subroutine mtjac(ncon,nvar,strategy,cool,balance,random, & &nrep,bisec,cond,match_mode, & &tol,calls,call_lim, & &vect,dvect,fun_vec, & &w_ifjac,w_iwa4,fval,xstart,xold) use matchfi implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Purpose: * ! JACOBIAN command. * ! Attributes: * ! ncon (int) # constraints * ! nvar (int) # variables * ! strategy (int) # strategy 1 normal * ! 2 print jacobian * ! 3 cancel variables * ! balance (real) # balance cooling factor, <0 use opt values * ! cool (real) # cooling factor * ! random (real) # random factor * ! bisec (int) # bisec iteration number * ! cond (real) # condition number for rank * ! match_mode(int) # mode use_macro=2 * ! nrep (int) # number of repetition * ! tol (real) Final tolerance for match. * ! calls (int) current call count * ! call_lim (int) current call limit * ! vect (real) variable values * ! dvect (real) variable steps * ! fun_vect (real) function values * ! all other working spaces for jacobian * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* integer calls,call_lim,ncon,nvar integer strategy,nrep,i ! icovar: functionality still unclear HG 28.2.02 ! ilevel: print level double precision tol,vect(*),dvect(*),fun_vec(*) double precision w_ifjac(*),w_iwa4(*) double precision fval(*),xold(*),xstart(*) double precision random,cool,balance,cond integer bisec,match_mode external mtfcn fval(1)=0 ! mtfcn store the parameter using mtputi(x) and compute the function ! using mtcond icovar = 0 ilevel = 0 ! check if the variables are in the contraint and reset them if necessary call mtgeti(vect,dvect) ! call the main routine write(*,*) "JACOBIAN Strategy =", strategy ! Repeat the program ntimes ! write(*,*) nrep do i=1,nrep if (strategy .ge. 1) then ! calls=0 call jacob(mtfcn,ncon,nvar,strategy,calls,call_lim, & &vect,fun_vec,tol, & &w_ifjac,w_iwa4, & &xstart,xold,cool,balance,random,bisec,cond,match_mode) endif enddo end subroutine jacob(fcn,m,n,strategy,calls,call_lim, & &x,fvec,epsfcn, & &fjac,wa4, & &xstart,xold,cool,balance,random,bisec,cond,match_mode) use matchfi implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Purpose: * ! main JACOBIAN routine. * ! Attributes: * ! fcn (real) # function * ! m (int) # constraints * ! n (int) # variables * ! strategy (int) # strategy 1 normal,2 print jacobian,3 smart * ! tol (real) Final tolerance for match. * ! calls (int) current call count * ! call_lim (int) current call limit * ! x (real) variable values * ! dvect (real) variable steps * ! fvec (real) function values * ! mtfjac2 fjac,wa4 * ! cool (real) # cooling factor * ! balance (real) # balance cooling factor * ! random (real) # random factor * ! bisec (int) # bisec iteration number * ! cond (real) # condition number for rank * ! match_mode(int) # mode use_macro=2 * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* integer izero integer i,iflag,info,j,level,m,n,calls,call_lim integer ireset,strategy,bisec,match_mode double precision fmin_old,epsfcn double precision ftol,gtol double precision dxnorm,xnorm,dx(n),fmin_start,fmin_old2 double precision vdot double precision xtol,x(n),xstart(n),xold(n),fvec(m) double precision xopt(n),xbest(n),fminbest,condnum double precision fjac(m,n),wa4(m),zero,one,two double precision epsil,epsmch,cool,balance,random parameter(zero=0d0,one=1d0,two=2d0, epsil=1d-9,epsmch=1d-16) external fcn, mtcond ! double precision xdiff(n) double precision effjac(M,N),effsol(M+N),effrhs(M+N) double precision DNRM2 double precision WORK(1000*(N+M)),SV(N+M),COND integer IWORK(30*(N+M)),RANK integer effcon, effvar,coninfo(M),varinfo(N) ireset = 0 izero = 0 info = 0 level = 0 ftol = epsfcn gtol = epsil xtol = epsil !---- Store the starting values in xstart for mtslope do j = 1, n xstart(j) = x(j) enddo !---- Apply a cooling factor: reduce distance from solution to a point !---- defined by balance and the limit or opt values call mtcool(x,cool,balance,xopt) !