subroutine design c---design a graded-beta linac section. 15 parameters are in vv. c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c include 'param_sz.h' include 'cfldscom.h' include 'constcom.h' include 'misccom.h' include 'syscom.h' include 'ucom.h' c dimension ffc(14) c-------------------------------------------------------------------------- c* if( to 100 c---set convergence criterion to .01 degree eps=.001*radian c---get parameters from vv win=vv(1) if(win.le.0.)win=w0 gin=win/erest bin=sqrt(gin*(2.+gin))/(1.+gin) phin=vv(2)*radian e0=vv(3) afld=vv(4) bfld=vv(5) dphi=vv(6)*radian nphi=vv(7) nmax=vv(8) zmax=vv(9) wmax=vv(10) aper=vv(11) nout=vv(12) phi0=vv(13) nc1=vv(14) dwtm=vv(15) if( az=0. bz=0. cz=0. if( if( if( attf=0. bttf=0. cttf=0. if( if( if( ptotl=0. tlen=0. if ( write(nnout,2) 2 format(' graded-beta linac section'/ 1 ' cell length win wout phis e0 t phase', 2 ' ztsq pcu') if (nc1.le.0) write(nnout,3) 3 format(' graded-beta linac section'/ 1 ' nel length win wout phis e0t phase', 2 ' ztsq pcu') if(nphi.le.0)dphi=0. nc=nc1 zl=0. dw=0. 5 if( to 120 c---first iteration sequence single cell tank pout=phin+dphi+pi gw=(win+.5*dw)/erest bw=sqrt(gw*(2.+gw))/(1.+gw)*(1.+dphi/pi) cl=.5*bw*wavel c---calculate phase shift to center of cell 10 ph=phin+.5*pi*bw/bin c---get transit time factor if(nn.le.18)go to 11 t=attf+bw*(bttf+bw*cttf) go to 12 11 if(ltype.eq.2)call sccfc(bw,ffc) if(ltype.eq.7)call dawfc(bw,ffc) if( genfc(bw,ffc) t=.5*ffc(1) 12 if(*cll/cl)*elast dw=.01*e0*t*sin(ph)*cl w=win+dw g=w/erest b=sqrt(g*(2.+g))/(1.+g) ph=ph+.5*pi*bw/b dp=ph-pout if(abs(dp).lt.eps)go to 15 cl=cl*(1.-dp/(pout-phin)) bw=2.*cl/wavel go to 10 15 if (nc1.le.0)go to 80 c---continue on using field structure for cell dp=pi/72. 20 b=bin w=win ph=phin dz=cl/36. call cellfld(cl,nc) if(*cll/cl)*elast zc=-.5*(cl+dz) do 30 i=1,36 ph=ph+dp*bw/b zc=zc+dz call cfield(0.,zc,nc,ez,er,bt) w=w+.01*e0*ez*sin(ph)*dz g=w/erest b=sqrt(g*(2.+g))/(1.+g) 30 ph=ph+dp*bw/b c---check for convergence ep=ph-pout if(abs(ep).le.eps)go to 40 cl=cl/(1.+ep/pi) bw=2.*cl/wavel go to 20 c---convergence reached. store parameters 40 phase=phi0+180.*(nc-nc1) phase=amod(phase,360.) phis=(ph-pi)/radian t=.5*fc(1,nc) ztsq=az+bw*(bz+cz*bw) pcu=0. if(*(e0*t)**2*cl/ztsq ptotl=ptotl+pcu tlen=tlen+cl write(nnout,50) nc,cl,win,w,phis,e0,t,phase,ztsq,pcu 50 format(i5,3f8.3,f8.2,2f8.3,f8.1,2f8.3) nel=nel+1 ntype(nel)=7 el(4,nel)=phase el(5,nel)=.01*e0 el(6,nel)=nc el(7,nel)=dwtm phi=phase*radian el(9,nel)=sin(phi) el(10,nel)=cos(phi) 60 el(1,nel)=cl el(2,nel)=aper el(3,nel)=0. if(nnout.le.0)go to 70 if(mod(nc-nc1+1,nout).eq.0)el(3,nel)=1. 70 elast=e0 cll=cl zloc(nel)=cl if( nc=nc+1 nct=nc-nc1 if( zl=zl+cl dw=w-win win=w bin=b phin=ph-pi if( to 95 if( to 95 if( to 95 go to 5 c---store tank parameters 80 nel=nel+1 ntype(nel)=8 el(4,nel)=.01*e0*t el(5,nel)=1. el(6,nel)=1. phase=phi0+180.*(nc-nc1) phase=amod(phase,360.) phis=(ph-pi)/radian e0t=e0*t ztsq=az+bw*(bz+cz*bw) pcu=0. if(*(e0*t)**2*cl/ztsq ptotl=ptotl+pcu tlen=tlen+cl write(nnout,90) nel,cl,win,w,phis,e0t,phase,ztsq,pcu 90 format(i5,3f8.3,f8.2,f8.3,f8.1,2f8.3) el(7,nel)=phase el(8,nel)=cl el(9,nel)=bw el(10,nel)=((wavel/(2.*cl))**2 - 1.)*(twopi/wavel)**2 go to 60 95 if(,96) ptotl 96 format (' total power =',f8.3,' mw') write(nnout,97)tlen 97 format (' total length of this section is ',f8.2,' cm') return 100 write(ndiag,110) nn 110 format(' wrong number of parameters on design card. nn= ',i3) call appendparm stop ' Abnormal stop design a ' 120 write(ndiag,130) 130 format(' too many elements being generated in design') call appendparm stop ' Abnormal stop design b ' end c++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*