subroutine srchfd(m,y,n,x,j,d,f) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c locate vector y(m) in an ordered table x(n) and return c the index locations in j(m). vectors d and f contain c the differences: d = x(j+1)-x(j) c f = (y-x(j))/d c----------------------------------------------------------------------- dimension y(*), x(*), j(*), d(*), f(*) c----- do 100 i=1,m ju=luf(y(i),x,n) jl = ju-1 j(i) = jl d(i) = x(ju)-x(jl) f(i) = (y(i)-x(jl))/d(i) 100 continue c return end c++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*