---- Apply a random factor: call mtrandom(x,random) !---- Check if the limit is within the constraint and !---- reset the illegal values call mtlimit(x,ireset) !---- Compute matching functions in fvec (penalty values) call FCN(M,N,X,fvec,IFLAG) calls=calls+1 if (iflag .ne. 0) then call aawarn('JACOBIAN', ' stopped, possibly unstable') info = - 1 go to 300 endif !---- Compute the norm of the function values (penalty values) fmin = vdot(m,fvec,fvec) write(*,'("Initial Penalty Function = ",e24.16,//)') fmin fmin_start=fmin !---- store the first best set fminbest=fmin do j = 1, n xbest(j) = x(j) enddo !---- Check the input parameters for errors. if (n .lt. 0 & &.or. ftol .lt. zero .or. xtol .lt. zero .or. gtol .lt. zero & &.or. call_lim .le. 0 ) then call aawarn('JACOBIAN', ' error in the input parameters') go to 300 endif !---- Quit, when initial value is already OK !---- Do not apply for calculating jacobian if ( then if (fmin .le. ftol) then call aawarn('JACOBIAN', ' penalty function already ok') go to 300 endif endif if (ilevel .ge. 1) call mtprnt('old', n, x) !---- Start main loop 20 continue !---- Reset ireset ireset=0 !---- Calculate the jacobian call fdjac2(fcn,m,n,x,fvec,fjac,m,iflag,xtol,wa4) if (strategy.eq.2) then ! call DGESDD('A',M,N,fjac,M,SV,U,M,VT,N, & ! & WORK, 1000*(N+M), IWORK, INFO ) !---- Print the jacobian on the match2 variables and exit call jacob_print(n,match_mode) goto 300 endif !---- Reset solution vector do i=1,N+M effsol(i)=0 enddo !---- Reset varinfo do i=1,N varinfo(i)=0 enddo !---- All the variables are affective effvar=N !---- Cancel the zero lines in the jacobian corresponding to !---- an inequality that is not effective or variable not effective !---- Reset constraint counter effcon=0 do i=1,M !---- Assume bad constraint: coninfo=1 coninfo(i)=1 !---- Compute the norm of a row !---- 2-dim array are stored by colums if (DNRM2(N,fjac(i,1),M).ge.1D-16) then !---- Good constraint: coninfo=0 coninfo(i)=0 !---- Increase constraint counter effcon=effcon+1 !---- Copy RHS in the solution vector effsol(effcon)=fvec(i) do j=1,N !---- Update the effective jacobian effjac(effcon,j)=fjac(i,j) enddo !---- Save a copy of RHS effrhs(effcon)=effsol(effcon) endif end do 33 continue !---- Solve the least square problem and put solution in effsol vector !---- Debug ! write(*,*) "!!! pre solve routine" ! write(*,*) "!!!effcon,effvar" ! write(*,*) "!!!",effcon,effvar ! write(*,*) "!!!i,j,effjac(i,j),effsol(j)" ! do i=1,effcon ! do j=1,effvar ! write(*,*) "!!!",i,j,effjac(i,j) ! enddo ! enddo !---- Debug !---- CALL DGELS(TRANSA, M, N, NRHS, DA, LDA, DB, LDB, DWORK, !---- LDWORK,INFO) write(*,*) "Solve system with ",effcon,"con,",effvar,"var" ! call DGELS ('N',effcon,effvar,1,effjac,M,effsol,N+M, & ! &WORK,2*(N+M),INFO) ! DGELSD( M, N, NRHS, A, LDA, B, LDB, S, RCOND, ! RANK, WORK, LWORK, IWORK, INFO ) call DGELSD (effcon,effvar,1,effjac,M,effsol,N+M,SV,COND, & &RANK,WORK,1000*(N+M),IWORK,INFO) condnum=SV(1)/SV(min(effcon,effvar)) ! call DGELSS (effcon,effvar,1,effjac,M,effsol,N+M,SV,RCOND, & ! &RANK,WORK,1000*(N+M),INFO) write(*,*) "Rank ",RANK, & &" Condition number ",condnum !---- Debug ! write(*,*) "!!! solve routine" ! write(*,*) "!!!",info,effsol(1) ! do j=1,n ! write(*,*) "!!!",j,effsol(j) ! enddo !---- Debug if ( then call aawarn('JACOBIAN', ' system solving routine failure') print *, '++++++++++ JACOBIAN ended: DGELSD failure' print *, '++++++++++ JACOBIAN ended: info = ', info goto 300 endif if (effsol(1).ne.effsol(1)) then print *, '++++++++++ JACOBIAN ended: NaN in system solving' goto 300 endif !---- Update the starting point effvar=0 do i=1,N !---- Save in xold xold(i)=x(i) if (varinfo(i).eq.0) then effvar=effvar+1 x(i)=x(i)-effsol(effvar) endif enddo ! Check for slope and limits and set the results in varinfo and ! the number of effective variables in effvar if(strategy.eq.3) then call mtvarinfo(x,xstart,varinfo,effvar) endif ! If needed recalculate the solution excluding some variables if (( then write(*,*) "Reset system to ",effcon,"con,",effvar,"var" !