will need to be copied from location with the $testSubDir prefix later-on... } # before executing the command, make sure we remove # the optional subdirectory information which shows up after the comma # in case the source test directory contains a subdirectory structure... my $executableCommand; if ($sourceSubDir eq "") { $executableCommand = $command; } else { $_ = $command; s/,[\s\t]*[\w\d.\-_=]+//g; $executableCommand = $_; } if ($regressionTest) { my $key = $target . "_" . $testCaseDir; $testReport .= "\n"; # above sets column width for the whole table } mkdir("$localTestDir/$target/$testCaseDir",0777) or die "fail to create directory $testCaseDir\n"; chdir("$localTestDir/$target/$testCaseDir") or die "fail to chdir to $localTestDir/$target/$testCaseDir\n"; # copy the input file that corresponds to this specific test case if ($sourceSubDir eq "") { `cp $samplesRootDir/$target/$infilename .`; } else { `cp $samplesRootDir/$target/$sourceSubDir/$infilename .`; } $key = "$target/$infilename"; # now copy additional input files for the test, according to the dependency information retreived above @inputs = split /,/, $dependencyList{"$target/$infilename"}; # prefixed with $target to avoid name clashes # now grow the @input list by expanding the dependency and by adding the root node # partial treatment: only look for files calling files under the same directory my $reccursionLevels =2; for ($i=0;$i<$reccursionLevels;$i++){ foreach $input (@inputs){ if ($dependencyList{"$target/$input"} ne "") { my @secondLevelInputs = split /,/, $dependencyList{"$target/$input"}; # or third etc... level according to reccursion level... foreach $secondLevelInput (@secondLevelInputs){ if (/..\/([\w\d\-_\.\/]+)/) { # file located in a directory with path starting above # currently handled differently by code appearing downthere # => do nothing for time-being # (incomplete: should also handle any tree structure) } else { print REPORT_FILE "Found $secondLevelInput called by $testCaseDir/$input and to be copied locally\n"; # actually, should only add to the list if not already present my $existsInput = 0; INPUT_LOOP: foreach $existingInput (@inputs) { if ($secondLevelInput eq $existingInput) { $existsInput = 1; next INPUT_LOOP; } } if ($existsInput ==0) { @inputs = (@inputs, $secondLevelInput); } } } } } # grow list of inputs at one level } # end growing the list of inputs that can be moved to the same input directory @inputs = ($infilename, @inputs); # add the root inputfile my @inputSubdirectories = (); # list of input subdirectories under the workdir in which MAD is invoked # these subdirectories will later be moved under "inputs" instead of "outputs". In most cases this # list is empty, but not for targets 'error' and 'twiss' for instance. # copyping inputs and dependent files locally foreach $input (@inputs) { print REPORT_FILE "Input is $input\n"; $_ = $input; # SPECIFIC CASE: files that must be stored in a locally replicated hierarchy # considering the MAD call instructions mention a relative path... # note later-on should also accomodate for situations were the included files # are below, down the hierarchy... At this stage should re-implement path handling if (/\.\.\/([\w\d\-_\.\/]+)/) { # ../dir/file or ../file formats my $term = $1; if (/(\.\.\/[\w\d\-_]+)\/([\w\d-_\.]