subroutine cellfld(cl,nc) c cell initialization c---------------------------------------------------------------------- save c include 'param_sz.h' include 'cfldscom.h' include 'constcom.h' include 'misccom.h' include 'syscom.h' include 'ucom.h' c common/jones/ajones,zjones,zcath(imaa) common/fcoef/ncoef(100),noff(100),ncer(100) c-------------------------------------------------------------------------- c* hcll(nc)=.5*cl beta=2.*cl/wavel cellfreq(nc)=freq lctype=ltype if( if(vv(9).ne.0.)cellfreq(nc)=vv(9) beta=beta*cellfreq(nc)/freq endif if( phi=el(4,nel)*radian el(9,nel)=sin(phi) el(10,nel)=cos(phi) el(4,nel)=cellfreq(nc) do 30 i = 1,numcf fc(i,nc) = 0. 30 continue if (ip.eq.1 .or. ip.eq.2) then write(nnout,20) lctype,cellfreq(nc),hcll(nc) 20 format ( . ' cell type =',t40,i8/ . ' cell frequency =',t40,1pg12.3,' MHz'/ . ' "half-cell" length =',t40,g12.3,' cm') if ( then write(nnout,21) 21 format (' rf fields from analytic form of M. Jones') return endif endif if( then np=nn ncoef(nel)=vv(12) noff(nel)=vv(13) ncer(nel)=vv(14) nmax=14+ncoef(nel) if( do 10 i=15,nmax fc(i-14,nc)=vv(i) 10 continue if (ip.eq.1 .or. ip.eq.2) then write(nnout,39) ncoef(nel),noff(nel) 39 format (' No. of Fourier coefs =',t40,i8/ . ' odd/even cosines =',t40,i8) write(nnout,40) nmax 40 format (' Using vv(15 to ',i2,') as Fourier coefficents of' . ,' this cell') write(nnout,41) ncer(nel) 41 format (' No. of Fourier coefs used in er calculation =', . t50,i8) endif go to 100 endif c get fourier coefficients for special cells from tables ncoef(nel) = 14 noff(nel) = 1 ncer(nel) = 14 iflag(nc)=1 if(iflag(nc).ne.0)return if(lctype.eq.8.and.abs(hcll(nc)-2.21).lt..01)beta=1.02 if(lctype.eq.6)call rtmfc(beta,fc(1,nc)) if(lctype.eq.2)call sccfc(beta,fc(1,nc)) if( genfc(beta,fc(1,nc)) return c make lookup table for rf field 100 continue call genfld(nc) return end c++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*