subroutine search(y,x,n,i,mf) c searches an ordered increasing table, x, of n elements, to c find y. if y is found, mf is set to zero and i is set such c that y = x(i). otherwise, i is returned such that y is c between x(i) and x(i+1). c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c include 'ucom.h' dimension x(n) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c* mf=1 if(n)1,1,2 1 continue i=0 go to 15 2 continue do 3 k=2,n j=k if( to 4 3 continue if(y.eq.x(n))mf=0 i=n go to 15 4 continue i=j-1 if(y.eq.x(i))mf=0 15 continue return end c++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*