---- Recalculate effvar effvar=0 do j=1,N ! write(*,*) j,varinfo(j) if (varinfo(j).eq.0) then effvar=effvar+1 endif enddo !---- Restore the starting point do i=1,N x(i)=xold(i) enddo !---- Reset RHS and jacobian do i=1,M do j=1,N effjac(i,j)=0 enddo enddo do i=1,N+M effsol(i)=0 enddo !---- Rewrite the effective jacobian effcon=0 do i=1,M if (coninfo(i).eq.0) then effcon=effcon+1 effvar=0 do j=1,N if (varinfo(j).eq.0) then effvar=effvar+1 effsol(effcon)=effrhs(effcon) effjac(effcon,effvar)=fjac(i,j) endif enddo endif enddo if (ireset.eq.20) then write(*,*) "Too loops in system resizing, set strategy=1" strategy=1 !---- Exit var cancel loop goto 34 else ireset=ireset+1 endif if (( then !---- Impossible to get better write(*,*) "Too var to exclude, set strategy=1" strategy=1 !---- Exit var cancel loop goto 34 endif !---- Solve the system again goto 33 endif 34 continue !---- Check if the solution respect the slope and !---- reset the illegal values call mtslope(x,xstart) !---- Check if the limit is within the constraint and !---- reset the illegal values call mtlimit(x,ireset) !----- Calculate the penalty function call FCN(M,N,x,fvec,IFLAG) fmin_old=fmin fmin = vdot(m, fvec,fvec) xnorm=DNRM2(N, x, 1) dxnorm=DNRM2(effvar, effsol, 1)/xnorm write(*,*) 'Step length ', dxnorm ! Bisection search fmin_old2=1E20 j=0 36 continue if( .and. bisec ) then ! go back to average solution do i=1,N x(i)=(x(i)+xold(i))*.5 dx(i)=(x(i)-xold(i))*.5 enddo j=j+1 call FCN(M,N,x,fvec,IFLAG) fmin = vdot(m,fvec,fvec) dxnorm=sqrt(vdot(N, dx, dx)/vdot(N, x, x)) if ( then goto 37 endif fmin_old2=fmin goto 36 endif 37 continue if ( then write(*,*) 'Bisec iteration ', j endif !---- calculate the target function and set new values call FCN(M,N,x,fvec,IFLAG) calls=calls+1 fmin = vdot(m,fvec,fvec) xnorm=DNRM2(N, x, 1) dxnorm=DNRM2(effvar, effsol, 1)/xnorm write(*,"('call: ',I5,' Dx = ', e16.8, & &' Penalty function =',e24.16)") calls,dxnorm,fmin ! Store the best point: if ((fmin .lt. fminbest)) then do i=1,N xbest(i)=x(i) enddo fminbest=fmin endif ! check if the target explode if((fmin .gt. 1D20)) then print *, '++++++++++ JACOBIAN ended: infinity penalty function' goto 300 endif ! check if the function converge if(fmin .le. ftol) then print *, '++++++++++ JACOBIAN ended: converged successfully' goto 300 endif ! Iteration do not converge ! For the first calls it can happen due to not fisical penalty if(( ) then ! print *, 'dbg',fmin,fmin_old,abs(1-fmin/fmin_old) print *, '++++++++++ JACOBIAN ended: minimum found' goto 300 endif if( then print *, '++++++++++ JACOBIAN ended: call limit' goto 300 endif ! restart main loop goto 20 ! open(25,file="jacobian.dat") ! write(25,*) "# ", m,n ! do i=1,m ! do j=1,n ! write(25,999) i,j,fjac(i,j) ! enddo ! enddo ! close(25) ! call jacob_print(n,match_mode) ! 999 format(i3,i3,e16.8) 300 continue ! go back to the best solution do i=1,N x(i)=xbest(i) enddo ! set values to the previous solution call FCN(M,N,X,fvec,IFLAG) !---- Store the final distance do i = 1, n dx(i)=(x(i)-xstart(i)) enddo ! xnorm=DNRM2(N, x, 1) dxnorm=sqrt(DNRM2(N, dx, 1)) write(*,*) 'Final difference norm:',dxnorm end subroutine jacob_print(n,match_mode) use name_lenfi implicit none integer n,ivar,nvar,match_mode logical local integer ncon,next_constraint,next_global,i,j,pos,type,range(2), & &flag,get_option,restart_sequ,advance_to_pos,string_from_table_row ! integer double_from_table_row double precision value,c_min,c_max,weight character*(name_len) namevar,name,node_name integer next_vary,slope double precision step,opt integer oldpos,nnode,mtputconsname,void if(match_mode.eq.1) then ncon=1 nnode=0 local=get_option('match_local ') .ne. 0 call table_range('twiss ','#s/#e ',range) if(local) then j=restart_sequ() oldpos=range(1) do pos=range(1),range(2) j=advance_to_pos('twiss ',pos) 20 continue i=next_constraint(name,name_len,type,value,c_min,c_max,weight) if( then if ( then nnode=nnode+1 ncon=1 oldpos=pos endif flag=string_from_table_row('twiss ','name ',pos,node_name) do nvar=1,n 22 ivar=next_vary(namevar,name_len,c_min,c_max,step,slope,opt) if (ivar.eq.0) then goto 22 endif void=mtputconsname(node_name,nnode,name,ncon) enddo ncon=ncon+1 goto 20 endif enddo endif nnode=nnode+1 30 continue i=next_global(name,name_len,type,value,c_min,c_max,weight) if( then pos=1 do nvar=1,n 32 ivar=next_vary(namevar,name_len,c_min,c_max,step,slope,opt) if (ivar.eq.0) then goto 32 endif void=mtputconsname('Global ',nnode,name,ncon) enddo ncon=ncon+1 goto 30 endif endif 996 format(a) 997 format(3(a16,1x),a16) 998 format(3(a16,1x),e16.8) 999 format(i3,i3,e16.8) end subroutine mtmove(vect,varinfo,dir,balance) use name_lenfi implicit none integer j,next_vary,slope integer varinfo,effvar double precision vect(*),c_min,c_max,step,opt double precision val,dir,balance character*(name_len) name effvar=0 1 continue j = next_vary(name,name_len,c_min,c_max,step,slope,opt) if (j .ne. 0) then if (varinfo(j).eq.0) then effvar=effvar+1 if ( then val =vect(effvar)+dir*opt else val =vect(effvar)+dir*((1-balance)*c_max+balance*c_min) endif vect(effvar) = val goto 1 endif endif end subroutine mtcool(vect,cool,balance,xopt) use name_lenfi implicit none integer j,next_vary,slope double precision vect(*),c_min,c_max,step,opt double precision val,xopt(*),cool,balance character*(name_len) name if ( then write(*,'(4a16)') "name","oldvalue","opt value","new value" endif 1 continue j = next_vary(name,name_len,c_min,c_max,step,slope,opt) if (j .ne. 0) then if ( then xopt(j)=opt else xopt(j)=(1-balance)*c_max+balance*c_min endif val=(1-cool)*vect(j)+cool*xopt(j) if ( then write(*,'(a15,3e16.5)') name,vect(j),xopt(j),val endif vect(j) = val goto 1 endif end subroutine mtrandom(vect,random) use name_lenfi implicit none integer j,next_vary,slope double precision vect(*),c_min,c_max,step,opt double precision val,random,frndm character*(name_len) name 1 continue j = next_vary(name,name_len,c_min,c_max,step,slope,opt) if (j .ne. 0) then val = (1+ random *( frndm() - 0.5) ) * vect(j) vect(j) = val goto 1 endif end subroutine mtslope(x,xstart) use name_lenfi implicit none integer j,next_vary,slope double precision x(*),xstart(*),c_min,c_max,step,opt double precision diff character*(name_len) name 1 continue j = next_vary(name,name_len,c_min,c_max,step,slope,opt) if (j .ne. 0) then if ( then diff=x(j)-xstart(j) if(slope* then write(*,831) "reset parameter:",name, & &"from",x(j),"to",xstart(j) x(j)=xstart(j) endif endif goto 1 endif 831 format(a16,1x,a24,a4,e16.8,a4,e16.8) end subroutine mtvarinfo(x,xstart,varinfo,effvar) use name_lenfi implicit none integer j,next_vary,slope,varinfo(*),effvar double precision x(*),xstart(*),c_min,c_max,step,opt double precision diff,val,oldval character*(name_len) name effvar=0 1 continue j = next_vary(name,name_len,c_min,c_max,step,slope,opt) if (j .ne. 0) then ! varinfo(j)=0 effvar=effvar+1 val=x(j) oldval=xstart(j) if ( then diff=val-oldval if(slope* then write(*,*) "exclude parameter:",name,"bad slope" varinfo(j)=1 effvar=effvar-1 endif endif if ( then write(*,*) "exclude parameter:",name,"hit minimum" varinfo(j)=1 effvar=effvar-1 endif if ( then write(*,*) "exclude parameter:",name,"hit maximum" varinfo(j)=1 effvar=effvar-1 endif goto 1 endif 831 format(a16,1x,a24,a4,e16.8,a4,e16.8) end ! TODO ! Find target function in collect ! Find variable constraint in vary ! Loop for divide the funtion in steps subroutine mtsvd(M,N,fjac,SV,U,VT) implicit none integer M,N,IWORK(30*(N+M)),INFO double precision fjac(m,n),SV(N+M),U(M,M),VT(N,N),WORK(1000*(N+M)) call DGESDD('A',M,N,fjac,M,SV,U,M,VT,N,WORK,1000*(N+M),IWORK,INFO) end