subroutine gvfa(np, x, y) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,icol,ierr,np real fx,fy,xs,ys !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: Fill area plot with viewport emulation for HIGZ ! !--- Input ! NP, x, y: as for GFA ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Nov. 30, 1993 ! last mod: Nov. 30, 1993 !*********************************************************************** real x(*), y(*) real w(4), v(4) !--- set proper colour index call jqlctp(i) if (i .ne. 2) then call jslctp(2) call jqplci(ierr, icol) call gxscol(icol) endif !--- open .eps file if requested if (iepsop .lt. 0) call gxstep !--- get current window call jqnt(1, ierr, w, v) !--- transform xs = w(2) - w(1) fx = vpfacx / xs ys = w(4) - w(3) fy = vpfacy / ys do i = 1, np xvp(i) = w(1) + xs * (vploc(1) + fx * (x(i) - w(1))) yvp(i) = w(3) + ys * (vploc(3) + fy * (y(i) - w(3))) enddo call gfa(np, xvp, yvp) !--- set flag for clear permission iclear = 1 end subroutine gvfa subroutine gvpl(np, x, y) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,icol,ierr,iloop,ilow,n,np,nup real fx,fy,xs,ys !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: Plot polyline and emulate viewports for HIGZ or X11 ! !--- Input ! np, x, y: as for GPL ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Nov. 18, 1992 ! last mod: May 13, 1993 !*********************************************************************** real x(*), y(*) real w(4), v(4) !--- set proper colour index call jqlctp(i) if (i .ne. 2) then call jslctp(2) call jqplci(ierr, icol) call gxscol(icol) endif !--- open .eps file if requested if (iepsop .lt. 0) call gxstep !--- get current window call jqnt(1, ierr, w, v) !--- transform xs = w(2) - w(1) fx = vpfacx / xs ys = w(4) - w(3) fy = vpfacy / ys do iloop=1, np, madim2 nup = min(np, iloop + madim2 - 1) ilow = max(1, iloop - 1) n = 0 do i = ilow, nup n = n + 1 xvp(n) = w(1) + xs * (vploc(1) + fx * (x(i) - w(1))) yvp(n) = w(3) + ys * (vploc(3) + fy * (y(i) - w(3))) enddo call gpl(n, xvp, yvp) enddo !--- set flag for clear permission iclear = 1 end subroutine gvpl subroutine gvpm(np, x, y) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,icol,ierr,iloop,n,np,nup real fx,fy,xs,ys !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: Plot marker symbol and emulate viewports for HIGZ or X11 ! !--- Input ! np, x, y: as for GPM ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Nov. 18, 1992 ! last mod: May 13, 1993 !*********************************************************************** real x(*), y(*) real w(4), v(4) !--- set proper colour index call jqlctp(i) if (i .ne. 2) then call jslctp(2) call jqpmci(ierr, icol) call gxscol(icol) endif !--- open .eps file if requested if (iepsop .lt. 0) call gxstep !--- get current window call jqnt(1, ierr, w, v) !--- transform xs = w(2) - w(1) fx = vpfacx / xs ys = w(4) - w(3) fy = vpfacy / ys do iloop=1, np, madim2 nup = min(np, iloop + madim2 - 1) n = 0 do i = iloop, nup n = n + 1 xvp(n) = w(1) + xs * (vploc(1) + fx * (x(i) - w(1))) yvp(n) = w(3) + ys * (vploc(3) + fy * (y(i) - w(3))) enddo call gxwpm(n, xvp, yvp) enddo !--- set flag for clear permission iclear = 1 end subroutine gvpm subroutine gvtx(x, y, sss) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,icol,ierr real chh,chux,chuy,fx,fy,hfac,x,xs,y,ys !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: Plot text and emulate viewports for HIGZ or X11 ! !--- Input ! x, y, s: as for GTX ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Nov. 18, 1992 ! last mod: May 13, 1993 !*********************************************************************** character(*) sss real w(4), v(4) !--- set proper colour index call jqlctp(i) if (i .ne. 2) then call jslctp(2) call jqtxci(ierr, icol) call gxscol(icol) endif !--- open .eps file if requested if (iepsop .lt. 0) call gxstep !--- get current window call jqnt(1, ierr, w, v) !--- get current character height and text orientation call jqchh(ierr, chh) call jqchup(ierr, chux, chuy) !--- transform xs = w(2) - w(1) fx = vpfacx / xs ys = w(4) - w(3) fy = vpfacy / ys if (chux .eq. 0.) then hfac = fy else hfac = fx endif call jschh(hfac * chh) xvp(1) = w(1) + xs * (vploc(1) + fx * (x - w(1))) yvp(1) = w(3) + ys * (vploc(3) + fy * (y - w(3))) call gtx(xvp(1), yvp(1), sss) call jschh(chh) !--- set flag for clear permission iclear = 1 end subroutine gvtx subroutine gxarng(nopt,rmini,rmaxi,rmin,rmax,nint) implicit none integer nint,nopt real rmax,rmaxi,rmin,rmini !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: calculates axis ranges ! !--- Input ! nopt =0: normal ! =1: start or terminate axis at 0. if possible ! =2: centre axis around 0. ! rmini minimum (x or y) value to consider ! rmaxi maximum (x or y) value to consider !--- Output ! rmin lower end of axis ! rmax upper end of axis ! nint no. of intervals as returned by GXSCAL ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: Aug. 8, 1988 ! !*********************************************************************** nint=10 if( then rmin=rmini rmax=rmini+1. else if(nopt.eq.0) then call gxscal(rmini,rmaxi,rmin,rmax,nint) elseif(nopt.eq.1) then !--- start or terminate at 0. if( then call gxscal(0.,rmaxi,rmin,rmax,nint) elseif( then call gxscal(0.,-rmini,rmin,rmax,nint) rmin=-rmax rmax=0. else call gxscal(rmini,rmaxi,rmin,rmax,nint) endif else call gxscal(0.,max(abs(rmini),abs(rmaxi)),rmin,rmax,nint) rmin=-rmax endif endif end subroutine gxarng subroutine gxasku use gxx11_common implicit none !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: asks user interactively for plot options ! ! must be called before GXINIT if at all ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: May 13, 1993 ! !*********************************************************************** logical intrac call gxundf if (intrac()) then call gxask1 call gxask2 endif end subroutine gxasku subroutine gxask1 use gxx11_common implicit none integer ierr !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: asks user interactively plot window ! ! called by GXASKU ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: May 13, 1993 ! last mod: May 13, 1993 ! !*********************************************************************** character sline*80 logical affirm !--- Input and Output unit definition if( call gxsvar('INUNIT',miunit,0.,' ') if( call gxsvar('IOUNIT',mounit,0.,' ') write(iounit,10000) write(iounit,10010) call gxrdtx(inunit,sline,ierr) if( goto 30 if(affirm(sline(1:1)).or.sline(1:1).eq.' ') then interm=mtterm itermt = 1 isfflg=0 lsfflg=lundef iwtflg=1 lwtflg=lundef else itermt=0 interm=0 endif lnterm=lundef ltermt=lundef goto 999 30 continue write(iounit,*) ' Error on Input, stop.' stop 10000 format(//' GX (X11 based) plot package initialization'/) 10010 format(/' Do you want to plot on your terminal ? ( = yes>:'/) 999 end subroutine gxask1 subroutine gxask2 use gxx11_common implicit none integer iamx,iamy,ierr,ifirst,ilast real xax,yax !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: asks user interactively for Postscript file ! ! called by GXASKU ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: May 13, 1993 ! last mod: May 13, 1993 ! !*********************************************************************** character sline*80 character(60) gxform, sform logical affirm if (lpseps .ne. lundef) then write(iounit,10040) call gxrdtx(inunit,sline,ierr) if( goto 30 call gxpnbl(sline, ifirst, ilast) if(ifirst .eq. 0) then ipseps = 0 elseif (index('0123456789', sline(:ifirst)) .eq. 0) then ipseps = 0 else sform = '(I$$)' write (sform(3:4), '(I2.2)') ilast read (sline, sform) ipseps if (ipseps .ge. 1 .and. ipseps .le. 2) then call jswks(1) inmeta = mtmeta if(lmetop .ne. lundef) then if (lmetnm .ne. lundef) then smetnm = 'gxx11' call gxpnbl(smetnm, ifirst, ilast) write(iounit,10100) smetnm(ifirst:ilast), & smetnm(ifirst:ilast) call gxrdtx(inunit,sline,ierr) if(sline(1:1).ne.' ') & call gxsvar('SMETNM',0,0.,sline) lmetnm = lundef endif endif else ipseps = 0 endif endif endif lpseps = lundef lnmeta=lundef if (ipseps .eq. 0) then inmeta = 0 else inmeta = mtmeta !--- paper size (only if not set already) if( then iamx = mxsize iamy = mysize xax = iamx yax = iamy write(iounit,10050) iamx, iamy call gxrdtx(inunit,sline,ierr) if( goto 30 if(affirm(sline(1:1))) then write(iounit,10070) call gxrdtx(inunit,sline,ierr) if( goto 30 sform=gxform(sline) if(index(sform,'I').ne.0) then read(sline,sform) iamx xax = iamx else read(sline,sform) xax endif write(iounit,10080) call gxrdtx(inunit,sline,ierr) if( goto 30 sform=gxform(sline) if(index(sform,'I').ne.0) then read(sline,sform) iamy yax = iamy else read(sline,sform) yax endif endif call gxsvar('XMETAF', 0, xax, ' ') call gxsvar('YMETAF', 0, yax, ' ') endif endif goto 999 30 continue write(iounit,*) ' Error on Input, stop.' stop 10040 format(/' Do you want to write a .ps file <1>, .eps files <2>,', & ' or none :'/) 10050 format & (/' specify bounding box size (default:',i3, & '(x) by', i3, '(y) cm)?'/' (=no):'/) 10070 format(/' enter bounding box x size in cm:'/) 10080 format(/' enter bounding box y size in cm:'/) 10100 format(/' enter postscript or eps file name (leading part)' / & ' ( gives "',a,'.ps" resp. "',a,'nn.eps"):'/) 999 end subroutine gxask2 subroutine gxaxis(type,axlow,axup,axpos,ipos,fmt,textin,sepchr,iparm,ierr) implicit none integer i,ia,ialow,iaup,iaxort,ie,ierr,ietick,ifircl,ifirst,ifont,& ifs,ilabl,ilast,ilbort,ils,impfl,in,intrep,intv,ipos,irf,iscloc, & islbl,islpc,isp,ispchl,isradc,itext,itick,ival,k1,k2,l,l1,l2, & naxal,nchct,nlines real a1,a1b,a2,alp,amxx,axlow,axpos,axup,chhigh,chwdth,cthigh, & cuhigh,diff,diffe,diffn,fcw,fwc,hxf,pfact,ptick,sgspac,sk,space, & sphlin,spmlog,spwlin,spwlog,tickl,wbused,wsused !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: plots an axis with tick marks, numbers, and title ! !-- Input ! type 'X' for an x-axis, 'Y' for a y-axis ! axlow lower end of axis in current world coords. ! axup upper end of axis in current world coords. ! axpos position of axis in the other coordinate ! ipos =0: AXPOS value given in normalized dev. coord. [0.,1.] ! =1: AXPOS value given in current world coords. ! fmt (floating point) format for axis labels (=numbers) ! including the brackets, e.g. '(F6.3)'. If blank, ! a reasonable default is used. ! textin axis title (trailing blanks will be suppressed) ! sepchr will start a new line when encountered in TEXT ! iparm axis parameters: ! 1 0 = linear scaling ! 1 = logarithmic scale !+++ if the user scale makes no sense, scaling is switched to automatic ! ! 2 if = 0, no tick marks. If < 0, the number of intervals ! will be chosen automatically. ! if linear scaling and > 0, no. of major tick mark intervals ! (labels are only written at major tick marks). ! if log. scaling and <> 0, major tick marks at the powers of ! ten in the scale, i.e. at all integer values. ! ! 3 0 no labels (scale numbers), 1 hor. labels, 2 vertical ! ! 4 odd for tick mark below (x-axis) or at left (y axis), ! even for above resp. at right. ! if = 0, no ticks ! ! 5 as 4, but for labels (=scale numbers) ! ! 6 as 4, but for the axis text (title) ! the text is written horizontally for x-, vertically for y-axes ! ! 7 character height in normalized pixels ! ! 8 tick mark length in normalized pixels ! a normalized pixel is defined as follows: imagine your ! default (square) screen (device) area devided into ! 1000 x 1000 pixels, i.e. one pixel is 0.001 x 0.001 in NDC ! ! 9 Linear scaling: no. of extra intervals with half-size ticks ! between main ticks ! log. scaling: if > 0 : flag that extra ticks are to be ! plotted at the positions log(2), log(3),..., log(9) ! ! 10 =1 : adjust axis titles at left, =2 centre, =3 adjust ! them at right. If the string '<#>' is found inside a line, ! the text to the left of it will always be left adjusted, ! the text to the right of it right adjusted. ! ! 11 text font for axis labels, default = 1 (see GKS for details) ! ! 12 if 0 (default) no minor labels at minor ticks ! for log. scale, if > 0 yes ! ! 13 if > 0 and not > 1000: character height for axis text, else ! parameter 7 is used ! !-- Output ! ierr =0: everything OK ! =-1: AXLOW.GE.AXUP ! else the corresponding GKS error ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: Feb. 3, 1993 ! !*********************************************************************** character(*) textin,fmt,type,sepchr integer iparm(*) character stext*240,text*240,sltext*40, & fmtloc*60,stsep*1,slog(9)*1 integer isave(20),ihoral(2,2,2),iveral(2,2,2) real atext(4),tick(4),alabl(4),cnt(4),rsave(20),tetick(4), & alogv(10) logical xaxis,linscl, labflg save alogv, ifircl, ihoral, iveral, slog !--- horizontal and vertical alignment as function of orientation (I), ! position above or below etc. (J) and axis (x or y) (K), e.g. ! iveral(1,2,1) vertical alignment for horizontal labels above an x axis data ihoral/2,3,2,1,3,2,1,2/ data iveral/1,3,5,3,3,5,3,1/ data slog/'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'/ data ifircl/0/ stext = ' ' text = ' ' sltext = ' ' fmtloc = ' ' stsep = ' ' do i = 1, 20 isave(i) = 0 enddo do i = 1, 9 slog(i) = ' ' enddo do i=1,4 atext(i)=0. enddo do i=1,20 rsave(i)=0. enddo space=0. if(ifircl.eq.0) then !--- set logarithms do i=1,10 alogv(i)=log10(float(i)) enddo ifircl=1 endif ! !--- check for reasonable axis range ! if( then ierr=-1 goto 999 endif ! !--- get current user settings and keep them call gxsave(isave,rsave,ierr) if( goto 999 ! !--- get Input parameters ! stsep=sepchr xaxis=type(:1).eq.'X' if(xaxis) then iaxort=1 else iaxort=2 endif linscl=iparm(1).eq.0 intv=iparm(2) if( then !--- choose number of intervals automatically if linear if(linscl) then call gxdint(axlow,axup,intv) else intv=1 endif endif labflg = .false. fmtloc=fmt call gxival(fmtloc,ival) if(ival.eq.0 .and. linscl) then !--- use reasonable default as format call gxdfmt(axlow,axup,intv,ival,iscloc,fmtloc) else iscloc = 0 endif ilbort=iparm(3) if( ilbort=mod(ilbort-1,2)+1 itick=iparm(4) ietick=iparm(9) if( itick=mod(itick-1,2)+1 ilabl=iparm(5) if( ilabl=mod(ilabl-1,2)+1 itext=iparm(6) if( itext=mod(itext-1,2)+1 cuhigh=.001*iparm(7) if(iparm(13).gt.0.and.iparm(13).le.1000) then cthigh=.001*iparm(13) else cthigh=cuhigh endif tickl =.001*iparm(8) if(itick.eq.0) tickl=0. naxal=iparm(10) ifont=iparm(11) islpc=iparm(12) if(xaxis) then k1=1 k2=3 else k1=3 k2=1 !--- apply expansion factor to tick marks if y axis call gxqrvp(hxf) tickl=hxf*tickl endif ! !--- transform into normalized window ! if(isave(1).ne.0) then !--- rsave(1...4) contains the window ! fwc converts a length along the axis from world to NDC ! fcw does the inverse of FWC fcw=(rsave(k1+1)-rsave(k1)) fwc=1./fcw cnt(k1)=fwc*(axlow-rsave(k1)) cnt(k1+1)=fwc*(axup-rsave(k1)) if( then cnt(k2)=(axpos-rsave(k2))/(rsave(k2+1)-rsave(k2)) else cnt(k2)=axpos endif call jswn(isave(1),0.,1.,0.,1.) ! call jselnt(isave(1)) else fcw=1. fwc=1. cnt(k1)=axlow cnt(k1+1)=axup cnt(k2)=axpos endif cnt(k2+1)=cnt(k2) ! !--- set line style ! call gxspmt ! ! set font and precision ! call jstxfp(ifont,2) ! !--- plot a line for the axis ! call gvpl(2,cnt(1),cnt(3)) ! !--- plot tick marks, labels, and title ! tick(k2)=cnt(k2) tick(k2+1)=cnt(k2+1) tetick(k2)=cnt(k2) tetick(k2+1)=cnt(k2+1) alabl(k2)=cnt(k2) alabl(k2+1)=cnt(k2+1) if( then if(itick.eq.2) then !--- plot tick marks above x-axis, or to the right of y-axis tick(k2+1)=cnt(k2)+tickl tetick(k2+1)=cnt(k2)+.5*tickl else tick(k2+1)=cnt(k2)-tickl tetick(k2+1)=cnt(k2)-.5*tickl endif if(linscl) then diff=(axup-axlow)/intv diffn=(cnt(k1+1)-cnt(k1))/intv diffe=diffn/max(ietick,1) if( then do i=0,intv !--- tick marks tick(k1)=cnt(k1)+diffn*i tick(k1+1)=tick(k1) call gvpl(2,tick(1),tick(3)) !--- extra ticks if( then do ie=1,ietick-1 tetick(k1)=tick(k1)+ie*diffe tetick(k1+1)=tetick(k1) call gvpl(2,tetick(1),tetick(3)) enddo endif enddo endif elseif( then !--- log scale ialow=axlow if( ialow=ialow-1 ialow=sign(min(abs(ialow),99),ialow) iaup=axup if( iaup=iaup-1 iaup=sign(min(abs(iaup),99),iaup) ia=ialow !--- start loop 40 continue do i=1,9 alp=ia+alogv(i) if( goto 60 if( then if( then tick(k1)=(alp-rsave(k1))*fwc tick(k1+1)=tick(k1) call gvpl(2,tick(1),tick(3)) endif endif enddo ia=ia+1 goto 40 !--- end loop 60 continue endif !--- labels if(ilbort.eq.0.or.ilabl.eq.0.or.cuhigh.eq.0.) then alabl(k2)=tick(k2) alabl(k2+1)=alabl(k2) else labflg = .true. !--- set correct character height (viewports !), get width call gxschf(1,ilbort,cuhigh,chhigh,chwdth) space=.5*chhigh if(iaxort.eq.ilbort) then sphlin=chhigh spwlin=chwdth*ival spwlog=2.5*chwdth spmlog=chwdth else spwlin=chhigh sphlin=chwdth*ival spwlog=chhigh spmlog=chhigh endif if(ilabl.eq.2) then !--- plot labels above x-axis, or to the right of y-axis alabl(k2)=max(tick(k2),tick(k2+1))+space alabl(k2+1)=alabl(k2)+sphlin else alabl(k2)=min(tick(k2),tick(k2+1))-space alabl(k2+1)=alabl(k2)-sphlin endif !--- set text alignment call jstxal(ihoral(ilbort,ilabl,iaxort), & iveral(ilbort,ilabl,iaxort)) if(linscl) then !--- linear scale intrep=spwlin/diffn+.99999 amxx=max(abs(axlow),abs(axup)) pfact = 10.**(-iscloc) do i=0,intv,intrep !--- centered figures ptick=axlow+diff*i alabl(k1)=cnt(k1)+diffn*i if(abs(ptick)/ then sltext='0.0' else write(sltext,fmtloc) pfact * ptick endif call gxpnbl(sltext,ifirst,ilast) call gxstx(alabl(1),alabl(3),sltext(ifirst:ilast)) enddo else !--- log scale ! impfl = 0 if power of ten to be plotted with first minor label, ! else > 0 impfl=iaup-ialow !--- islbl = 0 if no secondary label to be plotted else 1 if(ietick.eq.0.or.islpc.eq.0) then islbl=0 else islbl=1 endif !--- wbused = half space used by major label in WC wbused=spwlog*fcw !--- wsused = half space used by minor label in WC wsused=2.*spmlog*fcw ia=ialow !--- interval which is free for major labels a1b=ialow-1000. !--- start loop 80 continue !--- interval which is free for minor labels a1=ia+wbused a2=ia+1.-wbused do i=1,9 !--- label position in WC alp=ia+alogv(i) if( goto 100 if( then !--- label position in NDC alabl(k1)=(alp-rsave(k1))*fwc if( then !--- major label (at integers) call gxppow(alabl,ia) a1b=alp+wbused else if( .and.alp.le. & a2-wsused) then !--- minor label (at 2, 3, ..., 9) call gxstx(alabl(1),alabl(3),slog(i)) a1=a1+wsused endif if(impfl.eq.0) then impfl=1 !--- plot power of ten between first and second minor label alabl(k1)=alabl(k1) & +.5*(min(axup,alp+alogv(i+1))-alp)*fwc call gxppow(alabl,ia) a1=a1+spwlog endif endif endif enddo ia=ia+1 goto 80 100 continue endif endif endif !--- axis title call gxpnbl(textin, ifirst, ilast) if (iscloc .ne. 0 .and. labflg) then ispchl = max(1, index(textin(:ilast), stsep)) isradc = index(textin(ispchl:ilast), '<#>') if (isradc .eq. 0) then sltext = '<#>[*10**($$$)]' else sltext = ' [*10**($$$)]' endif write(sltext(11:13), '(i3)') iscloc if (ifirst .eq. 0) then text = sltext else text = textin(ifirst:ilast) // sltext endif else text = textin endif call gxpnbl(text,ifirst,ilast) if( then !--- set correct character height (viewports !), get width call gxschf(1,iaxort,cthigh,chhigh,chwdth) if(xaxis) then sgspac=-1.75 * chhigh else sgspac=1.5 * chhigh endif if( naxal=2 if(naxal.eq.1) then atext(k1)=cnt(k1) elseif(naxal.eq.2) then atext(k1)=.5*(cnt(k1)+cnt(k1+1)) else atext(k1)=cnt(k1+1) endif if(itext.eq.2) then atext(k2)=max(tick(k2),tick(k2+1),alabl(k2),alabl(k2+1)) & +space else atext(k2)=min(tick(k2),tick(k2+1),alabl(k2),alabl(k2+1)) & - 2.5 * space endif !