+)/) { # ../dir/file format only # file to be called is located up the hierarchy # in which case we need to reflect the directory tree structure # by creating directories if necessary $dependencyDir = $1; $dependencyFile = $2; } else { $dependencyDir = '..'; $dependencyFile = $term; } # print REPORT_FILE "Found dependency file '$dependencyFile' under '$dependencyDir'\n"; $existsDir = `ls -d $dependencyDir | wc -l`; # print REPORT_FILE "existsDir now equals $existsDir\n"; if ($existsDir == 1) { print REPORT_FILE "dependency directory '$dependencyDir' already exists\n"; # simply copy the file if ($sourceSubDir eq "") { `cp $samplesRootDir/$target/$dependencyDir/$dependencyFile ./$dependencyDir`; } else { `cp $samplesRootDir/$target/$sourceSubDir/$dependencyDir/$dependencyFile ./$dependencyDir`; # should merge the two with '.' for $sourceSubDir } } else { # print REPORT_FILE "dependency directory '$dependencyDir' will be created\n"; # first create the directory, then copy the file mkdir($dependencyDir,0777); if ($sourceSubDir eq "") { `cp $samplesRootDir/$target/$dependencyDir/$dependencyFile ./$dependencyDir`; } else { `cp $samplesRootDir/$target/$sourceSubDir/$dependencyDir/$dependencyFile ./$dependencyDir`; # should merge the two with '.' for $sourceSubDir } } @secondLevelInputs = split /,/, $dependencyList{"$target/$dependencyFile"}; # prefixed with $target to avoid name clashes (may be too coarse!) foreach $secondLevelInput (@secondLevelInputs) { print REPORT_FILE "Second-level copy of $secondLevelInput\n"; $_ = $secondLevelInput; if (/\.\.\/([\w\d\-_\.\/]+)/) { # ../dir/file or ../file formats my $term; if (/(..\/[\w\d\-_]+)\/([\w\d-_\.]+)/) { # ../dir/file format only $secondDependencyDir = $1; $secondDependencyFile = $2; } else { $secondDependencyDir = '..'; $secondDependencyFile = my $term; } $existsSecondDir = `ls -d $dependencyDir/$secondDependencyDir | wc -l`; if ($existsSecondDir) { print REPORT_FILE "dependency second directory '$dependencyDir/$secondDependencyDir' already exists\n"; # simply copy the file if ($sourceSubDir eq "") { `cp $samplesRootDir/$target/$dependencyDir/$secondDependencyDir/$secondDependencyFile ./$dependencyDir/$secondDependencyDir`; } else { # current focus `cp $samplesRootDir/$target/$sourceSubDir/$dependencyDir/$secondDependencyDir/$secondDependencyFile ./$dependencyDir/$secondDependencyDir`; # should merge the two with '.' for $sourceSubDir print REPORT_FILE "now copying second-level $samplesRootDir/$target/$sourceSubDir/$dependencyDir/$secondDependencyDir/$secondDependencyFile into ./$dependencyDir/$secondDependencyDir\n"; } } else { print REPORT_FILE "Not ready yet to handle creation of secondary dir/n"; $testReport .= "ERROR: ($makefile) Not ready yet to handle creation of second-level dir\n"; } } else { # the second-level related file is located under the same directory if ($sourceSubDir eq "") { `cp $samplesRootDir/$target/$dependencyDir/secondLevelInput ./$dependencyDir`; } else { `cp $samplesRootDir/$target/$sourceSubDir/$dependencyDir/$secondLevelInput ./$dependencyDir`; } } } # second level } else { # --- below to handle the specific case of twiss lhc.madx -> temp contents seem to be cleaned-up from .mad files... if ($input =~ /([\w\-_\d\.]+)\/([\w\d\-_\.]+)/) { # specific case of a file being called in a subdir of current directory my $calledFileSubDir = $1; my $calledFile = $2; # $calledFileSubDir = 'temp'; # FORCE FOR DBG # with the above, for lhc.out of twiss target, we indeed # find the .mad files under 'TEMP', but if we keep the name they disappear # check if the subdir already exists - if not create it my $existsDir = `ls -d $calledFileSubDir | wc -l`; my $pwd = `pwd`; chop $pwd; if ($existsDir==1) { } else { # DBG: where we end-up for specific case of MB.12.mad mkdir($calledFileSubDir,0777); # add this dir to the list of input subdirectories that should be transferred from the workdir # in which the MAD command is executed into the "inputs" directory (otherwise the directory # would later go under "outputs" and undergo the side-by-side comparison...) @inputSubdirectories = ( @inputSubdirectories, $calledFileSubDir ); } # and now do the copy # DBG: we end-up copying MB.12.mad into ./temp # print REPORT_FILE "DIRECTORY: now copying $samplesRootDir/$target/$input into ./$calledFileSubDir\n"; if ($sourceSubDir eq ""){ `cp $samplesRootDir/$target/$input ./$calledFileSubDir`; } else { `cp $samplesRootDir/$target/$sourceSubDir/$input ./$calledFileSubDir`; } # @what = `ls ./$calledFileSubDir`; # $howMany = scalar(@what); # print REPORT_FILE "DIRECTORY $howMany contents of $pwd/$calledFileSubDir =\n"; # foreach $line (@what ) { print REPORT_FILE "$line\n"; } # --- above to handle the specific case of twiss lhc.madx } else { # file to be called in the same directory as the input file # print REPORT_FILE "for target '$target' and test input '$infilename', now copying additional '$input'\n"; if ($sourceSubDir eq "") { `cp $samplesRootDir/$target/$input .`; } else { `cp $samplesRootDir/$target/$sourceSubDir/$input .`; } } # file to be called located in the same directory as the command's input file } } # check whether we should call madx or madxp my $madLink; $_ = $command; /.\/(madxp?)[\s\t]*/; if ($1 eq "madxp") { $madLink = $madxpLink; $madProgram = "madxp"; } else { if ($1 eq "madx") { $madLink = $madxLink; $madProgram = "madx"; } else { $madLink = "."; $madProgram = "linkUnknown"; } } `ln -s $madLink $madProgram`; # DBG: for twiss - test 5, MAD.12.mad etc in temp are replaced by MAD.12 etc... # hence temp is removed and rewritten whereas this does not seem to be the case # in the reference directory ... rights? if ($regressionTest ==0) { # For Makefile_develop and Makefile_nag, we want to see stderr # => also redirect the standard error # by replacing: 'madx(p) < file.madx > file.out' # with: '(madx(p) file.out) >& stderr_redirected' my $redirectedExecutableCommand = "($executableCommand) >& $stderrFile"; $executableCommand = $redirectedExecutableCommand; } $testCaseStartTime = localtime; # run the test `$executableCommand`; $testCaseEndTime = localtime; # retrieve the 'output file' name with a regular expression $_ = $command; /[\s\t]([\w._\d]*).out/; $outfilename = $1 . ".out"; # list all by-product output files @allFilesNow = `ls`; # list of all input + output files after invoking 'mad' command # remove the madx link from the list of files to be moved # grow the list of input files with the list of subdirectory so that they move together under 'inputs' foreach $dir (@inputSubdirectories){ push (@inputs, $dir); } @outputs = (); foreach $file (@allFilesNow){ chop $file; $isInput = 0; foreach $input (@inputs){ if ($file eq $input) { $isInput =1; } } if (($isInput == 0) && ($file ne "madx") && ($file ne "madxp")) { # ignore the madx/madxp entries which should stay on top push (@outputs, $file); } } ; #DBG my $dbg =1 ; if ($dbg==1){ print REPORT_FILE "--- for $testCaseDir ---\n"; print REPORT_FILE "list of input files: @inputs\n"; print REPORT_FILE "list of output files: @outputs\n"; print REPORT_FILE "------------------------\n"; } # now move inputs and outputs into dedicated subdirectory $inputSubdir = "$localTestDir/$target/$testCaseDir/input"; $outputSubdir = "$localTestDir/$target/$testCaseDir/output"; mkdir($inputSubdir, 0777) or die "fail to create directory $inputSubdir\n"; mkdir($outputSubdir, 0777) or die "fail to create directory $outputSubdir\n"; foreach $file (@inputs) { # SPECIFIC CASE: files that must be stored in the locally stored hierarchy # with MAD call instructions referring to a relative path... $_ = $file; if (/..