Mar 5, 2013, 11:48:58 AM (12 years ago)

histogramme en x, y ou z

1 edited


  • Interface_Web/trunk/pspaWT/sources/controler/src/particleBeam.cc

    r356 r362  
     512void particleBeam::histogramme(int iabs,vector<double>&xcor,vector<int>& hist,int& cnts,double out[3])
     514  vector<double> vshf;
     515  preparationDesHistogrammes(iabs,vshf,out);
     516  remplissageDesHistogrammes(out,vshf,xcor,hist,cnts);
     518  // sortie pour la legende: out[0]= entries, out[1]= mean, out[2]= std deviation
     519  if(iabs < 3) {
     520    out[1] *= 1.0 ; // en m ?
     521    out[2] *= 1000.0; //mm
     522  } else {
     523    out[1] *= EREST_MeV ; //MeV
     524    out[2] *= EREST_keV; //KeV
     525  }
     528void particleBeam::preparationDesHistogrammes(int index,vector<double>& vshf,double out[3])
     530  double vmin= GRAND;
     531  double vmax= -vmin;
     532  double vmoy= 0.0;
     533  double ecatyp= 0.0;
     535  double sum= (float)goodPartic_.size();
     536  if(index < 3)
     537    {
     538      // collecte d'une coordonnee x(index= 0), y(index= 1) ou z(index= 2) des particules
     539      for (unsigned int k = 0; k < goodPartic_.size(); k++) {
     540        double val = goodPartic_.at(k).getPosition().getComponent(index);
     541        if (val < vmin) vmin = val;
     542        else if (val > vmax) vmax = val;
     543        vmoy += val;
     544        ecatyp += val*val;
     545      }
     547      out[0]= sum;
     548      vmoy /= sum;
     549      out[1]= vmoy;
     550      ecatyp /= sum;
     551      ecatyp = sqrt(abs(ecatyp-vmoy*vmoy));
     552      out[2]= ecatyp;
     553    }
     554  else
     555    {
     556      // collecte de l'energie acquise par les particules
     557      for (unsigned int k = 0; k < goodPartic_.size(); k++) {
     558        double gamma = goodPartic_.at(k).getGamma();
     559        if (gamma < vmin) vmin = gamma;
     560        else if (gamma > vmax) vmax = gamma;
     561        double val = gamma-1.0;
     562        vmoy += val;
     563        ecatyp += val*val;
     564      }
     566      out[0]= sum;
     567      vmoy /= sum;
     568      out[1]= vmoy;
     569      ecatyp /= sum;
     570      ecatyp = sqrt(abs(ecatyp-vmoy*vmoy));
     571      out[2]= ecatyp;
     572    }
     574  if(index == 0) {
     575    cout << "position X -moyenne " << vmoy << " m " << "-mini " << vmin << " m " << "-maxi " << vmax << " m " << "ecart type " << ecatyp*1000.0 << " mm" << endl;
     576  } else if(index == 1) {
     577    cout << "position Y -moyenne " << vmoy << " m " << "-mini " << vmin << " m " << "-maxi " << vmax << " m " << "ecart type " << ecatyp*1000.0 << " mm" << endl;
     578  } else if(index == 2) {
     579    cout << "position Z -moyenne " << vmoy << " m " << "-mini " << vmin << " m " << "-maxi " << vmax << " m " << "ecart type " << ecatyp*1000.0 << " mm" << endl;
     580  } else {
     581    double gmin = vmin-1.0;
     582    double gmax = vmax-1.0;
     583    cout << "energie cinetique -moyenne " << vmoy*EREST_MeV << " Mev " << "-mini " << gmin*EREST_MeV << " Mev " << "-maxi " << gmax*EREST_MeV << " Mev " << "ecart type " << ecatyp*EREST_MeV << " Kev" << endl;
     584  }
     586  //pouVoir: autre maniere de calculer l'ecart-type
     587  double stdev= 0.0;
     589  if(!vshf.empty()) vshf.clear();
     590  vshf.resize(goodPartic_.size()); 
     591  if(index < 3)
     592    {
     593      for (unsigned int k = 0; k < goodPartic_.size(); k++) {
     594        double val = goodPartic_.at(k).getPosition().getComponent(index);
     595        vshf[k]= val-vmoy;
     596        stdev += vshf[k]*vshf[k];
     597      }
     598    }
     599  else
     600    {
     601      for (unsigned int k = 0; k < goodPartic_.size(); k++) {
     602        double gamma = goodPartic_.at(k).getGamma();
     603        double val = gamma-1.0;
     604        vshf[k]= val-vmoy;
     605        stdev += vshf[k]*vshf[k];
     606      }
     607    }
     609  stdev /= sum;
     610  stdev = sqrt(stdev);
     611  cout << "stdev " << stdev << ", ecatyp " << ecatyp << ", diff " << stdev-ecatyp << endl;
     614void particleBeam::remplissageDesHistogrammes(double out[3],vector<double>vshf,vector<double>&xcor,vector<int>& hist,int& cnts)
     616  // recupere la moyenne et l'ecart-type
     617  double vmoy= out[1];
     618  double ecatyp= out[2];
     620  // demi fenetre hfene= max(3.*ecatyp-vmoy,vmoy-3.*ecatyp);
     621  double hfene= 3.*ecatyp;
     622  // et pas de l'histogramme
     623  double hpas = hfene/25.;
     625  cout << "demi fenetre " << hfene << ", hpas= " << hpas << endl;
     627  double vmin = -hfene;
     628  double dfen = 2.*hfene;
     629  int ihist = dfen/hpas;
     630  double phist = ihist*hpas;
     631  double dpas = hpas-(dfen-phist);
     632  if(dpas <= hpas*1.e-03) {
     633    ihist++;
     634    phist= ihist*hpas;
     635  }
     636  double vmax= vmin+hpas*ihist;
     638  cout << "'xAxisNumberOfBins= " << ihist <<", xAxisMinimum= " << vmin << ", xAxisMaximum= " << vmax << ", NParticules= " << vshf.size() << ", phist " << phist << endl;
     640  if(!xcor.empty()) xcor.clear();
     641  xcor.resize(ihist); 
     642  for (int i = 0; i < ihist; ++i) {
     644    // on gradue l'abscisse en pourcents
     645    xcor[i]= 100.*( vmin+i*hpas )/vmoy;
     646  }
     648  if(!hist.empty()) hist.clear();
     649  hist.resize(ihist,0); 
     650  for (unsigned i = 0; i < vshf.size(); ++i) {
     651    double var= vshf[i]-vmin;
     652    if(var < 0 ) {
     653      cout<<"lesser that the minimum "<<var<<", ("<< i<<")"<< endl;
     654      hist[0]++;
     655    }
     657    if(var >= phist) {
     658      cout<<"greater that the maximum "<<var<<", ("<< i<<")"<< endl;
     659      hist[ihist-1]++;
     660    }
     662    int kk= (int)floor(var/hpas);
     663    hist[kk]++;
     664  }
     666  cnts= 0;
     667  for (int i = 0; i < ihist; ++i) {
     668    if(hist.at(i) > 0) cnts++;
     669  }
     670  cout<< " ... cnts=  " << cnts << endl;
    512673void particleBeam::histogramme(vector<double>&xcor,vector<int>& hist,int& cnts,double out[3])
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