--- get number of separation characters call gxchct(text(ifirst:ilast),stsep,nchct) nlines=nchct+1 if(xaxis) then if(itext.eq.2) atext(k2)=atext(k2)+1.5*nlines*chhigh else if(itext.eq.1) atext(k2)=atext(k2)-1.5*nlines*chhigh endif !--- write line by line irf=1 110 continue isp=index(text(irf:ilast),stsep) if(isp.eq.0) then isp=ilast else isp=irf+isp-2 endif if( then stext=text(irf:isp) l=isp+1-irf call gxpnbl(stext(:l),ifs,ils) in=index(stext(:l),'<#>') if(in.eq.0) then call jstxal(naxal,1) if( call gxtx(atext(1),atext(3),stext(:ils)) else !--- split line into left and right adjusted part l1=in-1 l2=in+3 if( then call jstxal(1,1) sk=atext(k1) atext(k1)=cnt(k1) call gxtx(atext(1),atext(3),stext(:l1)) atext(k1)=sk endif if(l2.le.ils) then call jstxal(3,1) sk=atext(k1) atext(k1)=cnt(k1+1) call gxtx(atext(1),atext(3),stext(l2:ils)) atext(k1)=sk endif endif endif irf=isp+2 if(irf.le.ilast) then atext(k2)=atext(k2)+sgspac goto 110 endif endif ! !--- restore user settings ! call gxrest(isave,rsave) 999 end subroutine gxaxis subroutine gxchct(stext,sch,n) implicit none integer ilast,irf,isp,n !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: counts number of given characters in a string ! !--- Input ! stext string ! sch special character !--- Output ! n number of occurences ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: June 16, 1987 ! !*********************************************************************** character stext*(*),sch*1 n=0 irf=1 ilast=len(stext) 10 continue isp=index(stext(irf:),sch) if( then n=n+1 irf=irf+isp if(irf.le.ilast) goto 10 endif end subroutine gxchct subroutine gxclos use gxx11_common implicit none !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: close terminal workstation ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Feb. 26, 1988 ! last mod: Feb. 26, 1988 ! !*********************************************************************** call gxundf if(lacttm.eq.lundef) then if( then call wdawk(interm) call wclwk(interm) lacttm=0 endif endif end subroutine gxclos subroutine gxclrw use gxx11_common implicit none !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: clears open workstations, sets new picture name ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: March 2, 1988 ! !*********************************************************************** call gxundf if(iclear .ne. 0) then call gclrwk(0, 1) iclear = 0 if (iepsop .eq. 2) then call gxopps(0, 0) call wclwk(inmeta) close(imetps) iepsop = -iepsop endif endif end subroutine gxclrw subroutine gxcubi(npoint,xx,yy,yy1d,yy2d,ierror) implicit none integer i,ierror,n,npoint real xx,yy,yy1d,yy2d !*********************************************************************** ! ! new (internal) double precision version 29.1.88 ! ! calculates a third order natural spline through function values ! yy(i), i=1,...,NPOINT, at knots XX(I) (XX(I+1) > XX(I)) ! !--- Input ! npoint number of knots and dimension of XX, YY, YY1D, YY2D ! minimum value = 3 ! xx(i) x values, XX(I) < XX(I+1) for all I ! yy(i) function values ! !--- Output ! yy1d(i) first derivative of third order pol. in interval I, ! at point XX(I) ! yy2d(i) second derivative ! ierror 0 if everything OK, else number of the first x value found ! that is smaller or equal to the previous one, or -1 if NPOINT < 3 ! !++++++ warning: all first and second derivatives set to zero if the ! condition XX(I+1) > XX(I) is not fulfilled for I = [1,n-1] (IERROR > 0) ! !--- remark: very near to routine SPLIN3 in CERN library, E209 ! ! Author hG 13.11.86 last mod. 29.1.88 ! !*********************************************************************** dimension xx(*),yy(*),yy1d(*),yy2d(*) double precision zero,half,one,three,third,dfac,dx1,dx2,dy1,dy2, & dd,dyx1,dyx2,divdif,alf,bet save zero,half,one,three data zero,half,one,three/0.d0,0.5d0,1.d0,3.d0/ third=one/three ierror=0 n=npoint yy2d(1)=0. yy2d(n)=0. yy1d(1)=0. ! !--- method: see long write-up of E209. Basically, the second ! derivatives are found first from the solution of N-2 equations. ! the first and last second order derivative are set to zero (hence ! natural spline). The equations form a three-diagonal matrix. ! in a first pass, all but the latest unknown are ! eliminated, in the second pass all are then calculated by going ! backwards. !--- yy1d serves temporarily as intermediate storage for the factors ! in the first pass of this process. ! if(n.eq.3) then !--- only three points - direct solution dx1=xx(2)-xx(1) if( then ierror=2 goto 40 endif dx2=xx(3)-xx(2) if( then ierror=3 goto 40 endif dy1=yy(2)-yy(1) dy2=yy(3)-yy(2) dd=one/(dx1+dx2) dyx1=dy1/dx1 dyx2=dy2/dx2 yy2d(2)=three*dd*(dyx2-dyx1) yy1d(1)=dyx1-dx1*yy2d(2)*half*third yy1d(3)=dyx2+dx2*yy2d(2)*half*third yy1d(2)=yy1d(1)+half*dx1*yy2d(2) elseif( then dx2=xx(2)-xx(1) if( then ierror=2 goto 40 endif dyx2=(yy(2)-yy(1))/dx2 do i=2,n-1 dx1=dx2 dx2=xx(i+1)-xx(i) if( then ierror=i+1 goto 40 endif dyx1=dyx2 dyx2=(yy(i+1)-yy(i))/dx2 dd=one/(dx1+dx2) divdif=dd*(dyx2-dyx1) alf=half*dd*dx1 bet=half-alf ! !--- the following IF is only necessary for splines other than natural ! if(i.eq.2) then divdif=divdif-third*alf*yy2d(1) elseif(i.eq.n-1) then divdif=divdif-third*bet*yy2d(n) endif dfac=one/(one+alf*yy1d(i-1)) yy1d(i)=-dfac*bet yy2d(i)=dfac*(three*divdif-alf*yy2d(i-1)) enddo ! !--- now the last unknown derivative, YY2D(N-1), has been calculated. ! the others follow from going up the system. do i=n-2,1,-1 dd=yy1d(i) yy2d(i)=dd*yy2d(i+1)+yy2d(i) enddo ! !--- now the first derivatives from a direct equation (not the one ! given in the E-209 writeup - it can be simplified) ! do i=1,n-1 dx2=xx(i+1)-xx(i) dyx2=(yy(i+1)-yy(i))/dx2 yy1d(i)=dyx2-dx2*third*(yy2d(i)+half*yy2d(i+1)) enddo dx2=xx(n)-xx(n-1) dyx2=(yy(n)-yy(n-1))/dx2 yy1d(n)=dyx2+dx2*third*(yy2d(n)+half*yy2d(n-1)) else ! !--- n < 3: error exit as well ierror=-1 goto 40 endif goto 999 40 continue ! !--- error condition: all first and second derivatives to zero ! do i=1,n yy1d(i)=0. yy2d(i)=0. enddo 999 end subroutine gxcubi function gxcubv(x,npoint,xx,yy,yy1d,yy2d) implicit none integer i,npoint real gxcubv,x,xx,yy,yy1d,yy2d !*********************************************************************** ! ! new (internal) double precision version ! ! calculates the value of a third order spline at X. The routine ! gxcubi must be called beforehand. ! !--- Input ! x abscissa value. For X outside [XX(1),XX(npoint)], a linear ! extrapolation is performed. ! npoint number of knots and dimension of XX, YY, YY1D, YY2D ! minimum value = 3 ! xx(i) x values, XX(I) < XX(I+1) for all I ! yy(i) function values ! yy1d(i) first derivative of third order pol. in interval I, ! at point XX(I), from GXCUBI ! yy2d(i) second derivative, from GXCUBI ! ! Author hG 13.11.86 last mod. 29.1.88 ! !*********************************************************************** dimension xx(*),yy(*),yy1d(*),yy2d(*) double precision half,dx,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 save half data half/0.5d0/ 10 continue if(x.le.xx(1)) then dx=x-xx(1) gxcubv=yy(1)+yy1d(1)*dx elseif( then dx=x-xx(npoint) gxcubv=yy(npoint)+yy1d(npoint)*dx else do i=1,npoint-1 if( goto 30 enddo 30 continue dx=x-xx(i) h4=yy2d(i) h6=(yy2d(i+1)-h4)/(xx(i+1)-xx(i)) h2=half*h4 h5=half*h6 h3=h5/3.d0 gxcubv=((h3*dx+h2)*dx+yy1d(i))*dx+yy(i) ! first derivative in X = (H5*DX+H4)*DX+YY1D(I) ! second " " " = H6*DX+H4 endif end function gxcubv subroutine gxcrv1(nset,nptval,ipxval,ipyval,icvref,xval,yval,window,actwin,ierr) use gxx11_common implicit none integer ibar,ic,ierr,isplin,isym,j,kset,line,nset,mark real dum1,dum2,fsx,fsy,xs,ys !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: plots curves into an existing frame, clips ! !--- Input ! nset number of curves (=ordered sets of (x,y) pairs) to plot ! nptval(i) number of points ((x,y) pairs) in set I ! ipxval(i) first x value of set I in array XVAL ! ipyval(i) first y value of set I in array YVAL ! icvref(i) number of the parameter set to be used for curve I. This value ! will be forced into [1,MAXSET]. ! The x and y axis reference numbers of set I will be taken ! from this parameter set. All x and y axes with the ! corresponding reference numbers will be (scaled if automatic) ! and plotted together with set I. ! If no x resp. y axis exists with the reference number ! from the parameter set, the curve will be plotted with ! automatic scaling, but without x resp. y axis. ! xval array containing the x values for all sets ! yval array containing the y values for all sets ! window(j,I) GKS window (J=1...4) to be used with curve I. These values ! can be obtained from routines GXFRAM or GXFRM1 ! actwin(j,I) active window (J=1...4) to clip curve I. These values ! can be obtained from routine GXFRM1 !--- Output ! ierr 0 if everything OK, else GKS error, or ! 1 : GXINIT not called (initialization) ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Dec. 9, 1988 ! last mod: Dec. 9, 1988 ! !*********************************************************************** integer nptval(*),ipxval(*),ipyval(*),icvref(*) real xval(*),yval(*),window(4,*),actwin(4,*) real wn(4),ac(4),xx(2),yy(2),rsave(20) integer isave(20) character sss*1 ! !--- get current user settings and keep them call gxsave(isave,rsave,ierr) if( goto 999 !--- set reasonable defaults for plot style call gxspmt !--- loop over curves do ic=1,nset !--- get curve parameter set ref. kset=max(1,min(maxset,icvref(ic))) !--- get curve plot parameters line=icvpar(4,kset) ibar=icvpar(7,kset) isplin=icvpar(5,kset) mark=min(5,icvpar(8,kset)) if( then isym=0 else isym=icvpar(9,kset) endif !--- set window do j=1,4 ac(j)=actwin(j,kset) wn(j)=window(j,kset) enddo call jswn(inormt,wn(1),wn(2),wn(3),wn(4)) ! call jselnt(inormt) ! !--- plot curves ! ! color index and line thickness if( then call jsplci(icvpar(6,kset)) call jslwsc(float(icvpar(3,kset))) endif if( then ! polyline style call jsln(line) if(isplin.eq.0) then ! plot polyline call gxpl(nptval(ic),xval(ipxval(ic)),yval(ipyval(ic)),ac) else ! smooth with a third order spline call gxplt1(nptval(ic),xval(ipxval(ic)),yval(ipyval(ic)), & ac) endif endif if( then ! set marker type call jsmk(mark) ! plot marker at point positions call gxpm(nptval(ic),xval(ipxval(ic)),yval(ipyval(ic)),ac) endif if( then ! vertical bars to lower x axis position (whether x axis plotted or not) yy(1)=axwndy(1,kset) call jsln(1) do j=0,nptval(ic)-1 xx(1)=xval(ipxval(ic)+j) xx(2)=xx(1) yy(2)=yval(ipyval(ic)+j) call gxpl(2,xx,yy,ac) enddo endif if( then !--- center character on point call jstxal(2,3) !--- set character height call gxschf(1,1,0.001*icvpar(10,kset),dum1,dum2) !--- get plot character sss=splotc(kset:kset) !--- set ndc because of character sizes (curves with different scales) call jswn(inormt,0.,1.,0.,1.) ! call jselnt(inormt) fsx=1./(wn(2)-wn(1)) fsy=1./(wn(4)-wn(3)) do j=0,nptval(ic)-1 xs=fsx*(xval(ipxval(ic)+j)-wn(1)) ys=fsy*(yval(ipyval(ic)+j)-wn(3)) call gxtx1(xs,ys,sss,ac) enddo endif enddo !--- restore previous settings call gxrest(isave,rsave) 999 end subroutine gxcrv1 subroutine gxcurv(nset,nptval,ipxval,ipyval,icvref,xval,yval,window,ierr) use gxx11_common implicit none integer ibar,ic,ierr,isplin,isym,j,kset,line,nset,mark real dum1,dum2,fsx,fsy,xs,ys !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: plots curves into an existing frame ! !--- Input ! nset number of curves (=ordered sets of (x,y) pairs) to plot ! nptval(i) number of points ((x,y) pairs) in set I ! ipxval(i) first x value of set I in array XVAL ! ipyval(i) first y value of set I in array YVAL ! icvref(i) number of the parameter set to be used for curve I. This value ! will be forced into [1,MAXSET]. ! The x and y axis reference numbers of set I will be taken ! from this parameter set. All x and y axes with the ! corresponding reference numbers will be (scaled if automatic) ! and plotted together with set I. ! If no x resp. y axis exists with the reference number ! from the parameter set, the curve will be plotted with ! automatic scaling, but without x resp. y axis. ! xval array containing the x values for all sets ! yval array containing the y values for all sets ! window(j,I) GKS window (J=1...4) to be used with curve I. These values ! can be obtained from routine GXFRAM !--- Output ! ierr 0 if everything OK, else GKS error, or ! 1 : GXINIT not called (initialization) ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: March 7, 1988 ! !*********************************************************************** integer nptval(*),ipxval(*),ipyval(*),icvref(*) real xval(*),yval(*),window(4,*) real wn(4),xx(2),yy(2),rsave(20) integer isave(20) character sss*1 ! !--- get current user settings and keep them call gxsave(isave,rsave,ierr) if( goto 999 !--- set reasonable defaults for plot style call gxspmt !--- loop over curves do ic=1,nset !--- get curve parameter set ref. kset=max(1,min(maxset,icvref(ic))) !--- get curve plot parameters line=icvpar(4,kset) ibar=icvpar(7,kset) isplin=icvpar(5,kset) mark=min(5,icvpar(8,kset)) if( then isym=0 else isym=icvpar(9,kset) endif !--- set window do j=1,4 wn(j)=window(j,kset) enddo call jswn(inormt,wn(1),wn(2),wn(3),wn(4)) ! call jselnt(inormt) ! !--- plot curves ! ! color index and line width if( then call jsplci(icvpar(6,kset)) call jslwsc(float(icvpar(3,kset))) endif if( then ! polyline style call jsln(line) if(isplin.eq.0) then ! plot polyline call gvpl(nptval(ic),xval(ipxval(ic)),yval(ipyval(ic))) else ! smooth with a third order spline call gxplts(nptval(ic),xval(ipxval(ic)),yval(ipyval(ic))) endif endif if( then ! set marker type call jsmk(mark) ! plot marker at point positions call gvpm(nptval(ic),xval(ipxval(ic)),yval(ipyval(ic))) endif if( then ! vertical bars to lower x axis position (whether x axis plotted or not) yy(1)=axwndy(1,kset) call jsln(1) do j=0,nptval(ic)-1 xx(1)=xval(ipxval(ic)+j) xx(2)=xx(1) yy(2)=yval(ipyval(ic)+j) call gvpl(2,xx,yy) enddo endif if( then !--- center character on point call jstxal(2,3) !--- set character height call gxschf(1,1,0.001*icvpar(10,kset),dum1,dum2) !--- get plot character sss=splotc(kset:kset) !--- set ndc because of character sizes (curves with different scales) call jswn(inormt,0.,1.,0.,1.) ! call jselnt(inormt) fsx=1./(wn(2)-wn(1)) fsy=1./(wn(4)-wn(3)) do j=0,nptval(ic)-1 xs=fsx*(xval(ipxval(ic)+j)-wn(1)) ys=fsy*(yval(ipyval(ic)+j)-wn(3)) call gxstx(xs,ys,sss) enddo endif enddo !--- restore previous settings call gxrest(isave,rsave) 999 end subroutine gxcurv subroutine gxdfmt(axlow,axup,intv,ival,iscal,fmt) implicit none integer i,i1,i2,ii,intv,iscal,ival,j,mform real axl,axlow,axu,axup,fact,step,up,x,y !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: calculates reasonable format for axis labels ! !--- Input ! axlow, aXUP axis range ! intv no. of intervals, or 0 if not known !--- Output ! ival length of format (e.g. 8 for F8.2) ! iscal power of 10 extracted from axlow and axup ! fmt format in correct form, e.g. '(F8.2)' ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: Feb. 25, 1991 ! !*********************************************************************** character fmt *(*) parameter (mform=8) character form(mform)*8 integer iv(mform),ic(mform) save form, iv, ic, up data form/'(G10.4)','(F6.1)','(F6.2)','(F5.2)','(F6.3)', '(F7.4)',& '(F8.5)','(F9.6)'/ data iv/10,6,6,5,6,7,8,9/ data ic/4,1,2,2,3,4,5,6/ data up/999./ x=max(abs(axlow),abs(axup)) if (x .eq. 0.) then iscal = 0 i = 1 goto 30 endif i1 = log10(x) if (i1 .gt. 3 .or. i1 .le. -3) then iscal = 3 * (i1 / 3) else iscal = 0 endif fact = 10.**(-iscal) axl = fact * axlow axu = fact * axup y=axu-axl if (intv .gt. 0) then !--- get all digits of step if possible step = y / intv do i1 = 0, 4 if (step .ge. 0.99 & .and. step - int(step + 0.5) .lt. 0.01) goto 2 step = 10. * step enddo 2 step = y / intv + abs(axl) - int(abs(axl)) do i2 = 0, 4 if (step - int(step + 0.0001) .lt. 0.01) goto 4 step = 10. * step enddo 4 i = max(i1, i2) ii = abs(log10(x)) + 1.001 if (axl .lt. 0.) & ii = max( max(log10(x), log10(-axl) + 1.) + 1.001, 2.001) if (i + ii .ge. 9) then i = 1 goto 30 else ival = i + ii + 1 fmt = ' ' write(fmt(:6), '(''(F'',I1,''.'',I1,'')'')') ival, i endif goto 999 else do i=1,mform if( goto 20 x=10.*x enddo i=1 goto 30 20 continue ii=i do j=ii,mform if(**(1-ic(i))) goto 30 i=i+1 enddo i=1 endif 30 continue fmt=form(i) ival=iv(i) 999 end subroutine gxdfmt subroutine gxdfvm(sin,sout,nml) implicit none integer i1,i2,i3,i4,jb1,jb2,nml !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: returns the VM filename (fn ft fm) ! !--- Input ! sin ruser Input - either fn, or fn ft, or fn ft fm !--- Output ! sout complete fn ft fm filename ! nml last character of file name in SIN ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: April 7, 1988 ! last mod: April 7, 1988 ! !*********************************************************************** character(*) sin,sout character(20) sloc call gxpnbl(sin,i1,i2) if(i1.eq.0) then !--- user Input is totally blank sloc='GXMETA METAFILE A' nml=1 goto 500 endif jb1=index(sin(i1:i2),' ') if(jb1.eq.0) then !--- user Input is one piece sloc=sin(i1:i2) sloc(9:)=' METAFILE A' nml=i2 goto 500 endif jb1=jb1+i1-1 call gxpnbl(sin(jb1:),i3,i4) i3=i3+jb1-1 jb2=index(sin(i3:i2),' ') nml=jb1-1 if(jb2.eq.0) then !--- user Input two pieces sloc=sin(i1:i2)//' A' else !--- user Input three pieces sloc=sin(i1:i2) endif 500 sout=sloc end subroutine gxdfvm subroutine gxdint(axlow,axup,intv) implicit none integer i,intv,mrange real axlow,axup,d,dn,x !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: calculates reasonable number of axis intervals ! !--- Input ! axlow, aXUP axis range !--- Output ! intv number of intervals ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: June 16, 1987 ! !*********************************************************************** parameter (mrange=10) integer iv(mrange) real rangl(mrange) save iv, rangl data iv/10,6,8,10,10,6,8,10,6,8/ data rangl/1.,1.2,1.6,2.,2.5,3.,4.,5.,6.,8./ d=axup-axlow if( then x=100.+log10(d) dn=10.**(x-int(x + 0.0001)) do i=1,mrange if(abs(dn-rangl(i))/rangl(i).lt.1.e-3) then intv=iv(i) goto 999 endif enddo endif intv=10 999 end subroutine gxdint subroutine gxeopn(string,number) use gxx11_common implicit none integer number !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: transfers unit number to common block for files opened ! externally ! !--- Input ! string (character) option : ! 'mETA' for metafile, 'ERROR' for error file ! number unit number ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Dec. 21, 1987 ! !*********************************************************************** character string *(*),sloc *4 call gxundf sloc=string if(sloc.eq.'META') then lmetop=lundef call gxsvar('IMETUN',number,0.,' ') elseif(sloc.eq.'ERRO') then lerrop=lundef call gxsvar('IERRUN',number,0.,' ') endif end subroutine gxeopn subroutine gxfchr(imode, ch, ifont, width, np, ipen, x, y, ierr) implicit none integer i,ierr,ifont,imode,ip,ipos,isel,istr,iwid,j,k,kbit,kword, & lx,ly,np real width !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: returns the polygon for a character ! !