\//) { next; #skip. Later on should also deal with the case of directories under the test dir... } else { `mv $file $inputSubdir/`; } } foreach $file (@outputs) {`mv $file $outputSubdir/`; } chdir($outputSubdir) or die "fail to chdir to $outputSubdir\n"; if ($regressionTest) { # i.e. makefile == Makefile_develop # now compare desired output and actual output # let's try to do a blind diff without trying to cure any 'standard' discrepancy $diffResFilename = "DIFFERENCES.txt"; open (OUT,">$diffResFilename"); foreach $file (@outputs) { # specific case: 'temp' entry refers to a temporary file name # (if other files, should be omitted in the same way...) if ($file eq "temp") { next; } # specific case: skip Postcript '.ps' and '.eps' files # (eventually Poscript files should be removed from the examples' reference CVS repo) if ($file =~ /\.ps$/) { next; } if ($file =~ /\.eps$/) { next; } # check there is always two files to be compared if ($sourceSubDir eq "") { $fileCount = `ls $samplesRootDir/$target/$file | wc -l`; chop $fileCount; } else { $fileCount = `ls $samplesRootDir/$target/$sourceSubDir/$file | wc -l`; chop $fileCount; } if ($fileCount == 0) { print OUT "# FAIL TO COMPARE $file: no such file for reference => FAILURE\n"; $testReport .="\n"; } else { my $detailsLink; my $detailsHtmlFile; # specific case when the HTML file name is of the form XX.map or XX.map.htm # webserver will fail to display the HTML although one can open it form the webfolder... # to overcome this limitation, we need to juggle with the HTML file name $_ = $file; s/\.map$/\.maAap/g; $f = $_; # handle both cases where there is a $sourceSubDir or not... $detailsLink = "./details/DiffResult_"."$target"."_"."$testCaseDir"."_"."$f.htm"; # weblink $detailsHtmlFile = "$htmlRootDir/details/DiffResult_"."$target"."_"."$testCaseDir"."_"."$f.htm"; # deliver if ($sourceSubDir eq "") { $madDiffRes = `$localRootDir/MadDiff.pl ./$file $samplesRootDir/$target/$file $detailsHtmlFile`; } else { $madDiffRes = `$localRootDir/MadDiff.pl ./$file $samplesRootDir/$target/$sourceSubDir/$file $detailsHtmlFile`; } $testReport .= "\n"; print OUT "#COMPARING $file yields $madDiffRes\n"; # summarize the information in $outcome{$target} if ($madDiffRes eq 'failure'){ $outcome{$target}='failure'; } else { if ($madDiffRes eq 'warning'){ if ($outcome{$target} eq 'success'){ $outcome{$target}='warning'; } # otherwise, $outcome{$target} shall keep its value # whether it is 'success' or 'failure' } } } } close(OUT); } else { # what we do to process the outcome of tests # compiled with Makefile_develop and Makefile_nag # info can be either (1) per-file : does it exist or not # or (2) per test-case i.e. [a] do we reach completion in the main output file # and if not, and [b] what is the stderr if any. # let's go for (2), i.e. per $testCaseDir # (1) try to open the output file, according to it show the # cell as green / orange / red for completed / incomplete / absent my $existsOutput = 0; foreach $file (@outputs){ if ($file eq $outfilename) { $existsOutput = 1; } } my $finishedNormally = 0; if ($existsOutput) { # now check whether the output completed normally open OUTFILE, "<$outputSubdir/$outfilename"; # output just moved while (){ if (/\+[\s\t]+MAD\-X[\s\t]+([\d\.]+)[\s\t]+finished normally[\s\t]+\+/){ $finishedNormally = 1; } } close OUTFILE; } my $existsStderr = 0; @stderrFiles = `ls $outputSubdir/$stderrFile`; if (scalar(@stderrFiles) >0) { # check if not empty my $linesCount = `wc -l $stderrFile`; if ($linesCount >0) { $existsStderr=1; } } my $outputStatus; # used by CSS to apply font-color on stderr web page if ($existsOutput ==0 ){ $outputStatus = 'failure'; } else { if ($finishedNormally) { if ($existsStderr) { $outputStatus = 'warning'; } else { $outputStatus = 'success'; # no link to stderr } } else { $outputStatus = 'failure'; } } # update $outcome{$target} # summarize the information in $outcome{$target} if ($outputStatus eq 'failure'){ $outcome{$target}='failure'; } else { if ($outputStatus eq 'warning'){ if ($outcome{$target} eq 'success'){ $outcome{$target}='warning'; } # otherwise, $outcome{$target} shall keep its value # whether it is 'success' or 'failure' } } # (2) if there is an stderr file, then create an HTML file # and draw a link from the main web page # HTML files and links to make stderr viewable from the web my $m; if ($makefile eq "Makefile_develop") { $m="dev"; } if ($makefile eq "Makefile_nag"){ $m="nag"; } # weblink: my $errorLink = "$m"; # deliver: my $errorHtmlFile = "$htmlRootDir/details/Error_".$m."_".$target."_".$testCaseDir.".htm"; `touch $errorHtmlFile`; # for the time-being errorWebPage("$outputSubdir/$stderrFile", $errorHtmlFile, $outputStatus, $testCaseStartTime, $testCaseEndTime); my $key = $target . "_" . $testCaseDir; if ($makefile eq "Makefile_develop") { $dev{$key}=""; } if ($makefile eq "Makefile_nag"){ $nag{$key}=""; } } } # tests if ($regressionTest) { $testReport .= "
$testCaseDir: $executableCommand$dev{$key} $nag{$key}
$fileno file for reference
\n"; # end of table per target } } # targets } # for each Makefile_develop, Makefile_nag, Makefile ... $endTime = localtime; # we know that at this stage $makefile equals "Makefile" anyway # i.e. that we are finally performing regression testing # create web page my $html = ''; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "MAD test result\n"; $html .= ""; # CSS stylesheet $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "

Test started $startTime, ended $endTime

\n"; $html .= "\n

To update example X: \n"; $html .= "'cvs -d:gserver:isscvs.cern.ch/local/reps/madx-examples checkout madX-examples/REF/X' "; $html .= "then modify input files, re-run and commit outputs to the CVS.

\n"; $html .= $testReport; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; open(OUTHTML, ">$htmlFile"); print OUTHTML $html; close OUTHTML; # back to the initial directory chdir $localRootDir; # then send e-mails to the people responsible for the various tests' targets if (($debugMode ==0) && ($silentMode==0) ) { # for time being, do not notify anybody foreach $target (@targets){ # do we need to notify anyone for this target? if (($outcome{$target} eq 'failure')||($outcome{$target} eq 'warning')){ # retreive the responsible person for each test target $responsible{$target} = `xsltproc --stringparam what responsible --stringparam target $target ProcessScenario.xsl TestScenario.xml`; # retreive e-mail address of the responsible person my $emailRecipient = $responsible{$target}; my $emailSubject = "MAD Unsucessful test for '$target'"; my $emailContent .= "The test that started on $startTime and completed on $endTime resulted in a $outcome{$target}.\n"; $emailContent .= "See detailed report on:\n"; $emailContent .= "http://test-mad-automation.web.cern.ch/test-mad-automation\n"; $emailContent .= "\nThis e-mail has been sent to you because you are registered as the responsible person for the '$target' package\n"; my $msg = MIME::Lite->new( From => 'Jean-Luc.Nougaret@cern.ch', 'Reply-To' => 'mad-automation-admin@cern.ch', To => $emailRecipient, Cc => 'mad-automation-admin@cern.ch', Subject => $emailSubject, Data => $emailContent ); $msg->send; print REPORT_FILE "sent e-mail to $emailRecipient\n"; } else { # for this targets, all tests were sucessful => no need to notify } } } # for debug, inform me that the test prog ran till completion my $lastMsg = MIME::Lite->new( From => 'Jean-Luc.Nougaret@cern.ch', To => 'Jean-Luc.Nougaret@cern.ch', Subject => 'Last message from MadTestPy.pl', Data => 'MadTestPy.pl ran succesfully till completion (not killed)' ); $lastMsg->send; print REPORT_FILE "script terminated\n"; close REPORT_FILE; sub getListOfDependantFiles { my $parentFilename = $_[0]; my $dependentFileList = ""; open(IN,$parentFilename); LINE: while(){ # take into account MAD various ways of reading a file, namely using either "call,file" or "readmytable,file" my $fileRetreival = 0 ; my $childCount = 0; my @childs; # MAD syntax too permissive: hard to grep commands # not left-anchored as can be an action after an 'if' # but make sure it has not been commented (negated !) as is frequently the case... if (/^[\s\t]*!