--- Input: ! imode =0: give character widths only, else give all ! ch character ! ifont font (only 1 or -13) !--- Output: ! width character width ! np # points in polygon ! ipen 0 for pen up, 1 for pen down ! x x coordinates ! y y coordinates ! ierr =0: OK, =1: wrong font, =2: character not found ! !*********************************************************************** character(1) ch real x(*), y(*) integer ipen(*) integer nchinf(2), ichinf(95,2), ichcod(652,2) character(100) chstr(2) save chstr, nchinf, ichinf, ichcod data nchinf / 95, 91 / data chstr / & ' !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[/]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~',& ' !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZ[/]^_`abcdefghiklmnoprstuvwxyz{|}~' / data (ichinf(j,1), j = 1, 95) / 541065217, 556276737, 574633992,& 592715798, 609247262, 627078198, 644384851, 656940149, 674769020, & 691546246, 708843664, 728240278, 740827290, 761792674, 774378660, & 794298537, 810566827, 827330748, 844118208, 860896462, 877663453, & 894452962, 911236339, 927994122, 944796942, 961568043, 975710530, & 992490828,1012927833,1030230364,1046482272,1061703011,1080862070, & 1095244191,1112823205,1129597370,1146370508,1162617306,1179130338,& 1196709352,1213733373,1226836483,1245719045,1263802895,1279529493,& 1298145817,1314396705,1331189287,1347695164,1364745800,1381251679,& 1397772909,1413485185,1431841413,1447563919,1465918099,1481642651,& 1497896607,1515199140,1530403498,1549273776,1563957938,1582829240,& 1600654011,1613242045,1632387780,1649165012,1665678052,1682719474,& 1699235586,1714429715,1733056282,1749821231,1763712824,1781017407,& 1799625545,1814039375,1836598097,1850484577,1867269994,1884046203,& 1900823435,1916018587,1933854626,1949310899,1967925178,1983910851,& 2002265031,2017727439,2034246611,2051283931,2067290081,2082474998,& 2100844536,2120232973/ data (ichinf(j,2), j = 1, 95) / 541065217, 556276737, 574633992,& 592715798, 609247262, 627078198, 644122707, 656940149, 674769020, & 691546246, 708843664, 727978134, 740827290, 761530530, 774378660, & 794298537, 810566827, 827330748, 844118208, 860896462, 877663453, & 894452962, 911236339, 927994122, 944796942, 961568043, 975710530, & 992490828,1012927833,1029968220,1046482272,1061703011,1080862070, & 1095244191,1112823205,1129320890,1145575870,1162617284,1179667916,& 1195643359,1213733347,1226836457,1263802859,1279791601,1298145781,& 1314396669,1330659843,1347951123,1381249561,1397235237,1413485100,& 1431852592,1447577157,1465401942,1481120358,1498963564,1515199107,& 1530403465,1549273743,1563957905,1582829207,1600391834,1613242012,& 1632918179,1649177273,1665675989,1682464481,1698711288,1717064457,& 1733050141,1750091564,1764500285,1799897925,1816141653,1834240860,& 1850225518,1868322682,1884826511,1917340569,1934641067,1951407036,& 1967409090,1984970707,2002537442,2017487860,2035574798,2050774056,& 2067289149,2082474066,2100843604,2120233065, 4 * 0/ data (ichcod(j,1), j = 1, 117) / 43336327, 42091009,1115702017,& 1115816725,1117012498,1108361871,1125139089, 102057364,1158825232,& 1167017488,1167132057,1111951513,1162281484,1225523590,1216742425,& 1145308697,1178863762,1200899605,1142243988,1100104080,1108230797,& 1133266570,1200179208,1216759939,1199654400,1140867713,1099106965,& 1098908693,1158890769,1150239630,1116619152,1100104212,1125467157,& 1158956691,1209223572,1251281031,1199982340,1191331840,1224755713,& 1250118277,1233602695, 193743757,1259227790,1242384779,1216759683,& 1182877056,1132479105,1107444100,1099317768,1116292621,1183729424,& 1192380052,1167410324,1142047760,1150109066,1208174849,1241533184,& 1266764674, 51724948,1108492816,1116685072,1116800409,1150763924,& 1116750347,1107772034,1136805061,1170669977,1117209492,1150305547,& 1158104194,1136804549,1103561749,1141440914,1183581842,1099695762,& 1182794249,1258881793,1115701761,1115833089,1128350403,1111753225,& 1258881666,1107378816,1124156034, 169427271, 76890900,1108427148,& 1099514372,1124156544,1166034689,1208240265,1217153041,1192510869,& 1150616337,1142048149,1166017040,1108427411,1125401621,1175799572,& 1200834577,1208960909,1183465856,1216348821,1209353485,1183664012,& 1208699016,1216759811,1191265664,1140867713,1107444100, 110444935,& 1225197205,1182795669,1117078028,1116554254,1166952205,1208699016/ data (ichcod(j,1),j= 118, 234) / 1216759811,1191265664,1140867713,& 1107444100, 135415700,1175799061,1133789841,1108099591,1115898753,& 1157645696,1191266307,1216759943,1208633100,1166886157,1133265546,& 1107757205,1132462485,1217725461,1117012498,1108361870,1133331852,& 1191921673,1216825476,1208108929,1174422528,1115767298,1099186567,& 1107903243,1150043789,1200506896,1209157524,1175798805, 135153547,& 1183401224,1149780745,1108033934,1099907602,1125401749,1159022228,& 1200769038,1208567684,1182876928,1140867713,1107493518,1108165260,& 1124942478, 42091009,1115702017,1115816590,1108165260,1124942478,& 50414208,1107378818,1124156225,1120092740, 168968713,1241514508, & 1259078150,1258684946,1242120704, 26231185,1108558484,1133856149,& 1184122643,1200703375,1192052364,1149912199, 75645953,1149256961,& 1149372685,1217349520,1175471375,1150174219,1141392518,1166362373,& 1216760072, 152062214,1233472133,1267158026,1275874191,1259424275,& 1226065813,1175798932,1133724305,1108296076,1099514374,1115964290,& 1149322752,1199589633,1241664131, 76890240, 76892288, 34031367,& 34947584, 34948757,1209288851,1225869583,1217218572,1183515147, & 1183533066,1216956679,1225017474,1208043136,1107298576,1217546132,& 1184187541,1133789842,1108361613,1099448837,1115898753,1149257344,& 1199655043,1225064981,1107296789,1167410964,1209157776,1225607432/ data (ichcod(j,1),j= 235, 351) / 1216694275,1191265664,1107296789,& 1107296789,1217724939,1175126528,1216348693,1107296789,1217724939,& 1175128336,1217546132,1184187541,1133789842,1108361613,1099448837,& 1115898753,1149257344,1199655043,1225083144, 109594888, 34947584,& 152389888, 34294027, 34947584, 102057477,1166165249,1140867840, & 1107378562,1090863367, 34947584, 152388103, 76302592, 34947584,& 33572864, 34947584, 34948608, 169166336, 169167360, 34947584, & 34949376, 152389888, 76891028,1116881424,1099776392,1107640963, & 1132545152,1182812033,1216563461,1233668493,1225803922,1200899733,& 1150616085,1107296789,1184188436,1217612049,1225672844,1208698506,& 1107952789,1133789842,1108361613,1099448837,1115898753,1149257344,& 1199655043,1225083272,1233996048,1217546132,1184187541, 100944194,& 34947584, 34948757,1209288851,1225869583,1217218572,1183531531, & 93014272, 143804308,1175798805,1117012370,1099973134,1116554124, & 1183467401,1208502406,1216563073,1174422528,1115767171, 68502528,& 9783189, 34947590,1115898753,1157645824,1199655043,1225148693, & 9782400, 144000128, 18170752, 102056832, 102058112, 185944192, & 26560640, 143999360, 9782411,1149241493,1149962389,1098908053, & 1217724800,1216348697,1111949849,1167655495,1170669849,1246168345,& 1162281369,1159266759,1162281351,1166821767, 37964611, 34554512/ data (ichcod(j,1),j= 352, 468) / 1125270292,1117078036,1116931982,& 1199572875,1183663502,1141785357,1108033928,1099317763,1124156416,& 1166034561,1199768085,1107296779,1124942862,1166952077,1200310280,& 1208371075,1182877056,1140867841,1107494795,1183663502,1141785357,& 1108033928,1099317763,1124156416,1166034561,1199769493,1199572875,& 1183663502,1141785357,1108033928,1099317763,1124156416,1166034561,& 1199767944,1200113546,1191986829,1166951438,1124942347,1099448710,& 1107510017,1140868480,1182877571, 85279765,1125401233,1115685134,& 1150158734,1203914565,1187399111,1145520966, 126568077,1166951438,& 1124942347,1099448710,1107510017,1140868480,1182877571, 34947584,& 34227085,1150174734,1192052618,1199571349,1108624021,1108754837, & 34488832, 43336468,1133855510,1117061902,1128481478,1103577287, & 34947584, 118374916, 67651456, 34947584, 34488832, 34227085, & 1150174734,1192052618,1199572874,1225607694,1267616909,1292520704,& 34488832, 34227085,1150174734,1192052618,1199571982,1124942347, & 1099448710,1107510017,1140868480,1182877571,1208371208,1200309901,& 1166951438, 34488903, 34292493,1141785998,1183664011,1208502278,& 1199785601,1166033920,1124155907, 126764999, 126568077,1166951438,& 1124942347,1099448710,1107510017,1140868480,1182877571, 34488832,& 34095755,1133331598,1175324427,1183663374,1133396493,1099645449/ data (ichcod(j,1),j= 469, 585) / 1124615559,1183205124,1191396993,& 1157645184,1107378563, 43336324,1124156416,1157628174,1150157326,& 1107575425,1132479744,1174488964, 126764928, 17712128, 118375424,& 26100608, 93209472, 93210496, 160319360, 26101504, 118374784, & 17712128, 118375424,1128546886,1095188679, 118374784, 26101518, & 25184000, 77153176,1125597845,1116947217,1133528078,1141654282, & 1107903240,1141261316,1132610305,1119961795,1128612806,1153892889,& 1111949977,1134052375,1150633107,1141982096,1125008140,1141523721,& 1141392134,1124352898,1140933825,1153647685,1137066695, 25575816,& 1108034316,1141654795,1191659526,1225148935,1250577036, 76891028,& 1116881424,1099776392,1107640963,1132545152,1182812033,1216563461,& 1233668493,1225803922,1200899733,1150615746,1251410569,1191772427,& 1267400966,1267073296,1267728644,1266942219,1267400978,1267859723,& 1108165390,1166952077,1200310144, 126437128,1174881160,1116225926,& 1090797827,1098990208,1174423297,1199702549,1107378816,1132463633,& 1175602580,1150632853,1117012498,1108361870,1133266187,1175012999,& 1183139331,1157694221,1108033929,1099383301,1124287618,1166034498,& 1178879430,1153909703,1120289348,1111688341,1082131605,1216348679,& 1191641368,1100431896,1100562712, 119031703,1209550745,1192756373,& 1133789842,1108361613,1099448837,1115898753,1149257344,1199655043/ data (ichcod(j,1),j= 586, 652) / 1225083272,1233996048,1217546132,& 1184187541, 35144343,1125663385,1108871192,1217874200,1218005016,& 34947590,1115898753,1157645824,1199655043,1225148693, 43533079, & 1134052121,1117259672,1209485464,1209616280, 126764928, 126568077,& 1166951438,1124942347,1099448710,1107510017,1140868480,1182877571,& 34947732,1125466774,1108674069,1184122645,1184253461, 68043533, & 1108033928,1099317763,1124156416,1166034561,1199785990,1208502155,& 1183663502,1141768725,1117012757,1117143573, 110446356,1200965398,& 1184170510,1107575425,1132479744,1174488964, 126764928, 43336468,& 1133855510,1117062677,1184122645,1184253461, 60113556,1108427264,& 60114069,1167345170,1175471502,1150092173,1166886540,1200244743, & 1208371075,1182877056,1149256449,1115881472/ data (ichcod(j,2),j= 1, 117) / 43336327, 42091009,1115702017,& 1115816725,1117012498,1108361871,1125139089, 102057364,1158825232,& 1167017488,1167132057,1111951513,1162281484,1225523590,1216742425,& 1145308697,1178863762,1200899605,1142243988,1100104080,1108230797,& 1133266570,1200179208,1216759939,1199654400,1140867713,1099106965,& 1098908693,1158890769,1150239630,1116619152,1100104212,1125467157,& 1158956691,1209223572,1251281031,1199982340,1191331840,1224755713,& 1250118277,1233602695, 193743757,1259227790,1242384779,1216759683,& 1182877056,1132479105,1107444100,1099317768,1116292621,1183729424,& 1192380052,1167410324,1142047760,1150109066,1208174849,1241533184,& 1266764674, 51724948,1108492816,1116685072,1116800409,1150763924,& 1116750347,1107772034,1136805061,1170669977,1117209492,1150305547,& 1158104194,1136804549,1103561749,1141440914,1183581842,1099695762,& 1182794249,1258881793,1115701761,1115833089,1128350403,1111753225,& 1258881666,1107378816,1124156034, 169427271, 76890900,1108427148,& 1099514372,1124156544,1166034689,1208240265,1217153041,1192510869,& 1150616337,1142048149,1166017040,1108427411,1125401621,1175799572,& 1200834577,1208960909,1183465856,1216348821,1209353485,1183664012,& 1208699016,1216759811,1191265664,1140867713,1107444100, 110444935,& 1225197205,1182795669,1117078028,1116554254,1166952205,1208699016/ data (ichcod(j,2),j= 118, 234) / 1216759811,1191265664,1140867713,& 1107444100, 135415700,1175799061,1133789841,1108099591,1115898753,& 1157645696,1191266307,1216759943,1208633100,1166886157,1133265546,& 1107757205,1132462485,1217725461,1117012498,1108361870,1133331852,& 1191921673,1216825476,1208108929,1174422528,1115767298,1099186567,& 1107903243,1150043789,1200506896,1209157524,1175798805, 135153547,& 1183401224,1149780745,1108033934,1099907602,1125401749,1159022228,& 1200769038,1208567684,1182876928,1140867713,1107493518,1108165260,& 1124942478, 42091009,1115702017,1115816590,1108165260,1124942478,& 50414208,1107378818,1124156225,1120092740, 168968713,1241514508, & 1259078150,1258684946,1242120704, 26231185,1108558484,1133856149,& 1184122643,1200703375,1192052364,1149912199, 75645953,1149256961,& 1149372685,1217349520,1175471375,1150174219,1141392518,1166362373,& 1216760072, 152062214,1233472133,1267158026,1275874191,1259424275,& 1226065813,1175798932,1133724305,1108296076,1099514374,1115964290,& 1149322752,1199589633,1241664131, 76890240, 76892288, 34031367,& 34947584, 34948757,1209288851,1225869583,1217218572,1183515147, & 1183533066,1216956679,1225017474,1208043136,1107296661,1216348544,& 1217725589,1082131605,1216348288,1216348693,1107296789,1217724939,& 1175126528,1216349461,1157628944,1116684814,1099710857,1107772038/ data (ichcod(j,2),j= 235, 351) / 1141196293,1199982599,1216956556,& 1208895375,1175471120, 34947584, 34949141, 34947584, 152389888,& 34294027, 34947584, 34947584, 152388103, 76302592, 76890240, & 76892288, 34947584, 34948608, 169166336, 169167360, 34947584, & 34949376, 152389888, 25183104,1107771787,1099907602,1125401749, & 1167410964,1209157775,1217087495,1182812288, 34947584, 152389888,& 34949397, 34947584, 34948757,1209288851,1225869582,1217153035, & 1183465994, 18171019,1090519317,1209336064,1207960597,1140850837,& 1200948373,1133789842,1108361613,1099448837,1115898753,1149257344,& 1199655043,1225083272,1233996048,1217546132,1184187541, 17842450,& 1100235285,1125467028,1142047886,1149241360,1209157524,1192576533,& 1167344914,1150158229,1166016783,1099907598,1116357384,1132938502,& 1174816647,1208502410,1225673103,1242497301,1209336587,1175126272,& 1207960725,1133789842,1108361613,1099448837,1115898753,1149257344,& 1199655043,1225083272,1233996048,1217546132,1184187541, 67847947,& 143999360, 26560661, 25184384, 35209799, 35210649, 38225351, & 18434631, 85542215, 26821913, 29836615, 25642380,1233584707, & 1262682639,1116750610,1125401237,1108624019, 76432269,1116422665,& 1099317635,1107378944,1140868353,1183074183,1217087758, 76432782,& 1175275147,1199785985,1216366848, 102057236,1142047502,1116422663/ data (ichcod(j,2),j= 352, 468) / 1098989895, 102057749,1209223184,& 1200506637,1175209100, 76301707,1183401735,1191462530,1174488320,& 1140867841,1115832837, 17711630,1124877893,1195853895, 143542284,& 1191789122,1095057607, 93209614,1124942347,1099448709,1107444353,& 1132479616,1166100099,1191593737,1183597966,1150305298,1142178965,& 1167410836,1200752268,1175274766,1133396621,1116422921,1149764744,& 1116160389,1099121153,1124091008,1166100099, 67977996,1107968391,& 1099186690,1115767680,1157645953,1208174854,1233734028,1217283982,& 1183597960,1149453127, 9126285,1116619534,1141720204,1158235397,& 1149241486,1208698761,1149256644,1128726666,1091322382,1125008269,& 1133200135,1107297031,1141589261,1175340814,1208764425,1199851079,& 51266055,1099121025,1107313408,1140999300, 51265792, 135088014, & 1192117773,1141457672,1116209800,1132938246,1157711232,1174423169,& 9781653,1117012755,1191183374,1090519950,1086784266,1116029570, & 1132479616,1166100099,1200031886,1200047875,1191266176,1216366978,& 1241776526,1125008008,1107509632, 135153547,1191790086,1149453057,& 1098908686,1124942346,1099383172,1107378816,1132479617,1166280200,& 1166296577,1182812032,1216432516,1241991690,1233996046, 76432000,& 118376328,1208174720, 17515021,1133398542, 34095621,1115833089, & 1140868352,1174488835,1199982473,1191986829,1166951566,1133331083/ data (ichcod(j,2),j= 469, 570) / 1107836999, 151929870,1124942347,& 1099448709,1107444353,1132479616,1166100099,1191593737,1183598093,& 1158546830,1140850955,1108165518,1225655310,1124942347,1099448709,& 1107444353,1132479616,1166100099,1191593737,1183598093,1158562830,& 9060620,1108230926,1133331339,1116029570,1132479616,1174488835, & 1208436875,1217267733,1145503882,1091322382,1125008269,1133200134,& 1124287361,1149257088,1191266307,1225148939,1250821397,1142178707,& 1133659153,1167083280, 93340687,1125008012,1116357512,1158104583,& 84361990,1107640707,1098990273,1153647940,1162232903,1128726666, & 1091322382,1125008269,1133200134,1124287361,1140868352,1174488836,& 1199982601,1217284241,1209288469,1175799187,1167148558,1191921673,& 1233585429,1142178707,1133659153,1167083280, 118506766,1133265417,& 1099317636,1107444480,1153582404,1162233031,1137132357, 77153176,& 1125597845,1116947217,1133528078,1141654282,1107903240,1141261316,& 1132610305,1119961795,1128612806,1153892889,1111949977,1134052375,& 1150633107,1141982096,1125008140,1141523721,1141392134,1124352898,& 1140933825,1153647685,1137066695, 25575816,1108034316,1141654795,& 1191659526,1225148935,1250577036/ data (ichcod(j,2),j= 571,652) / 82 * 0 / chstr(1)(61:61) = '\\' chstr(2)(59:59) = '\\' if (ifont .eq. 1) then isel = 1 elseif (ifont .eq. -13) then isel = 2 else ierr = 1 goto 999 endif ipos = index(chstr(isel)(:nchinf(isel)), ch) if (ipos .eq. 0) then ierr = 2 else ierr = 0 iwid = 0 np = 0 istr = 0 call cbyt(ichinf(ipos,isel), 19, iwid, 1, 6) width = 0.01 * iwid if (imode .ne. 0) then call cbyt(ichinf(ipos,isel), 11, np, 1, 8) call cbyt(ichinf(ipos,isel), 1, istr, 1, 10) do i = 1, np k = istr + i kword = k / 2 kbit = 17 - 16 * (k - 2 * kword) ipen(i) = 0 call cbyt(ichcod(kword,isel), kbit, ipen(i), 1, 16) if (ipen(i) .ge. 16384) then ip = 1 ipen(i) = ipen(i) - 16384 else ip = 0 endif lx = ipen(i) / 128 x(i) = 0.01 * lx ly = ipen(i) - 128 * lx if (ly .ge. 64) then y(i) = 0.01 * (64 - ly) else y(i) = 0.01 * ly endif ipen(i) = ip enddo endif endif 999 end subroutine gxfchr character(60) function gxform(string) implicit none integer i,ipt,kmant,l,n ! ! creates the correct format for Input variables contained in a ! character variable in free format (blank characters acting as ! separators !). It accepts I,F,E,D,L, and A format variables, the ! latter without any quotes, being just those character ! combinations which cannot be attributed to any of the other ! formats. ! ! gxform overcomes the short-coming of FORTRAN77 to not allow free ! format READ statements from internal files, i.e. character ! variables. If STRING is a character variable, then ! ! read(strING,*) N,A,etc. ! ! is not legal ANSI FORTRAN (although supported by some ! compilers). In this case one can use ! ! read(strING,GXFORM(STRING)) N,A,etc. ! ! which is legal. GXFORM has to be declared CHARACTER*60 in the ! calling routine. ! ! Input ! string character type Input line ! Output ! gxform FORMAT, e.g. (I4,A12,L4,F8.3,I3,E12.4,D24.8) ! ! restrictions: the maximum length of the complete format is 60 ! characters. ! ! Author HG 4.3.86 last mod.: 9.6.86 ! character string*(*),stemp*1,sfchar*1,form*80 logical count,realfl,expfl,number form='(A1)' ipt=1 n=1 kmant=0 realfl=.false. expfl=.false. count=.false. number=.false. sfchar='I' do i=1,len(string) if( goto 20 stemp=string(i:i) if(stemp.eq.' ') then if(count) then l=i-n ipt=ipt+1 form(ipt:ipt)=sfchar if( then write(form(ipt+1:),'(I2)') l ipt=ipt+2 else write(form(ipt+1:),'(I1)') l ipt=ipt+1 endif if(realfl.or.expfl) then write(form(ipt+1:),'(I2)') min(9,kmant) form(ipt+1:ipt+1)='.' ipt=ipt+2 endif ipt=ipt+1 form(ipt:ipt)=',' n=i expfl=.false. realfl=.false. count=.false. number=.false. sfchar='I' kmant=0 endif else if(.not.count) then !--- first character of a new variable if(stemp.eq.'.') then !--- could be floating, or logical if(index(string(i:),'.T.').eq.1.or. & index(string(i:),'.F.').eq.1.or. & index(string(i:),'.TRUE.').eq.1.or. & index(string(i:),'.FALSE.').eq.1) then sfchar='L' elseif(index('0123456789',string(i+1:i+1)).ne.0) then number=.true. else sfchar='A' endif elseif(index('+-0123456789',stemp).ne.0) then number=.true. else sfchar='A' endif endif count=.true. if(number) then if(stemp.eq.'E'.or.stemp.eq.'D') then expfl=.true. sfchar=stemp endif if(realfl.and..not.expfl) then kmant=kmant+1 sfchar='F' endif realfl=realfl.or.stemp.eq.'.' if(realfl.and..not.expfl) sfchar='F' endif endif enddo if( form(ipt:ipt)=')' 20 gxform=form end function gxform subroutine gxfram(ncurv,nptval,ipxval,ipyval,icvref,xval,yval,window,ierr) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,iaxr,iayr,ierr,j,jc,kset,ncurv real axpos,d,fx,fy !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: plots one frame with several axes, returns GKS windows ! !--- Input ! ncurv number of curves (=ordered sets of (x,y) pairs) to plot ! nptval(i) number of points ((x,y) pairs) in set I ! ipxval(i) first x value of set I in array XVAL ! ipyval(i) first y value of set I in array YVAL ! icvref(i) number of the parameter set to be used for curve I. This value ! will be forced into [1,MAXSET]. ! The x and y axis reference numbers of set I will be taken ! from this parameter set. All x and y axes with the ! corresponding reference numbers will be (scaled if automatic) ! and plotted together with set I. ! If no x resp. y axis exists with the reference number ! from the parameter set, the curve will be plotted with ! automatic scaling, but without x resp. y axis. ! xval array containing the x values for all sets ! yval array containing the y values for all sets !--- Output ! window(j,I) GKS window (J=1...4) to be used with curve I. These values ! are used by routine GXCURV ! ierr 0 if everything OK, else GKS error, or ! 1 : GXINIT not called (initialization) ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: May 13, 1993 ! !*********************************************************************** integer nptval(*),ipxval(*),ipyval(*),icvref(*) real xval(*),yval(*),window(4,*) integer ixax(mxaxs),iyax(myaxs),ixaref(maxset),iyaref(maxset), & ilpar(30) real wn(4) ! do i=1,30 ilpar(i)=0 enddo ierr=0 !--- open .eps file if requested if (iepsop .lt. 0) call gxstep !--- set reasonable defaults for plot style call gxspmt !--- set axis flags to "not plotted" do i=1,mxaxs ixax(i)=0 enddo do i=1,myaxs iyax(i)=0 enddo !--- set axis curve references to "not set" do i=1,maxset ixaref(i)=0 iyaref(i)=0 enddo !--- get x and y axis reference numbers do i=1,ncurv kset=max(1,min(maxset,icvref(i))) ixaref(kset)=icvpar(1,kset) iyaref(kset)=icvpar(2,kset) enddo !--- get all window values for x call gxprwn(1,ncurv,icvref,nptval,ipxval,ipxval,xval,xval, & mxaxs,ixaref,ixapar,rangex,axwndx) !--- get all window values for y call gxprwn(2,ncurv,icvref,nptval,ipxval,ipyval,xval,yval, & myaxs,iyaref,iyapar,rangey,axwndy) !--- get the window in NDC into which the plot has to fit, depending on ! axis positions, labels, tick marks, etc. call gxmarg(ixaref,iyaref,axwndx,axwndy,actwnd) !--- identical x and y ratios if requested if( then d=min(actwnd(2)-actwnd(1),actwnd(4)-actwnd(3)) actwnd(2)=actwnd(1)+d actwnd(4)=actwnd(3)+d endif !--- set window factors fx=1./(actwnd(2)-actwnd(1)) fy=1./(actwnd(4)-actwnd(3)) !--- loop over curve sets, plot axes do kset=1,maxset iaxr=ixaref(kset) if(iaxr.eq.0) goto 100 !--- get window according to margin wn(1)=(actwnd(2)*axwndx(1,kset)-actwnd(1)*axwndx(2,kset))*fx wn(2)=((1.-actwnd(1))*axwndx(2,kset)- (1.-actwnd(2))*axwndx & (1,kset))*fx wn(3)=(actwnd(4)*axwndy(1,kset)-actwnd(3)*axwndy(2,kset))*fy wn(4)=((1.-actwnd(3))*axwndy(2,kset)- (1.-actwnd(4))*axwndy & (1,kset))*fy call jswn(inormt,wn(1),wn(2),wn(3),wn(4)) ! call jselnt(inormt) !--- keep do j=1,4 window(j,kset)=wn(j) enddo !--- plot x axes do i=1,mxaxs if(ixapar(21,i).eq.iaxr) then if(ixax(i).eq.0) then ixax(i)=1 !--- x axis no. 1 and 2 at bottom, 3 and 4 at top of frame if(i.le.2) then axpos=axwndy(1,kset) else axpos=axwndy(2,kset) endif !--- set parameters, get interval number if scaling automatic do jc=1,mpaxs ilpar(jc)=ixapar(jc,i) enddo ilpar(2)=ixapar(19,i) call gxaxis('X',axwndx(1,kset), axwndx(2,kset),axpos, & 1,sxform(i),sxtext(i),sdefnl,ilpar,ierr) if( goto 999 endif endif enddo !--- plot y axes iayr=iyaref(kset) do i=1,myaxs if(iyapar(21,i).eq.iayr) then if(iyax(i).eq.0) then iyax(i)=1 !--- y axis 1 at left,annotation at left, 2 at left, ann. at right, ! 3 at right, ann. at left, 4 at right, ann. at right if(i.le.2) then axpos=axwndx(1,kset) else axpos=axwndx(2,kset) endif !--- set parameters, get interval number if scaling automatic do jc=1,mpaxs ilpar(jc)=iyapar(jc,i) enddo ilpar(2)=iyapar(19,i) call gxaxis('Y',axwndy(1,kset),axwndy(2,kset), axpos, & 1,syform(i), sytext(i),sdefnl,ilpar,ierr) if( goto 999 endif endif enddo 100 continue enddo 999 end subroutine gxfram subroutine gxfrm1(ncurv,nptval,ipxval,ipyval,icvref,xval,yval,window,actwin,ierr) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,iaxr,iayr,ierr,j,jc,kset,ncurv !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: plots one frame with several axes, returns GKS and active ! windows. ! !--- Input ! ncurv number of curves (=ordered sets of (x,y) pairs) to plot ! nptval(i) number of points ((x,y) pairs) in set I ! ipxval(i) first x value of set I in array XVAL ! ipyval(i) first y value of set I in array YVAL ! icvref(i) number of the parameter set to be used for curve I. This value ! will be forced into [1,MAXSET]. ! The x and y axis reference numbers of set I will be taken ! from this parameter set. All x and y axes with the ! corresponding reference numbers will be (scaled if automatic) ! and plotted together with set I. ! If no x resp. y axis exists with the reference number ! from the parameter set, the curve will be plotted with ! automatic scaling, but without x resp. y axis. ! xval array containing the x values for all sets ! yval array containing the y values for all sets !--- Output ! window(j,I) GKS window (J=1...4) to be used with curve I. These values ! are used by routines GXCURV and GXCRV1. ! actwin(j,I) active window (J=1...4) used to clip curve I. These values ! are used by routine GXCRV1. ! ierr 0 if everything OK, else GKS error, or ! 1 : GXINIT not called (initialization) ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Dec. 9, 1988 ! last mod: May 13, 1993 ! !*********************************************************************** integer nptval(*),ipxval(*),ipyval(*),icvref(*) real xval(*),yval(*),window(4,*),actwin(4,*) integer ixax(mxaxs),iyax(myaxs),ixaref(maxset),iyaref(maxset), & ilpar(30) real wn(4),axpos,d,fx,fy ! do i=1,30 ilpar(i)=0 enddo ierr=0 !--- open .eps file if requested if (iepsop .lt. 0) call gxstep !--- set reasonable defaults for plot style call gxspmt !--- set axis flags to "not plotted" do i=1,mxaxs ixax(i)=0 enddo do i=1,myaxs iyax(i)=0 enddo !--- set axis curve references to "not set" do i=1,maxset ixaref(i)=0 iyaref(i)=0 enddo !--- get x and y axis reference numbers do i=1,ncurv kset=max(1,min(maxset,icvref(i))) ixaref(kset)=icvpar(1,kset) iyaref(kset)=icvpar(2,kset) enddo !--- get all window values for x call gxprwn(1,ncurv,icvref,nptval,ipxval,ipxval,xval,xval, & mxaxs,ixaref,ixapar,rangex,axwndx) !--- get all window values for y call gxprwn(2,ncurv,icvref,nptval,ipxval,ipyval,xval,yval, & myaxs,iyaref,iyapar,rangey,axwndy) !--- get the window in NDC into which the plot has to fit, depending on ! axis positions, labels, tick marks, etc. call gxmarg(ixaref,iyaref,axwndx,axwndy,actwnd) !--- identical x and y ratios if requested if( then d=min(actwnd(2)-actwnd(1),actwnd(4)-actwnd(3)) actwnd(2)=actwnd(1)+d actwnd(4)=actwnd(3)+d endif !--- set window factors fx=1./(actwnd(2)-actwnd(1)) fy=1./(actwnd(4)-actwnd(3)) !--- loop over curve sets, plot axes do kset=1,maxset iaxr=ixaref(kset) if(iaxr.eq.0) goto 100 !--- get window according to margin wn(1)=(actwnd(2)*axwndx(1,kset)-actwnd(1)*axwndx(2,kset))*fx wn(2)=((1.-actwnd(1))*axwndx(2,kset)- (1.-actwnd(2))*axwndx & (1,kset))*fx wn(3)=(actwnd(4)*axwndy(1,kset)-actwnd(3)*axwndy(2,kset))*fy wn(4)=((1.-actwnd(3))*axwndy(2,kset)- (1.-actwnd(4))*axwndy & (1,kset))*fy call jswn(inormt,wn(1),wn(2),wn(3),wn(4)) ! call jselnt(inormt) !--- keep do j=1,4 window(j,kset)=wn(j) enddo !--- active window in user coordiantes actwin(1,kset)=wn(1)+(wn(2)-wn(1))*actwnd(1) actwin(2,kset)=wn(1)+(wn(2)-wn(1))*actwnd(2) actwin(3,kset)=wn(3)+(wn(4)-wn(3))*actwnd(3) actwin(4,kset)=wn(3)+(wn(4)-wn(3))*actwnd(4) !--- plot x axes do i=1,mxaxs if(ixapar(21,i).eq.iaxr) then if(ixax(i).eq.0) then ixax(i)=1 !--- x axis no. 1 and 2 at bottom, 3 and 4 at top of frame if(i.le.2) then axpos=axwndy(1,kset) else axpos=axwndy(2,kset) endif !--- set parameters, get interval number if scaling automatic do jc=1,mpaxs ilpar(jc)=ixapar(jc,i) enddo ilpar(2)=ixapar(19,i) call gxaxis('X',axwndx(1,kset), axwndx(2,kset),axpos, & 1,sxform(i),sxtext(i),sdefnl,ilpar,ierr) if( goto 999 endif endif enddo !--- plot y axes iayr=iyaref(kset) do i=1,myaxs if(iyapar(21,i).eq.iayr) then if(iyax(i).eq.0) then iyax(i)=1 !--- y axis 1 at left,annotation at left, 2 at left, ann. at right, ! 3 at right, ann. at left, 4 at right, ann. at right if(i.le.2) then axpos=axwndx(1,kset) else axpos=axwndx(2,kset) endif !--- set parameters, get interval number if scaling automatic do jc=1,mpaxs ilpar(jc)=iyapar(jc,i) enddo ilpar(2)=iyapar(19,i) call gxaxis('Y',axwndy(1,kset),axwndy(2,kset), axpos, & 1,syform(i), sytext(i),sdefnl,ilpar,ierr) if( goto 999 endif endif enddo 100 continue enddo 999 end subroutine gxfrm1 subroutine gxinit use gxx11_common implicit none integer ierr !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: initializes GKS PLOT package ! ! the default is to open the plot package for metafile writing only. ! the corresponding parameters (unit number, file name, status, paper ! width and length) can be set by calls to gxsvar beforehand. ! ! for interactive usage (plot Output on screen) it is mandatory to ! call gxaSKU before calling GXINIT. Parameters can be modified after ! the gxasKU call (but before the GXINIT call) by calling gxsvar. ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: June 16, 1987 ! !*********************************************************************** if (ltotin .ne. lundef) then print '(/'' GXPLOT-X11 '',F5.2,'' initialized''/)',versio endif !--- reset open flag for .eps files iepsop = 0 iepscf = 0 iclear = 0 ipage = 0 call wopks call gxundf !--- set default options call gxsdef('OPTINIT',0) if( then itermt = 1 else itermt = 0 endif if (ltseop .ne. lundef .or. itseop .eq. 0) then if (itermt .ne. 0) call wopwk(interm) endif wxfact=1. wyfact=1. wfact=1. if(inmeta .ne. 0) then !--- orientation (portrait or landscape) if (xmetaf .gt. ymetaf) then ipstyp = 115 else ipstyp = 114 endif iorips = ipstyp - 113 ibbox(1) = mlbb1 ibbox(2) = mlbb2 ibbox(3) = mubb1 ibbox(4) = mubb2 if (xmetaf .gt. 0.) then if (iorips .eq. 1) then ibbox(3) = mlbb1 + mwid1 * xmetaf / mysize + 0.5 else ibbox(4) = mlbb2 + mwid2 * xmetaf / mxsize + 0.5 endif endif if (ymetaf .gt. 0.) then if (iorips .eq. 1) then ibbox(4) = mlbb2 + mwid2 * ymetaf / mxsize + 0.5 else ibbox(3) = mlbb1 + mwid1 * ymetaf / mysize + 0.5 endif endif if (interm .eq. 0) then imetun = -abs(imetun) endif if (lpseps .ne. lundef) then ipseps = 1 lpseps = lundef endif if (ipseps .eq. 1) then if( call gxsfop('PSFILE','UNKNOWN',ierr) call gxopps(imetun, ipstyp) elseif (ipseps .eq. 2) then ipstyp = 113 iepsop = -2 endif endif !--- activate workstations if (ltseop .ne. lundef .or. itseop .eq. 0) then if( then call wacwk(interm) lacttm=lundef endif endif !--- set default window and viewport, aspect source flags, ! norm. transf. number call gxsdef('DEVICE',0) !--- axis default values call gxsdef('AXIS',0) !--- curve defaults call gxsdef('CURVE',0) !--- set flag that GXINIT has been called ltotin=lundef 10000 format(//' GKS error number =',i4,' returned for terminal', & ' device =',i8,' STOP') end subroutine gxinit subroutine gxival(string,ivalex) implicit none integer i,ifnd,ivalex,n !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: extracts a positive integer from a string ! !--- Input ! string arbitrary character string !--- Output ! ivalex first integer found in string (terminated by any ! non-numeric character, including blank) ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: Sept. 8, 1987 ! !*********************************************************************** character(*) string character snumer*10 save snumer data snumer/'0123456789'/ ivalex=0 ifnd=0 do i=1,len(string) n=index(snumer,string(i:i)) if(n.eq.0) then if( goto 999 else ifnd=1 ivalex=10*ivalex+n-1 endif enddo 999 end subroutine gxival subroutine gxmarg(ixref,iyref,wnx,wny,active) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,iax,iaxr,ifirst,ilast,ind,intv,iscal,ival,j,k,kset,nax, & nchct,nint,nref real add,ahi,alo,fact,gap,gapt,hgap,hgapt,hwid,hwidt,txf,vgap, & vgapt,vwid,vwidt,xf !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: calculates window margins from axes specifications ! !--- Input ! ixref x axis reference numbers of curve sets ! iyref y axis reference numbers of curve sets ! wnx(2,i) lower and upper x value, curve set I ! wny(2,i) lower and upper y value, curve set I !--- Output ! active (1...4) = window in NDC that can be used for curves ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: March 3, 1988 ! !*********************************************************************** integer ixref(*),iyref(*) real wnx(2,*),wny(2,*) real active(4),bmin(2) integer iref(mxaxs+myaxs),iapar(mpaxs) real border(4) logical flag character fmt*20,text*300,fmtloc*60 save fact !--- fact includes one character height plus the gap of half that height data fact/.0015/ !--- get viewport ratio call gxqrvp(xf) do i=1,4 border(i)=0. enddo do i=1,2 bmin(i)=0. enddo do iax=1,2 nref=0 do kset=1,maxset if(iax.eq.1) then !--- x axis iaxr=ixref(kset) else !--- y axis iaxr=iyref(kset) endif if(iaxr.eq.0) goto 70 do j=1,nref if(iaxr.eq.iref(j)) goto 70 enddo nref=nref+1 iref(nref)=iaxr if(iax.eq.1) then nax=mxaxs else nax=myaxs endif do i=1,nax add=0. if(iax.eq.1) then !--- x axis if(,i)) goto 60 ind=(4-i)/2 k=4-ind fmt=sxform(i) text=sxtext(i) !--- tick mark expansion txf=1. do j=1,mpaxs iapar(j)=ixapar(j,i) enddo else !--- y axis if(,i)) goto 60 ind=(4-i)/2 k=2-ind fmt=syform(i) text=sytext(i) !--- tick mark expansion txf=xf do j=1,mpaxs iapar(j)=iyapar(j,i) enddo endif gap=fact*iapar(7) !--- use separate character height for axis text if specified if(iapar(13).gt.0.and.iapar(13).le.1000) then gapt=fact*iapar(13) else gapt=gap endif !--- get character height and width for hor. and vert. text call gxschf(0,1,gap,hgap,hwid) call gxschf(0,2,gap,vgap,vwid) call gxschf(0,1,gapt,hgapt,hwidt) call gxschf(0,2,gapt,vgapt,vwidt) !--- tick marks if(iapar(2).ne.0.and.iapar(4).ne.0) then if(mod(iapar(4),2).eq.ind) add=add+txf*fact*iapar(8) endif !--- labels if(iapar(3).ne.0.and.iapar(5).ne.0) then flag=mod(iapar(5),2).eq.ind if(iapar(1).eq.0) then !--- linear scale - use format if given by user, else calculate call gxival(fmt,ival) if(ival.eq.0) then if(iax.eq.1) then call gxscal(wnx(1,kset),wnx(2,kset),alo,ahi, & nint) else call gxscal(wny(1,kset),wny(2,kset),alo,ahi, & nint) endif intv = iapar(2) if (intv .le. 0) call gxdint(alo,ahi,intv) call gxdfmt(alo,ahi,intv,ival,iscal,fmtloc) endif else !--- log. scale - use powers of 10 ival=5 endif if(iax.eq.iapar(3)) then !--- labels parallel to axis if(iax.eq.1) then if(flag) add=add+hgap !--- keep minimum border for labels on perpendicular axes bmin(iax)=max(bmin(iax),.5*ival*hwid) else if(flag) add=add+vgap bmin(iax)=max(bmin(iax),.5*ival*vwid) endif else !--- labels perpendicular to axis if(iax.eq.1) then if(flag) add=add+ival*vwid !--- keep minimum border for labels on perpendicular axes bmin(iax)=max(bmin(iax),.5*vgap) else if(flag) add=add+ival*hwid !--- keep minimum border for labels on perpendicular axes bmin(iax)=max(bmin(iax),.5*hgap) endif endif endif !--- text - always parallel to axis call gxpnbl(text,ifirst,ilast) if(iapar(6).ne.0.and.mod(iapar(6),2).eq.ind & then !--- add space for one line and extra space for each line separator call gxchct(text(ifirst:ilast),sdefnl,nchct) if(iax.eq.1) then add=add+(nchct+1)*hgapt if( add=add+.5*hgapt else add=add+(nchct+1)*vgapt endif endif !--- take largest margin border(k)=max(border(k),add) 60 continue enddo 70 continue enddo enddo do i=1,3,2 active(i)=max(border(i),bmin((i+1)/2)) active(i+1)=1.-max(border(i+1),bmin((i+1)/2)) !--- protect against too large borders if(active(i) then active(i)=.4 active(i+1)=.6 endif enddo 999 end subroutine gxmarg subroutine gxopen use gxx11_common implicit none !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: open terminal workstation ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Feb. 26, 1988 ! last mod: Feb. 26, 1988 ! !*********************************************************************** call gxundf if( then if( then call wopwk(interm) call wacwk(interm) lacttm=lundef endif call gxclrw endif end subroutine gxopen subroutine gxopps(iun, ityp) use gxx11_common implicit none integer imun,ityp,iun !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: open or close .ps or .eps Output unit ! !--- Input ! iun +- utput unit number, if = 0: close ! ityp type of Output: 113 = eps, ! else ps with 114 = portrait, 115 = landscape ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Apr. 6, 1995 ! last mod: Apr. 27, 1995 ! !*********************************************************************** imun = abs(iun) call gxwpep(imun, ityp) end subroutine gxopps subroutine gxplot(ncurv,nptval,ipxval,ipyval,icvref,xval,yval,ierr) use gxx11_common implicit none integer ierr,ncurv !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: plots one frame with several curves and axes ! !--- Input ! ncurv number of curves (=ordered sets of (x,y) pairs) to plot ! nptval(i) number of points ((x,y) pairs) in set I ! ipxval(i) first x value of set I in array XVAL ! ipyval(i) first y value of set I in array YVAL ! icvref(i) number of the parameter set to be used for curve I. This value ! will be forced into [1,MAXSET]. ! The x and y axis reference numbers of set I will be taken ! from this parameter set. All x and y axes with the ! corresponding reference numbers will be (scaled if automatic) ! and plotted together with set I. ! If no x resp. y axis exists with the reference number ! from the parameter set, the curve will be plotted with ! automatic scaling, but without x resp. y axis. ! xval array containing the x values for all sets ! yval array containing the y values for all sets !--- Output ! ierr 0 if everything OK, else GKS error, or ! 