/) { next LINE; } # this is a comment (!) - do not bother if (/[\s\t]*[Rr][Ee][Aa][Dd][Mm][Yy][Tt][Aa][Bb][Ll][Ee],?[\s\t]*[Ff][Ii][Ll][Ee][\s\t]*=[\s\t]*[\"\']?([\w\._\-\d\/]+)[\"\']?[\s\t]*/){ @childs[$childCount++] = $1; $fileRetreival = 1; } if (/[\s\t]*[Cc][Aa][Ll][Ll],?[\s\t]*[Ff][Ii][Ll][Ee][\s\t]*=[\s\t]*[\"\']?([\w\._\-\d\/]+)[\"\']?[\s\t]*;/) { @childs[$childCount++] = $1; $fileRetreival = 1; } # another way to read a table if (/[\s\t]*[Rr][Ee][Aa][Dd][Tt][Aa][Bb][Ll][Ee],?[\s\t]*[Ff][Ii][Ll][Ee][\s\t]*=[\s\t]*[\"\']?([\w\._\-\d\/]+)[\"\']?[\s\t]*;/){ @childs[$childCount++] = $1; $fileRetreival = 1; } # another - rare - instruction that calls a script available in the input directory # along the other input files. Such script must be copied locally along the other # files. # this is for instance the case for the read.magnet.errors perl-script # in twiss/test_5/ or foot if (/[Ss][Yy][Ss][Tt][Ee][Mm][\s\t]*,?[\s\t]*[\"\']([\w\._\-\d]+)[\s\t]*?(.*)[\"\']/){ my $cmd=$1; my $arg=$2; if (($cmd =~/mkdir/)||($cmd =~/ls/)||($cmd =~ /cat/)||($cmd =~/rm/)||($cmd =~ /grep/) ||($cmd =~ /echo/) || ($cmd =~ /ln/) || ($cmd =~ /cp/)){ # command invocation, not implying a file call } else { # ... many other cases like 'mkdir' to be handled before we conclude # the command corresponds to a file... if (($cmd ne "perl") && ($cmd ne "gnuplot") && ($cmd ne "python")){ @childs[$childCount++] = $cmd; # the command ... } if ($arg ne "") { @childs[$childCount++] = $arg; # as well as its argument if any # print "found command '$cmd', with input argument '$arg'\n"; } $fileRetreival = 1; } } # NOTE: the above is FRAGILE. In many cases, one might expect the System call # to start with a command not corresponding to a local file in the input dir. # another - rare - instruction that calls a file from another if (/[\s\t]*sxfread[\s\t]*,?[\s\t]*file[\s\t]*=[\s\t]*[\"\']?([\w\._\-\d\/]+)[\"\']?[\s\t]*;/) { @childs[$childCount++] = $1; $fileRetreival = 1; } if ($fileRetreival == 1) { # $child = $1; # before adding this child, make sure it's not already part of the childs the parent depends from foreach $child (@childs) { if ($dependentFileList =~ /$child,/) { # print REPORT_FILE "'$child' already belonging to dependentFileList '$dependentFileList' => omit insertion\n"; } else { # print REPORT_FILE "add child '$child' to list '$dependentFileList'\n"; $dependentFileList = $dependentFileList . $child . ","; } } } } close(IN); $_ = $dependentFileList ; # output arg } sub errorWebPage { my $errorFile = $_[0]; my $htmlFile = $_[1]; my $outputStatus = $_[2]; my $startTime = $_[3]; my $endTime = $_[4]; my $contents =""; $contents .= "\n"; $contents .= "

Test started $startTime, ended $endTime.

\n"; $contents .= "

\n"; open(INERROR, "<$errorFile"); while (){ chop; $contents .= "\n"; } $contents .= "
Contents of stderr$outputStatus
\n"; close(INERROR); # create web page my $html = ''; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "MAD stderr file\n"; $html .= ""; # CSS stylesheet $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= $contents; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; open(OUTHTML, ">$htmlFile"); print OUTHTML $html; close OUTHTML; }