1 : GXINIT not called (initialization) ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: June 16, 1987 ! !*********************************************************************** integer nptval(*),ipxval(*),ipyval(*),icvref(*) real xval(*),yval(*) ! call gxundf !--- exit if not initialized if( then ierr=1 goto 999 endif !--- clear work station(s) if requested if( call gxclrw !--- plot frame call gxfram(ncurv,nptval,ipxval,ipyval,icvref,xval,yval, & cvwnwd,ierr) !--- plot curves call gxcurv(ncurv,nptval,ipxval,ipyval,icvref,xval,yval, & cvwnwd,ierr) ! !--- wait for if interactive ! call gxwait 999 end subroutine gxplot subroutine gxplts(np,xp1,yp1) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,ierror,j,k,nextra,np real d,gxcubv,screen,selem,sg,sl,step,xmax,xmin !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: plots a smoothed polyline (3rd order cubic splines) ! !--- Input ! np number of points ! xp1 x values ! yp1 y values ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: May 13, 1993 ! !*********************************************************************** real xp1(*),yp1(*) logical curlfl save screen, selem !--- screen is the dimension of a reasonable screen, SELEM the length ! of a curve piece such that it looks smooth data screen/30./, selem/.2/ ! if( goto 70 xmin=xp1(1) xmax=xp1(1) curlfl=.false. sg=sign(1.,xp1(2)-xp1(1)) do i=2,np*xp1(i)*xp1(i-1) xmin=min(xmin,xp1(i)) xmax=max(xmax,xp1(i)) enddo if(xmax.eq.xmin) goto 999 if(curlfl) then !--- y is not a unique function of x - spline x and y independetly ! as function of s s(1)=0. do i=2,np s(i)=s(i-1)+sqrt((xp1(i)-xp1(i-1))**2+(yp1(i)-yp1(i-1))**2) enddo !--- step at which extra points should occur step=s(np)*selem/screen call gxcubi(np,s,xp1,yy1d(1,1),yy2d(1,1),ierror) if( goto 70 call gxcubi(np,s,yp1,yy1d(1,2),yy2d(1,2),ierror) if( goto 70 k=1 p(1,1)=xp1(1) p(1,2)=yp1(1) do i=2,np !--- number of extra points to be plotted nextra=(s(i)-s(i-1))/step d=(s(i)-s(i-1))/(nextra+1) do j=1,nextra k=k+1 sl=s(i-1)+j*d p(k,1)=gxcubv(sl,np,s,xp1,yy1d(1,1),yy2d(1,1)) p(k,2)=gxcubv(sl,np,s,yp1,yy1d(1,2),yy2d(1,2)) enddo k=k+1 p(k,1)=xp1(i) p(k,2)=yp1(i) enddo else !--- step at which extra points should occur step=(xmax-xmin)*selem/screen call gxcubi(np,xp1,yp1,yy1d,yy2d,ierror) if( goto 70 k=1 p(1,1)=xp1(1) p(1,2)=yp1(1) do i=2,np !--- number of extra points to be plotted nextra=abs(xp1(i)-xp1(i-1))/step d=(xp1(i)-xp1(i-1))/(nextra+1) do j=1,nextra k=k+1 p(k,1)=xp1(i-1)+j*d p(k,2)=gxcubv(p(k,1),np,xp1,yp1,yy1d,yy2d) enddo k=k+1 p(k,1)=xp1(i) p(k,2)=yp1(i) enddo endif call gvpl(k,p(1,1),p(1,2)) goto 999 70 continue ! !--- error condition - not enough, too many, or identical points ! call gvpl(np,xp1,yp1) 999 end subroutine gxplts subroutine gxplt1(np,xp1,yp1,ac) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,ierror,j,k,nextra,np real d,gxcubv,screen,selem,sg,sl,step,xmax,xmin !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: plots a smoothed polyline (3rd order cubic splines), clips ! !--- Input ! np number of points ! xp1 x values ! yp1 y values ! ac active window for clipping ---> routine GXPL ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Dec. 9, 1988 ! last mod: May 13, 1993 ! !*********************************************************************** real xp1(*),yp1(*),ac(4) logical curlfl save screen, selem !--- screen is the dimension of a reasonable screen, SELEM the length ! of a curve piece such that it looks smooth data screen/30./, selem/.2/ ! if( goto 70 xmin=xp1(1) xmax=xp1(1) curlfl=.false. sg=sign(1.,xp1(2)-xp1(1)) do i=2,np*xp1(i)*xp1(i-1) xmin=min(xmin,xp1(i)) xmax=max(xmax,xp1(i)) enddo if(xmax.eq.xmin) goto 999 if(curlfl) then !--- y is not a unique function of x - spline x and y independetly ! as function of s s(1)=0. do i=2,np s(i)=s(i-1)+sqrt((xp1(i)-xp1(i-1))**2+(yp1(i)-yp1(i-1))**2) enddo !--- step at which extra points should occur step=s(np)*selem/screen call gxcubi(np,s,xp1,yy1d(1,1),yy2d(1,1),ierror) if( goto 70 call gxcubi(np,s,yp1,yy1d(1,2),yy2d(1,2),ierror) if( goto 70 k=1 p(1,1)=xp1(1) p(1,2)=yp1(1) do i=2,np !--- number of extra points to be plotted nextra=(s(i)-s(i-1))/step d=(s(i)-s(i-1))/(nextra+1) do j=1,nextra k=k+1 sl=s(i-1)+j*d p(k,1)=gxcubv(sl,np,s,xp1,yy1d(1,1),yy2d(1,1)) p(k,2)=gxcubv(sl,np,s,yp1,yy1d(1,2),yy2d(1,2)) enddo k=k+1 p(k,1)=xp1(i) p(k,2)=yp1(i) enddo else !--- step at which extra points should occur step=(xmax-xmin)*selem/screen call gxcubi(np,xp1,yp1,yy1d,yy2d,ierror) if( goto 70 k = 1 p(1,1)=xp1(1) p(1,2)=yp1(1) do i=2,np !--- number of extra points to be plotted nextra=abs(xp1(i)-xp1(i-1))/step d=(xp1(i)-xp1(i-1))/(nextra+1) do j=1,nextra k=k+1 p(k,1)=xp1(i-1)+j*d p(k,2)=gxcubv(p(k,1),np,xp1,yp1,yy1d,yy2d) enddo if (k .eq. madim1) then !--- flush buffer call gxpl(k, p(1,1), p(1,2), ac) p(1,1) = p(k,1) p(1,2) = p(k,2) k = 1 endif k=k+1 p(k,1)=xp1(i) p(k,2)=yp1(i) enddo endif if (k .gt. 1) call gxpl(k,p(1,1),p(1,2),ac) goto 999 70 continue ! !--- error condition - not enough, too many, or identical points ! call gxpl(np,xp1,yp1,ac) 999 end subroutine gxplt1 subroutine gxpl(n,x,y,ac) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,ilow,j,k,n real xtol,ytol !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: plots a polyline, clips at active window. ! !--- Input: ! n no. of points ! x x positions ! y y positions ! ac active window ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Dec. 9, 1988 ! last mod: Dec. 9, 1988 ! !*********************************************************************** real x(*),y(*),ac(4) xtol = toleps * (ac(2) - ac(1)) ytol = toleps * (ac(4) - ac(3)) if (n .gt. 1) then ilow = 1 10 continue do i = ilow, n if(x(i) + xtol .lt. ac(1)) goto 30 if(x(i) - xtol .gt. ac(2)) goto 30 if(y(i) + ytol .lt. ac(3)) goto 30 if(y(i) - ytol .gt. ac(4)) goto 30 enddo 30 continue if (i - 1 .gt. ilow) then call gvpl(i - ilow, x(ilow), y(ilow)) endif do j = max(i, 2), n call gxplxx(x(j-1),y(j-1), ac, xp, yp, k) if (k .eq. 2) then call gvpl(2, xp, yp) endif if(x(j) + xtol .lt. ac(1)) goto 40 if(x(j) - xtol .gt. ac(2)) goto 40 if(y(j) + ytol .lt. ac(3)) goto 40 if(y(j) - ytol .gt. ac(4)) goto 40 ilow = j goto 10 40 continue enddo endif end subroutine gxpl subroutine gxplxx(xin, yin, ac, xout,yout, kp) implicit none integer i,j,k,kp real t,xc,xtol,yc,ytol !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: returns two points inside or on border of active window ! !--- Input: ! xin x positions of Input points ! yin y positions of Input points ! ac active window !--- Output ! xout x positions of Output points ! yout y positions of Output points ! kp no. of points to plot (2 if OK, else less) ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Dec. 9, 1988 ! last mod: Dec. 3, 1992 ! !*********************************************************************** real toleps parameter (toleps = 1.e-5) real ac(4), xin(2), yin(2), xout(2), yout(2) real x(2), y(2), xr(4), yr(4) xtol = toleps * (ac(2) - ac(1)) ytol = toleps * (ac(4) - ac(3)) kp = 0 do i = 1, 2 if(xin(i) + xtol .lt. ac(1)) goto 10 if(xin(i) - xtol .gt. ac(2)) goto 10 if(yin(i) + ytol .lt. ac(3)) goto 10 if(yin(i) - ytol .gt. ac(4)) goto 10 kp = kp + 1 j = i xout(kp) = xin(i) yout(kp) = yin(i) 10 continue enddo if (kp .lt. 2) then if (kp .eq. 0) then !--- both outside do i = 1, 2 x(i) = xin(i) y(i) = yin(i) enddo else x(1) = xin(j) y(1) = yin(j) x(2) = xin(3-j) y(2) = yin(3-j) endif !--- treat four cases = four sides of ac: low, up, left, right k = 0 if (abs(y(2) - y(1)) .gt. ytol) then t = (ac(3) - y(1)) / (y(2) - y(1)) if (t .ge. 0. .and. t .lt. 1.) then xc = x(1) + t * (x(2) - x(1)) if (xc + xtol .ge. ac(1) .and. xc - xtol .le. ac(2)) then k = k + 1 xr(k) = xc yr(k) = ac(3) endif endif t = (ac(4) - y(1)) / (y(2) - y(1)) if (t .ge. 0. .and. t .lt. 1.) then xc = x(1) + t * (x(2) - x(1)) if (xc + xtol .ge. ac(1) .and. xc - xtol .le. ac(2)) then k = k + 1 xr(k) = xc yr(k) = ac(4) endif endif endif if (abs(x(2) - x(1)) .gt. xtol) then t = (ac(1) - x(1)) / (x(2) - x(1)) if (t .ge. 0. .and. t .lt. 1.) then yc = y(1) + t * (y(2) - y(1)) if (yc + ytol .ge. ac(3) .and. yc - ytol .le. ac(4)) then k = k + 1 yr(k) = yc xr(k) = ac(1) endif endif t = (ac(2) - x(1)) / (x(2) - x(1)) if (t .ge. 0. .and. t .lt. 1.) then yc = y(1) + t * (y(2) - y(1)) if (yc + ytol .ge. ac(3) .and. yc - ytol .le. ac(4)) then k = k + 1 yr(k) = yc xr(k) = ac(2) endif endif endif if (kp .eq. 0) then if( k .eq. 2) then do i = 1, 2 xout(i) = xr(i) yout(i) = yr(i) enddo kp = 2 endif elseif (k .eq. 1) then xout(2) = xr(1) yout(2) = yr(1) kp = 2 elseif (k .gt. 1) then if (abs(xr(1) - xout(1)) .lt. abs(xr(2) - xout(1))) then xout(2) = xr(2) yout(2) = yr(2) kp = 2 endif endif endif end subroutine gxplxx subroutine gxpm(n,x,y,ac) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,iloop,k,n,nup real xerr,yerr !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: plots a marker symbol if inside active window. ! !--- Input: ! n no. of marker symbols ! x x positions ! y y positions ! ac active window ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Dec. 9, 1988 ! last mod: Dec. 9, 1988 ! !*********************************************************************** real x(*),y(*),ac(4) xerr=1.e-3*(ac(2)-ac(1)) yerr=1.e-3*(ac(4)-ac(3)) do iloop=1,n,madim2 nup=min(n,iloop+madim2-1) k=0 do i=iloop,nup if(x(i) goto 20 if(x(i) goto 20 if(y(i) goto 20 if(y(i) goto 20 k=k+1 xp(k)=x(i) yp(k)=y(i) 20 continue enddo if( call gvpm(k,xp,yp) enddo end subroutine gxpm subroutine gxpmsw(n,x,y,ac) implicit none integer n !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: plots a software (!) marker symbol if inside active window. ! this is necessary where the scaling of hardware symbols ! does not work (e.g. Apollo with GTS-GRAL). ! only symbols 1 to 5 (.+*ox) are supported. ! !--- Input: ! n no. of marker symbols ! x x positions ! y y positions ! ac active window ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: May 11, 1989 ! last mod: July 10, 1995 ! !*********************************************************************** real x(*),y(*),ac(4) call gxpm(n,x,y,ac) end subroutine gxpmsw subroutine gxpnbl(string,ifirst,ilast) implicit none integer i,ifirst,ilast !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: returns position of first and last non-blank in STRING ! !--- Input ! string character string !--- Output ! ifirst first non-blank in string, or 0 if only blanks ! ilast last non-blank ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: June 16, 1987 ! !*********************************************************************** character(*) string ifirst=0 ilast=0 do i=1,len(string) if(string(i:i).ne.' ') then ifirst=i goto 20 endif enddo goto 999 20 continue do i=len(string),1,-1 if(string(i:i).ne.' ') then ilast=i goto 999 endif enddo 999 end subroutine gxpnbl subroutine gxppow(alabl,ipower) implicit none integer i1,i2,ipower !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: plots a power of ten as label ! !--- Input ! alabl text coordinates ! ipower power to plot ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: June 8, 1988 ! !*********************************************************************** real alabl(4) character sdumm*10 if(ipower.eq.0) then call gxstx(alabl(1),alabl(3),' 1 ') elseif(ipower.eq.1) then call gxstx(alabl(1),alabl(3),'10 ') else sdumm=' ' write(sdumm,'(I10)') ipower call gxpnbl(sdumm,i1,i2) call gxtx(alabl(1),alabl(3),'10'//sdumm(i1:i2)//'') endif end subroutine gxppow subroutine gxprwn(ixy,ncrv,icvref,nptval,ipcval,ipval,cval,val,nax,iaref,iapar,range,wn) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,iadd,iauto,iaxr,ic,icurv,ifl,ip,ipc,iscalf,ixy,j,k,kset,& nax,ncrv,nextop,npint,npt,nref,nx real rmax,rmaxi,rmaxt,rmin,rmini,rmint,tolo !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: calculates all window values for either x or y ! !--- Input ! ixy flag: 1 = x, 2 = y (only valid x points for y range) ! ncrv number of curves (=ordered sets of (x,y) pairs) to plot ! icvref(i) curve set for curve I ! nptval(i) number of points ((x,y) pairs) in set I ! ipcval(i) first x value of set I in array VAL (for range check) ! ipval(i) first x or y value of set I in array VAL ! cval array containing the x values for all sets (range check) ! val array containing the x or y values for all sets ! nax max. no. of x or y axes ! iaref(i) axis reference number of set I. All x or y axes with ! this reference number will be scaled if automatic. ! iapar(j,K) axis parameters of x or y axis K ! range(j,K) lower and upper limit of axis K !--- Output ! wn(j,i) lower and upper window values for set I ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: Nov. 18, 1994 ! !*********************************************************************** integer nptval(*), ipcval(*), ipval(*), iaref(*), iapar(mpaxs,*), & icvref(*) real cval(*), val(*), range(2,*), wn(2,*) real rng(2) integer iref(mxaxs+myaxs) ! !--- nref counts the number of axis reference numbers nref=0 do icurv=1,ncrv kset=max(1,min(maxset,icvref(icurv))) iaxr=iaref(kset) !--- check whether there are axes with this ref. number do j=1,nref if(iaxr.eq.iref(j)) goto 80 enddo !--- not yet in list nref=nref+1 iref(nref)=iaxr !--- loop over related axes for scaling etc. !--- nextop gives the highest option for zero adjustment nextop=0 !--- iscalf gives the highest scaling type request iscalf=0 !--- iauto is 0 for automatic, 1 for hand scaling iauto=0 do i=1,nax if(iapar(21,i).eq.iaxr) then nextop=max(nextop,iapar(22,i)) iscalf=max(iscalf,iapar(1,i)) iauto =max(iauto ,iapar(23,i)) endif enddo if( then !--- hand scaling requested - get extrema of all ranges given ifl=0 do i=1,nax if(iapar(21,i).eq.iaxr) then if(range(1,i).lt.range(2,i)) then if(ifl.eq.0) then ifl=1 rng(1)=range(1,i) rng(2)=range(2,i) endif rng(1)=min(rng(1),range(1,i)) rng(2)=max(rng(2),range(2,i)) endif endif enddo if(ifl.eq.0) then !--- no valid range found - use automatic scaling iauto=0 endif endif if(iauto.eq.0) then !--- find minima and maxima of coordinates ifl=0 do ic=icurv,ncrv k=max(1,min(maxset,icvref(ic))) if(iaxr.eq.iaref(k)) then !--- find min. and max. x or y values npt=nptval(ic) ip=ipval(ic) ipc = ipcval(ic) iadd = 0 if (ixy .eq. 2) then !--- take only y values paired with valid x values tolo = toleps * (axwndx(2,kset) - axwndx(1,kset)) do j = 0, npt - 1 if (cval(ipc+j) .ge. axwndx(1, kset) - tolo & .and. cval(ipc+j) .le. axwndx(2, kset) + tolo) & then iadd = j goto 32 endif enddo 32 continue endif if(ifl.eq.0) then rmini=val(ip+iadd) rmaxi=rmini ifl=1 endif do j=iadd,npt-1 if (ixy .eq. 1) then rmini=min(rmini,val(ip+j)) rmaxi=max(rmaxi,val(ip+j)) elseif (cval(ipc+j) .ge. axwndx(1, kset) & .and. cval(ipc+j) .le. axwndx(2, kset)) then rmini=min(rmini,val(ip+j)) rmaxi=max(rmaxi,val(ip+j)) endif enddo endif enddo endif ! nx counts the axes belonging to IAXR nx=0 do i=1,nax !--- keep interval number as given by user iapar(19,i)=iapar(2,i) if(iapar(21,i).eq.iaxr) then nx=nx+1 if(iauto.eq.0) then !--- automatic scaling of this axis requested call gxarng(nextop,rmini,rmaxi,rmin,rmax,npint) if(iapar(2,i).lt.0) iapar(19,i)=npint else !--- hand scaling rmin=rng(1) rmax=rng(2) if(nextop.eq.1) then !--- start or end axis at 0. if possible if( then rmin=0. elseif( then rmax=0. endif elseif(nextop.eq.2) then !--- make axis symmetric around 0. rmax=max(abs(rmin),abs(rmax)) rmin=-rmax endif endif !--- keep overall min. and max. if(nx.eq.1) then rmint=rmin rmaxt=rmax else rmint=min(rmint,rmin) rmaxt=max(rmaxt,rmax) endif endif enddo if(nx.eq.0) then !--- no axis found for this ref. number - automatic scale call gxarng(0,rmini,rmaxi,rmint,rmaxt,npint) endif !--- set windows do ic=icurv,ncrv k=max(1,min(maxset,icvref(ic))) if(iaref(k).eq.iaxr) then wn(1,k)=rmint wn(2,k)=rmaxt endif enddo 80 continue enddo 999 end subroutine gxprwn subroutine gxqaxs(type,naxis,npar,ipar,range,stext,sform) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,naxis,npar !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: returns axis parameters ! !--- Input ! type 'X' for an x-axis, 'Y' for a y-axis ! naxis axis number !--- Output ! npar no. of axis parameters in IPAR ! or = 0 if NAXIS and/or TYPE are wrong, in which case the other ! Output parameters will not be set ! ipar parameter list ! range(1) lower axis limit ! (2) upper axis limit ! stext axis text ! sform axis label format, e.g. '(F6.2)' ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: June 16, 1987 ! !*********************************************************************** character(*) type,stext,sform integer ipar(*) real range(2) npar=0 if(type.eq.'X') then if( then npar=mpaxs stext=sxtext(naxis) sform=sxform(naxis) do i=1,mpaxs ipar(i)=ixapar(i,naxis) enddo do i=1,2 range(i)=rangex(i,naxis) enddo endif elseif(type.eq.'Y') then if( then npar=mpaxs stext=sytext(naxis) sform=syform(naxis) do i=1,mpaxs ipar(i)=iyapar(i,naxis) enddo do i=1,2 range(i)=rangey(i,naxis) enddo endif endif end subroutine gxqaxs subroutine gxqcrv(nset,npar,ipar,symb) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,npar,nset !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: inquire curve set parameters ! !--- Input ! nset curve set number !--- Output ! npar number of curve set parameters returned in IPAR ! ipar parameter list ! symb plot symbol ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: June 16, 1987 ! !*********************************************************************** character(1) symb integer ipar(*) npar=0 if( then npar=mpcurv do i=1,mpcurv ipar(i)=icvpar(i,nset) enddo symb=splotc(nset:nset) endif end subroutine gxqcrv subroutine gxqrvp(xf) implicit none integer ict,ierr real xf !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: inquire view port ratio (y to x extension) ! !--- Output ! xf expansion factor ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: March 2, 1988 ! last mod: March 2, 1988 ! !*********************************************************************** real w(4),v(4) xf=1. !--- get current norm. transf. number call jqcntn(ierr,ict) if( goto 999 !--- get current window and viewport call jqnt(ict,ierr,w,v) if( goto 999 if(v(2).gt.v(1).and.v(4).gt.v(3)) then xf=(v(4)-v(3))/(v(2)-v(1)) endif 999 end subroutine gxqrvp subroutine gxqvar(name,intv,realv,charv) use gxx11_common implicit none integer intv real realv !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: returns values of certain variables in common GXCOMM ! !--- Input: ! name name of the variable (character): ! = itermt terminal workstation type (default = MTERMT) ! = interm terminal workstation number (default = MTTERM if ! GXASKU called, 0 otherwise for batch) ! if = 0, no graphics display on terminal ! = inmeta metafile workstation number (default = MTMETA) ! if = 0, no metafile written ! = ierrun GKS error file unit number (default = MERRUN) ! = imetun metafile unit (default = METAUN) ! = inunit terminal or default READ unit (default = 5) ! = iounit terminal or default PRINT unit (default = 6) ! = isfflg =0 (default) for square, 1 for full screen area ! = isqflg =0 (default) for independent window optimization in x and y, ! =1 for an identical window range in x and y. ! this means that if: ! ISFFLG=0, ISQFLG=1 ! and the viewport has not been tampered with ! and the x and y scales are identical ! then ! (on a plotter) a circle will be plotted as a circle (!) ! if GXPLOT is called ! = iwtflg if = 0 (default), no action. ! if = 1 (set by GXASKU if interactive), GXPLOT will wait for some ! Input from the keyboard (e.g. ) before returning so that you ! can look at the picture. The waiting routine GXWAIT can be called ! separately. ! = iclflg =0 : no action; = 1 (default): causes a "clear workstations" ! at the end of GXPLOT. This is simply done by ! if(INTERM.GT.0) CALL GCLRWK(INTERM,0) ! if(INMETA.GT.0) CALL GCLRWK(INMETA,0) ! in case you want to do it separately. ! = inormt normalization transformation number (default=MNORMT) ! = ipseps .ps (1), .eps (2), else no Output ! = idinit treat first GXINIT call as dummy if not zero ! = nxpix x size of window in pixels (X11) ! = nypix y size of window in pixels (X11) ! = xmetaf paper length in cm for metafile plotting ! = ymetaf paper width in cm for metafile plotting ! if either XMETAF or YMETAF = 0. (default), then the ! default square will be plotted ! = serrnm GKS error file name (default GXFERR) ! = smetnm Metafile name (default GXMETA) ! = sdefnl new line start default in axis titles ! !--- Output: ! intv integer value if the variable is INTEGER ! realv real value if the variable is REAL ! charv if the variable is CHARACTER ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: May 12, 1993 ! !*********************************************************************** character(*) name,charv character(6) code code=name if (code.eq.'ITERMT') then intv=itermt elseif(code.eq.'INTERM') then intv=interm elseif(code.eq.'INMETA') then intv=inmeta elseif(code.eq.'IERRUN') then intv=ierrun elseif(code.eq.'IMETUN') then intv=imetun elseif(code.eq.'INUNIT') then intv=inunit elseif(code.eq.'IOUNIT') then intv=iounit elseif(code.eq.'ISFFLG') then intv=isfflg elseif(code.eq.'ISQFLG') then intv=isqflg elseif(code.eq.'IWTFLG') then intv=iwtflg elseif(code.eq.'ICLFLG') then intv=iclflg elseif(code.eq.'INORMT') then intv=inormt elseif(code.eq.'IPSEPS') then intv=ipseps elseif(code.eq.'IDINIT') then intv=idinit elseif(code.eq.'NXPIX') then intv = nxpix elseif(code.eq.'NYPIX') then intv = nypix elseif(code.eq.'XMETAF') then realv=xmetaf elseif(code.eq.'YMETAF') then realv=ymetaf elseif(code.eq.'SERRNM') then charv=serrnm elseif(code.eq.'SMETNM') then charv=smetnm elseif(code.eq.'SDEFNL') then charv=sdefnl endif end subroutine gxqvar subroutine gxqwac(wact) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: returns current active user area (inside frame) in NDC ! !--- Output ! wact active window in NDC ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Dec 17, 1987 ! last mod: Dec 17, 1987 ! !*********************************************************************** real wact(4) do i=1,4 wact(i)=actwnd(i) enddo end subroutine gxqwac subroutine gxrdtx(lrunit,sline,ierr) implicit none integer ierr,lrunit !*********************************************************************** ! ! reads a character string from LRUNIT, recovers from ! empty carriage return under VM (string = blank). ! !--- Input ! lrunit Input unit !--- Output ! sline string read, or blank if ! ierr = 0 if no error, else = 1 ! ! Author hG 11.2.86 ! !*********************************************************************** character sline*(*) ierr=0 sline=' ' read(lrunit,'(A)',err=30,end=30) sline goto 999 30 ierr=1 999 end subroutine gxrdtx subroutine gxrest(isave,rsave) implicit none !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: restores GKS settings ! !--- Input ! isave integer list of saved values (GXINIT def. in brackets) ! 1 norm. transf. number (1) ! 2 line style (1) ! 3,4 hor. and vert. text alignment (0,0) ! 5,6 font and precision (1,0) ! 7 text colour index (1) ! 8 marker colour index (1) ! 9 polyline colour index (1) ! 10 marker type (3) ! 11 text path (0) ! 12 fill area interior style (0) ! 13 fill area style index (if interior style = 2) ! rsave floating list of saved values ! 1-4 window (0.,1.,0.,1.) ! 5-8 viewport (0.,1.,0.,WFACT) ! 9 character height (0.01) ! 10,11 character up vector (0.,1.) ! 12 line width scale factor (1.) ! 13 marker scale factor (1.) ! 14 character spacing factor (0.) ! 15 character expansion factor (1.) ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: March 7, 1988 ! !*********************************************************************** integer isave(*) real rsave(*) ! if(isave(1).ne.0) then ! call jselnt(isave(1)) call jswn(isave(1),rsave(1),rsave(2),rsave(3),rsave(4)) endif call jsln(isave(2)) call jstxal(isave(3),isave(4)) call jstxfp(isave(5),isave(6)) call jstxci(isave(7)) call jspmci(isave(8)) call jsplci(isave(9)) call jsmk(isave(10)) ! call jstxp(isave(11)) call jsfais(isave(12)) ! call jsfasi(isave(13)) ! call jschh(rsave(9)) call jschup(rsave(10),rsave(11)) call jslwsc(rsave(12)) call jsmksc(rsave(13)) ! call jschsp(rsave(14)) call jschxp(rsave(15)) 999 end subroutine gxrest subroutine gxsave(isave,rsave,ierr) implicit none integer ierr !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: saves current GKS settings ! !--- Output ! isave integer list of saved values ! 1 norm. transf. number ! 2 line style ! 3,4 hor. and vert. text alignment ! 5,6 font and precision ! 7 text colour index ! 8 marker colour index ! 9 polyline colour index ! 10 marker type ! 11 text path ! 12 fill area interior style ! 13 fill area style index (if interior style = 2) ! rsave floating list of saved values ! 1-4 window (0.,1.,0.,1.) ! 5-8 viewport (0.,1.,0.,WFACT) ! 9 character height (0.01) ! 10,11 character up vector (0.,1.) ! 12 line width scale factor (1.) ! 13 marker scale factor (1.) ! 14 character spacing factor (0.) ! 15 character expansion factor (1.) ! ierr 0 if OK, or GKS error number ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: March 7, 1988 ! !*********************************************************************** integer isave(*) real rsave(*) ! call jqcntn(ierr,isave(1)) if( goto 999 call jqln(ierr,isave(2)) if( goto 999 call jqtxal(ierr,isave(3),isave(4)) if( goto 999 call jqtxfp(ierr,isave(5),isave(6)) if( goto 999 call jqtxci(ierr,isave(7)) if( goto 999 call jqpmci(ierr,isave(8)) if( goto 999 call jqplci(ierr,isave(9)) if( goto 999 call jqmk(ierr,isave(10)) if( goto 999 ! call jqtxp(ierr,isave(11)) if( goto 999 call jqfais(ierr,isave(12)) if( goto 999 ! call jqfasi(ierr,isave(13)) if( goto 999 ! call jqnt(isave(1),ierr,rsave(1),rsave(5)) if( goto 999 call jqchh(ierr,rsave(9)) if( goto 999 call jqchup(ierr,rsave(10),rsave(11)) if( goto 999 call jqlwsc(ierr,rsave(12)) if( goto 999 call jqmksc(ierr,rsave(13)) if( goto 999 ! call jqchsp(ierr,rsave(14)) if( goto 999 call jqchxp(ierr,rsave(15)) if( goto 999 999 end subroutine gxsave subroutine gxsaxs(type,naxis,npar,ipar,range,stext,sform) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,naxis,npar !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: set axis parameters ! !--- Input ! type 'X' for an x-axis, 'Y' for a y-axis ! naxis axis number ! npar parameters 1 to NPAR will be taken from IPAR ! ipar parameter list ! range(1) lower axis limit ! (2) upper axis limit ! stext axis text - only plotted if first character not blank ! sform axis label format, e.g. '(F6.2)' ! !----------- REMARK. ! no action if TYPE and/or NAXIS are wrong. ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: June 16, 1987 ! !*********************************************************************** character(*) type,stext,sform integer ipar(*) real range(2) if(type.eq.'X') then if( then sxtext(naxis)=stext sxform(naxis)=sform do i=1,min(npar,mpaxs) ixapar(i,naxis)=ipar(i) enddo do i=1,2 rangex(i,naxis)=range(i) enddo endif elseif(type.eq.'Y') then if( then sytext(naxis)=stext syform(naxis)=sform do i=1,min(npar,mpaxs) iyapar(i,naxis)=ipar(i) enddo do i=1,2 rangey(i,naxis)=range(i) enddo endif endif end subroutine gxsaxs subroutine gxscal(xmin,xmax,xlo,xhi,nint) implicit none integer i,icase,idistl,mrange,n1,n2,nint,niv real x1,x2,xhi,xlo,xmax,xmin !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: for a given arbitrary interval, finds the nearest interval ! in round numbers and a good subdivision ! !--- Input: ! xmin lower corner of interval ! xmax upper corner of interval ! !--- Output: ! xlo lower corner of (possibly) extended interval, round ! xhi upper corner (dito) ! nint proposed number of intervals (zero will be precisely ! on the limit of a subinterval if included in range) ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Sept. 7, 1987 ! last modification: Jan. 12, 1988 ! !*********************************************************************** parameter (mrange=10) integer iv(mrange+1) double precision rangl(mrange+1) double precision xhigh,xlow,ztol1,err1,dist,distl,distn, & distr,sdist save iv, rangl, err1 data iv/10,12,8,10,10,12,8,10,12,8,10/ data rangl/1.d0,1.2d0,1.6d0,2.d0,2.5d0,3.d0,4.d0,5.d0, & 6.d0,8.d0,10.d0/ data ztol1,err1/5.d-4,1.d-8/ ! !--- prepare Input data: consider only the case of at least one positive ! value. a boundary too near to zero will be set to zero. ! x1=min(xmin,xmax) x2=max(xmin,xmax) if(x1.eq.x2) then if( then x2=0. elseif( then x1=0. else x1=0. x2=1. endif endif if( then icase=1 xlow=x1 xhigh=x2 else icase=2 xlow=-x2 xhigh=-x1 endif if(abs(xlow).lt.xhigh) then if(abs(xlow)/*ztol1) xlow=0.d0 else if(xhigh/abs(xlow).lt.2.d0*ztol1) xhigh=0.d0 endif if(icase.eq.1.and.xhigh.eq.0.d0) then icase=2 xhigh=-xlow xlow=0.d0 endif ! !--- choose a reasonable (round) distance ! distl=log10(xhigh-xlow) idistl=distl if( idistl=idistl-1 distr=10.d0**idistl distn=(xhigh-xlow)/distr do i=1,mrange if(distn.le.rangl(i)+err1) goto 20 enddo 20 continue dist=rangl(i)*distr if(xlow.eq.0.d0) then ! !--- first case: one of the boundary values is zero ! nint=iv(i) if(icase.eq.1) then xlo=0. xhi=dist else xlo=-dist xhi=0. endif elseif( then ! !--- second case: zero is included in interval and should therefore come ! to coincide with a subinterval boundary ! niv=iv(i) sdist=dist/niv n1=abs(xlow)/sdist+1.d0-ztol1 n2=xhigh/sdist+1.d0-ztol1 nint=n1+n2 xlo=-n1*sdist xhi=n2*sdist else ! !--- both boundaries are below or above zero ! niv=iv(i) sdist=dist/niv n1=xlow/sdist+ztol1 n2=xhigh/sdist+1.d0-ztol1 nint=n2-n1 xlow=n1*sdist xhigh=n2*sdist if(icase.eq.1) then xlo=xlow xhi=xhigh else xlo=-xhigh xhi=-xlow endif endif end subroutine gxscal subroutine gxschf(imode,iort,ch,chret,chwid) implicit none integer ierr,iffo,imode,iort,ippr real ch,chhxf,chret,chwid,hxf,xf !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: set character height and orientation with correct scales ! !--- Input ! imode if 0, inquire only. If > 0, set height and exp. factor ! iort text orientation: 1 horizontal, 2 vertical ! ch character height for a standard viewport !--- Output ! chret character height actually set ! chwid character width ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: March 2, 1988 ! last mod: May 16, 1995 ! !*********************************************************************** !--- set height expansion factor if font call jqtxfp(ierr, iffo, ippr) if (imode .eq. 0 .and. iffo .lt. 0) then chhxf = 1.5 else chhxf = 1. endif call gxqrvp(hxf) if (iort .eq. 1) then chret = ch * chhxf xf = hxf if(imode .gt. 0) call jschup(0., 1.) else chret = hxf * ch xf = 1. / hxf if(imode .gt. 0) call jschup(-1., 0.) endif chwid = .9 * chret * xf if (imode .gt. 0) then call jschh(chret) call jschxp(xf) endif 999 end subroutine gxschf subroutine gxscol(icol) use gxx11_common implicit none integer icol !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: set foreground colour ! !--- Input ! icol requested colour ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Apr. 7, 1995 ! last mod: Apr. 7, 1995 ! !*********************************************************************** character chst * 16 icucol = max(1, mod(icol - 1, mcolor) + 1) chst = colour(icucol) call wstring(chst, 16) call wsetci(chst) end subroutine gxscol subroutine gxscrv(nset,npar,ipar,symb) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,npar,nset !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: set curve set parameters ! !--- Input ! nset curve set number ! npar parameters 1 to NPAR will be taken from IPAR ! ipar parameter list ! symb plot symbol ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: June 16, 1987 ! !*********************************************************************** character(1) symb integer ipar(*) if( then do i=1,min(npar,mpcurv) icvpar(i,nset)=ipar(i) enddo splotc(nset:nset)=symb endif end subroutine gxscrv subroutine gxsdef(sitem,item) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,i1,i2,item,j,k !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: sets undefined variables or restores default values ! !--- Input ! sitem selects the set of values to be defined: ! 'OPTION' for GKS options other than curves and axes: defaults ! 'OPTINI' as for OPTION, but only undefined values are set ! 'CURVE' for curve set ITEM: set defaults ! 'AXIS' for both x and y axis no. ITEM: set defaults ! 'XAXIS' for x axis no. ITEM ! 'YAXIS' for y axis no. ITEM ! 'DEVICE' for viewport: set defaults ! item curve set or axis number. If = 0 , all curve sets or axes ! iflag if = 0, define only undefined. if = 1, reset to defaults ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: June 16, 1987 ! !*********************************************************************** character(*) sitem character titem*50,sxtdef*60,sytdef*60,sxfdef*20,syfdef*20 character spldef*(maxset) integer ixadef(mpaxs), iyadef(mpaxs), icvdef(mpcurv) real vp(4), vpdef(4), rxdef(2), rydef(2) real rgb(3,mcolor) character col(mcolor) * 16 logical defaul,xaxis,yaxis save spldef, sxtdef, sxfdef, vp, ixadef, iyadef, icvdef, & rxdef, rydef, rgb, col data rgb /3*0., 1.,0.,0., 0.,1.,0., 1.,0.,1., 0.,1.,1., 1.,1.,0./ data col / 'black', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'cyan', & 'magenta' / data spldef/'********************'/ data sxtdef/' '/, sytdef/' '/ data sxfdef/' '/, syfdef/' '/ data vp / 0., 1., 0., 1. / data vpdef/ 0.05, 0.95 ,0.05, 0.95 / data ixadef/0,-1,1,-99,-99,-99,10,10,2,2,1,9*0, & -99,0,0/ data iyadef/0,-1,1,-99,-99,-99,10,10,2,2,1,9*0, & -99,0,0/ data icvdef/1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,10/ data rxdef/0.,0./, rydef/0.,0./ call gxundf titem=sitem !------------------------------------------------ ! ! options ! !------------------------------------------------ if(titem(:6).eq.'OPTION'.or.titem(:6).eq.'OPTINI') then defaul=titem(:6).eq.'OPTION' spsnam = ' ' if( then lnunit=lundef inunit=miunit endif if( then lounit=lundef iounit=mounit endif if( then lnormt=lundef inormt=mnormt endif if( then lmetun=lundef imetun=metaun endif if( then lerrun=lundef ierrun=merrun endif if( then lmetax=lundef xmetaf = mxsize endif if( then lmetay=lundef ymetaf = mysize endif if( then ltermt=lundef itermt=mtermt endif if( then lnterm=lundef interm=0 endif if( then lsfflg=lundef isfflg=0 endif if( then lsqflg=lundef isqflg=0 endif if( then lwtflg=lundef iwtflg=0 endif if( then lclflg=lundef iclflg=1 endif if( then lnmeta=lundef inmeta=mtmeta endif if( then lpseps = lundef ipseps = 1 endif if( then ldinit = lundef idinit = 0 endif if( then lxpix = lundef nxpix = mxpix endif if( then lypix = lundef nypix = mypix endif if( then lerrnm=lundef serrnm='GXFERR' endif if( then lmetnm=lundef smetnm='GXMETA' endif if( then lmetnm=lundef sdefnl='//' endif if( then lmpict=lundef endif if( then lttime=lundef !--- wait time for Higz in sec. wttime=0.5 endif icucol = 1 do k = 1, mcolor do i = 1, 3 rgbcol(i,k) = rgb(i,k) enddo colour(k) = col(k) enddo !------------------------------------------------ ! ! device ! !------------------------------------------------ elseif(titem(:6).eq.'DEVICE') then !--- set normalization transformation ! call jselnt(inormt) do i = 1, 4 vptdef(i) = vpdef(i) enddo call gxsvpt(vp) !------------------------------------------------ ! ! curve sETS ! !------------------------------------------------ elseif(titem(:5).eq.'CURVE') then if(item.eq.0) then i1=1 i2=maxset else i1=item i2=item endif do i=i1,i2 do j=1,mpcurv icvpar(j,i)=icvdef(j) enddo enddo splotc(i1:i2)=spldef(i1:i2) !------------------------------------------------ ! ! axes ! !------------------------------------------------ else xaxis=titem(:3).eq.'XAX'.or.titem(:4).eq.'AXIS' yaxis=titem(:3).eq.'YAX'.or.titem(:4).eq.'AXIS' if(xaxis) then if(item.eq.0) then i1=1 i2=mxaxs else i1=item i2=item endif do i=i1,i2 rangex(1,i)=rxdef(1) rangex(2,i)=rxdef(2) sxtext(i)=sxtdef sxform(i)=sxfdef do j=1,mpaxs if(ixadef(j).eq.-99) then ixapar(j,i)=i else ixapar(j,i)=ixadef(j) endif enddo enddo endif if(yaxis) then if(item.eq.0) then i1=1 i2=myaxs else i1=item i2=item endif do i=i1,i2 rangey(1,i)=rydef(1) rangey(2,i)=rydef(2) sytext(i)=sytdef syform(i)=syfdef do j=1,mpaxs if(iyadef(j).eq.-99) then iyapar(j,i)=i else iyapar(j,i)=iyadef(j) endif enddo enddo endif endif end subroutine gxsdef subroutine gxsfop(fnparm,status,ierr) use gxx11_common implicit none integer ierr,ifirst,lgth !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: opens the metafile or error file unit ! !--- Input ! fnparm selection parameter: starting 'MET' for metafile, ! 'ERR' for error file, 'PSF' for Postscript, 'EPS' for ! encapsulated Postscript ! status if ne ' ' then the unit will be opened with this, ! else 'UNKNOWN' will be used as default !--- Output ! ierr =0 if everything OK ! =1 if FNPARM invalid ! =2 if the corresponding unit is not defined ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Sept. 9, 1987 ! last mod: May 12, 1993 ! !*********************************************************************** character(*) fnparm,status character smlocn * 80, sub*3, stat*7 call gxundf sub=fnparm ierr=0 !--- choose positive unit number (see higz) imetps = abs(imetun) if(status(:1).eq.' ') then stat='UNKNOWN' else stat=status endif if(sub.eq.'MET') then if(lmetun.eq.lundef) then if(lmetnm.eq.lundef) then lgth=len(smetnm) open(unit=imetps,file=smetnm(:lgth),status=stat) else open(unit=imetps,status=stat) endif lmetop=lundef else ierr=2 endif elseif(sub .eq. 'EPS') then if(lmetun .eq. lundef) then if(lmetnm .eq. lundef) then iepscf = iepscf + 1 smlocn = smetnm call gxpnbl(smlocn, ifirst, lgth) write(smlocn(lgth+1:lgth+2), '(I2.2)') iepscf spsnam = smlocn(:lgth+2) // '.eps' open(unit = imetps, file = spsnam, status = stat) else open(unit = imetps, status = stat) endif iepsop = 2 lmetop = lundef else ierr=2 endif elseif (sub .eq. 'PSF') then if(lmetun.eq.lundef) then if(lmetnm .eq. lundef) then call gxpnbl(smetnm, ifirst, lgth) spsnam = smetnm(:lgth) // '.ps' open(unit = imetps, file = spsnam, status = stat) else open(unit = imetps, status = stat) endif iepsop = 1 lmetop = lundef else ierr=2 endif elseif(sub.eq.'ERR') then if(lerrun.eq.lundef) then if(lerrnm.eq.lundef) then lgth=len(serrnm) open(unit=ierrun,file=serrnm(:lgth),status=stat) else open(unit=ierrun,status=stat) endif lerrop=lundef else ierr=2 endif else ierr=1 endif end subroutine gxsfop subroutine gxspmt implicit none !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: sets defaults for line style, marker, text, and colour ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: June 16, 1987 ! !*********************************************************************** call jschup(0.,1.) call jsln(1) call jstxal(0,0) call jstxfp(1,2) call jstxci(1) call jspmci(1) call jsplci(1) call jsmksc(.5) end subroutine gxspmt subroutine gxsvar(name,intv,realv,charv) use gxx11_common implicit none integer intv real realv !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: sets selected variables for plotting (in common GXCOMM) ! !--- Input: ! name name of the variable (character): ! = itermt terminal workstation type (default = MTERMT) ! = interm terminal workstation number (default = MTTERM if ! GXASKU called, 0 otherwise for batch) ! if = 0, no graphics display on terminal ! = inmeta metafile workstation number (default = MTMETA) ! if = 0, no metafile written ! = iczebr call (with any value) sets to LUNDEF (no more MZEBRA ! call) ! = wttime Higz wait time in sec. before plotting into a window ! = ierrun GKS error file unit number (default = MERRUN) ! = imetun metafile unit (default = METAUN) ! = inunit terminal or default READ unit (default = 5) ! = iounit terminal or default PRINT unit (default = 6) ! = isfflg =0 (default) for square, 1 for full screen area ! = isqflg =0 (default) for independent window optimization ! in x and y, ! =1 for an identical window range in x and y. ! this means that if: ! ISFFLG=0, ISQFLG=1 ! and the viewport has not been tampered ! with and the x and y scales are identical ! then ! (on a plotter) a circle will be plotted as a circle (!) ! if GXPLOT is called ! = iwtflg if = 0 (default), no action. ! if = 1 (set by GXASKU if interactive), GXPLOT will wait ! for some Input from the keyboard (e.g. ) before ! returning so that you can look at the picture. The ! waiting routine GXWAIT can be called separately. ! = iclflg =0 : no action; = 1 (default): causes a ! "clear workstations" ! at the end of GXPLOT. This is simply done by ! if(INTERM.GT.0) CALL GCLRWK(INTERM,0) ! if(INMETA.GT.0) CALL GCLRWK(INMETA,0) ! in case you want to do it separately. ! = inormt normalization transformation number (default=MNORMT) ! = ipseps .ps (1), .eps (2), else no Output ! = idinit treat first GXINIT call as dummy if not zero ! = nxpix x size of window in pixels (X11) ! = nypix y size of window in pixels (X11) ! = xmetaf paper length in cm for metafile plotting ! = ymetaf paper width in cm for metafile plotting ! if either XMETAF or YMETAF = 0. (default), then the ! default square will be plotted ! = serrnm GKS error file name (default GXFERR) ! = smetnm Metafile name (default GXMETA) ! = sdefnl new line start default in axis titles ! ! intv integer value if the variable is INTEGER ! realv real value if the variable is REAL ! charv if the variable is CHARACTER ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: May 24, 1993 ! !*********************************************************************** character(*) name,charv character(6) code call gxundf code=name if (code.eq.'ITERMT') then itermt=intv ltermt=lundef elseif(code.eq.'INTERM') then interm=intv lnterm=lundef elseif(code.eq.'INMETA') then inmeta=intv lnmeta=lundef elseif(code.eq.'ICZEBR') then iczebr=lundef elseif(code.eq.'WTTIME') then wttime = realv lttime = lundef elseif(code.eq.'IERRUN') then ierrun=intv lerrun=lundef elseif(code.eq.'IMETUN') then imetun=intv lmetun=lundef elseif(code.eq.'INUNIT') then inunit=intv lnunit=lundef elseif(code.eq.'ITSEOP') then itseop=intv ltseop=lundef elseif(code.eq.'IOUNIT') then iounit=intv lounit=lundef elseif(code.eq.'ISFFLG') then isfflg=intv lsfflg=lundef elseif(code.eq.'ISQFLG') then isqflg=intv lsqflg=lundef elseif(code.eq.'IWTFLG') then iwtflg=intv lwtflg=lundef elseif(code.eq.'ICLFLG') then iclflg=intv lclflg=lundef elseif(code.eq.'INORMT') then inormt=intv lnormt=lundef elseif(code.eq.'IPSEPS') then ipseps=intv lpseps=lundef elseif(code.eq.'IDINIT') then idinit=intv ldinit=lundef elseif(code.eq.'NXPIX') then nxpix = intv lxpix = lundef elseif(code.eq.'NYPIX') then nypix = intv lypix = lundef elseif(code.eq.'XMETAF') then xmetaf=realv lmetax=lundef elseif(code.eq.'YMETAF') then ymetaf=realv lmetay=lundef elseif(code.eq.'SERRNM') then serrnm=charv lerrnm=lundef elseif(code.eq.'SMETNM') then smetnm=charv lmetnm=lundef elseif(code.eq.'SDEFNL') then sdefnl=charv ldefnl=lundef endif end subroutine gxsvar subroutine gxstep use gxx11_common implicit none integer ierr !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: opens .eps file ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: May 12, 1993 ! last mod: May 12, 1993 ! !*********************************************************************** if (iepsop .eq. -1) then call gxsfop('PSFILE','UNKNOWN',ierr) else call gxsfop('EPSFILE','UNKNOWN',ierr) endif call gxopps(imetun, ipstyp) end subroutine gxstep subroutine gxstx(xpch, ypch, ch) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,ich,ie,ierr,ifont,ifttmp,ihort,inttmp,iprec,ipstmp, & ivert,k,lch,np real chsize,chux,chuy,cosa,enorm,exfact,sina,wid,width,xcoord, & xmult,xpch,xshift,ycoord,ymult,ypch,yshift !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: writes a software character string for fonts 1, -13 ! !--- Input: ! xpch x position ! ypch y position ! ch string ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Dec. 14, 1990 ! last mod: May 13, 1993 !********************************************************************** character(*) ch real xp1(200), yp1(200), xpl(200), ypl(200), rsave(20) integer isave(20), ipen(200) real yfact(5) data yfact / 1.185, 1.,0.5, 0., -0.315 / wid=0. do i=1,200 xp1(i)=0. yp1(i)=0. xpl(i)=0. ypl(i)=0. enddo do i=1,20 rsave(i)=0. enddo !--- keep (e)ps flag ipstmp = ipseps !--- open .eps file if requested if (iepsop .lt. 0) call gxstep call jqtxfp(ie, ifont, iprec) if (ie .ne. 0) goto 999 !--- start mod 7.6.96 ! always write .ps or .eps file with a font, sw-characters only ! on screen if (ifont .ne. 1 .and. ifont .ne. -13) then call gvtx(xpch, ypch, ch) goto 999 else !--- switch terminal off, write file inttmp = interm interm = 0 if (ifont .eq. 1) then ifttmp = -1 else ifttmp = -12 endif call jstxfp(ifttmp, 2) call gvtx(xpch, ypch, ch) call jstxfp(ifont, 2) interm = inttmp !--- switch output file off ipseps = 0 !--- end mod 7.6.96 endif call gxsave(isave, rsave, ierr) call jsln(1) lch = len(ch) ihort = isave(3) ivert = isave(4) if (ihort .eq. 0) ihort = 1 if (ivert .eq. 0) ivert = 4 chsize = rsave(9) exfact = rsave(15) chux = rsave(10) chuy = rsave(11) enorm = 1. / sqrt(chux**2 + chuy**2) sina = -chux * enorm cosa = chuy * enorm ymult = chsize / 0.22 xmult = exfact * ymult width = 0. ierr = 0 do ich = 1, lch call gxfchr(0, ch(ich:ich), ifont, wid, np, ipen, xp1, yp1, ie) ierr = ierr + ie width = width + wid enddo if (ierr .eq. 0) then xshift = 0.5 * (1 - ihort) * width * xmult yshift = - chsize * yfact(ivert) do ich = 1, lch call gxfchr(1, ch(ich:ich), ifont, wid, np, ipen, xp1, yp1, & ierr) k = 0 do i = 1, np if (ipen(i) .eq. 0) then !--- pen up if (k .gt. 1) call gvpl(k, xpl, ypl) k = 1 else k = k + 1 endif xcoord = xmult * xp1(i) + xshift ycoord = ymult * yp1(i) + yshift xpl(k) = xpch + cosa * xcoord - sina * ycoord ypl(k) = ypch + cosa * ycoord + sina * xcoord enddo if (k .gt. 1) call gvpl(k, xpl, ypl) xshift = xshift + wid * xmult enddo else call gvtx(xpch, ypch, ch) endif ipseps = ipstmp call gxrest(isave, rsave) 999 end subroutine gxstx subroutine gxsvpt(vp) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i real fdx,fdy !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: sets workstation viewport. This needs a separate routine ! because of the screen size ratio (see below). ! !--- Input ! vp xlow, xup, ylow, yup of viewport. ! the factor of the screen ratio WFACT is applied to the ! gSVP call directly. The biggest possible screen size ! (square or full) is therefore always obtained with ! vP = (0.,1.,0.,1.) . ! in addition, if a metafile viewport other than the default ! is specified, this overrides the screen values. ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: Nov 5, 1987 ! !*********************************************************************** real vp(4) fdx = vptdef(2) - vptdef(1) fdy = vptdef(4) - vptdef(3) do i = 1, 2 vploc(i) = vptdef(1) + fdx * vp(i) vploc(i+2) = vptdef(3) + fdy * vp(i+2) enddo vpfacx = vploc(2) - vploc(1) vpfacy = vploc(4) - vploc(3) call jsvp(1, vploc(1), vploc(2), vploc(3), vploc(4)) end subroutine gxsvpt subroutine gxswnd(window) use gxx11_common implicit none !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: sets the window for INORMT ! !--- Input ! window vector of length four (xlow, xup, ylow, yup) ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: June 16, 1987 ! !*********************************************************************** real window(4) call jswn(inormt,window(1),window(2),window(3),window(4)) end subroutine gxswnd subroutine gxterm use gxx11_common implicit none !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: terminates GKS PLOT package ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: May 13, 1993 ! !*********************************************************************** call gxundf if(ltotin.eq.lundef) then if( then call wdawk(interm) call wclwk(interm) endif if( then if (iepsop .gt. 0) then call gxopps(0, 0) endif endif call wclks if (iepsop .eq. 1 .or. iepsop .eq. 2) then close(imetps) iepsop = - iepsop endif lmetop = 0 endif end subroutine gxterm subroutine gxtint use gxx11_common implicit none !*********************************************************************** ! ! set defaults for a few variables - first routine to call ! !*********************************************************************** integer i, j do i = 1, maxset do j = 1, 2 axwndx(j,i) = 0 axwndy(j,i) = 0 enddo do j = 1, 4 cvwnwd(j,i) = 0 enddo enddo do i = 1, mxaxs do j = 1, 2 rangex(j,i) = 0 rangey(j,i) = 0 enddo enddo smetnm = ' ' serrnm = ' ' do i = 1, mxaxs sxtext(i) = ' ' sxform(i) = ' ' enddo do i = 1, myaxs sytext(i) = ' ' syform(i) = ' ' enddo splotc = ' ' stortx = ' ' sdefnl = ' ' end subroutine gxtint subroutine gxtx(xt,yt,text) implicit none integer i,ierr,ifdef,ifloc,ifont,igts,ihor,ihoru,in,ip,ipass,ipk, & iprec,ivert,ivertu,k,kfpos,l,last,ln,lnk,mchar,mfont,ms real ax,axup,ay,ayup,cang,chf,chh,chux,chuy,chxp,crf,ctf,cwf,cxl, & cyl,f,falign,sang,sq,t,x,xlift,xt,y,ylift,yt !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: plots mixture of Roman and Greek text, superscripts ! and subscripts. Arguments exactly as GTX. ! !--- Input: ! xt text x position (as for GTX) ! yt text y position (as for GTX) ! text text (as for GTX) ! strings included in ... appear as Greek, ! strings included in ... appear as superscripts, ! strings included in ... as subscripts. ! example: TEXT='ab' ! gives "alpha to the power of beta" ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 7, 1988 ! last mod: May 13, 1993 ! !*********************************************************************** parameter (ms=3,mchar=95,mfont=2) character text*(*),search(ms)*3,schar*(mchar),stemp*1 integer ls(ms),is(ms) logical toggle(ms) real chgtsw(mchar,mfont) save crf, is, ls, chf, schar !--- set roman as default font ! data ifdEF/1/ data crf/.5/ data is/0,0,-13/ data ls/3,3,3/ data search/'','',''/ data chf/1.5/ !--- list all possible keybord characters data schar/ & ' 1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!@#$%~&*()_+-={}[]:"|;''$><,.?,./'/ !--- character widths for Roman and Greek fonts. data chgtsw/.7273,.9091,.9091,.9091,.9091,.9091,.9091,.9091,.9091,& .9091,.9091,.8182,.9545,.9545,.9545,.8636,.8182,.9545,1.,.3636, & .7273,.9545,.7727,1.0909,1.,1.,.9545,1.,.9545,.9091, & .7273,1.,.8182,1.0909,.9091,.8182,.9091,.8636,.8636,.8182, & .8636,.8182,.5455,.8636,.8636,.3636,.4545,.7727,.3636,1.3636, & .8636,.8636,.8636,.8636,.5909,.7727,.5455,.8636,.7273,1., & .7727,.7273,.7727,.4545,1.2273,.9545,.9091,1.0909,1.,1.1818, & .7273,.6364,.6364,1.1818,1.1818,1.1818,1.1818,.6364,.6364,.6364, & .6364,.4545,.7273,.3636,.4545,.4545,1.,1.0909,1.0909,.4545, & .4545,.8182,.4545,.4545,1., & .7273,.9091,.9091,.9091,.9091,.9091,.9091,.9091,.9091,.9091, & .9091,.8182,.9545,.9091,.8182,.8636,.9091,.7727,1.,.3636, & .6818,.9545,.8182,1.0909,1.,.9091,1.,.6818,.9545,.8182, & .7273,1.,.8182,1.,.8182,1.,.9091,.9545,.8636,.8182, & .8182,.7273,1.,.8636,.9091,.5000,.6818,.8182,.7273,.9545, & .8182,1.0455,1.,.6818,.8182,.9091,.9091,.7727,.9091,1.0455, & .7273,.9545,.6818,.4545,1.2273,.9545,.9091,1.0909,1.,1.1364, & .7273,.6364,.6364,1.1364,1.1364,1.1364,1.1364,.6364,.6364,.6364, & .6364,.4545,.7273,.3636,.4545,.4545,1.,1.0909,1.0909,.4545, & .4545,.8182,.4545,.4545,1./ stemp = '\\' schar(87:87) = stemp lnk=999 ipk=0 last=len(text) if(last.eq.0) goto 999 do i=1,ms in=index(text,search(i)(:ls(i))) if( then lnk=in ipk=i endif enddo !--- call normal text routine if no special characters if(ipk.eq.0) then call gxstx(xt,yt,text) goto 999 endif !--- start processing call jqtxfp(ierr,ifont,iprec) if( goto 999 ifdef=ifont call jqtxal(ierr,ihoru,ivertu) if( goto 999 call jqchh(ierr,chh) if( goto 999 call jqchxp(ierr,chxp) if( goto 999 call jqchup(ierr,chux,chuy) if( goto 999 sq=sqrt(chux**2+chuy**2) sang=-chux/sq cang=chuy/sq if(ihoru.eq.0) then ihor=1 else ihor=ihoru endif if(ivertu.eq.0) then ivert=5 else ivert=ivertu endif call jstxal(1,5) !--- total character spacing in y direction cyl=chf*chh !--- alignment factor from vertical alignment definition falign=.5*(ivert-5) !--- x and y displacement in case of superscript axup=-.5*cyl*sang ayup=.5*cyl*cang !--- set initial starting point x=xt y=yt do ipass=1,2 !--- reset to defaults ip=ipk ln=lnk k=0 do i=1,ms toggle(i)=.false. enddo xlift=0. ylift=0. ctf=1. kfpos=1 ! !--- loop over text ! 30 if( goto 70 if(ip.eq.0) then l=last else l=ln-1 endif do i=1,l-k stemp=text(k+i:k+i) igts=index(schar,stemp) if(igts.eq.0) then cwf=1. else cwf=chgtsw(igts,kfpos) endif cxl=cwf*chxp*chh t=ctf*cxl ax=falign*axup ay=falign*ayup if(ipass.eq.2) then call gxstx(x+xlift,y+ylift,stemp) endif x=x+t*cang y=y+t*sang enddo k=l if( then k=k+ls(ip) toggle(ip)=.not.toggle(ip) if(ip.eq.1) then if(toggle(1)) then xlift=axup ylift=ayup else xlift=0. ylift=0. endif endif if(ip.le.2) then if(toggle(1).or.toggle(2)) then call jschh(crf*chh) ctf=crf else call jschh(chh) ctf=1. endif endif do i=3,ms if(i.eq.ip) then if(toggle(i)) then ifloc=is(i) kfpos=i-1 if (i .eq. 3 .and. ifdef .ne. 1) ifloc = -12 else ifloc=ifdef kfpos=1 endif call jstxfp(ifloc,2) endif enddo endif ip=0 ln=999 if( then do i=1,ms in=index(text(k+1:last),search(i)(:ls(i))) if( then ln=in ip=i endif enddo endif if( ln=ln+k goto 30 70 continue f=.5*(ihor-1) x=xt+f*(xt-x)+ax y=yt+f*(yt-y)+ay enddo 90 continue !--- restore defaults call jstxal(ihoru,ivertu) call jstxfp(ifont,iprec) call jschh(chh) 999 end subroutine gxtx subroutine gxtx1(x,y,s,ac) implicit none real x,y !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: plots a text if reference point inside active window. ! !--- Input: ! x x position ! y y position ! s text ! ac active window ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Dec. 9, 1988 ! last mod: Dec. 9, 1988 ! !*********************************************************************** real ac(4) character(*) s if( & call gxstx(x,y,s) end subroutine gxtx1 subroutine gxundf use gxx11_common implicit none integer ifirst !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: sets an integer for testing undefined variables ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: April 7, 1988 ! last mod: April 7, 1988 ! !*********************************************************************** save ifirst data ifirst/0/ if(ifirst.eq.0) then ifirst=1 if(lundef.eq.654321) then lundef=654320 else lundef=654321 endif endif end subroutine gxundf subroutine gxwait use gxx11_common implicit none !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: waits for Input from keyboard (e.g. ) if interactive ! allows emergency stop when entering STOP ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: June 16, 1987 ! last mod: Feb. 26, 1988 ! !*********************************************************************** call gxundf if( then call wwait call gxclrw endif end subroutine gxwait subroutine gxwclr() use gxx11_common implicit none !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: write .ps page end (clear) ! !--- Input ! iun not used ! ityp not used ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Apr. 27, 1995 ! last mod: Apr. 27, 1995 ! !*********************************************************************** write(iutlps, '(a)') 'gs showpage gr' ! Flush in portable way endfile(iutlps) backspace(iutlps) ipage = ipage + 1 stortx = '%%Page: number' write(stortx(15:20), '(i6)') ipage istotx = 20 end subroutine gxwclr subroutine gxwpep(iun, ityp) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,iday,ihour,iii,imonth,isec,ittp,ityp,iun,iyear,l,minute real fsc !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: write .ps or .eps file prologue or epilogue ! !--- Input ! iun Output unit number, if = 0: epilogue, > 0: prologue ! ityp type of Output: 113 = eps, ! else ps with 114 = portrait, 115 = landscape ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Apr. 27, 1995 ! last mod: Apr. 27, 1995 ! !*********************************************************************** character(mlpro) pspro(mpspro), eppro(meppro), psdict(mdict), & psepi(mpsep), epepi(mepep) character orient(2) * 12, head(mhead) * 60 save ittp, orient, head, eppro, pspro, epepi, psepi, psdict data head / '$GX11psBegin', & '0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin', ' ', ' ' / data orient / 'Portrait', 'Landscape' / data pspro / '%!PS-Adobe-2.0', '%%Title: ', & '%%Creator: gx11 version nnnn', & '%%CreationDate: dd/mm/yy hh:mm', & '%%Orientation: Landscape', '%%BoundingBox: nnn nnn nnn nnn', & '%%Pages: (atend)', '%%EndComments' / data psepi / '%%Trailer', 'end', '%%EOF' / data eppro /'%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0', '%%Title: filename', & '%%Creator: gx11 version nnnn', & '%%CreationDate: dd/mm/yy hh:mm', & '%%Orientation: Landscape', '%%BoundingBox: nnn nnn nnn nnn', & '%%Pages: 0', '%%EndComments' / data epepi / '$GX11psEnd showpage', '%%EOF' / data psdict / '/$GX11psDict 200 dict def', '$GX11psDict begin', & '$GX11psDict /mtrx matrix put /l {lineto} bind def', & '/m {moveto} bind def /s {stroke} bind def', & '/n {newpath} bind def /gs {gsave} bind def', & '/gr {grestore} bind def /clp {closepath} bind def', & '/t {translate} bind def /sd {setdash} bind def', & '/fft {findfont} bind def /col-1 {} def /r {rotate} bind def', & '/sf {scalefont setfont} bind def /sw {stringwidth} bind def', & '/stwn { /fs exch def /fn exch def /text exch def fn findfont ', & 'fs sf text sw pop xs add /xs exch def} bind def', & '/black {0 0 0 setrgbcolor} bind def', & '/blue {0 0 1 setrgbcolor} bind def', & '/green {0 1 0 setrgbcolor} bind def', & '/cyan {0 1 1 setrgbcolor} bind def', & '/red {1 0 0 setrgbcolor} bind def', & '/magenta {1 0 1 setrgbcolor} bind def', & '/yellow {1 1 0 setrgbcolor} bind def', & '/white {1 1 1 setrgbcolor} bind def', & ' end', & '/$GX11psBegin', & ' {$GX11psDict begin /$GX11psEnteredState save def} def', & '/$GX11psEnd {$GX11psEnteredState restore end} def', & '%%EndProlog' / if (iun .gt. 0) then !--- prologue fsc = 1. / msfact do i = 1, mhead pshead(i) = head(i) enddo ! call datime(idate, itime) ! call datesp(idate, iyear, imonth, iday) ! call timesp(itime, ihour, minute) call mydtime(iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, minute, isec) if (ityp .eq. 113) then !--- eps eppro(2)(10:) = spsnam write(eppro(3)(25:29), '(f5.2)') versio write(eppro(4)(17:24), '(i2.2,''/'',i2.2,''/'',i2.2)') & iyear, imonth, iday write(eppro(4)(26:33), '(i2.2,'':'',i2.2)') & ihour, minute eppro(5)(16:24) = orient(iorips) write(eppro(6)(15:30), '(4i4)') ibbox else pspro(2)(10:) = spsnam write(pspro(3)(25:29), '(f5.2)') versio write(pspro(4)(17:24), '(i2.2,''/'',i2.2,''/'',i2.2)') & iyear, imonth, iday write(pspro(4)(26:33), '(i2.2,'':'',i2.2)') & ihour, minute pspro(5)(16:24) = orient(iorips) write(pspro(6)(15:30), '(4i4)') ibbox endif iutlps = iun ittp = ityp !--- write prologue if (ittp .eq. 113) then do i = 1, meppro call gxpnbl(eppro(i), iii, l) write(iutlps, '(a)') eppro(i)(:l) enddo else do i = 1, mpspro call gxpnbl(pspro(i), iii, l) write(iutlps, '(a)') pspro(i)(:l) enddo endif do i = 1, mdict call gxpnbl(psdict(i), iii, l) write(iutlps, '(a)') psdict(i)(:l) enddo write(pshead(3)(:20), '(2f7.3, '' scale'')') fsc, fsc do i = 1, mhead call gxpnbl(pshead(i), iii, l) write(iutlps, '(a)') pshead(i)(:l) enddo if (ittp .ne. 113) then ipage = ipage + 1 write(iutlps, '(a,i5)') '%%Page: number', ipage endif else if (ittp .eq. 113) then !--- write epilogue do i = 1, mepep call gxpnbl(epepi(i), iii, l) write(iutlps, '(a)') epepi(i)(:l) enddo else if(iclear .ne. 0) then call gclrwk(0, 1) iclear = 0 endif do i = 1, mpsep call gxpnbl(psepi(i), iii, l) write(iutlps, '(a)') psepi(i)(:l) enddo endif endif end subroutine gxwpep subroutine gxwpl(np, xp1, yp1, ifill) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,i1,i2,ierr,ifill,iforl,iii,k,kadd,l,np real f1,f2,r,v1,v2 !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: write polyline into .ps or .eps file ! !--- Input ! np number of points ! xp1 x coordinates ! yp1 y coordinates ! ifill fill area request: 0 = no, 1 = yes ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Apr. 27, 1995 ! last mod: May 23, 1995 ! !*********************************************************************** real xp1(*), yp1(*) character eloc * 40, sline * (mline), style(4) * 24, & formt1 * 24, formt2 * 24 data style / '[] 0 sd', '[20] 0 sd', '[2 10] 0 sd', & '[20 10 2 10] 0 sd' / data eloc / 'col-1 s' / data formt1 /'('' n'', 2ix, '' m'')'/ data formt2 /'(2ix, '' l'')'/ if (istotx .gt. 0) then write(iutlps, '(a)') stortx(:istotx) istotx = 0 endif if (iorips .eq. 1) then v1 = xp1(1) - rx11pr(1) v2 = yp1(1) - rx11pr(3) f1 = msfact * (ibbox(3) - ibbox(1)) / (rx11pr(2) - rx11pr(1)) f2 = msfact * (ibbox(4) - ibbox(2)) / (rx11pr(4) - rx11pr(3)) else v1 = xp1(1) - rx11pr(1) v2 = yp1(1) - rx11pr(3) f1 = msfact * (ibbox(4) - ibbox(2)) / (rx11pr(2) - rx11pr(1)) f2 = msfact * (ibbox(3) - ibbox(1)) / (rx11pr(4) - rx11pr(3)) endif sline = colour(icucol) call gxpnbl(sline, iii, k) if (iorips .eq. 1) then i1 = f1 * v1 + msfact * ibbox(2) + 0.5 i2 = f2 * v2 + msfact * ibbox(1) + 0.5 else i2 = f1 * v1 + msfact * ibbox(2) + 0.5 i1 = f2 * v2 + msfact * ibbox(1) + 0.5 i1 = msfact * ibbox(3) - i1 endif call jqlwsc(ierr, r) call jqln(ierr, i) i = max(1, min(i,4)) write(iutlps, '(f6.3, a, a)') 0.75 * r, & ' setlinewidth ', style(i) iforl = & max(log10(float(abs(i1)+1))+3., log10(float(abs(i2)+1))+3.) write(formt1(10:10), '(i1)') iforl kadd = 2 * (iforl + 2) write(sline(k+1:k+kadd), formt1) i1, i2 k = k + kadd do i = 2, np v1 = xp1(i) - rx11pr(1) v2 = yp1(i) - rx11pr(3) if (k + 16 .gt. mline) then call gxpnbl(sline, iii, l) write(iutlps, '(a)') sline(:l) k = 0 sline = ' ' endif if (iorips .eq. 1) then i1 = f1 * v1 + msfact * ibbox(2) + 0.5 i2 = f2 * v2 + msfact * ibbox(1) + 0.5 else i2 = f1 * v1 + msfact * ibbox(2) + 0.5 i1 = f2 * v2 + msfact * ibbox(1) + 0.5 i1 = msfact * ibbox(3) - i1 endif iforl = & max(log10(float(abs(i1)+1))+3., log10(float(abs(i2)+1))+3.) write(formt2(4:4), '(i1)') iforl kadd = 2 * (iforl + 1) write(sline(k+1:k+kadd), formt2) i1, i2 k = k + kadd enddo if (k .gt. 0) then call gxpnbl(sline, iii, l) write(iutlps, '(a)') sline(:l) endif if (ifill .eq. 0) then write(iutlps, '(a)') eloc else write(iutlps, '(a)') 'fill ' // eloc endif end subroutine gxwpl subroutine gxwpm(np, xp1, yp1) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,ifill,ip,is,j,n,np real sq21,xf,xmf,xms,xmsm,xmsq,xmsqm,xpsf,xs,xsm,xsq,xsqm,yf,ymf, & yms,ymsm,ymsq,ymsqm,ys,ysm,ysq,ysqm !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: plot marker symbol on display and/or PostScript output ! !--- Input ! np number of marker symbols ! xp1 x coordinates ! yp1 y coordinates ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: July 6, 1995 ! last mod: July 6, 1995 ! !*********************************************************************** parameter (xs = 0.005, ys = 0.005, sq21 = 0.4142135, & xms = -xs, yms = -ys, & xsm = 0.1 * xs, ysm = 0.1 * ys, & xmsm = -xsm, ymsm = -ysm, & xsq = xs * sq21, ysq = ys * sq21, & xmsq = -xsq, ymsq = -ysq, & xsqm = xsm * sq21, ysqm = ysm * sq21, & xmsqm = -xsqm, ymsqm = -ysqm ) real xp1(*), yp1(*) real xsym(9,4,5), ysym(9,4,5), xlps(9), yloc(9), xlwd(9) integer nsym(4,5) character(1) dum data xsym / & xmsm, xmsm, xmsqm, xsqm, xsm, xsm, xsqm, xmsqm, xmsm, 27 * 0., & xms, xs, 7*0., 0., 0., 7*0., 18 * 0., & xms, xs, 7*0., 0., 0., 7*0., xms, xs, 7*0., xms, xs, 7*0., & xms, xms, xmsq, xsq, xs, xs, xsq, xmsq, xms, 27 * 0., & xms, xs, 7*0., xms, xs, 7*0., 18 * 0. / data ysym / & ymsqm, ysqm, ysm, ysm, ysqm, ymsqm, ymsm, ymsm, ymsqm, 27 * 0., & 0., 0., 7*0., ys, yms, 7*0., 18 * 0., & 0., 0., 7*0., ys, yms, 7*0., yms, ys, 7*0., ys, yms, 7*0., & ymsq, ysq, ys, ys, ysq, ymsq, yms, yms, ymsq, 27 * 0., & yms, ys, 7*0., ys, yms, 7*0, 18 * 0. / data nsym / 9, 0, 0, 0, & 2, 2, 0, 0, & 2, 2, 2, 2, & 9, 0, 0, 0, & 2, 2, 0, 0 / call gxqvar('XMETAF', i, xmf, dum) call gxqvar('YMETAF', i, ymf, dum) if (xmf .ne. 0.) then xpsf = ymf / xmf else xpsf = 1. endif xf = rx11pr(8) * (rx11pr(2) - rx11pr(1)) yf = rx11pr(8) * (rx11pr(4) - rx11pr(3)) is = mod(ix11pr(4) - 1, 5) + 1 if (is .eq. 1) then ifill = 1 else ifill = 0 endif do ip = 1, np do i = 1, 4 n = nsym(i,is) if (n .gt. 0) then do j = 1, n xlwd(j) = xp1(ip) + xf * xsym(j,i,is) yloc(j) = yp1(ip) + yf * ysym(j,i,is) xlps(j) = xp1(ip) + xpsf * xf * xsym(j,i,is) enddo if (interm .gt. 0) then if (ifill .eq. 0) then call wpl(n, xlwd, yloc) else call wfa(n, xlwd, yloc) endif endif if (ipseps .ne. 0) call gxwpl(n, xlps, yloc, ifill) endif enddo enddo end subroutine gxwpm subroutine gxwtx(xp1, yp1, txin) use gxx11_common implicit none integer i,i1,i11,i2,i22,ia,iang1,iangle,ie,ifont,ifos,ihl,iii, & iprec,ivl,k,lf,lint,lt,lt1,lt2,lt3,mltx,mltx2 real chh,f1,f2,v1,v2,x,xp1,xup,y,yp1,yup !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: write text with predefined font .ps or .eps file ! !--- Input ! xp1 x coordinate ! yp1 y coordinate ! txin text ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: May 10, 1995 ! last mod: May 10, 1995 ! !*********************************************************************** parameter (mltx = 120, mltx2 = 2 * mltx) character txin * (*) character sline * (mline), txlc * (mltx2) character(24) tloc1, tloc2, tloc3, sfont(mtfont) integer ifosiz(mtfont) data sfont / '/Times-Italic', '/Times-Bold', '/Times-BoldItalic', & '/Helvetica', '/Helvetica-Oblique', '/Helvetica-Bold', & '/Helvetica-BoldOblique', '/Courier', '/Courier-Oblique', & '/Courier-Bold', '/Courier-BoldOblique', '/Symbol' / data ifosiz / 1030, 1000, 1025, 930, 930, & 930, 930, 1205, 1205, 1170, 1165, 1005 / if (istotx .gt. 0) then write(iutlps, '(a)') stortx(:istotx) istotx = 0 endif !--- copy text to local, treat () txlc = ' ' call gxpnbl(txin, iii, lint) lt = 0 do i = 1, min(mltx, lint) if(txin(i:i) .eq. '(' .or. txin(i:i) .eq. ')') then lt = lt + 1 txlc(lt:lt) = '\\' endif lt = lt + 1 txlc(lt:lt) = txin(i:i) enddo call jqtxfp(ie, ifont, iprec) ifont = max(1, min(mtfont, abs(ifont))) call jqtxal(ie, ihl, ivl) call jqchh(ie, chh) call jqchup(ie, xup, yup) iang1 = atan2(-xup, yup) * 45. / atan(1.) + 0.5 iangle = iang1 + (iorips - 1) * 90 + 0.5 ifos = msfact * ifosiz(ifont) * chh / (rx11pr(4) - rx11pr(3)) & + 0.5 if (ihl .eq. 2) then tloc1 = ' xs 2 div' lt1 = 9 elseif ( ihl .eq. 3) then tloc1 = ' xs' lt1 = 3 endif tloc2 = ' neg 0' lt2 = 6 tloc3 = ' t 0 0 m' lt3 = 8 call gxpnbl(sfont(ifont), iii, lf) x = xp1 y = yp1 - 0.25 * (5 - ivl) * chh if (iorips .eq. 1) then v1 = x - rx11pr(1) v2 = y - rx11pr(3) f1 = msfact * (ibbox(3) - ibbox(1)) / (rx11pr(2) - rx11pr(1)) f2 = msfact * (ibbox(4) - ibbox(2)) / (rx11pr(4) - rx11pr(3)) else v1 = x - rx11pr(1) v2 = y - rx11pr(3) f1 = msfact * (ibbox(4) - ibbox(2)) / (rx11pr(2) - rx11pr(1)) f2 = msfact * (ibbox(3) - ibbox(1)) / (rx11pr(4) - rx11pr(3)) endif !--- horizontal alignment - uses font width from font def. if (ihl .gt. 1) then write(iutlps, '(a)') '/xs 0 def' write(iutlps, '(a, a, a)') '(', txlc(:lt), ')' write(iutlps, '(a, i6, a)') sfont(ifont)(:lf), ifos, ' stwn' endif sline = colour(icucol) call gxpnbl(sline, iii, k) if (iorips .eq. 1) then i1 = f1 * v1 + msfact * ibbox(2) + 0.5 i2 = f2 * v2 + msfact * ibbox(1) + 0.5 else i2 = f1 * v1 + msfact * ibbox(2) + 0.5 i1 = f2 * v2 + msfact * ibbox(1) + 0.5 i1 = msfact * ibbox(3) - i1 endif write(sline(k+1:k+10), '(2i5)') i1, i2 k = k + 10 sline(k+1:k+3) = ' t ' k = k + 3 write(sline(k+1:k+5), '(i5)') iangle k = k + 5 sline(k+1:k+2) = ' r' k = k + 2 if (ihl .gt. 1) then sline(k+1:) = & tloc1(:lt1) // tloc2(:lt2) // tloc3(:lt3) k = k + lt1 + lt2 + lt3 endif sline(k+1:) = ' 0 0 m' write(iutlps, '(a)') sline(:k) write(iutlps, '(a, a, i6, a)') sfont(ifont)(:lf), ' fft ', & ifos, ' sf 0 0 m' write(iutlps, '(a, a, a)') '(', txlc(:lt), ')' sline = 'show' k = 4 tloc2 = ' 0' lt2 = 2 if (ihl .gt. 1) then sline(k+1:) = & tloc1(:lt1) // tloc2(:lt2) // tloc3(:lt3) k = k + lt1 + lt2 + lt3 endif ia = -iangle write(sline(k+1:k+6), '(i6)') ia k = k + 6 sline(k+1:k+2) = ' r' k = k + 2 i11 = -i1 i22 = -i2 write(sline(k+1:k+12), '(2i6)') i11, i22 k = k + 12 sline(k+1:k+2) = ' t' k = k + 2 write(iutlps, '(a)') sline(:k) end subroutine gxwtx subroutine jqmk(ierr, i1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer ierr,i1 ierr = 0 i1 = ivals(1) end subroutine jqmk subroutine jqfais(ierr, i1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer ierr,i1 ierr = 0 i1 = ivals(2) end subroutine jqfais subroutine jqtxal(ierr, i1, i2) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer ierr, i1,i2 ierr = 0 i1 = ivals(3) i2 = ivals(4) end subroutine jqtxal subroutine jqtxfp(ierr, i1, i2) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer ierr, i1,i2 ierr = 0 i1 = ivals(5) i2 = ivals(6) end subroutine jqtxfp subroutine jqpmci(ierr, i1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer ierr, i1 ierr = 0 i1 = ivals(7) end subroutine jqpmci subroutine jswks(i1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer i1 ivals(8) = i1 end subroutine jswks subroutine jqwks(i1, ierr, i2) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer ierr, i1,i2 ierr = 0 i2 = ivals(8) end subroutine jqwks subroutine jqchup(ierr, r1, r2) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer ierr real r1,r2 ierr = 0 r1 = rvals(1) r2 = rvals(2) end subroutine jqchup subroutine jqchh(ierr, r1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer ierr real r1 ierr = 0 r1 = rvals(3) end subroutine jqchh subroutine jqtxci(ierr, i1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer ierr,i1 ierr = 0 i1 = ivals(9) end subroutine jqtxci subroutine jqnt(i1, ierr, ar1, ar2) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer ierr,i1,i real ar1(4), ar2(4) ierr = 0 do i = 1, 4 ar1(i) = rvals(i+3) ar2(i) = rvals(i+7) enddo end subroutine jqnt subroutine jqmksc(ierr, r1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer ierr real r1 ierr = 0 r1 = rvals(14) end subroutine jqmksc subroutine jsvp(i1, r1, r2, r3, r4) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer i1 real r1,r2,r3,r4 rvals(8) = r1 rvals(9) = r2 rvals(10) = r3 rvals(11) = r4 end subroutine jsvp subroutine jqplci(ierr, i1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer ierr,i1 ierr = 0 i1 = ivals(11) end subroutine jqplci subroutine jschxp(r1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none real r1 rvals(12) = r1 end subroutine jschxp subroutine jqchxp(ierr, r1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer ierr real r1 ierr = 0 r1 = rvals(12) end subroutine jqchxp subroutine jqlwsc(ierr, r1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer ierr real r1 ierr = 0 r1 = rvals(13) end subroutine jqlwsc subroutine jqln(ierr, i1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer ierr,i1 ierr = 0 i1 = ivals(12) end subroutine jqln subroutine jqcntn(ierr, i1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer ierr,i1 ierr = 0 i1 = ivals(13) end subroutine jqcntn subroutine gclrwk(i1, i2) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer i1,i2 if (interm .gt. 0) call wclrwk(i1, i2) if (ipseps .eq. 1) call gxwclr() end subroutine gclrwk subroutine gtx(r1, r2, string) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none real r1,r2 character(*) string if (interm .gt. 0) then strloc = string call wtx(r1, r2, strloc) endif if (ipseps .ne. 0) call gxwtx(r1, r2, string) end subroutine gtx subroutine gfa(i1, ar1, ar2) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer i1 real ar1(*),ar2(*) if (interm .gt. 0) then if (ivals(2) .eq. 0) then call wpl(i1, ar1, ar2) else call wfa(i1, ar1, ar2) endif endif if (ipseps .ne. 0) call gxwpl(i1, ar1, ar2, ivals(2)) end subroutine gfa subroutine gpl(i1, ar1, ar2) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer i1 real ar1(*),ar2(*) if (interm .gt. 0) call wpl(i1, ar1, ar2) if (ipseps .ne. 0) call gxwpl(i1, ar1, ar2, 0) end subroutine gpl subroutine jsmk(i1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer i1 ivals(1) = i1 ix11pr(4) = i1 end subroutine jsmk subroutine jsfais(i1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer i1 ivals(2) = i1 end subroutine jsfais subroutine jstxal(i1, i2) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer i1,i2 ivals(3) = i1 ivals(4) = i2 ix11pr(1) = i1 ix11pr(2) = i2 end subroutine jstxal subroutine jstxfp(i1, i2) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer i1,i2 ivals(5) = i1 ivals(6) = i2 end subroutine jstxfp subroutine jspmci(i1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer i1 ivals(7) = i1 ivals(14) = 0 end subroutine jspmci subroutine jschup(r1, r2) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none real r1,r2 rvals(1) = r1 rvals(2) = r2 rx11pr(5) = r1 rx11pr(6) = r2 end subroutine jschup subroutine jschh(r1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none real r1 rvals(3) = r1 rx11pr(7) = r1 end subroutine jschh subroutine jstxci(i1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer i1 ivals(9) = i1 ivals(14) = 0 end subroutine jstxci subroutine jsmksc(r1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none real r1 rvals(14) = r1 rx11pr(8) = r1 end subroutine jsmksc subroutine jswn(i1, r1, r2, r3, r4) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer i1 real r1,r2,r3,r4 rvals(4) = r1 rvals(5) = r2 rvals(6) = r3 rvals(7) = r4 rx11pr(1) = r1 rx11pr(2) = r2 rx11pr(3) = r3 rx11pr(4) = r4 if (r2 .gt. r1) then fxpix = nxpix / (r2 - r1) else fxpix = 1. endif if (r4 .gt. r3) then fypix = nypix / (r4 - r3) else fypix = 1. endif if (interm .gt. 0) call wswn(r1, fxpix, r3, fypix) end subroutine jswn subroutine jsplci(i1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer i1 ivals(11) = i1 ivals(14) = 0 end subroutine jsplci subroutine jslwsc(r1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none real r1 rvals(13) = r1 end subroutine jslwsc subroutine jsln(i1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer i1,iz ivals(12) = i1 iz = i1 - 1 if (interm .gt. 0) call wsetls(iz) end subroutine jsln subroutine jslctp(i1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer i1 ivals(14) = i1 end subroutine jslctp subroutine jqlctp(i1) use gxx11_common use gxx11_aux implicit none integer i1 i1 = ivals(14) end subroutine jqlctp subroutine wacwk(iw) use gxx11_common implicit none integer iw !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: Activate workstation ! !--- Input ! iw workstation number ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Jan. 25, 1994 ! last mod: Jan. 25, 1994 !*********************************************************************** if (iw .gt. 0 .and. iw .le. mx11tf) then ix11tf(iw) = 1 endif end subroutine wacwk subroutine wclks implicit none !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: Close X11 package ! ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Jan. 25, 1994 ! last mod: Jan. 25, 1994 !*********************************************************************** end subroutine wclks subroutine wclwk(iw) use gxx11_common implicit none integer iw !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: Close workstation ! !--- Input ! iw workstation number ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Jan. 25, 1994 ! last mod: Jan. 25, 1994 !*********************************************************************** if (iw .gt. 0 .and. iw .le. mx11tf) then if (ix11op(iw) .gt. 0) then call wclose ix11op(iw) = 0 ix11tf(iw) = 0 endif endif end subroutine wclwk subroutine wdawk(iw) use gxx11_common implicit none integer iw !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: Deactivate workstation ! !--- Input ! iw workstation number ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Jan. 25, 1994 ! last mod: Jan. 25, 1994 !*********************************************************************** if (iw .gt. 0 .and. iw .le. mx11tf) then ix11tf(iw) = 0 endif end subroutine wdawk subroutine wopks use gxx11_common implicit none integer i !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: Open X11 package ! !--- Input ! ieu error file unit (not used) ! idum dummy ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Jan. 25, 1994 ! last mod: Jan. 25, 1994 !*********************************************************************** !--- preset workstations to inactive and closed do i = 1, mx11tf ix11tf(i) = 0 ix11op(i) = 0 enddo end subroutine wopks logical function affirm(sus) implicit none character(1) sus affirm = sus.eq.'y'.or.sus.eq.'Y'.or.sus.eq.'o'.or.sus.eq.'O' end function affirm subroutine wopwk(iw) use gxx11_common implicit none integer iw,ix,iy real r !*********************************************************************** ! ! Purpose: Open workstation ! !--- Input ! iw workstation number ! icont dummy ! it dummy ! Author: H. Grote / CERN date: Jan. 25, 1994 ! last mod: Jan. 25, 1994 !*********************************************************************** character(4) c if (iw .gt. 0 .and. iw .le. mx11tf) then if (ix11op(iw) .eq. 0) then call gxqvar('NXPIX', ix, r, c) call gxqvar('NYPIX', iy, r, c) if (ix .gt. 0 .and. iy .gt. 0) then ix = min(ix, mxxpix) iy = min(iy, mxypix) call wopen(ix, iy) ix11op(iw) = 1 else print *, 'GX-X11 error: pixel sizes = ',nxpix, ' ', nypix endif endif endif end subroutine wopwk